Import youtube-dl

This commit is contained in:
Nguyễn Gia Phong 2017-04-08 20:47:16 +07:00
parent 894fa77fd6
commit d01194223d
4 changed files with 297 additions and 99 deletions

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@ -50,35 +50,35 @@ Keyboard control
| Key | Action |
| ``h``, Up | Move a single line up |
| ``j``, Down | Move a single line down |
| Page Up | Move a single page up |
| Page Down | Move a single page down |
| Home | Move to the begin of the list |
| End | Move to the end of the list |
| Left | Seek backward 5 seconds |
| Right | Seek forward 5 seconds |
| ``c`` | Select the current track |
| ``p`` | Start playing |
| Return | Start playing |
| Space | Toggle pause |
| ``m``, ``M`` | Cycle through playing modes |
| ``A`` | Toggle mute |
| ``V`` | Toggle video |
| ``S`` | Save the current playlist under JSON format |
| ``W`` | Save the current playlist under JSON format |
| ``c`` | Select the current track |
| ``m``, ``M`` | Cycle through playing modes |
| Up, ``k`` | Move a single line up |
| Down, ``j`` | Move a single line down |
| Left, ``h`` | Seek backward 5 seconds |
| Right, ``l`` | Seek forward 5 seconds |
| Home | Move to the begin of the list |
| End | Move to the end of the list |
| Page Up | Move a single page up |
| Page Down | Move a single page down |
| F5 | Reprint the screen content |

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@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
import curses
import json
import subprocess
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from configparser import ConfigParser
from curses.ascii import ctrl
@ -32,10 +31,11 @@ from random import choice
from time import gmtime, strftime
from threading import Thread
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL
from mpv import MPV
# Init gettext
#bindtextdomain('comp', 'locale')
_ = gettext
@ -62,9 +62,10 @@ def setno(entries, keys):
def getlink(entry):
links = {'Youtube': '{}'}
# This is not fail-safe
entry['url'] = links.get(entry.get('ie_key', ''), '{}').format(entry.get('id'))
"""Return an URL from the given entry."""
with YoutubeDL({'quiet': True}) as ytdl:
return ytdl.extract_info(entry['url'], download=False,
def playlist(mode):
@ -89,9 +90,7 @@ def play():
idx = entries.index(entry)
entries[idx]['playing'] = True
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
# Gross hack
entries[idx]['playing'] = False
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ def secpair2hhmmss(pos, duration):
strftime(timestr, durationtime))
def update_status_line(stdscr, mp):
def update_status(stdscr, mp, message='', msgattr=curses.A_NORMAL):
left = ' ' + secpair2hhmmss(mp._get_property('time-pos', int),
mp._get_property('duration', int))
right = ' {} {}{} '.format(_(mode),
@ -129,6 +128,7 @@ def update_status_line(stdscr, mp):
stdscr.move(curses.LINES - 1, 0)
stdscr.addstr(curses.LINES - 1, 0, message, msgattr)
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ def reattr(stdscr, y, entry):
elif invert:
stdscr.chgat(y, 0, curses.color_pair(12) | curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.chgat(y, 0, curses.color_pair(0) | curses.A_NORMAL)
stdscr.chgat(y, 0, curses.color_pair(0))
def reprint(stdscr, entries2print):
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def reprint(stdscr, entries2print):
stdscr.addstr(y, 0, entry['ie_key'].rjust(curses.COLS - 1))
stdscr.addstr(y, 1, entry['title'][:curses.COLS-sitenamelen-3])
reattr(stdscr, y, entry)
update_status_line(stdscr, mp)
update_status(stdscr, mp)
def move(stdscr, entries, y, delta):
@ -214,18 +214,15 @@ if isfile(USER_CONFIG) else SYSTEM_CONFIG)
mode = config.get('comp', 'play-mode', fallback='play-current')
video = config.get('mpv', 'video', fallback='auto')
video_output = config.get('mpv', 'video-output', fallback=None)
ytdlf = config.get('youtube-dl', 'format', fallback='best')
ytdl_opts = {'format': config.get('youtube-dl', 'format', fallback='best')}
if args.json_playlist:
with open(args.json_playlist) as f:
entries = json.load(f)
elif args.youtube_playlist:
# Extremely gross hack
raw_json =['youtube-dl', '--flat-playlist',
'--dump-single-json', args.youtube_playlist],
entries = json.load(StringIO(raw_json.decode()))['entries']
#setno(entries, ['error', 'playing', 'selected', 'current'])
with YoutubeDL({'extract_flat': 'in_playlist', 'quiet': True}) as ytdl:
info = ytdl.extract_info(args.youtube_playlist, download=False)
entries = info.get('entries', {})
# Init curses screen
stdscr = curses.initscr()
@ -253,13 +250,13 @@ curses.init_pair(14, -1, 6)
# Init mpv
makedirs(expanduser(dirname(MPV_LOG)), exist_ok=True)
mp = MPV(input_default_bindings=True, input_vo_keyboard=True,
log_handler=mpv_logger, ytdl=True, ytdl_format=ytdlf)
log_handler=mpv_logger, ytdl=True, ytdl_format=ytdl_opts['format'])
if video_output: mp['vo'] = video_output
mp._set_property('vid', video)
mp.observe_property('mute', lambda foo: update_status_line(stdscr, mp))
mp.observe_property('pause', lambda foo: update_status_line(stdscr, mp))
mp.observe_property('time-pos', lambda foo: update_status_line(stdscr, mp))
mp.observe_property('vid', lambda foo: update_status_line(stdscr, mp))
mp.observe_property('mute', lambda foo: update_status(stdscr, mp))
mp.observe_property('pause', lambda foo: update_status(stdscr, mp))
mp.observe_property('time-pos', lambda foo: update_status(stdscr, mp))
mp.observe_property('vid', lambda foo: update_status(stdscr, mp))
# Print initial content
start = 0
@ -271,63 +268,21 @@ file = '' # initial path of the file to dump the current playlist
c = stdscr.getch()
while c != 113: # letter q
if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
if curses.COLS < MODE_STR_LEN + 42 or curses.LINES < 4:
sizeerr = _('Current size: {}x{}. Minimum size: {}x4.').format(
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, sizeerr)
start += y - 1
y = 1
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
elif c == curses.KEY_F5: # F5
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
elif c in (107, curses.KEY_UP): # letter k or up arrow
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, -1)
elif c in (106, curses.KEY_DOWN): # letter j or down arrow
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, 1)
elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: # page up
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, 4 - curses.LINES)
elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: # page down
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, curses.LINES - 4)
elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: # home
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, -len(entries))
elif c == curses.KEY_END: # end
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, len(entries))
elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: # left arrow
if mp._get_property('duration', int):
elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: # right arrow
if mp._get_property('duration', int):
elif c == 99: # letter c
i = start + y - 1
entries[i]['selected'] = not entries[i].setdefault('selected', False)
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, 1)
elif c == 112: # letter p
if c == 10: # curses.KEY_ENTER doesn't work
mp._set_property('pause', False, bool)
play_thread = Thread(target=play)
play_thread.daemon = True
play_thread = Thread(target=play, daemon=True)
elif c == 32: # space
elif c == 109: # letter m
mode = MODES[(MODES.index(mode) + 1) % 8]
update_status_line(stdscr, mp)
elif c == 77: # letter M
mode = MODES[(MODES.index(mode) - 1) % 8]
update_status_line(stdscr, mp)
elif c == 65: # letter A
elif c == 77: # letter M
mode = MODES[(MODES.index(mode) - 1) % 8]
update_status(stdscr, mp)
elif c == 86: # letter V
'auto' if mp._get_property('vid') == 'no' else 'no')
elif c == 83: # letter S
elif c == 87: # letter W
prompt = _('Save playlist to [{}]:').format(file)
stdscr.addstr(curses.LINES - 1, 0, prompt)
@ -340,13 +295,57 @@ while c != 113: # letter q
with open(file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(entries, f)
update_status_line(stdscr, mp)
stdscr.addstr(curses.LINES - 1, 0,
update_status(stdscr, mp,
_("'{}': Can't open file for writing").format(file),
update_status_line(stdscr, mp)
stdscr.addstr(curses.LINES - 1, 0, _("'{}' written").format(file))
update_status(stdscr, mp,
_("'{}' written").format(file))
elif c == 99: # letter c
i = start + y - 1
entries[i]['selected'] = not entries[i].setdefault('selected', False)
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, 1)
elif c == 109: # letter m
mode = MODES[(MODES.index(mode) + 1) % 8]
update_status(stdscr, mp)
#elif c == 119: # letter w
# ytdl_opts = {'format': ytdlf}
# with YoutubeDL(ytdl_opts) as ytdl:
elif c in (curses.KEY_UP, 107): # up arrow or letter k
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, -1)
elif c in (curses.KEY_DOWN, 106): # down arrow or letter j
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, 1)
elif c in (curses.KEY_LEFT, 104): # left arrow or letter h
if mp._get_property('duration', int):
elif c in (curses.KEY_RIGHT, 108): # right arrow or letter l
if mp._get_property('duration', int):
elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: # home
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, -len(entries))
elif c == curses.KEY_END: # end
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, len(entries))
elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: # page down
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, curses.LINES - 4)
elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: # page up
y = move(stdscr, entries, y, 4 - curses.LINES)
elif c == curses.KEY_F5: # F5
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
elif c == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
if curses.COLS < MODE_STR_LEN + 42 or curses.LINES < 4:
sizeerr = _('Current size: {}x{}. Minimum size: {}x4.').format(
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, sizeerr[:curses.LINES*curses.COLS])
start += y - 1
y = 1
reprint(stdscr, entries[start : start+curses.LINES-3])
c = stdscr.getch()

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from sys import prefix
with open('README.rst') as f:
long_description =
setup(name='comp', version='0.1.1a2',
setup(name='comp', version='0.1.1a3',
description=('Curses Online Media Player'),


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long