
139 lines
4.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import itertools
import sys
from pip.compat import WINDOWS
from pip.utils import format_size
from pip.utils.logging import get_indentation
from pip._vendor import six
from pip._vendor.progress.bar import Bar, IncrementalBar
from pip._vendor.progress.helpers import WritelnMixin
from pip._vendor.progress.spinner import Spinner
from pip._vendor import colorama
# Lots of different errors can come from this, including SystemError and
# ImportError.
except Exception:
colorama = None
def _select_progress_class(preferred, fallback):
encoding = getattr(preferred.file, "encoding", None)
# If we don't know what encoding this file is in, then we'll just assume
# that it doesn't support unicode and use the ASCII bar.
if not encoding:
return fallback
# Collect all of the possible characters we want to use with the preferred
# bar.
characters = [
getattr(preferred, "empty_fill", six.text_type()),
getattr(preferred, "fill", six.text_type()),
characters += list(getattr(preferred, "phases", []))
# Try to decode the characters we're using for the bar using the encoding
# of the given file, if this works then we'll assume that we can use the
# fancier bar and if not we'll fall back to the plaintext bar.
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return fallback
return preferred
_BaseBar = _select_progress_class(IncrementalBar, Bar)
class DownloadProgressMixin(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DownloadProgressMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.message = (" " * (get_indentation() + 2)) + self.message
def downloaded(self):
return format_size(self.index)
def download_speed(self):
# Avoid zero division errors...
if self.avg == 0.0:
return "..."
return format_size(1 / self.avg) + "/s"
def pretty_eta(self):
if self.eta:
return "eta %s" % self.eta_td
return ""
def iter(self, it, n=1):
for x in it:
yield x
class WindowsMixin(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(WindowsMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Check if we are running on Windows and we have the colorama module,
# if we do then wrap our file with it.
if WINDOWS and colorama:
self.file = colorama.AnsiToWin32(self.file)
# The progress code expects to be able to call self.file.isatty()
# but the colorama.AnsiToWin32() object doesn't have that, so we'll
# add it.
self.file.isatty = lambda: self.file.wrapped.isatty()
# The progress code expects to be able to call self.file.flush()
# but the colorama.AnsiToWin32() object doesn't have that, so we'll
# add it.
self.file.flush = lambda: self.file.wrapped.flush()
# The Windows terminal does not support the hide/show cursor ANSI codes
# even with colorama. So we'll ensure that hide_cursor is False on
# Windows.
if WINDOWS and self.hide_cursor:
self.hide_cursor = False
class DownloadProgressBar(WindowsMixin, DownloadProgressMixin, _BaseBar):
file = sys.stdout
message = "%(percent)d%%"
suffix = "%(downloaded)s %(download_speed)s %(pretty_eta)s"
class DownloadProgressSpinner(WindowsMixin, DownloadProgressMixin,
WritelnMixin, Spinner):
file = sys.stdout
suffix = "%(downloaded)s %(download_speed)s"
def next_phase(self):
if not hasattr(self, "_phaser"):
self._phaser = itertools.cycle(self.phases)
return next(self._phaser)
def update(self):
message = self.message % self
phase = self.next_phase()
suffix = self.suffix % self
line = ''.join([
" " if message else "",
" " if suffix else "",