Fix line length & don't flake8 docs in python 2

This commit is contained in:
Xavier Fernandez 2019-07-18 12:38:39 +02:00 committed by Xavier Fernandez
parent c0203692fa
commit 8f45aee97a
2 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -278,7 +278,9 @@ man_pages = [
man_dir = os.path.join(docs_dir, 'man/')
raw_subcommands = glob.glob(os.path.join(man_dir, 'commands/*.rst'))
if not raw_subcommands:
raise FileNotFoundError('The individual subcommand manpages could not be found!')
raise FileNotFoundError(
'The individual subcommand manpages could not be found!'
for fname in raw_subcommands:
fname_base = fname[len(man_dir):-4]
outname = 'pip-' + fname_base[9:]

View File

@ -51,23 +51,25 @@ commands =
deps = -r{toxinidir}/tools/lint-requirements.txt
commands =
isort --check-only --diff
skip_install = True
basepython = python2
deps = {[lint]deps}
commands_pre =
commands = {[lint]commands}
# No need to flake8 docs, tools & tasks in py2
commands =
flake8 src tests
isort --check-only --diff
skip_install = True
basepython = python3
deps = {[lint]deps}
commands_pre =
commands = {[lint]commands}
commands =
isort --check-only --diff
skip_install = True