Expand docstring for check_compatibility

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Matthew Iversen 2014-02-19 18:44:44 +11:00
parent f0d093feec
commit 0bbfaf6f06
1 changed files with 8 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -418,9 +418,16 @@ def wheel_version(source_dir):
def check_compatibility(version, name):
Raises errors or warns if called with an incompatible wheel version
Raises errors or warns if called with an incompatible Wheel-Version.
Pip should refuse to install a Wheel-Version that's a major series
ahead of what it's compatible with (e.g 2.0 > 1.1); and warn when
installing a version only minor version ahead (e.g 1.2 > 1.1).
version: a 2-tuple representing a Wheel-Version (Major, Minor)
name: name of wheel or package to raise exception about
:raises UnsupportedWheel: when an incompatible Wheel-Version is given
if not version:
raise UnsupportedWheel(