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import re
import os
import filecmp
import textwrap
import sys
from os.path import abspath, join, curdir, pardir
from nose.tools import assert_raises
from mock import patch
from pip.util import rmtree, find_command
from pip.exceptions import BadCommand
2011-03-15 20:49:48 +01:00
from tests.test_pip import (here, reset_env, run_pip, pyversion, mkdir,
src_folder, write_file)
2011-03-15 20:49:48 +01:00
from tests.local_repos import local_checkout
from tests.path import Path
def test_correct_pip_version():
Check we are running proper version of pip in run_pip.
# output is like:
result = run_pip('--version')
# compare the directory tree of the invoked pip with that of this source distribution
dir = re.match(r'pip \d(\.[\d])+(\.(pre|post)\d+)? from (.*) \(python \d(.[\d])+\)$',
pip_folder = join(src_folder, 'pip')
pip_folder_outputed = join(dir, 'pip')
2010-06-09 01:57:29 +02:00
diffs = filecmp.dircmp(pip_folder, pip_folder_outputed)
# If any non-matching .py files exist, we have a problem: run_pip
# is picking up some other version! N.B. if this project acquires
# primary resources other than .py files, this code will need
# maintenance
mismatch_py = [x for x in diffs.left_only + diffs.right_only + diffs.diff_files if x.endswith('.py')]
assert not mismatch_py, 'mismatched source files in %r and %r: %r'% (pip_folder, pip_folder_outputed, mismatch_py)
def test_pip_second_command_line_interface_works():
Check if ``pip-<PYVERSION>`` commands behaves equally
e = reset_env()
result = e.run('pip-%s' % pyversion, 'install', 'INITools==0.2')
egg_info_folder = e.site_packages / 'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
initools_folder = e.site_packages / 'initools'
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
assert initools_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
2011-03-19 04:19:22 +01:00
#def test_distutils_configuration_setting():
# """
# Test the distutils-configuration-setting command (which is distinct from other commands).
# """
#print run_pip('-vv', '--distutils-cfg=easy_install:index_url:http://download.zope.org/ppix/', expect_error=True)
#Script result: python ../../poacheggs.py -E .../poacheggs-tests/test-scratch -vv --distutils-cfg=easy_install:index_url:http://download.zope.org/ppix/
#-- stdout: --------------------
#Distutils config .../poacheggs-tests/test-scratch/lib/python.../distutils/distutils.cfg is writable
#Replaced setting index_url
#Updated .../poacheggs-tests/test-scratch/lib/python.../distutils/distutils.cfg
#-- updated: -------------------
# lib/python2.4/distutils/distutils.cfg (346 bytes)
def test_install_from_pypi():
Test installing a package from PyPI.
e = reset_env()
2010-05-20 08:35:04 +02:00
result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools==0.2')
egg_info_folder = e.site_packages / 'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
initools_folder = e.site_packages / 'initools'
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
assert initools_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_from_mirrors():
Test installing a package from the PyPI mirrors.
e = reset_env()
result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', '--use-mirrors', '--no-index', 'INITools==0.2')
egg_info_folder = e.site_packages / 'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
initools_folder = e.site_packages / 'initools'
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
assert initools_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_from_mirrors_with_specific_mirrors():
Test installing a package from a specific PyPI mirror.
e = reset_env()
result = run_pip('install', '-vvv', '--use-mirrors', '--mirrors', "http://d.pypi.python.org/", '--no-index', 'INITools==0.2')
egg_info_folder = e.site_packages / 'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
initools_folder = e.site_packages / 'initools'
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
assert initools_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_editable_install():
Test editable installation.
result = run_pip('install', '-e', 'INITools==0.2', expect_error=True)
assert "INITools==0.2 should either by a path to a local project or a VCS url" in result.stdout
assert len(result.files_created) == 1, result.files_created
assert not result.files_updated, result.files_updated
def test_install_editable_from_svn():
Test checking out from svn.
2010-06-04 02:58:16 +02:00
result = run_pip('install',
'%s#egg=initools-dev' %
result.assert_installed('INITools', with_files=['.svn'])
def test_download_editable_to_custom_path():
Test downloading an editable using a relative custom src folder.
result = run_pip('install',
'%s#egg=initools-dev' %
customsrc = Path('scratch')/'customsrc'/'initools'
assert customsrc in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys())
assert customsrc/'setup.py' in result.files_created, sorted(result.files_created.keys())
customdl = Path('scratch')/'customdl'/'initools'
customdl_files_created = [filename for filename in result.files_created
if filename.startswith(customdl)]
assert customdl_files_created
def test_editable_no_install_followed_by_no_download():
Test installing an editable in two steps (first with --no-install, then with --no-download).
result = run_pip('install',
'%s#egg=initools-dev' %
'--no-install', expect_error=True)
result.assert_installed('INITools', without_egg_link=True, with_files=['.svn'])
result = run_pip('install',
'%s#egg=initools-dev' %
'--no-download', expect_error=True)
result.assert_installed('INITools', without_files=[curdir, '.svn'])
def test_no_install_followed_by_no_download():
Test installing in two steps (first with --no-install, then with --no-download).
env = reset_env()
egg_info_folder = env.site_packages/'INITools-0.2-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
initools_folder = env.site_packages/'initools'
build_dir = env.venv/'build'/'INITools'
2010-06-09 01:57:29 +02:00
result1 = run_pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', '--no-install', expect_error=True)
assert egg_info_folder not in result1.files_created, str(result1)
assert initools_folder not in result1.files_created, sorted(result1.files_created)
assert build_dir in result1.files_created, result1.files_created
assert build_dir/'INITools.egg-info' in result1.files_created
result2 = run_pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', '--no-download', expect_error=True)
assert egg_info_folder in result2.files_created, str(result2)
assert initools_folder in result2.files_created, sorted(result2.files_created)
assert build_dir not in result2.files_created
assert build_dir/'INITools.egg-info' not in result2.files_created
def test_bad_install_with_no_download():
Test that --no-download behaves sensibly if the package source can't be found.
result = run_pip('install', 'INITools==0.2', '--no-download', expect_error=True)
assert "perhaps --no-download was used without first running "\
"an equivalent install with --no-install?" in result.stdout
def test_install_dev_version_from_pypi():
Test using package==dev.
e = reset_env()
result = run_pip('install', 'INITools==dev', expect_error=True)
assert (e.site_packages / 'initools') in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
def test_install_editable_from_git():
Test cloning from Git.
2010-06-04 02:58:16 +02:00
2011-03-15 20:49:48 +01:00
args = ['install']
'%s#egg=pip-test-package' %
2011-03-19 04:19:22 +01:00
result = run_pip(*args, **{"expect_error": True})
result.assert_installed('pip-test-package', with_files=['.git'])
def test_install_editable_from_hg():
Test cloning from Mercurial.
2010-06-04 02:58:16 +02:00
result = run_pip('install', '-e',
'%s#egg=django-registration' %
result.assert_installed('django-registration', with_files=['.hg'])
def test_vcs_url_final_slash_normalization():
Test that presence or absence of final slash in VCS URL is normalized.
result = run_pip('install', '-e',
'%s/#egg=django-registration' %
assert 'pip-log.txt' not in result.files_created, result.files_created['pip-log.txt'].bytes
def test_install_editable_from_bazaar():
Test checking out from Bazaar.
2010-06-04 02:58:16 +02:00
result = run_pip('install', '-e',
'%s/@174#egg=django-wikiapp' %
result.assert_installed('django-wikiapp', with_files=['.bzr'])
2010-04-13 00:34:38 +02:00
def test_vcs_url_urlquote_normalization():
Test that urlquoted characters are normalized for repo URL comparison.
result = run_pip('install', '-e',
'%s/#egg=django-wikiapp' %
assert 'pip-log.txt' not in result.files_created, result.files_created['pip-log.txt'].bytes
def test_install_from_local_directory():
Test installing from a local directory.
env = reset_env()
to_install = abspath(join(here, 'packages', 'FSPkg'))
result = run_pip('install', to_install, expect_error=False)
fspkg_folder = env.site_packages/'fspkg'
egg_info_folder = env.site_packages/'FSPkg-0.1dev-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert fspkg_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_from_local_directory_with_no_setup_py():
Test installing from a local directory with no 'setup.py'.
result = run_pip('install', here, expect_error=True)
assert len(result.files_created) == 1, result.files_created
assert 'pip-log.txt' in result.files_created, result.files_created
assert "is not installable. File 'setup.py' not found." in result.stdout
def test_editable_install_from_local_directory_with_no_setup_py():
Test installing from a local directory with no 'setup.py'.
result = run_pip('install', '-e', here, expect_error=True)
assert len(result.files_created) == 1, result.files_created
assert 'pip-log.txt' in result.files_created, result.files_created
assert "is not installable. File 'setup.py' not found." in result.stdout
2012-05-22 12:54:40 +02:00
def test_install_as_egg():
Test installing as egg, instead of flat install.
env = reset_env()
to_install = abspath(join(here, 'packages', 'FSPkg'))
result = run_pip('install', to_install, '--egg', expect_error=False)
fspkg_folder = env.site_packages/'fspkg'
egg_folder = env.site_packages/'FSPkg-0.1dev-py%s.egg' % pyversion
assert fspkg_folder not in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
assert join(egg_folder, 'fspkg') in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_curdir():
Test installing current directory ('.').
env = reset_env()
run_from = abspath(join(here, 'packages', 'FSPkg'))
# Python 2.4 Windows balks if this exists already
egg_info = join(run_from, "FSPkg.egg-info")
if os.path.isdir(egg_info):
result = run_pip('install', curdir, cwd=run_from, expect_error=False)
fspkg_folder = env.site_packages/'fspkg'
egg_info_folder = env.site_packages/'FSPkg-0.1dev-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert fspkg_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_pardir():
Test installing parent directory ('..').
env = reset_env()
run_from = abspath(join(here, 'packages', 'FSPkg', 'fspkg'))
result = run_pip('install', pardir, cwd=run_from, expect_error=False)
fspkg_folder = env.site_packages/'fspkg'
egg_info_folder = env.site_packages/'FSPkg-0.1dev-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert fspkg_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_global_option():
Test using global distutils options.
(In particular those that disable the actual install action)
result = run_pip('install', '--global-option=--version', "INITools==0.1")
assert '0.1\n' in result.stdout
def test_install_with_pax_header():
test installing from a tarball with pax header for python<2.6
run_from = abspath(join(here, 'packages'))
2011-03-19 04:19:22 +01:00
run_pip('install', 'paxpkg.tar.bz2', cwd=run_from)
def test_install_with_hacked_egg_info():
test installing a package which defines its own egg_info class
run_from = abspath(join(here, 'packages', 'HackedEggInfo'))
result = run_pip('install', '.', cwd=run_from)
assert 'Successfully installed hackedegginfo\n' in result.stdout
def test_install_using_install_option_and_editable():
Test installing a tool using -e and --install-option
env = reset_env()
2010-08-19 04:11:08 +02:00
folder = 'script_folder'
2011-03-19 04:19:22 +01:00
url = 'git+git://github.com/pypa/virtualenv'
result = run_pip('install', '-e', '%s#egg=virtualenv' %
2011-03-15 20:49:48 +01:00
2010-08-19 04:11:08 +02:00
'--install-option=--script-dir=%s' % folder)
virtualenv_bin = env.venv/'src'/'virtualenv'/folder/'virtualenv'+env.exe
assert virtualenv_bin in result.files_created
def test_install_global_option_using_editable():
Test using global distutils options, but in an editable installation
2011-03-19 04:19:22 +01:00
url = 'hg+http://bitbucket.org/runeh/anyjson'
result = run_pip('install', '--global-option=--version',
2011-03-19 04:19:22 +01:00
'-e', '%s@0.2.5#egg=anyjson' %
2011-03-15 20:49:48 +01:00
2011-03-19 04:19:22 +01:00
assert '0.2.5\n' in result.stdout
def test_install_package_with_same_name_in_curdir():
Test installing a package with the same name of a local folder
env = reset_env()
result = run_pip('install', 'mock==0.6')
egg_folder = env.site_packages / 'mock-0.6.0-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
mock100_setup_py = textwrap.dedent('''\
from setuptools import setup
def test_install_folder_using_dot_slash():
Test installing a folder using pip install ./foldername
env = reset_env()
pkg_path = env.scratch_path/'mock'
write_file('setup.py', mock100_setup_py, pkg_path)
result = run_pip('install', './mock')
egg_folder = env.site_packages / 'mock-100.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_folder_using_slash_in_the_end():
Test installing a folder using pip install foldername/ or foldername\
env = reset_env()
pkg_path = env.scratch_path/'mock'
write_file('setup.py', mock100_setup_py, pkg_path)
result = run_pip('install', 'mock' + os.path.sep)
egg_folder = env.site_packages / 'mock-100.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_folder_using_relative_path():
Test installing a folder using pip install folder1/folder2
env = reset_env()
pkg_path = env.scratch_path/'initools'/'mock'
write_file('setup.py', mock100_setup_py, pkg_path)
result = run_pip('install', Path('initools')/'mock')
egg_folder = env.site_packages / 'mock-100.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert egg_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_install_package_which_contains_dev_in_name():
2011-03-19 04:19:22 +01:00
Test installing package from pypi which contains 'dev' in name
env = reset_env()
result = run_pip('install', 'django-devserver==0.0.4')
devserver_folder = env.site_packages/'devserver'
egg_info_folder = env.site_packages/'django_devserver-0.0.4-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion
assert devserver_folder in result.files_created, str(result.stdout)
assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result)
2012-02-03 13:31:28 +01:00
def test_install_package_with_target():
Test installing a package using pip install --target
env = reset_env()
target_dir = env.scratch_path/'target'
2012-02-03 20:37:53 +01:00
result = run_pip('install', '-t', target_dir, "initools==0.1")
assert Path('scratch')/'target'/'initools' in result.files_created, str(result)
2012-02-03 13:31:28 +01:00
def test_install_package_with_root():
Test installing a package using pip install --root
env = reset_env()
root_dir = env.scratch_path/'root'
2013-01-23 05:52:35 +01:00
result = run_pip('install', '--root', root_dir, "--install-option=--home=''",
'--install-option=--install-lib=lib/python', "initools==0.1")
assert Path('scratch')/'root'/'lib'/'python'/'initools' in result.files_created, str(result)
def test_find_command_folder_in_path():
If a folder named e.g. 'git' is in PATH, and find_command is looking for
the 'git' executable, it should not match the folder, but rather keep
env = reset_env()
path_one = env.scratch_path/'path_one'
path_two = env.scratch_path/'path_two'
write_file(path_two/'foo', '# nothing')
found_path = find_command('foo', map(str, [path_one, path_two]))
assert found_path == path_two/'foo'
def test_does_not_find_command_because_there_is_no_path():
Test calling `pip.utils.find_command` when there is no PATH env variable
environ_before = os.environ
os.environ = {}
except BadCommand:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
assert e.args == ("Cannot find command 'anycommand'",)
raise AssertionError("`find_command` should raise `BadCommand`")
os.environ = environ_before
@patch('os.pathsep', ':')
def test_find_command_trys_all_pathext(mock_isfile, getpath_mock):
If no pathext should check default list of extensions, if file does not
mock_isfile.return_value = False
getpath_mock.return_value = os.pathsep.join([".COM", ".EXE"])
paths = [os.path.join('path_one', f) for f in ['foo.com', 'foo.exe', 'foo']]
expected = [((p,),) for p in paths]
assert_raises(BadCommand, find_command, 'foo', 'path_one')
assert mock_isfile.call_args_list == expected, "Actual: %s\nExpected %s" % (mock_isfile.call_args_list, expected)
assert getpath_mock.called, "Should call get_pathext"
@patch('os.pathsep', ':')
def test_find_command_trys_supplied_pathext(mock_isfile, getpath_mock):
If pathext supplied find_command should use all of its list of extensions to find file.
mock_isfile.return_value = False
getpath_mock.return_value = ".FOO"
pathext = os.pathsep.join([".RUN", ".CMD"])
paths = [os.path.join('path_one', f) for f in ['foo.run', 'foo.cmd', 'foo']]
expected = [((p,),) for p in paths]
assert_raises(BadCommand, find_command, 'foo', 'path_one', pathext)
assert mock_isfile.call_args_list == expected, "Actual: %s\nExpected %s" % (mock_isfile.call_args_list, expected)
assert not getpath_mock.called, "Should not call get_pathext"