Add Youtube playlist argument, seek function and patial support for translation using gettext

This commit is contained in:
Nguyễn Gia Phong 2017-04-05 11:39:04 +07:00
parent 36f73c36f1
commit c224c24b84
7 changed files with 219 additions and 284 deletions

View File

@ -25,22 +25,24 @@ this moment, I'd suggest you to use ``git`` to get the software::
git clone
cd comp
./ install --user
sudo ./ install --user
Command line arguments::
$ comp -h
$ comp --help
usage: comp [-h] [-j JSON_PLAYLIST]
console/curses online media mp
Curses Online Media Player
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
path to playlist in JSON format
URL to an playlist on Youtube
Keyboard control
@ -60,6 +62,10 @@ Keyboard control
| End | Move to the end of the list |
| Left | Seek backward 5 seconds |
| Right | Seek forward 5 seconds |
| ``c`` | Select the current track |
| ``p`` | Start playing |
@ -73,24 +79,25 @@ Keyboard control
| ``V`` | Toggle video |
Configuration files
``comp`` uses INI format for its config file, placed in
The system-wide configuration file is ``/etc/comp/settings.ini``, the
user-specific one is ``~/.config/mpv/settings.ini``. Default configurations
are listed below::
# Supported 8 modes: play-current, play-all, play-selected, repeat-current,
# repeat-all, repeat-selected, shuffle-all and shuffle-selected
play-mode = shuffle-selected
# repeat-all, repeat-selected, shuffle-all and shuffle-selected.
play-mode = play-current
# Set if video should be download and play, I only know 2 possible values:
# auto and no. This can be changed later interactively.
video = no
# Read more on VIDEO OUTPUT DRIVERS section in mpv man page
video-output = xv
video = auto
# Read more on VIDEO OUTPUT DRIVERS section in mpv man page.
video-output =
# Read more on youtube-dl man page
# Read more on FORMAT SELECTION section in youtube-dl man page.
format = best

View File

@ -18,32 +18,65 @@
import curses
import json
import subprocess
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from configparser import ConfigParser
from datetime import datetime
from gettext import bindtextdomain, gettext, textdomain
from io import StringIO
from itertools import cycle
from os.path import expanduser
from os import linesep, makedirs
from os.path import dirname, expanduser, isfile
from random import choice
from time import gmtime, strftime
from threading import Thread
from mpv import MPV
# Init gettext
bindtextdomain('comp', 'locale')
_ = gettext
GLOBAL_CONFIG = '/etc/comp/settings.ini'
USER_CONFIG = expanduser('~/.config/comp/settings.ini')
MPV_LOG = expanduser('~/.cache/comp/mpv.log')
MODES = ('play-current', 'play-all', 'play-selected', 'repeat-current',
'repeat-all', 'repeat-selected', 'shuffle-all', 'shuffle-selected')
# I ain't found the correct way to do this yet
_MODES = {'play-current': _('play-current'),
'play-all': _('play-all'),
'play-selected': _('play-selected'),
'repeat-current': _('repeat-current'),
'repeat-all': _('repeat-all'),
'repeat-selected': _('repeat-selected'),
'shuffle-all': _('shuffle-all'),
'shuffle-selected': _('shuffle-selected')}
MODE_STR_LEN = max(len(mode) for mode in _MODES.values())
def setno(data, keys):
"""Set all keys of each track in data to False."""
def mpv_logger(loglevel, component, message):
mpv_log = '{} [{}] {}: {}{}'.format(datetime.isoformat(,
loglevel, component, message, linesep)
with open(MPV_LOG, 'a') as f:
def setno(entries, keys):
"""Set all keys of each track in entries to False."""
for key in keys:
for track in data:
for track in entries:
track[key] = False
def playlist(mode):
"""Return a generator of tracks to be played."""
action, choose_from = mode.split('-')
if choose_from == 'all': tracks = data
else: tracks = [track for track in data if track[choose_from]]
if choose_from == 'all':
tracks = entries
tracks = [track for track in entries
if track.setdefault(choose_from, False)]
# Somehow yield have to be used instead of returning a generator
if action == 'play':
for track in tracks: yield track
@ -55,11 +88,13 @@ def playlist(mode):
def play():
for track in playlist(mode):
setno(data, ['playing'])
data[data.index(track)]['playing'] = True
reprint(stdscr, data[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
entries[entries.index(track)]['playing'] = True
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
# Gross hack'' + track['url'])
entries[entries.index(track)]['playing'] = False
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
def secpair2hhmmss(pos, duration):
@ -77,7 +112,7 @@ def secpair2hhmmss(pos, duration):
def update_status_line(stdscr, mp):
left = ' ' + secpair2hhmmss(mp._get_property('time-pos', int),
mp._get_property('duration', int))
right = ' {} {}{} '.format(mode,
right = ' {} {}{} '.format(_MODES[mode],
' ' if mp._get_property('mute', bool) else 'A',
' ' if mp._get_property('vid') == 'no' else 'V')
if left != ' ':
@ -96,12 +131,12 @@ def update_status_line(stdscr, mp):
def reattr(stdscr, y, track):
invert = 8 if track['current'] else 0
if track['error']:
invert = 8 if track.setdefault('current', False) else 0
if track.setdefault('error', False):
stdscr.chgat(y, 0, curses.color_pair(1 + invert) | curses.A_BOLD)
elif track['playing']:
elif track.setdefault('playing', False):
stdscr.chgat(y, 0, curses.color_pair(3 + invert) | curses.A_BOLD)
elif track['selected']:
elif track.setdefault('selected', False):
stdscr.chgat(y, 0, curses.color_pair(5 + invert) | curses.A_BOLD)
elif invert:
stdscr.chgat(y, 0, curses.color_pair(12) | curses.A_BOLD)
@ -109,12 +144,12 @@ def reattr(stdscr, y, track):
stdscr.chgat(y, 0, curses.color_pair(0) | curses.A_NORMAL)
def reprint(stdscr, data2print):
def reprint(stdscr, tracks2print):
stdscr.addstr(0, curses.COLS-12, 'URL')
stdscr.addstr(0, 1, 'Title')
stdscr.addstr(0, curses.COLS-12, _('URL'))
stdscr.addstr(0, 1, _('Title'))
stdscr.chgat(0, 0, curses.color_pair(10) | curses.A_BOLD)
for i, track in enumerate(data2print):
for i, track in enumerate(tracks2print):
y = i + 1
stdscr.addstr(y, 0, track['url'].rjust(curses.COLS - 1))
stdscr.addstr(y, 1, track['title'][:curses.COLS-14])
@ -122,64 +157,74 @@ def reprint(stdscr, data2print):
update_status_line(stdscr, mp)
def move(stdscr, data, y, delta):
def move(stdscr, entries, y, delta):
global start
if start + y + delta < 1:
if start + y == 1:
return 1
start = 0
setno(data, ['current'])
data[0]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, data[:curses.LINES-3])
setno(entries, ['current'])
entries[0]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, entries[:curses.LINES-3])
return 1
elif start + y + delta > len(data):
if start + y == len(data):
elif start + y + delta > len(entries):
if start + y == len(entries):
return curses.LINES - 3
start = len(data) - curses.LINES + 3
start = len(entries) - curses.LINES + 3
y = curses.LINES - 3
setno(data, ['current'])
data[-1]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, data[-curses.LINES+3:])
setno(entries, ['current'])
entries[-1]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, entries[-curses.LINES+3:])
return y
if y + delta < 1:
start += y + delta - 1
y = 1
setno(data, ['current'])
data[start]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, data[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
setno(entries, ['current'])
entries[start]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
elif y + delta > curses.LINES - 3:
start += y + delta - curses.LINES + 3
y = curses.LINES - 3
setno(data, ['current'])
data[start + curses.LINES - 4]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, data[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
setno(entries, ['current'])
entries[start + curses.LINES - 4]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
data[start + y - 1]['current'] = False
reattr(stdscr, y, data[start + y - 1])
entries[start + y - 1]['current'] = False
reattr(stdscr, y, entries[start + y - 1])
y = y + delta
data[start + y - 1]['current'] = True
reattr(stdscr, y, data[start + y - 1])
entries[start + y - 1]['current'] = True
reattr(stdscr, y, entries[start + y - 1])
return y
parser = ArgumentParser(description="console/curses online media mp")
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Curses Online Media Player")
parser.add_argument('-j', '--json-playlist', required=False,
help='path to playlist in JSON format')
help=_('path to playlist in JSON format'))
parser.add_argument('-y', '--youtube-playlist', required=False,
help=_('URL to an playlist on Youtube'))
args = parser.parse_args()
config = ConfigParser()'~/.config/comp/settings.ini'))
mode = config.get('comp', 'play-mode', fallback='play-all') if isfile(USER_CONFIG) else GLOBAL_CONFIG)
mode = config.get('comp', 'play-mode', fallback='play-current')
video = config.get('mpv', 'video', fallback='auto')
video_output = config.get('mpv', 'video-output', fallback='')
video_output = config.get('mpv', 'video-output', fallback=None)
ytdlf = config.get('youtube-dl', 'format', fallback='best')
with open(args.json_playlist) as f:
data = json.load(f)
setno(data, ['error', 'playing', 'selected', 'current'])
if args.json_playlist:
with open(args.json_playlist) as f:
entries = json.load(f)['entries']
elif args.youtube_playlist:
# Extremely gross hack
raw_json =['youtube-dl', '--flat-playlist',
'--dump-single-json', args.youtube_playlist],
entries = json.load(StringIO(raw_json.decode()))['entries']
#setno(entries, ['error', 'playing', 'selected', 'current'])
# Init curses screen
stdscr = curses.initscr()
@ -202,8 +247,10 @@ curses.init_pair(12, -1, 4)
curses.init_pair(13, -1, 5)
curses.init_pair(14, -1, 6)
# Init mpv
makedirs(expanduser(dirname(MPV_LOG)), exist_ok=True)
mp = MPV(input_default_bindings=True, input_vo_keyboard=True,
ytdl=True, ytdl_format=ytdlf)
log_handler=mpv_logger, ytdl=True, ytdl_format=ytdlf)
if video_output: mp['vo'] = video_output
mp._set_property('vid', video)
mp.observe_property('mute', lambda foo: update_status_line(stdscr, mp))
@ -214,33 +261,46 @@ mp.observe_property('vid', lambda foo: update_status_line(stdscr, mp))
# Print initial content
start = 0
y = 1
data[0]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, data[:curses.LINES-3])
entries[0]['current'] = True
reprint(stdscr, entries[:curses.LINES-3])
# mpv keys: []{}<>.,qQ/*90m-#fTweoPOvjJxzlLVrtsSIdA
# yuighkcbn
c = stdscr.getch()
while c != 113: # letter q
if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
if curses.COLS < MODE_STR_LEN + 42 or curses.LINES < 4:
scr_size_warn = 'Current size: {}x{}. Minimum size: {}x4.'.format(
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, scr_size_warn)
start += y - 1
y = 1
reprint(stdscr, data[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
elif c in (107, curses.KEY_UP): # letter k or up arrow
y = move(stdscr, data, y, -1)
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, -1)
elif c in (106, curses.KEY_DOWN): # letter j or down arrow
y = move(stdscr, data, y, 1)
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, 1)
elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: # page up
y = move(stdscr, data, y, 4 - curses.LINES)
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, 4 - curses.LINES)
elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: # page down
y = move(stdscr, data, y, curses.LINES - 4)
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, curses.LINES - 4)
elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: # home
y = move(stdscr, data, y, -len(data))
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, -len(entries))
elif c == curses.KEY_END: # end
y = move(stdscr, data, y, len(data))
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, len(entries))
elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: # left arrow
if mp._get_property('duration', int):
elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: # right arrow
if mp._get_property('duration', int):
elif c == 99: # letter c
data[start + y - 1]['selected'] = not data[start + y - 1]['selected']
y = move(stdscr, data, y, 1)
entries[start + y - 1]['selected'] = not entries[start + y - 1]['selected']
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, 1)
elif c == 112: # letter p
mp._set_property('pause', False, bool)
play_thread = Thread(target=play)
@ -257,7 +317,8 @@ while c != 113: # letter q
elif c == 65: # letter A
mp._set_property('mute', not mp._get_property('mute', bool), bool)
elif c == 86: # letter V
mp._set_property('vid', 'auto' if mp._get_property('vid') == 'no' else 'no')
'auto' if mp._get_property('vid') == 'no' else 'no')
c = stdscr.getch()

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-05 11:00+0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-05 11:05+0700\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: 1.5\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"Language: vi_VN\n"
#: comp:42
msgid "play-current"
msgstr "chơi-một"
#: comp:43
msgid "play-all"
msgstr "chơi-tất-cả"
#: comp:44
msgid "play-selected"
msgstr "chơi-đã-chọn"
#: comp:45
msgid "repeat-current"
msgstr "lặp-một"
#: comp:46
msgid "repeat-all"
msgstr "lặp-tất-cả"
#: comp:47
msgid "repeat-selected"
msgstr "lặp-đã-chọn"
#: comp:48
msgid "shuffle-all"
msgstr "ngẫu-nhiên-tất-cả"
#: comp:49
msgid "shuffle-selected"
msgstr "ngẫu-nhiên-đã-chọn"
#: comp:144
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: comp:145
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tiêu đề"
#: comp:199
msgid "path to playlist in JSON format"
msgstr "đường dẫn đến playlist ở định dạng JSON"
#: comp:201
msgid "URL to an playlist on Youtube"
msgstr "URL của playlist trên Youtube"

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# Supported 8 modes: play-current, play-all, play-selected, repeat-current,
# repeat-all, repeat-selected, shuffle-all and shuffle-selected
play-mode = shuffle-selected
# repeat-all, repeat-selected, shuffle-all and shuffle-selected.
play-mode = play-current
# Set if video should be download and play, I only know 2 possible values:
# auto and no. This can be changed later interactively.
video = no
# Read more on VIDEO OUTPUT DRIVERS section in mpv man page
video-output = xv
video = auto
# Read more on VIDEO OUTPUT DRIVERS section in mpv man page.
video-output =
# Read more on youtube-dl man page
# Read more on FORMAT SELECTION section in youtube-dl man page.
format = best

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ setup(name = 'comp', version = '0.1.1a1',
author = 'McSinyx', author_email = '',
py_modules = ['mpv'], scripts=['comp'],
data_files=[(expanduser('~/.config/comp'), ['settings.ini'])],
data_files=[('/etc/comp', ['settings.ini'])],
classifiers = [
'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
'Environment :: Console :: Curses',


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long