
62 lines
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language: python
sudo: false
2018-03-01 15:10:05 +01:00
cache: pip
dist: trusty
fast_finish: true
- env: TOXENV=docs
- env: TOXENV=lint-py2
- env: TOXENV=lint-py3
2017-06-14 08:08:11 +02:00
- env: TOXENV=mypy
- env: TOXENV=packaging
2017-08-16 19:06:54 +02:00
# PyPy jobs start first -- they are the slowest
- env: TOXENV=pypy3-functional-install
python: pypy3
- env: TOXENV=pypy3-others
2017-08-16 19:06:54 +02:00
python: pypy3
- env: TOXENV=pypy-functional-install
python: pypy
- env: TOXENV=pypy-others
python: pypy
2017-08-16 19:06:54 +02:00
# Latest Stable CPython jobs
- env: TOXENV=py27-functional-install
python: 2.7
- env: TOXENV=py27-others
python: 2.7
- env: TOXENV=py36-functional-install
python: 3.6
- env: TOXENV=py36-others
2017-08-16 19:06:54 +02:00
python: 3.6
# All the other Py3 versions
- env: TOXENV=py35-functional-install
python: 3.5
- env: TOXENV=py35-others
python: 3.5
- env: TOXENV=py34-functional-install
python: 3.4
- env: TOXENV=py34-others
python: 3.4
2017-08-16 19:06:54 +02:00
# Nightly Python goes last
- env: TOXENV=py37-functional-install
python: nightly
- env: TOXENV=py37-others
python: nightly
- python: nightly
install: travis_retry .travis/install.sh
script: .travis/run.sh
2017-05-29 07:26:31 +02:00
# This is set to a secure variable to prevent forks from notifying the
# IRC channel whenever they fail a build. This can be removed when travis
# implements https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/1094.
# The actual value here is: irc.freenode.org#pypa-dev
- secure: zAlwcmrDThlRsZz7CPDGpj4ABTzf7bc/zQXYtvIuqmSj0yJMAwsO5Vx/+qdTGYBvmW/oHw2s/uUgtkZzntSQiVQToKMag2fs0d3wV5bLJQUE2Si2jnH2JOQo3JZWSo9HOqL6WYmlKGI8lH9FVTdVLgpeJmIpLy1bN4zx4/TiJjc=
skip_join: true
use_notice: true