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# Source pytest module
# Copyright (C) 2020 Nguyễn Gia Phong
# This file is part of palace.
# palace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# palace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with palace. If not, see <>.
"""This pytest module tries to test the correctness of the class Source."""
from itertools import product, repeat
from math import inf, pi
from operator import is_
from palace import Source, SourceGroup
from pytest import raises
from fmath import FLT_MAX, allclose, isclose
def test_group(context):
"""Test read-write property group."""
with Source(context) as source, SourceGroup(context) as source_group:
assert is None = source_group
assert == source_group = None
assert is None
def test_priority(context):
"""Test read-write property group."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert source.priority == 0
source.priority = 42
assert source.priority == 42
def test_offset(context):
"""Test read-write property offset."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert source.offset == 0
# TODO: give the source a decoder to seek
def test_looping(context):
"""Test read-write property looping."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert source.looping is False
source.looping = True
assert source.looping is True
source.looping = False
assert source.looping is False
def test_pitch(context):
"""Test read-write property pitch."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert isclose(source.pitch, 1)
with raises(ValueError): source.pitch = -1
source.pitch = 5 / 7
assert isclose(source.pitch, 5/7)
def test_gain(context):
"""Test read-write property gain."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert isclose(source.gain, 1)
with raises(ValueError): source.gain = -1
source.gain = 5 / 7
assert isclose(source.gain, 5/7)
def test_gain_range(context):
"""Test read-write property gain_range."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert allclose(source.gain_range, (0, 1))
with raises(ValueError): source.gain_range = 9/11, 5/7
with raises(ValueError): source.gain_range = 6/9, 420
with raises(ValueError): source.gain_range = -420, 6/9
source.gain_range = 5/7, 9/11
assert allclose(source.gain_range, (5/7, 9/11))
def test_distance_range(context):
"""Test read-write property distance_range."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert allclose(source.distance_range, (1, FLT_MAX))
with raises(ValueError): source.distance_range = 9/11, 5/7
with raises(ValueError): source.distance_range = -420, 6/9
with raises(ValueError): source.distance_range = 420, inf
source.distance_range = 5/7, 9/11
assert allclose(source.distance_range, (5/7, 9/11))
source.distance_range = 1, FLT_MAX
assert allclose(source.distance_range, (1, FLT_MAX))
def test_position(context):
"""Test read-write property position."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert allclose(source.position, (0, 0, 0))
source.position = -1, 0, 1
assert allclose(source.position, (-1, 0, 1))
source.position = 4, 20, 69
assert allclose(source.position, (4, 20, 69))
def test_velocity(context):
"""Test read-write property velocity."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert allclose(source.velocity, (0, 0, 0))
source.velocity = -1, 0, 1
assert allclose(source.velocity, (-1, 0, 1))
source.velocity = 4, 20, 69
assert allclose(source.velocity, (4, 20, 69))
def test_orientation(context):
"""Test read-write property orientation."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert all(map(allclose, source.orientation, ((0, 0, -1), (0, 1, 0))))
source.orientation = (1, 1, -2), (3, -5, 8)
assert all(map(allclose, source.orientation, ((1, 1, -2), (3, -5, 8))))
def test_cone_angles(context):
"""Test read-write property cone_angles."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert allclose(source.cone_angles, (360, 360))
with raises(ValueError): source.cone_angles = 420, 69
with raises(ValueError): source.cone_angles = -4.20, 69
with raises(ValueError): source.cone_angles = 4.20, -69
source.cone_angles = 4.20, 69
assert allclose(source.cone_angles, (4.20, 69))
def test_outer_cone_gains(context):
"""Test read-write property outer_cone_gains."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert allclose(source.outer_cone_gains, (0, 1))
with raises(ValueError): source.outer_cone_gains = 6/9, -420
with raises(ValueError): source.outer_cone_gains = 6/9, 420
with raises(ValueError): source.outer_cone_gains = -420, 6/9
with raises(ValueError): source.outer_cone_gains = 420, 6/9
source.outer_cone_gains = 5/7, 9/11
assert allclose(source.outer_cone_gains, (5/7, 9/11))
def test_rolloff_factors(context):
"""Test read-write property rolloff_factors."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert allclose(source.rolloff_factors, (1, 0))
with raises(ValueError): source.rolloff_factors = -6, 9
with raises(ValueError): source.rolloff_factors = 6, -9
source.rolloff_factors = 6, 9
assert allclose(source.rolloff_factors, (6, 9))
def test_doppler_factor(context):
"""Test read-write property doppler_factor."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert isclose(source.doppler_factor, 1)
with raises(ValueError): source.doppler_factor = -6.9
with raises(ValueError): source.doppler_factor = 4.20
source.doppler_factor = 5 / 7
assert isclose(source.doppler_factor, 5/7)
def test_relative(context):
"""Test read-write property relative."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert source.relative is False
source.relative = True
assert source.relative is True
source.relative = False
assert source.relative is False
def test_radius(context):
"""Test read-write property radius."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert isclose(source.radius, 0)
with raises(ValueError): source.radius = -1
source.radius = 5 / 7
assert isclose(source.radius, 5/7)
def test_stereo_angles(context):
"""Test read-write property stereo_angles."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert allclose(source.stereo_angles, (pi/6, -pi/6))
source.stereo_angles = 420, -69
assert allclose(source.stereo_angles, (420, -69))
source.stereo_angles = -5/7, 9/11
assert allclose(source.stereo_angles, (-5/7, 9/11))
def test_spatialize(context):
"""Test read-write property spatialize."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert source.spatialize is None
source.spatialize = False
assert source.spatialize is False
source.spatialize = True
assert source.spatialize is True
source.spatialize = None
assert source.spatialize is None
def test_resampler_index(context):
"""Test read-write property resampler_index."""
with Source(context) as source:
# TODO: test initial value
with raises(ValueError): source.resampler_index = -1
source.resampler_index = 69
assert source.resampler_index == 69
def test_air_absorption_factor(context):
"""Test read-write property air_absorption_factor."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert isclose(source.air_absorption_factor, 0)
with raises(ValueError): source.air_absorption_factor = -1
with raises(ValueError): source.air_absorption_factor = 11
source.air_absorption_factor = 420 / 69
assert isclose(source.air_absorption_factor, 420/69)
def test_gain_auto(context):
"""Test read-write property gain_auto."""
with Source(context) as source:
assert all(gain is True for gain in source.gain_auto)
for gain_auto in product(*repeat((False, True), 3)):
source.gain_auto = gain_auto
assert all(map(is_, source.gain_auto, gain_auto))