#include "zbar_pipeline.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "main.h" #include "io_pipeline.h" #include #include struct _MPZBarImage { uint8_t *data; MPPixelFormat pixel_format; int width; int height; int rotation; bool mirrored; _Atomic int ref_count; }; static MPPipeline *pipeline; static volatile int frames_processed = 0; static volatile int frames_received = 0; static zbar_image_scanner_t *scanner; static void setup(MPPipeline *pipeline, const void *data) { scanner = zbar_image_scanner_create(); zbar_image_scanner_set_config(scanner, 0, ZBAR_CFG_ENABLE, 1); } void mp_zbar_pipeline_start() { pipeline = mp_pipeline_new(); mp_pipeline_invoke(pipeline, setup, NULL, 0); } void mp_zbar_pipeline_stop() { mp_pipeline_free(pipeline); } static bool is_3d_code(zbar_symbol_type_t type) { switch (type) { case ZBAR_EAN2: case ZBAR_EAN5: case ZBAR_EAN8: case ZBAR_UPCE: case ZBAR_ISBN10: case ZBAR_UPCA: case ZBAR_EAN13: case ZBAR_ISBN13: case ZBAR_I25: case ZBAR_DATABAR: case ZBAR_DATABAR_EXP: case ZBAR_CODABAR: case ZBAR_CODE39: case ZBAR_CODE93: case ZBAR_CODE128: return false; case ZBAR_COMPOSITE: case ZBAR_PDF417: case ZBAR_QRCODE: case ZBAR_SQCODE: return true; default: return false; } } static inline void map_coords(int *x, int *y, int width, int height, int rotation, bool mirrored) { int x_r, y_r; if (rotation == 0) { x_r = *x; y_r = *y; } else if (rotation == 90) { x_r = *y; y_r = height - *x - 1; } else if (rotation == 270) { x_r = width - *y - 1; y_r = *x; } else { x_r = width - *x - 1; y_r = height - *y - 1; } if (mirrored) { x_r = width - x_r - 1; } *x = x_r; *y = y_r; } static MPZBarCode process_symbol(const MPZBarImage *image, int width, int height, const zbar_symbol_t *symbol) { if (image->rotation == 90 || image->rotation == 270) { int tmp = width; width = height; height = tmp; } MPZBarCode code; unsigned loc_size = zbar_symbol_get_loc_size(symbol); assert(loc_size > 0); zbar_symbol_type_t type = zbar_symbol_get_type(symbol); if (is_3d_code(type) && loc_size == 4) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < loc_size; ++i) { code.bounds_x[i] = zbar_symbol_get_loc_x(symbol, i); code.bounds_y[i] = zbar_symbol_get_loc_y(symbol, i); } } else { int min_x = zbar_symbol_get_loc_x(symbol, 0); int min_y = zbar_symbol_get_loc_y(symbol, 0); int max_x = min_x, max_y = min_y; for (unsigned i = 1; i < loc_size; ++i) { int x = zbar_symbol_get_loc_x(symbol, i); int y = zbar_symbol_get_loc_y(symbol, i); min_x = MIN(min_x, x); min_y = MIN(min_y, y); max_x = MAX(max_x, x); max_y = MAX(max_y, y); } code.bounds_x[0] = min_x; code.bounds_y[0] = min_y; code.bounds_x[1] = max_x; code.bounds_y[1] = min_y; code.bounds_x[2] = max_x; code.bounds_y[2] = max_y; code.bounds_x[3] = min_x; code.bounds_y[3] = max_y; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { map_coords(&code.bounds_x[i], &code.bounds_y[i], width, height, image->rotation, image->mirrored); } const char *data = zbar_symbol_get_data(symbol); unsigned int data_size = zbar_symbol_get_data_length(symbol); code.type = zbar_get_symbol_name(type); code.data = strndup(data, data_size+1); code.data[data_size] = 0; return code; } static void process_image(MPPipeline *pipeline, MPZBarImage **_image) { MPZBarImage *image = *_image; assert(image->pixel_format == MP_PIXEL_FMT_BGGR8 || image->pixel_format == MP_PIXEL_FMT_GBRG8 || image->pixel_format == MP_PIXEL_FMT_GRBG8 || image->pixel_format == MP_PIXEL_FMT_RGGB8); // Create a grayscale image for scanning from the current preview. // Rotate/mirror correctly. int width = image->width / 2; int height = image->height / 2; uint8_t *data = malloc(width * height * sizeof(uint8_t)); size_t i = 0; for (int y = 0; y < image->height; y += 2) { for (int x = 0; x < image->width; x += 2) { data[++i] = image->data[x + image->width * y]; } } // Create image for zbar zbar_image_t *zbar_image = zbar_image_create(); zbar_image_set_format(zbar_image, zbar_fourcc('Y', '8', '0', '0')); zbar_image_set_size(zbar_image, width, height); zbar_image_set_data(zbar_image, data, width * height * sizeof(uint8_t), NULL); int res = zbar_scan_image(scanner, zbar_image); assert(res >= 0); if (res > 0) { MPZBarScanResult *result = malloc(sizeof(MPZBarScanResult)); result->size = res; const zbar_symbol_t *symbol = zbar_image_first_symbol(zbar_image); for (int i = 0; i < MIN(res, 8); ++i) { assert(symbol != NULL); result->codes[i] = process_symbol(image, width, height, symbol); symbol = zbar_symbol_next(symbol); } mp_main_set_zbar_result(result); } else { mp_main_set_zbar_result(NULL); } zbar_image_destroy(zbar_image); mp_zbar_image_unref(image); ++frames_processed; } void mp_zbar_pipeline_process_image(MPZBarImage *image) { // If we haven't processed the previous frame yet, drop this one if (frames_received != frames_processed) { mp_zbar_image_unref(image); return; } ++frames_received; mp_pipeline_invoke(pipeline, (MPPipelineCallback)process_image, &image, sizeof(MPZBarImage *)); } MPZBarImage * mp_zbar_image_new(uint8_t *data, MPPixelFormat pixel_format, int width, int height, int rotation, bool mirrored) { MPZBarImage *image = malloc(sizeof(MPZBarImage)); image->data = data; image->pixel_format = pixel_format; image->width = width; image->height = height; image->rotation = rotation; image->mirrored = mirrored; image->ref_count = 1; return image; } MPZBarImage * mp_zbar_image_ref(MPZBarImage *image) { ++image->ref_count; return image; } void mp_zbar_image_unref(MPZBarImage *image) { if (--image->ref_count == 0) { free(image->data); free(image); } }