
936 lines
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# The following comment should be removed at some point in the future.
# mypy: strict-optional=False
# mypy: disallow-untyped-defs=False
import contextlib
import errno
import getpass
import hashlib
import io
2019-08-10 19:54:35 +02:00
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import shutil
import stat
import sys
from collections import deque
2020-12-20 20:58:50 +01:00
from io import StringIO
from itertools import filterfalse, tee, zip_longest
from urllib import parse as urllib_parse
from urllib.parse import unquote as urllib_unquote
2020-06-06 08:51:06 +02:00
from pip._vendor import pkg_resources
2020-07-06 15:47:26 +02:00
from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
2020-09-23 16:27:09 +02:00
# NOTE: retrying is not annotated in typeshed as on 2017-07-17, which is
# why we ignore the type on this import.
from pip._vendor.retrying import retry # type: ignore
from pip import __version__
from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError
2020-09-23 16:27:09 +02:00
from pip._internal.locations import get_major_minor_version, site_packages, user_site
2020-12-20 20:58:50 +01:00
from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS, expanduser, stdlib_pkgs
from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING, cast
from pip._internal.utils.virtualenv import (
2019-07-22 06:45:27 +02:00
2014-08-22 14:30:27 +02:00
2019-02-22 12:17:07 +01:00
from typing import (
2020-09-23 15:08:01 +02:00
2020-09-23 15:08:01 +02:00
2019-02-22 12:17:07 +01:00
from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import Distribution
VersionInfo = Tuple[int, int, int]
T = TypeVar("T")
__all__ = ['rmtree', 'display_path', 'backup_dir',
'ask', 'splitext',
'format_size', 'is_installable_dir',
'renames', 'get_prog',
'captured_stdout', 'ensure_dir',
'get_installed_version', 'remove_auth_from_url']
2019-08-10 19:54:35 +02:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2019-02-11 18:03:32 +01:00
2015-04-03 23:18:10 +02:00
def get_pip_version():
# type: () -> str
pip_pkg_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")
pip_pkg_dir = os.path.abspath(pip_pkg_dir)
return (
'pip {} from {} (python {})'.format(
2019-07-18 19:03:01 +02:00
__version__, pip_pkg_dir, get_major_minor_version(),
def normalize_version_info(py_version_info):
# type: (Tuple[int, ...]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]
Convert a tuple of ints representing a Python version to one of length
:param py_version_info: a tuple of ints representing a Python version,
or None to specify no version. The tuple can have any length.
:return: a tuple of length three if `py_version_info` is non-None.
Otherwise, return `py_version_info` unchanged (i.e. None).
if len(py_version_info) < 3:
py_version_info += (3 - len(py_version_info)) * (0,)
elif len(py_version_info) > 3:
py_version_info = py_version_info[:3]
2019-07-30 06:46:57 +02:00
return cast('VersionInfo', py_version_info)
def ensure_dir(path):
# type: (AnyStr) -> None
"""os.path.makedirs without EEXIST."""
except OSError as e:
# Windows can raise spurious ENOTEMPTY errors. See #6426.
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST and e.errno != errno.ENOTEMPTY:
def get_prog():
# type: () -> str
prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if prog in ('__main__.py', '-c'):
2020-01-29 18:24:26 +01:00
return "{} -m pip".format(sys.executable)
return prog
except (AttributeError, TypeError, IndexError):
return 'pip'
# Retry every half second for up to 3 seconds
@retry(stop_max_delay=3000, wait_fixed=500)
def rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=False):
# type: (AnyStr, bool) -> None
shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=ignore_errors,
def rmtree_errorhandler(func, path, exc_info):
"""On Windows, the files in .svn are read-only, so when rmtree() tries to
remove them, an exception is thrown. We catch that here, remove the
read-only attribute, and hopefully continue without problems."""
has_attr_readonly = not (os.stat(path).st_mode & stat.S_IWRITE)
except (IOError, OSError):
# it's equivalent to os.path.exists
if has_attr_readonly:
# convert to read/write
os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE)
# use the original function to repeat the operation
def path_to_display(path):
# type: (Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]
Convert a bytes (or text) path to text (unicode in Python 2) for display
and logging purposes.
This function should never error out. Also, this function is mainly needed
for Python 2 since in Python 3 str paths are already text.
if path is None:
return None
2020-12-20 20:58:50 +01:00
if isinstance(path, str):
return path
# Otherwise, path is a bytes object (str in Python 2).
display_path = path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding(), 'strict')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# Include the full bytes to make troubleshooting easier, even though
# it may not be very human readable.
2020-12-20 20:58:50 +01:00
# Silence the "F821 undefined name 'ascii'" flake8 error since
# ascii() is a built-in.
display_path = ascii(path) # noqa: F821
return display_path
def display_path(path):
# type: (str) -> str
"""Gives the display value for a given path, making it relative to cwd
if possible."""
path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path))
if path.startswith(os.getcwd() + os.path.sep):
path = '.' + path[len(os.getcwd()):]
return path
def backup_dir(dir, ext='.bak'):
# type: (str, str) -> str
"""Figure out the name of a directory to back up the given dir to
(adding .bak, .bak2, etc)"""
n = 1
extension = ext
while os.path.exists(dir + extension):
n += 1
extension = ext + str(n)
return dir + extension
2010-05-25 17:54:05 +02:00
def ask_path_exists(message, options):
# type: (str, Iterable[str]) -> str
for action in os.environ.get('PIP_EXISTS_ACTION', '').split():
2011-10-04 16:10:46 +02:00
if action in options:
return action
return ask(message, options)
def _check_no_input(message):
# type: (str) -> None
"""Raise an error if no input is allowed."""
if os.environ.get('PIP_NO_INPUT'):
raise Exception(
2020-01-29 18:24:26 +01:00
'No input was expected ($PIP_NO_INPUT set); question: {}'.format(
def ask(message, options):
# type: (str, Iterable[str]) -> str
"""Ask the message interactively, with the given possible responses"""
while 1:
response = input(message)
response = response.strip().lower()
if response not in options:
2020-01-29 18:24:26 +01:00
'Your response ({!r}) was not one of the expected responses: '
'{}'.format(response, ', '.join(options))
return response
def ask_input(message):
# type: (str) -> str
"""Ask for input interactively."""
return input(message)
def ask_password(message):
# type: (str) -> str
"""Ask for a password interactively."""
return getpass.getpass(message)
def format_size(bytes):
# type: (float) -> str
if bytes > 1000 * 1000:
return '{:.1f} MB'.format(bytes / 1000.0 / 1000)
elif bytes > 10 * 1000:
return '{} kB'.format(int(bytes / 1000))
elif bytes > 1000:
return '{:.1f} kB'.format(bytes / 1000.0)
return '{} bytes'.format(int(bytes))
def tabulate(rows):
# type: (Iterable[Iterable[Any]]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[int]]
"""Return a list of formatted rows and a list of column sizes.
For example::
>>> tabulate([['foobar', 2000], [0xdeadbeef]])
(['foobar 2000', '3735928559'], [10, 4])
rows = [tuple(map(str, row)) for row in rows]
sizes = [max(map(len, col)) for col in zip_longest(*rows, fillvalue='')]
table = [" ".join(map(str.ljust, row, sizes)).rstrip() for row in rows]
return table, sizes
def is_installable_dir(path):
# type: (str) -> bool
2018-07-26 00:04:58 +02:00
"""Is path is a directory containing setup.py or pyproject.toml?
if not os.path.isdir(path):
return False
setup_py = os.path.join(path, 'setup.py')
if os.path.isfile(setup_py):
return True
pyproject_toml = os.path.join(path, 'pyproject.toml')
if os.path.isfile(pyproject_toml):
return True
return False
def read_chunks(file, size=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
"""Yield pieces of data from a file-like object until EOF."""
while True:
chunk = file.read(size)
if not chunk:
yield chunk
def normalize_path(path, resolve_symlinks=True):
# type: (str, bool) -> str
Convert a path to its canonical, case-normalized, absolute version.
2010-05-25 17:54:05 +02:00
path = expanduser(path)
if resolve_symlinks:
path = os.path.realpath(path)
path = os.path.abspath(path)
return os.path.normcase(path)
def splitext(path):
# type: (str) -> Tuple[str, str]
"""Like os.path.splitext, but take off .tar too"""
base, ext = posixpath.splitext(path)
if base.lower().endswith('.tar'):
ext = base[-4:] + ext
base = base[:-4]
return base, ext
def renames(old, new):
# type: (str, str) -> None
"""Like os.renames(), but handles renaming across devices."""
# Implementation borrowed from os.renames().
head, tail = os.path.split(new)
if head and tail and not os.path.exists(head):
shutil.move(old, new)
head, tail = os.path.split(old)
if head and tail:
except OSError:
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
def is_local(path):
# type: (str) -> bool
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
Return True if path is within sys.prefix, if we're running in a virtualenv.
If we're not in a virtualenv, all paths are considered "local."
2019-08-18 12:46:11 +02:00
Caution: this function assumes the head of path has been normalized
with normalize_path.
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
if not running_under_virtualenv():
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
return True
2019-08-18 12:46:11 +02:00
return path.startswith(normalize_path(sys.prefix))
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
def dist_is_local(dist):
# type: (Distribution) -> bool
Return True if given Distribution object is installed locally
(i.e. within current virtualenv).
Always True if we're not in a virtualenv.
2010-05-25 17:54:05 +02:00
return is_local(dist_location(dist))
def dist_in_usersite(dist):
# type: (Distribution) -> bool
Return True if given Distribution is installed in user site.
2019-08-18 12:46:11 +02:00
return dist_location(dist).startswith(normalize_path(user_site))
def dist_in_site_packages(dist):
# type: (Distribution) -> bool
Return True if given Distribution is installed in
2019-08-18 12:46:11 +02:00
return dist_location(dist).startswith(normalize_path(site_packages))
def dist_is_editable(dist):
# type: (Distribution) -> bool
2018-10-28 23:38:24 +01:00
Return True if given Distribution is an editable install.
for path_item in sys.path:
egg_link = os.path.join(path_item, dist.project_name + '.egg-link')
if os.path.isfile(egg_link):
return True
return False
def get_installed_distributions(
local_only=True, # type: bool
skip=stdlib_pkgs, # type: Container[str]
include_editables=True, # type: bool
editables_only=False, # type: bool
user_only=False, # type: bool
paths=None # type: Optional[List[str]]
# type: (...) -> List[Distribution]
Return a list of installed Distribution objects.
If ``local_only`` is True (default), only return installations
local to the current virtualenv, if in a virtualenv.
``skip`` argument is an iterable of lower-case project names to
2014-03-01 05:09:26 +01:00
ignore; defaults to stdlib_pkgs
If ``include_editables`` is False, don't report editables.
If ``editables_only`` is True , only report editables.
If ``user_only`` is True , only report installations in the user
site directory.
If ``paths`` is set, only report the distributions present at the
specified list of locations.
if paths:
working_set = pkg_resources.WorkingSet(paths)
working_set = pkg_resources.working_set
if local_only:
local_test = dist_is_local
2015-02-11 16:23:57 +01:00
def local_test(d):
return True
if include_editables:
2015-02-11 16:23:57 +01:00
def editable_test(d):
return True
2015-02-11 16:23:57 +01:00
def editable_test(d):
return not dist_is_editable(d)
if editables_only:
2015-02-11 16:23:57 +01:00
def editables_only_test(d):
return dist_is_editable(d)
2015-02-11 16:23:57 +01:00
def editables_only_test(d):
return True
if user_only:
user_test = dist_in_usersite
2015-02-11 16:23:57 +01:00
def user_test(d):
return True
2019-12-12 04:44:35 +01:00
return [d for d in working_set
2015-02-24 13:46:10 +01:00
if local_test(d) and
d.key not in skip and
editable_test(d) and
editables_only_test(d) and
def _search_distribution(req_name):
# type: (str) -> Optional[Distribution]
"""Find a distribution matching the ``req_name`` in the environment.
This searches from *all* distributions available in the environment, to
match the behavior of ``pkg_resources.get_distribution()``.
# Canonicalize the name before searching in the list of
# installed distributions and also while creating the package
# dictionary to get the Distribution object
req_name = canonicalize_name(req_name)
packages = get_installed_distributions(
pkg_dict = {canonicalize_name(p.key): p for p in packages}
return pkg_dict.get(req_name)
def get_distribution(req_name):
# type: (str) -> Optional[Distribution]
"""Given a requirement name, return the installed Distribution object.
This searches from *all* distributions available in the environment, to
match the behavior of ``pkg_resources.get_distribution()``.
# Search the distribution by looking through the working set
dist = _search_distribution(req_name)
# If distribution could not be found, call working_set.require
# to update the working set, and try to find the distribution
# again.
# This might happen for e.g. when you install a package
# twice, once using setup.py develop and again using setup.py install.
# Now when run pip uninstall twice, the package gets removed
# from the working set in the first uninstall, so we have to populate
# the working set again so that pip knows about it and the packages
# gets picked up and is successfully uninstalled the second time too.
if not dist:
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
return None
return _search_distribution(req_name)
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
def egg_link_path(dist):
# type: (Distribution) -> Optional[str]
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
2012-07-09 01:03:12 +02:00
Return the path for the .egg-link file if it exists, otherwise, None.
There's 3 scenarios:
1) not in a virtualenv
try to find in site.USER_SITE, then site_packages
2) in a no-global virtualenv
try to find in site_packages
3) in a yes-global virtualenv
try to find in site_packages, then site.USER_SITE
(don't look in global location)
For #1 and #3, there could be odd cases, where there's an egg-link in 2
2012-07-09 01:03:12 +02:00
This method will just return the first one found.
sites = []
2012-07-09 01:03:12 +02:00
if running_under_virtualenv():
if not virtualenv_no_global() and user_site:
2012-07-09 01:03:12 +02:00
if user_site:
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
2012-07-09 01:03:12 +02:00
for site in sites:
egglink = os.path.join(site, dist.project_name) + '.egg-link'
if os.path.isfile(egglink):
return egglink
return None
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
def dist_location(dist):
# type: (Distribution) -> str
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
Get the site-packages location of this distribution. Generally
this is dist.location, except in the case of develop-installed
packages, where dist.location is the source code location, and we
want to know where the egg-link file is.
2019-08-18 12:46:11 +02:00
The returned location is normalized (in particular, with symlinks removed).
2010-02-22 06:37:28 +01:00
egg_link = egg_link_path(dist)
2012-07-09 01:03:12 +02:00
if egg_link:
2019-08-18 12:46:11 +02:00
return normalize_path(egg_link)
return normalize_path(dist.location)
def write_output(msg, *args):
# type: (Any, Any) -> None
logger.info(msg, *args)
2014-01-12 01:50:11 +01:00
class FakeFile(object):
"""Wrap a list of lines in an object with readline() to make
ConfigParser happy."""
def __init__(self, lines):
self._gen = iter(lines)
2014-01-12 01:50:11 +01:00
def readline(self):
2020-06-06 08:51:06 +02:00
return next(self._gen)
2014-01-12 01:50:11 +01:00
except StopIteration:
return ''
def __iter__(self):
return self._gen
2014-08-22 14:30:27 +02:00
class StreamWrapper(StringIO):
def from_stream(cls, orig_stream):
cls.orig_stream = orig_stream
return cls()
# compileall.compile_dir() needs stdout.encoding to print to stdout
def encoding(self):
return self.orig_stream.encoding
def captured_output(stream_name):
"""Return a context manager used by captured_stdout/stdin/stderr
that temporarily replaces the sys stream *stream_name* with a StringIO.
Taken from Lib/support/__init__.py in the CPython repo.
orig_stdout = getattr(sys, stream_name)
2014-08-22 14:30:27 +02:00
setattr(sys, stream_name, StreamWrapper.from_stream(orig_stdout))
yield getattr(sys, stream_name)
setattr(sys, stream_name, orig_stdout)
def captured_stdout():
"""Capture the output of sys.stdout:
with captured_stdout() as stdout:
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), 'hello\n')
Taken from Lib/support/__init__.py in the CPython repo.
return captured_output('stdout')
2014-09-18 04:44:00 +02:00
2018-10-23 09:46:43 +02:00
def captured_stderr():
See captured_stdout().
return captured_output('stderr')
def get_installed_version(dist_name, working_set=None):
"""Get the installed version of dist_name avoiding pkg_resources cache"""
# Create a requirement that we'll look for inside of setuptools.
req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(dist_name)
if working_set is None:
# We want to avoid having this cached, so we need to construct a new
# working set each time.
working_set = pkg_resources.WorkingSet()
# Get the installed distribution from our working set
dist = working_set.find(req)
# Check to see if we got an installed distribution or not, if we did
# we want to return it's version.
return dist.version if dist else None
2015-09-06 00:23:45 +02:00
Add checks against requirements-file-dwelling hashes for most kinds of packages. Close #1175. * Add --require-hashes option. This is handy in deployment scripts to force application authors to hash their requirements. It is also a convenient way to get pip to show computed hashes for a virgin, unhashed requirements file. Eventually, additions to `pip freeze` should fill a superset of this use case. * In --require-hashes mode, at least one hash is required to match for each requirement. * Option-based requirements (--sha256=...) turn on --require-hashes mode implicitly. * Internet-derived URL-based hashes are "necessary but not sufficient": they do not satisfy --require-hashes mode when they match, but they are still used to guard against transmission errors. * Other URL-based requirements (#md5=...) are treated just like flag-based ones, except they don't turn on --require-hashes. * Complain informatively, with the most devastating errors first so you don't chase your tail all day only to run up against a brick wall at the end. This also means we don't complain that a hash is missing, only for the user to find, after fixing it, that we have no idea how to even compute a hash for that type of requirement. * Complain about unpinned requirements when hash-checking mode is on, lest they cause the user surprise later. * Complain about missing hashes. * Complain about requirement types we don't know how to hash (like VCS ones and local dirs). * Have InstallRequirement keep its original Link around (original_link) so we can differentiate between URL hashes from requirements files and ones downloaded from the (untrustworthy) internet. * Remove test_download_hashes, which is obsolete. Similar coverage is provided in test_utils.TestHashes and the various hash cases in test_req.py.
2015-09-09 19:01:53 +02:00
def consume(iterator):
"""Consume an iterable at C speed."""
deque(iterator, maxlen=0)
# Simulates an enum
def enum(*sequential, **named):
enums = dict(zip(sequential, range(len(sequential))), **named)
reverse = {value: key for key, value in enums.items()}
enums['reverse_mapping'] = reverse
return type('Enum', (), enums)
def build_netloc(host, port):
# type: (str, Optional[int]) -> str
Build a netloc from a host-port pair
if port is None:
return host
if ':' in host:
# Only wrap host with square brackets when it is IPv6
host = '[{}]'.format(host)
return '{}:{}'.format(host, port)
def build_url_from_netloc(netloc, scheme='https'):
# type: (str, str) -> str
Build a full URL from a netloc.
if netloc.count(':') >= 2 and '@' not in netloc and '[' not in netloc:
2019-08-15 07:11:57 +02:00
# It must be a bare IPv6 address, so wrap it with brackets.
netloc = '[{}]'.format(netloc)
return '{}://{}'.format(scheme, netloc)
def parse_netloc(netloc):
# type: (str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[int]]
Return the host-port pair from a netloc.
url = build_url_from_netloc(netloc)
parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(url)
return parsed.hostname, parsed.port
def split_auth_from_netloc(netloc):
Parse out and remove the auth information from a netloc.
Returns: (netloc, (username, password)).
if '@' not in netloc:
return netloc, (None, None)
# Split from the right because that's how urllib.parse.urlsplit()
# behaves if more than one @ is present (which can be checked using
# the password attribute of urlsplit()'s return value).
auth, netloc = netloc.rsplit('@', 1)
if ':' in auth:
# Split from the left because that's how urllib.parse.urlsplit()
# behaves if more than one : is present (which again can be checked
# using the password attribute of the return value)
user_pass = auth.split(':', 1)
user_pass = auth, None
user_pass = tuple(
None if x is None else urllib_unquote(x) for x in user_pass
return netloc, user_pass
def redact_netloc(netloc):
# type: (str) -> str
Replace the sensitive data in a netloc with "****", if it exists.
For example:
- "user:pass@example.com" returns "user:****@example.com"
- "accesstoken@example.com" returns "****@example.com"
netloc, (user, password) = split_auth_from_netloc(netloc)
if user is None:
return netloc
if password is None:
user = '****'
password = ''
user = urllib_parse.quote(user)
password = ':****'
return '{user}{password}@{netloc}'.format(user=user,
def _transform_url(url, transform_netloc):
"""Transform and replace netloc in a url.
transform_netloc is a function taking the netloc and returning a
tuple. The first element of this tuple is the new netloc. The
entire tuple is returned.
Returns a tuple containing the transformed url as item 0 and the
original tuple returned by transform_netloc as item 1.
purl = urllib_parse.urlsplit(url)
netloc_tuple = transform_netloc(purl.netloc)
# stripped url
url_pieces = (
purl.scheme, netloc_tuple[0], purl.path, purl.query, purl.fragment
surl = urllib_parse.urlunsplit(url_pieces)
return surl, netloc_tuple
def _get_netloc(netloc):
return split_auth_from_netloc(netloc)
def _redact_netloc(netloc):
return (redact_netloc(netloc),)
def split_auth_netloc_from_url(url):
# type: (str) -> Tuple[str, str, Tuple[str, str]]
Parse a url into separate netloc, auth, and url with no auth.
Returns: (url_without_auth, netloc, (username, password))
url_without_auth, (netloc, auth) = _transform_url(url, _get_netloc)
return url_without_auth, netloc, auth
def remove_auth_from_url(url):
# type: (str) -> str
"""Return a copy of url with 'username:password@' removed."""
# username/pass params are passed to subversion through flags
# and are not recognized in the url.
return _transform_url(url, _get_netloc)[0]
def redact_auth_from_url(url):
# type: (str) -> str
"""Replace the password in a given url with ****."""
return _transform_url(url, _redact_netloc)[0]
class HiddenText(object):
def __init__(
secret, # type: str
redacted, # type: str
# type: (...) -> None
self.secret = secret
self.redacted = redacted
def __repr__(self):
# type: (...) -> str
return '<HiddenText {!r}>'.format(str(self))
def __str__(self):
# type: (...) -> str
return self.redacted
# This is useful for testing.
def __eq__(self, other):
# type: (Any) -> bool
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
# The string being used for redaction doesn't also have to match,
# just the raw, original string.
return (self.secret == other.secret)
def hide_value(value):
# type: (str) -> HiddenText
return HiddenText(value, redacted='****')
def hide_url(url):
# type: (str) -> HiddenText
redacted = redact_auth_from_url(url)
return HiddenText(url, redacted=redacted)
def protect_pip_from_modification_on_windows(modifying_pip):
# type: (bool) -> None
"""Protection of pip.exe from modification on Windows
On Windows, any operation modifying pip should be run as:
python -m pip ...
pip_names = [
# See https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1299 for more discussion
should_show_use_python_msg = (
modifying_pip and
os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) in pip_names
if should_show_use_python_msg:
new_command = [
sys.executable, "-m", "pip"
] + sys.argv[1:]
raise CommandError(
'To modify pip, please run the following command:\n{}'
.format(" ".join(new_command))
2019-10-01 17:55:13 +02:00
def is_console_interactive():
# type: () -> bool
"""Is this console interactive?
return sys.stdin is not None and sys.stdin.isatty()
def hash_file(path, blocksize=1 << 20):
# type: (str, int) -> Tuple[Any, int]
"""Return (hash, length) for path using hashlib.sha256()
h = hashlib.sha256()
length = 0
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
for block in read_chunks(f, size=blocksize):
length += len(block)
2019-12-12 04:44:35 +01:00
return h, length
2019-12-26 18:19:06 +01:00
def is_wheel_installed():
Return whether the wheel package is installed.
import wheel # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
return False
return True
def pairwise(iterable):
# type: (Iterable[Any]) -> Iterator[Tuple[Any, Any]]
Return paired elements.
For example:
s -> (s0, s1), (s2, s3), (s4, s5), ...
iterable = iter(iterable)
return zip_longest(iterable, iterable)
def partition(
pred, # type: Callable[[T], bool]
iterable, # type: Iterable[T]
# type: (...) -> Tuple[Iterable[T], Iterable[T]]
Use a predicate to partition entries into false entries and true entries,
partition(is_odd, range(10)) --> 0 2 4 6 8 and 1 3 5 7 9
t1, t2 = tee(iterable)
return filterfalse(pred, t1), filter(pred, t2)