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import email.message
import importlib.metadata
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import zipfile
from typing import (
from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement
from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import NormalizedName, canonicalize_name
from pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse as parse_version
from pip._internal.exceptions import InvalidWheel, UnsupportedWheel
from pip._internal.utils.wheel import parse_wheel, read_wheel_metadata_file
from .base import (
class BasePath(Protocol):
"""A protocol that various path objects conform.
This exists because importlib.metadata uses both ``pathlib.Path`` and
``zipfile.Path``, and we need a common base for type hints (Union does not
work well since ``zipfile.Path`` is too new for our linter setup).
This does not mean to be exhaustive, but only contains things that present
in both classes *that we need*.
name: str
class WheelDistribution(importlib.metadata.Distribution):
"""Distribution read from a wheel.
Although ``importlib.metadata.PathDistribution`` accepts ``zipfile.Path``,
its implementation is too "lazy" for pip's needs (we can't keep the ZipFile
handle open for the entire lifetime of the distribution object).
This implementation eagerly reads the entire metadata directory into the
memory instead, and operates from that.
def __init__(
files: Mapping[pathlib.PurePosixPath, bytes],
info_location: pathlib.PurePosixPath,
) -> None:
self._files = files
self.info_location = info_location
def from_zipfile(
zf: zipfile.ZipFile,
name: str,
location: str,
) -> "WheelDistribution":
info_dir, _ = parse_wheel(zf, name)
paths = (
(name, pathlib.PurePosixPath(name.split("/", 1)[-1]))
for name in zf.namelist()
if name.startswith(f"{info_dir}/")
files = {
relpath: read_wheel_metadata_file(zf, fullpath)
for fullpath, relpath in paths
info_location = pathlib.PurePosixPath(location, info_dir)
return cls(files, info_location)
def iterdir(self, path: InfoPath) -> Iterator[pathlib.PurePosixPath]:
# Only allow iterating through the metadata directory.
if pathlib.PurePosixPath(str(path)) in self._files:
return iter(self._files)
raise FileNotFoundError(path)
def read_text(self, filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
data = self._files[pathlib.PurePosixPath(filename)]
except KeyError:
return None
text = data.decode("utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
wheel = self.info_location.parent
error = f"Error decoding metadata for {wheel}: {e} in {filename} file"
raise UnsupportedWheel(error)
return text
class Distribution(BaseDistribution):
def __init__(
dist: importlib.metadata.Distribution,
location: BasePath,
info_location: Optional[BasePath],
) -> None:
self._dist = dist
self._location = location
self._info_location = info_location
def from_directory(cls, directory: str) -> BaseDistribution:
info_location = pathlib.Path(directory)
dist = importlib.metadata.Distribution.at(info_location)
location = info_location.parent
return cls(dist, location, info_location)
def from_wheel(cls, wheel: Wheel, name: str) -> BaseDistribution:
with wheel.as_zipfile() as zf:
dist = WheelDistribution.from_zipfile(zf, name, wheel.location)
except zipfile.BadZipFile as e:
raise InvalidWheel(wheel.location, name) from e
except UnsupportedWheel as e:
raise UnsupportedWheel(f"{name} has an invalid wheel, {e}")
return cls(dist, pathlib.PurePosixPath(wheel.location), dist.info_location)
def location(self) -> Optional[str]:
return str(self._location)
def info_location(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self._info_location is None:
return None
return str(self._info_location)
def _get_dist_normalized_name(self) -> NormalizedName:
# The 'name' attribute is only available in Python 3.10 or later. We are
# only targeting that, but Mypy does not know this.
return canonicalize_name(self._dist.name) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def canonical_name(self) -> NormalizedName:
# Try to get the name from the metadata directory name. This is much
# faster than reading metadata.
if self._info_location is None:
return self._get_dist_normalized_name()
stem, suffix = os.path.splitext(self._info_location.name)
if suffix not in (".dist-info", ".egg-info"):
return self._get_dist_normalized_name()
name, _, _ = stem.partition("-")
return canonicalize_name(name)
def version(self) -> DistributionVersion:
return parse_version(self._dist.version)
def is_file(self, path: InfoPath) -> bool:
return self._dist.read_text(str(path)) is not None
def iter_distutils_script_names(self) -> Iterator[str]:
if not isinstance(self._info_location, pathlib.Path):
for child in self._info_location.joinpath("scripts").iterdir():
yield child.name
def read_text(self, path: InfoPath) -> str:
content = self._dist.read_text(str(path))
if content is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(path)
return content
def iter_entry_points(self) -> Iterable[BaseEntryPoint]:
# importlib.metadata's EntryPoint structure sasitfies BaseEntryPoint.
return self._dist.entry_points
def metadata(self) -> email.message.Message:
return self._dist.metadata
def iter_dependencies(self, extras: Collection[str] = ()) -> Iterable[Requirement]:
requires = self._dist.requires
if requires is None:
for r in requires:
req = Requirement(r)
if not req.marker:
yield req
elif any(req.marker.evaluate({"extra": extra}) for extra in extras):
yield req
def _iter_egg_info_extras(self) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Parse extras from an .egg-info directory.
An .egg-info directory stores dependencies in an INI-like file named
``requires.txt``, with extras being a part of the section names.
requires_txt = self._dist.read_text("requires.txt")
if requires_txt is None:
for line in requires_txt.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("[") and line.endswith("]"):
yield line.strip("[]").partition(":")[0]
def iter_provided_extras(self) -> Iterable[str]:
return (
or self._iter_egg_info_extras()
def _get_info_location(d: importlib.metadata.Distribution) -> Optional[BasePath]:
"""Find the path to the distribution's metadata directory.
HACK: This relies on importlib.metadata's private ``_path`` attribute. Not
all distributions exist on disk, so importlib.metadata is correct to not
expose the attribute as public. But pip's code base is old and not as clean,
so we do this to avoid having to rewrite too many things. Hopefully we can
eliminate this some day.
return getattr(d, "_path", None)
class Environment(BaseEnvironment):
def __init__(self, paths: Sequence[str]) -> None:
self._paths = paths
def default(cls) -> BaseEnvironment:
return cls(sys.path)
def from_paths(cls, paths: Optional[List[str]]) -> BaseEnvironment:
if paths is None:
return cls(sys.path)
return cls(paths)
def _iter_distributions(self) -> Iterator[BaseDistribution]:
# To know exact where we found a distribution, we have to feed the paths
# in one by one, instead of dumping entire list to importlib.metadata.
for path in self._paths:
for dist in importlib.metadata.distributions(path=[path]):
location = pathlib.Path(path)
info_location = _get_info_location(dist)
yield Distribution(dist, location, info_location)
def get_distribution(self, name: str) -> Optional[BaseDistribution]:
matches = (
for distribution in self._iter_distributions()
if distribution.canonical_name == canonicalize_name(name)
return next(matches, None)