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Upgrade typing_extensions to 4.3.0

This commit is contained in:
Stéphane Bidoul 2022-07-16 20:22:37 +02:00
parent 69e60a5b93
commit 51bb14be87
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: BCAB2555446B5B92
3 changed files with 142 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Upgrade typing_extensions to 4.3.0

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ __all__ = [
@ -380,6 +381,46 @@ def _is_callable_members_only(cls):
return all(callable(getattr(cls, attr, None)) for attr in _get_protocol_attrs(cls))
def _maybe_adjust_parameters(cls):
"""Helper function used in Protocol.__init_subclass__ and _TypedDictMeta.__new__.
The contents of this function are very similar
to logic found in typing.Generic.__init_subclass__
on the CPython main branch.
tvars = []
if '__orig_bases__' in cls.__dict__:
tvars = typing._collect_type_vars(cls.__orig_bases__)
# Look for Generic[T1, ..., Tn] or Protocol[T1, ..., Tn].
# If found, tvars must be a subset of it.
# If not found, tvars is it.
# Also check for and reject plain Generic,
# and reject multiple Generic[...] and/or Protocol[...].
gvars = None
for base in cls.__orig_bases__:
if (isinstance(base, typing._GenericAlias) and
base.__origin__ in (typing.Generic, Protocol)):
# for error messages
the_base = base.__origin__.__name__
if gvars is not None:
raise TypeError(
"Cannot inherit from Generic[...]"
" and/or Protocol[...] multiple types.")
gvars = base.__parameters__
if gvars is None:
gvars = tvars
tvarset = set(tvars)
gvarset = set(gvars)
if not tvarset <= gvarset:
s_vars = ', '.join(str(t) for t in tvars if t not in gvarset)
s_args = ', '.join(str(g) for g in gvars)
raise TypeError(f"Some type variables ({s_vars}) are"
f" not listed in {the_base}[{s_args}]")
tvars = gvars
cls.__parameters__ = tuple(tvars)
# 3.8+
if hasattr(typing, 'Protocol'):
Protocol = typing.Protocol
@ -476,43 +517,13 @@ else:
return typing._GenericAlias(cls, params)
def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
tvars = []
if '__orig_bases__' in cls.__dict__:
error = typing.Generic in cls.__orig_bases__
error = typing.Generic in cls.__bases__
if error:
raise TypeError("Cannot inherit from plain Generic")
if '__orig_bases__' in cls.__dict__:
tvars = typing._collect_type_vars(cls.__orig_bases__)
# Look for Generic[T1, ..., Tn] or Protocol[T1, ..., Tn].
# If found, tvars must be a subset of it.
# If not found, tvars is it.
# Also check for and reject plain Generic,
# and reject multiple Generic[...] and/or Protocol[...].
gvars = None
for base in cls.__orig_bases__:
if (isinstance(base, typing._GenericAlias) and
base.__origin__ in (typing.Generic, Protocol)):
# for error messages
the_base = base.__origin__.__name__
if gvars is not None:
raise TypeError(
"Cannot inherit from Generic[...]"
" and/or Protocol[...] multiple types.")
gvars = base.__parameters__
if gvars is None:
gvars = tvars
tvarset = set(tvars)
gvarset = set(gvars)
if not tvarset <= gvarset:
s_vars = ', '.join(str(t) for t in tvars if t not in gvarset)
s_args = ', '.join(str(g) for g in gvars)
raise TypeError(f"Some type variables ({s_vars}) are"
f" not listed in {the_base}[{s_args}]")
tvars = gvars
cls.__parameters__ = tuple(tvars)
# Determine if this is a protocol or a concrete subclass.
if not cls.__dict__.get('_is_protocol', None):
@ -613,6 +624,7 @@ if hasattr(typing, "Required"):
# keyword with old-style TypedDict(). See https://bugs.python.org/issue42059
# The standard library TypedDict below Python 3.11 does not store runtime
# information about optional and required keys when using Required or NotRequired.
# Generic TypedDicts are also impossible using typing.TypedDict on Python <3.11.
TypedDict = typing.TypedDict
_TypedDictMeta = typing._TypedDictMeta
is_typeddict = typing.is_typeddict
@ -695,8 +707,16 @@ else:
# Subclasses and instances of TypedDict return actual dictionaries
# via _dict_new.
ns['__new__'] = _typeddict_new if name == 'TypedDict' else _dict_new
# Don't insert typing.Generic into __bases__ here,
# or Generic.__init_subclass__ will raise TypeError
# in the super().__new__() call.
# Instead, monkey-patch __bases__ onto the class after it's been created.
tp_dict = super().__new__(cls, name, (dict,), ns)
if any(issubclass(base, typing.Generic) for base in bases):
tp_dict.__bases__ = (typing.Generic, dict)
annotations = {}
own_annotations = ns.get('__annotations__', {})
msg = "TypedDict('Name', {f0: t0, f1: t1, ...}); each t must be a type"
@ -1958,3 +1978,92 @@ else:
if not hasattr(typing, "TypeVarTuple"):
typing._collect_type_vars = _collect_type_vars
typing._check_generic = _check_generic
# Backport typing.NamedTuple as it exists in Python 3.11.
# In 3.11, the ability to define generic `NamedTuple`s was supported.
# This was explicitly disallowed in 3.9-3.10, and only half-worked in <=3.8.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
NamedTuple = typing.NamedTuple
def _caller():
return sys._getframe(2).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__')
except (AttributeError, ValueError): # For platforms without _getframe()
return None
def _make_nmtuple(name, types, module, defaults=()):
fields = [n for n, t in types]
annotations = {n: typing._type_check(t, f"field {n} annotation must be a type")
for n, t in types}
nm_tpl = collections.namedtuple(name, fields,
defaults=defaults, module=module)
nm_tpl.__annotations__ = nm_tpl.__new__.__annotations__ = annotations
# The `_field_types` attribute was removed in 3.9;
# in earlier versions, it is the same as the `__annotations__` attribute
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
nm_tpl._field_types = annotations
return nm_tpl
_prohibited_namedtuple_fields = typing._prohibited
_special_namedtuple_fields = frozenset({'__module__', '__name__', '__annotations__'})
class _NamedTupleMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, typename, bases, ns):
assert _NamedTuple in bases
for base in bases:
if base is not _NamedTuple and base is not typing.Generic:
raise TypeError(
'can only inherit from a NamedTuple type and Generic')
bases = tuple(tuple if base is _NamedTuple else base for base in bases)
types = ns.get('__annotations__', {})
default_names = []
for field_name in types:
if field_name in ns:
elif default_names:
raise TypeError(f"Non-default namedtuple field {field_name} "
f"cannot follow default field"
f"{'s' if len(default_names) > 1 else ''} "
f"{', '.join(default_names)}")
nm_tpl = _make_nmtuple(
typename, types.items(),
defaults=[ns[n] for n in default_names],
nm_tpl.__bases__ = bases
if typing.Generic in bases:
class_getitem = typing.Generic.__class_getitem__.__func__
nm_tpl.__class_getitem__ = classmethod(class_getitem)
# update from user namespace without overriding special namedtuple attributes
for key in ns:
if key in _prohibited_namedtuple_fields:
raise AttributeError("Cannot overwrite NamedTuple attribute " + key)
elif key not in _special_namedtuple_fields and key not in nm_tpl._fields:
setattr(nm_tpl, key, ns[key])
if typing.Generic in bases:
return nm_tpl
def NamedTuple(__typename, __fields=None, **kwargs):
if __fields is None:
__fields = kwargs.items()
elif kwargs:
raise TypeError("Either list of fields or keywords"
" can be provided to NamedTuple, not both")
return _make_nmtuple(__typename, __fields, module=_caller())
NamedTuple.__doc__ = typing.NamedTuple.__doc__
_NamedTuple = type.__new__(_NamedTupleMeta, 'NamedTuple', (), {})
# On 3.8+, alter the signature so that it matches typing.NamedTuple.
# The signature of typing.NamedTuple on >=3.8 is invalid syntax in Python 3.7,
# so just leave the signature as it is on 3.7.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
NamedTuple.__text_signature__ = '(typename, fields=None, /, **kwargs)'
def _namedtuple_mro_entries(bases):
assert NamedTuple in bases
return (_NamedTuple,)
NamedTuple.__mro_entries__ = _namedtuple_mro_entries

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ requests==2.27.1