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[usth/MATH2.2] Numerical Methods

The future starts now.
This commit is contained in:
Nguyễn Gia Phong 2019-12-16 21:31:18 +07:00
parent c1008fe392
commit e461df7573
45 changed files with 44595 additions and 0 deletions

usth/MATH2.2/final/EX1.m Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
disp ("Question 1:");
disp ("(a)");
printf ("11^3 + 12^3 - 7^3 = %d\n", 11^3 + 12^3 - 7^3);
printf ("15! = %d\n", factorial (15));
disp ("(b)");
A = [1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9];
B = eye (3);
disp ("(b.i)");
disp ("A + B = ");
disp (A + B);
disp ("(b.ii)");
disp ("A' = ");
disp (A');
disp ("(b.iii)");
disp ("A^-1 = ");
disp (inv (A));
disp ("(c.i)");
printf ("x^2 = 19 -> x = %g\n", sqrt (19));
disp ("(c.ii)");
printf ("x^4 = 55 -> x = %g\n", sqrt (sqrt (19)));
disp ("(d)");
X = 0 : 30;
Y = X * 2 + 3;
plot (X, Y);
xlabel ("x");
ylabel ("y = 2x + 3");
disp ("Press any key to continue...");

usth/MATH2.2/final/EX2.m Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
disp ("Question 2:");
disp ("(a)");
pkg load symbolic;
syms x real;
solve (sqrt (x) - x + 1 == 0)
% ans = (sym)
% 5 3
% +
% 2 2
pkg unload symbolic;
disp ("To get numerical solutions we can use fzero");
disp ("With the initial guess of 0, fzero (@(x) sqrt (x) - x + 1, 0) returns");
fzero (@(x) sqrt (x) - x + 1, 0)
disp ("(b)");
hold on;
ezplot (@(x) exp (-x));
ezplot (@(x) sin (x));
hold off;
disp ("Press any key to continue...");
disp ("(c)");
s = 0;
for k = 1 : 1000
s += k^3;
printf ("The cubic sum of integers from 1 to 1000 is %d\n", s);
disp ("(d)");
A = [2 1 4
1 2 -5
3 -2 4];
b = [10 1 8]';
disp ("Using mldivide, [x y z] = ");
disp (mldivide (A, b)');
disp ("Using inv, [x y z] = ");
disp ((inv (A) * b)');

usth/MATH2.2/final/EX3.m Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
disp ("Question 3:");
disp ("(a)");
function y = f (x)
y = 2 + x.^2 + exp(x.*2 + 1);
h = 0.005;
printf ("By forward difference with h = 0.05, f'(1.35) = %g\n",
(f (1.35 + h) - f (1.35)) / h);
disp ("(b)");
disp ("I am unsure if diff is different on Matlab, but on octave,");
disp ("it's simply taking differences between consecutive elements.");
x = [1.35, 1.35+h];
printf ("Using diff with h = 0.05, we get same result, f'(1.35) = %g\n",
(diff (f (x)) / h));
disp ("Using symbolical methods, f'(1.35) = 83.5946 which is quite close.");

usth/MATH2.2/hw/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Numerical Methods: Homework 1
My name is Nguyễn Gia Phong, my student ID is BI9-184.
The homework were written in Octave and saved as
* `linear`: interactive script to solve linear equation
* `quadratic`: interactive script to solve quadratic equation
* `cubic`: interactive script to solve cubic equation
* `fibonacci.m`: function `fibonacci (n)` returning a vector containing
Fibonacci numbers from F<sub>1</sub> to F<sub>n</sub>
The scripts are named without any file extension following the \*nix traditions.
The homework can be downloaded as a whole in a ZIP package using the button
near the top-left corner, or alternatively cloned using `git`:
git clone https://gist.github.com/McSinyx/1d9ff91d1ecfd60254c188bddb7926d5
If this causes any inconvenience, please let me know.
[![Creative Commons License](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/80x15.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).

usth/MATH2.2/hw/cubic Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env octave
disp ("Solve quadratic equation a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0");
a = input ("a = ");
while (a == 0)
disp ("a must be nonzero");
a = input ("a = ");
b = input ("b = ");
c = input ("c = ");
d = input ("d = ");
% Using the trigonometric and hyperbolic solutions on Wikipedia:
% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function
p = (3*a*c - b^2) / (3*a^2);
q = (2*b^3 - 9*a*b*c + 27*a^2*d) / (27*a^3);
if (p == 0)
disp ("The given cubic equation has only one distinct solution:");
x = cbrt(-q) - b/a/3
r = 2 * sqrt(-p/3);
disp ("The three solutions of the given quadratic equation are:");
for k = 0 : 2
x = r * cos((acos(3*q/p/r) - 2*pi*k) / 3) - b/a/3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
function fib = fibonacci (n)
fib = 0 : n;
for i = 2 : n
fib(i + 1) = fib(i) + fib(i - 1);
fib = fib(2:end);

Binary file not shown.

usth/MATH2.2/hw/linear Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env octave
disp ("Solve quadratic equation ax + b = 0");
a = input ("a = ");
while (a == 0)
disp ("a must be nonzero");
a = input ("a = ");
b = input ("b = ");
disp ("The two solutions of the given linear equation is:");
x = -b / a

usth/MATH2.2/hw/quadratic Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env octave
disp ("Solve quadratic equation a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0");
a = input ("a = ");
while (a == 0)
disp ("a must be nonzero");
a = input ("a = ");
b = input ("b = ");
c = input ("c = ");
sd = sqrt(b*b - a*c*4);
disp ("The two solutions of the given quadratic equation are:");
x0 = (-b - sd) / a / 2
x1 = (-b + sd) / a / 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
function [x fx ea iter] = bisect (f, xl, xu, es = 0.0001, maxit = 50)
% uses bisection method to find the root of f,
% with xl and xu being lower and upper guesses,
% es being desired relative error
% and maxit being maximum allowable iterations
% to return the real root x, fx = f(x),
% approximate relative error ea (%)
% and number of iterations iter
nargin < 3 && error ('bisect requires at least 3 arguments');
[fl fu iter] = deal (f (xl), f (xu), 0);
if (fl == 0)
[x fx ea] = deal (xl, 0, 0);
elseif (fu == 0)
[x fx ea] = deal (xu, 0, 0);
fl * fu < 0 || error ('no sign change');
[x ea] = deal (xl, 100);
while (ea > es && iter++ < maxit) % yes, I use Octave only
[xold x] = deal (x, (xl + xu) / 2);
fx = f (x);
if (fx == 0)
ea = 0;
elseif (x)
ea = abs ((x - xold) / x) * 100;
if (f (xl) * fx < 0)
xu = x;
xl = x;

usth/MATH2.2/labwork/1/intro Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#!/usr/bin/env octave
% Exercise I.1.1
x = 1 : 5
printf ("x (3) + x (2) = %f\n", x (3) + x (2));
% Exercise I.1.2
x = x'
% Exercise I.2.1
A = zeros (3, 3)
A += eye (3)
A += [0 0 0; 2 0 0; 3 4 0]
B = A'
A + B
A - B
A * B % matmul
A .* B % element-wise mul
A(1:2, 1:2)
A(1:3, 1) % col
A(:, 1) % col
% Exercise I.3
function avg = mean (v)
avg = sum (v) / numel (v);
mean (x)
% Exercise I.4
function price = ebill (kwh)
l = [50 50 100 100 100 Inf];
p = [1.484 1.533 1.786 2.242 2.503 2.587];
for i = 1 : 6
if (kwh > l(i))
kwh -= l(i);
l(i) = kwh;
kwh = 0;
price = sum (l .* p);
% Exercise I.5.1
a = (@(x) x*x') (1 : 1000)
b = sum (arrayfun (@(x) (-1)^x / (1 + x*2), [0 : 501]))
c = sum (arrayfun (@(x) 1 / (1 + x*2)^2 / (3 + x*2)^2, [0 : 420])) - (pi^2 - 8)/16
% Exercise I.5.2
function p = permutations (n, k)
p = factorial (n) / factorial (n - k);
function c = combinations (n, k)
c = permutations (n, k) / factorial (k);
% Exercise I.6
log (2) / log (1.1)
% Exercise I.7
x = linspace(-5, 5);
plot (x, x + 1, 'color', 'green');

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
function [x fx ea i] = ratpoison (f, df, x0, es = 0.00000001, imax = 20)
nargin < 2 && error ('ratpoison requires at least 2 ingredients');
[x fx dfx ea i] = deal (x0, f (x0), df (x0), 1, 0);
while (ea > es && i++ < imax)
[xold x] = deal (x, x - fx/dfx);
[fx dfx] = deal (f (x), df (x));
if (fx == 0)
ea = 0;
elseif (x)
% just drop the percent BS
ea = abs ((x - xold) / x);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
def ratpoison(f, df, x, es=10**-8, imax=20):
ea, i = 1, 0
while ea > es and i < imax:
i += 1
xold, x = x, x - f(x)/df(x)
if f(x) == 0: return x, 0, 0, i
if x: ea = abs((x - xold) / x)
return x, f(x), ea, i

View File

@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
% Title: gl2ps_renderer figure
% Creator: GL2PS 1.4.0, (C) 1999-2017 C. Geuzaine
% For: Octave
% CreationDate: Fri Sep 27 13:13:59 2019
\pgfnode{rectangle}{south}{\fontsize{11}{0}\selectfont\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0}{$x_1^2 + x_1 x_2 - 10 = 0$,\qquad $x_2 + 3 x_1 x_2^2 - 57 = 0$}}{}{\pgfusepath{discard}}}

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Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
\title{Numerical Method: Labwork 2 Report}
\author{Nguyễn Gia Phong--BI9-184}
\date{Fall 2019}
\exercise{1.c} At the time of writing, function \verb|fzero|
in Octave have not support the \verb|Display| option
just yet\footnote{Bug report: \url{https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?56954}}.
However, the implementation of this option is rather trivial,
thus I made a quick patch (which is also attached at the bug report).
Using this, one can easily display all the iterations as followed:
octave:1> fzero (@(x) x.^2 - 9, 0, optimset ('display', 'iter'))
Search for an interval around 0 containing a sign change:
Func-eval 1, how = initial, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 0, f(b) = -9
Func-eval 2, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 0.099, f(b) = -8.9902
Func-eval 3, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 0.1025, f(b) = -8.98949
Func-eval 4, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 0.095, f(b) = -8.99098
Func-eval 5, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 0.11, f(b) = -8.9879
Func-eval 6, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 0.075, f(b) = -8.99437
Func-eval 7, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 0.15, f(b) = -8.9775
Func-eval 8, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 0, f(b) = -9
Func-eval 9, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 0.35, f(b) = -8.8775
Func-eval 10, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = -0.4, f(b) = -8.84
Func-eval 11, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = 1.1, f(b) = -7.79
Func-eval 12, how = search, a = 0, f(a) = -9, b = -4.9, f(b) = 15.01
Search for a a zero in the interval [-4.9, 0]:
Func-eval 13, how = initial, x = 0, f(x) = -9
Func-eval 14, how = interpolation, x = -1.83673, f(x) = -5.62641 (NaN%)
Func-eval 15, how = interpolation, x = -3.36837, f(x) = 2.3459 (141.7%)
Func-eval 16, how = interpolation, x = -3.19097, f(x) = 1.1823 (-49.6%)
Func-eval 17, how = interpolation, x = -2.99725, f(x) = -0.0164972 (-101.4%)
Func-eval 18, how = interpolation, x = -3.00258, f(x) = 0.0154927 (193.9%)
Func-eval 19, how = interpolation, x = -3, f(x) = 3.07975e-07 (-100.0%)
Func-eval 20, how = interpolation, x = -3, f(x) = -7.10543e-15 (-100.0%)
Func-eval 21, how = interpolation, x = -3, f(x) = 5.32907e-15 (169.7%)
Algorithm converged
ans = -3.0000
To answer the question in part b, (since I believe these parts are linked
to each other), the current implementation of \verb|fzero| search for
the second bracket over quantitative chages below if \verb|X0| if it is a
single scalar, thus $[-4.9, 0]$ is gotten and the found solution is negative:
[-.01 +.025 -.05 +.10 -.25 +.50 -1 +2.5 -5 +10 -50 +100 -500 +1000]
\section{Non-linear Systems}
\exercise{1.a} These statements were used to plot the given functions:
ezplot(@(x1, x2) x1 .^ 2 + x1 .* x2 - 10)
hold on
ezplot(@(x1, x2) x2 + 3 .* x1 .* x2 .^ 2 - 57)
As shown in the graphs (where $x_1^2 + x_1 x_2 = 10$ are the blue lines
and $x_2 + 3 x_1 x_2 = 57$ are the yellow ones), the solutions of $(x_1, x_2)$
are quite close to $(2, 3)$ and $(4.5, -2)$.
I would also like to note that I am personally impressed how gnuplot
(which is utilised by Octave) is able to export to TikZ graphics with ease.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
function x = GaussPivot (A, b)
[m n] = size (A);
m ~= n && error ('Matrix A must be square');
nb = n + 1;
Aug = [A b];
% forward elimination
for k = 1 : n - 1
% partial pivoting
[big i] = max (abs (Aug(k:n, k)));
ipr = i + k - 1;
if ipr ~= k
Aug([k ipr], :) = Aug([ipr k], :);
for i = k + 1 : n
coeff = Aug(i, k) / Aug(k, k);
Aug(i, k:nb) = Aug(i, k:nb) - coeff * Aug(k, k:nb);
% back substitution
x = zeros (n, 1);
x(n) = Aug(n, nb) / Aug(n, n);
for i = n - 1 : -1 : 1
x(i) = (Aug(i, nb) - Aug(i, i+1:n) * x(i+1:n)) / Aug(i, i);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function [L U] = LU (A)
[n n1] = size (A);
[L U] = deal (eye (n), A);
for k = 1:n
for i = k + 1 : n
L(i, k) = U(i, k) / U(k, k);
U(i, :) = U(i, :) - L(i, k)*U(k, :);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
function [L U P] = LU_pivot (A)
[n _] = size (A);
[L P U] = deal (eye (n), eye (n), A);
for k = 1:n
[pivot m] = max (abs (U(k:n, k)));
m = m + k - 1;
if (m ~= k)
U([m k], :) = U([k m], :); % interchange rows m and k in U
P([m k], :) = P([k m], :); % interchange rows m and k in P
if k >= 2; % very important point
% interchange rows m and k in columns 1:k-1 of L
L([m k], 1:k-1) = L([k m], 1:k-1);
for i = k + 1 : n
L(i, k) = U(i, k) / U(k, k);
U(i, :) -= L(i, k)*U(k, :);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
function x = gauss (A, b)
issquare (A) || error ('Matrix A must be square');
Aug = [A b];
[m n] = size (Aug);
% forward elimination
for k = 1 : m - 1
for l = k + 1 : m
Aug(l, k:n) = Aug(l, k:n) - Aug(k, k:n)*Aug(l, k)/Aug(k, k);
x = ubst (Aug);

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
function x = subst (aug)
[m n] = size (aug);
x = zeros (m, 1);
if (istril (aug))
x(m) = aug(1, n) / aug(1, m);
for k = 2 : m
x(k) = (aug(k, n) - aug(k, k+1:m)*x(1:k-1)) / aug(k, k);
elseif (istriu (aug))
x(m) = aug(m, n) / aug(m, m);
for k = m - 1 : -1 : 1
x(k) = (aug(k, n) - aug(k, k+1:m)*x(k+1:m)) / aug(k, k);
error ('aug must be a triangular matrix');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
% Title: gl2ps_renderer figure
% Creator: GL2PS 1.4.0, (C) 1999-2017 C. Geuzaine
% For: Octave
% CreationDate: Fri Oct 25 16:20:21 2019

View File

@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
% Title: gl2ps_renderer figure
% Creator: GL2PS 1.4.0, (C) 1999-2017 C. Geuzaine
% For: Octave
% CreationDate: Fri Oct 25 16:23:47 2019

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@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
% Title: gl2ps_renderer figure
% Creator: GL2PS 1.4.0, (C) 1999-2017 C. Geuzaine
% For: Octave
% CreationDate: Fri Oct 25 15:43:26 2019

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@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
% Title: gl2ps_renderer figure
% Creator: GL2PS 1.4.0, (C) 1999-2017 C. Geuzaine
% For: Octave
% CreationDate: Fri Oct 25 16:22:36 2019

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
% Title: gl2ps_renderer figure
% Creator: GL2PS 1.4.0, (C) 1999-2017 C. Geuzaine
% For: Octave
% CreationDate: Fri Oct 25 16:15:42 2019

View File

@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
% Title: gl2ps_renderer figure
% Creator: GL2PS 1.4.0, (C) 1999-2017 C. Geuzaine
% For: Octave
% CreationDate: Fri Oct 25 16:19:46 2019

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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
\title{Numerical Methods: Labwork 4 Report}
\author{Nguyễn Gia Phong--BI9-184}
\section{Curve Fitting Problems}
\exercise{3} From the given table, we define the two vectors
octave> x = [0.00000 0.78540 1.57080 2.35620 ...
> 3.14159 3.92699 4.71239 5.49779 6.28319];
octave> fx = [0.00000 0.70711 1.00000 0.70711 ...
> 0.00000 -0.70711 -1.00000 -0.70711 0.00000];
\item \verb|f(3.00000)| and \verb|f(4.50000)| can be interpolated by
octave> points = [3.00000 4.50000];
octave> linear = interp1 (x, fx, points)
linear =
0.12748 -0.92080
To further illustrate this, we can then plot these point along
with the linearly interpolated line:
\verb|plot (points, linear, "o", x, fx)|
\item For convenience purposes, we define a thin wrapper around \verb|interp1|
octave> interpolate = @(X, method) interp1 (
> x, fx, X, method, "extrap");
Anonymous function had to be used because named functions somehow do not
support closure. Now we can use \verb|interpolate (points, method)|
to approximate \verb|f(3.00000)| and \verb|f(4.50000)|
and obtain the table below
\begin{tabular}{c r r r}
method & nearest & cubic & spline \\
f(3.00000) & 0 & 0.13528 & 0.14073 \\
f(4.50000) & -1 & -0.96943 & -0.97745\\
Next, we use some plots to better visualize these interpolation methods.
octave> interplot = @(mark, line, method) plot (
> mark, interpolate (mark, method), "o",
> line, interpolate (line, method));
octave> B = linspace (x(1), x(end));
octave> interplot (points, B, "nearest")
octave> interplot (points, B, "cubic")
octave> interplot (points, B, "spline")
One can easily notice while \verb|nearest| simply chooses the nearest
neighbor, \verb|cubic| and \verb|spline| both try to \textit{smoothen}
the curve. This leads to the fact that \verb|nearest|'s approximations
strays from \verb|linear|'s in the opposite dirrection when compared to
the other two's. It also explains why \verb|cubic|'s and \verb|spline|'s
results are quite close to each other.
\item Since we are already extrapolating (by providing the \verb|extrap|
argument to \verb|interp1|), interpolating for \verb|f(10)| is rather
octave> interpolate (10, "spline")
ans = 1.4499
octave> C = linspace (0, 10);
octave> interplot (10, C, "spline")
octave> interpolate (10, "linear")
ans = 3.3463
octave> interplot (10, C, "linear")
From the existing data, we can make a guess that \verb|f|
is a cubic function and regression fits quite well:
octave> p = polyfit (x, fx, 3)
p =
0.084488 -0.796282 1.681694 -0.043870
octave> polyval (p, 10)
ans = 21.633
octave> plot (x, fx, "o", C, polyval (p, C))
In all these cases, due to the missing data, the value of \verb|f| at 10
tends to go \textit{wild}, i.e. far away from the given data in \verb|fx|.
If anything, the interpolated/extrapolated ones looks more harmonic,
while regression simply fit the curve into the function of the given form.
It is not obvious that either technique is better is this case,
since the amount of given data is too small.

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@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
% Title: gl2ps_renderer figure
% Creator: GL2PS 1.4.0, (C) 1999-2017 C. Geuzaine
% For: Octave
% CreationDate: Fri Oct 25 16:20:52 2019

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
function z = profit (x, y)
A = [7 11; 10 8];
b = [77; 80];
c = [150; 175];
[m n] = size (x);
z = -inf (m, n);
for s = 1 : m
for t = 1 : n
r = [x(s, t); y(s, t)];
if A * r <= b
z(s, t) = dot (c, r);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
\title{Numerical Methods: Linear Programming}
\author{Nguyễn Gia Phong--BI9-184}
Given the production contraints and profits of two grades of heating gas
in the table below.
\begin{tabular}{l c c c}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Product}\\
Resource & Regular & Premium & Availability\\
Raw gas (\si{\cubic\metre\per\tonne}) & 7 & 11 & 77\\
Production time (\si{\hour\per\tonne}) & 10 & 8 & 80\\
Storage (\si{\tonne}) & 9 & 6\\
Profit (\si{\per\tonne}) & 150 & 175\\
\item Let two nonnegative numbers $x_1$ and $x_2$ respectively be
the quantities in tonnes of regular and premium gas to be produced.
The constraints can then be expressed as
7x_1 + 11x^2 &\le 77\\
10x_1 + 8x_2 &\le 80\\
x_1 &\le 9\\
x_2 &\le 6
\iff \begin{bmatrix}
7 & 11\\
10 & 8\\
1 & 0\\
0 & 1
x_1\\ x_2
\le \begin{bmatrix}
77\\ 80\\ 9\\ 6
The total profit is the linear function to be maximized:
\[\Pi(x_1, x_2) = 150x_1 + 175x_2 = \begin{bmatrix}
150\\ 175
x_1\\ x_2
Let $\mathbf x = \begin{bmatrix}
x_1\\ x_2
\end{bmatrix}$, $A = \begin{bmatrix}
7 & 11\\
10 & 8\\
1 & 0\\
0 & 1
\end{bmatrix}$, $\mathbf b = \begin{bmatrix}
77\\ 80\\ 9\\ 6
\end{bmatrix}$ and $\mathbf c = \begin{bmatrix}
150\\ 175
\end{bmatrix}$, the canonical form of the problem is
\[\max\left\{\mathbf c^\mathrm T
\mid A\mathbf x\le b\land\mathbf x\ge 0\right\}\]
\item Due to the absense of \verb|linprog| in Octave, we instead use GNU GLPK:
octave> x = glpk (c, A, b, [], [], "UUUU", "CC", -1)
x =
Contraint type \verb|UUUU| is used because all contraints are inequalities
with an upper bound and \verb|CC| indicates continous values of $\mathbf x$.
With the sense of -1, GLPK looks for the maximization\footnote{I believe
\emph{minimization} was a typo in the assignment, since it is trivial that
$\Pi$ has the minimum value of 0 at $\mathbf x = \mathbf 0$.} of
$\Pi(4.8889, 3.8889) = 1413.9$.
The two blank arguments are for the lower and upper bounds of $\mathbf x$,
default to zero and infinite respectively. Alternatively we can use
the following to obtain the same result
glpk (c, [7 11; 10 8], [77; 80], [], [9 6], "UU", "CC", -1)
\item Within the constrains, the profit can be calculated using the following
function, which takes two meshes of $x$ and $y$ as arguments
function z = profit (x, y)
A = [7 11; 10 8];
b = [77; 80];
c = [150; 175];
[m n] = size (x);
z = -inf (m, n);
for s = 1 : m
for t = 1 : n
r = [x(s, t); y(s, t)];
if A * r <= b
z(s, t) = dot (c, r);
Using this, the solution space is then plotted using \verb|ezsurf|,
which color each grid by their relative values (the smallest is dark purple
and the largest is bright yellow):
ezsurf (@(x1, x2) constraints (x1, x2), [0 9 0 6], 58)
Since the plot is just a part of a plane, we can rotate it for a better view
without losing any information about its shape.

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function T = heatrans (cp, lambda, rho, Tg, Td, T0, L, dx, dt, N)
alpha = lambda / rho / cp;
beta = alpha * dt / dx^2;
M = round (L / dx);
side = repelem (beta, M);
A = diag (side, -1) + diag (repelem (1 - 2*beta, M + 1)) + diag (side, 1);
A(1, :) = A(end, :) = 0;
A(1, 1) = A(end, end) = 1;
T = repelem (T0, M + 1);
[T(1) T(end)] = deal (Tg, Td);
for k = 2 : N
T(:, k) = A * T(:, k - 1);

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
\title{Numerical Methods: Heat Transfer}
\author{Nguyễn Gia Phong--BI9-184}
Given a bar of length $L = \SI{0.4}{\meter}$ consisting of homogeneous
and isotropic material with the initial temperature of $T_0 = \SI{0}{\celsius}$.
Suppose it is perfectly insulated with the exception of the ends with
the temperature of $T_g = \SI{100}{\celsius}$ and $T_d = \SI{50}{\celsius}$.
The thermal properties of material will be taken constant.
\item Specific heat capacity:
$c_p = \sifrac{900}{\joule\per\kilogram\per\celsius}$
\item Thermal conductivity:
$\lambda = \sifrac{237}{\watt\per\meter\per\celsius}$
\item Density:
$\rho = \sifrac{2700}{\kilogram\per\cubic\meter}$
\item Thermal diffusivity:
$\alpha = \dfrac{\lambda}{\rho c_p}
= \sifrac{9.753e-5}{\square\meter\per\second}$
The heat transfer in this bar can be described by the following
partial differential equation
\[\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}
= \alpha\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2}\tag{$*$}\]
where the temperature $T$ is a function of postition $x$ and time $t$.
To solve the problem numerically, we devide space and time into equal intervals
of norms $\Delta x$ and $\Delta t$ respectively and let $M = L/\Delta x$.
Consequently, the spartial coordinate is defined as $x_i = (i - 1)\Delta x$
with $i \in [1\,..\,M + 1]$ and the temporal one is $t_n = n\Delta t$
with $n \in \mathbb N^*$. With these definitions\footnote{I believe $i = 0$
and $n = 0$ in the assignment papers are typos since then the domain of $x_i$
would exceed $L$ and $t_0$ would be negative.}, we denote $T_i^n = T(x_i, t_n)$.
Using numerical methods, we may start approximating the solutions of ($*$).
\item The left-hand side of ($*$) can be approximated as
\[\frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = \frac{T_i^{n+1} - T_i^n}{\Delta t}\]
\item Similarly, the right-hand side is expressed in the following form
\[\alpha\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2}
= \alpha\frac{T_{i+1}^n - 2T_i^n + T_{i-1}^n}{\Delta x^2}\]
\item ($*$) is therefore reformulated as
\[\frac{T_i^{n+1} - T_i^n}{\Delta t}
= \alpha\frac{T_{i+1}^n - 2T_i^n + T_{i-1}^n}{\Delta x^2}\]
\item From the formular above
and let $\beta = \alpha\dfrac{\Delta t}{\Delta x^2}$,
we get
\[T_i^{n+1} = T_i^n + \beta\left(T_{i+1}^n - 2T_i^n + T_{i-1}^n\right)\]
\item Boundary conditions:
\item $\forall n \in \mathbb N^*,\; T_1^n = T(0, t_n) = T_g$
\item $\forall n \in \mathbb N^*,\; T_{M+1}^n = T(L, t_n) = T_d$
\item $\forall i \in [2\,..\,M],\; T_{i}^1 = T(x_i, 0) = T_0$
\item From (4) and (5), the temperature at point $x_i$ of the bar
at time $t_n$ is recursively defined as
\[T_i^n = \begin{dcases}
T_i^{n-1} + \beta\left(T_{i+1}^{n-1} - 2T_i^{n-1} + T_{i-1}^{n-1}\right)
&\text{ if }1 < i \le M \land n > 1\\
T_g &\text{ if }i = 1\\
T_d &\text{ if }i = M + 1\\
T_0 &\text{ otherwise}
Since the temperature only depends on the values in the past, values within
$(i, n) \in [1\,..\,M+1]\times[1\,..\,N]$ with any $N$ of choice could
be computed via dynamic programming:
\item Create a 2-dimensional dynamic array $T$ with one-based index
and size $(M+1)\times 1$
\item Initialize $T$ with $T_1^1 = T_g$, $T_{M+1}^1 = T_d$
and $T_i^1 = T_0\ \forall i \in [2\,..\,M]$,
where $T_i^n$ is element of row $i$ and column $n$
\item For $n = 2$ to $N$
\item Let $T_1^k = T_g$
\item For $i = 2$ to $M$, let $T_i^k = T_i^{k-1}
+ \beta\left(T_{i+1}^{k-1} - 2T_i^{k-1} + T_{i-1}^{k-1}\right)$
\item Let $T_{M+1}^k = T_d$
\item Return $T_i^n$
Each iteration in (c) can be written in matrix notation as
$T^k = AT^{k+1}$, where $T_n$ is column $n$ and $A$ is
a matrix of size $(M+1)\times(M+1)$
\[A =\begin{bmatrix}
1 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 0\\
\beta & 1-2\beta & \beta & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 0\\
0 & \beta & 1-2\beta & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 0\\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots\\
0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 1-2\beta & \beta & 0\\
0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & \beta & 1-2\beta & \beta\\
0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 1
\item Steps (a) to (c) is then implemented in Octave as
function T = heatrans (cp, lambda, rho, Tg, Td, T0, L,
dx, dt, N)
alpha = lambda / rho / cp;
beta = alpha * dt / dx^2;
M = round (L / dx);
side = repelem (beta, M);
A = (diag (repelem (1 - 2*beta, M + 1))
+ diag (side, -1) + diag (side, 1));
A(1, :) = A(end, :) = 0;
A(1, 1) = A(end, end) = 1;
T = repelem (T0, M + 1);
[T(1) T(end)] = deal (Tg, Td);
for k = 2 : N
T(:, k) = A * T(:, k - 1);
Choosing $\Delta x = \SI{0.01}{\meter}$, $\Delta t = \SI{0.5}{\second}$
and $N = 841$, we define
T = heatrans (900, 237, 2700, 100, 50, 0, 0.4,
0.01, 0.5, 841);
then the temperature at point $x_i$ at time $t_n$ is \verb|T(i, n)|.
To visualize the heat transfer process, we use \verb|mesh| to plot
a 3D graph:
The temperature can be shown more intuitively using \verb|contourf|:
The \verb|script| to reproduce these results along with \verb|heatrans.m|
bundled with this report and this document itself are all licensed under a
\href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/}{Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License}.

usth/MATH2.2/project/script Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env octave
[cp lambda rho] = deal (900, 237, 2700);
[Tg Td T0] = deal (100, 50, 0);
[L dx dt N] = deal (0.4, 0.01, 0.5, 841);
T = heatrans (cp, lambda, rho, Tg, Td, T0, L, dx, dt, N);
[X Y Z] = deal (0:dx:L, 0:dt:420, T');
figure (1); # mesh
mesh (X, Y, Z);
title ("Temperature of the bar during the first 420 seconds");
xlabel ("x (m)");
ylabel ("t (s)");
zlabel ("T (°C)");
figure (2); # contour
contourf (X, Y, Z, 0:7:100, "showtext", "on");
title ("Temperature of the bar during the first 420 seconds");
xlabel ("x (m)");
ylabel ("t (s)");
disp ("Press any key to coninue...");