Move PipSession to network.session (#7089)

This commit is contained in:
Pradyun Gedam 2019-09-28 11:55:15 +05:30 committed by GitHub
commit ad33ecef74
No known key found for this signature in database
16 changed files with 656 additions and 618 deletions

View File

@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ from functools import partial
from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command
from pip._internal.cli.command_context import CommandContextMixIn
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError
from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder
from pip._internal.legacy_resolve import Resolver
from pip._internal.models.selection_prefs import SelectionPreferences
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.operations.prepare import RequirementPreparer
from pip._internal.req.constructors import (

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING:
from pip._vendor.requests import Response
from pip._internal.models.search_scope import SearchScope
from import PipSession
from import PipSession
HTMLElement = xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
ResponseHeaders = MutableMapping[str, str]

View File

@ -1,47 +1,33 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import cgi
import email.utils
import json
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import sys
from pip._vendor import requests, six, urllib3
from pip._vendor.cachecontrol import CacheControlAdapter
from pip._vendor.requests.adapters import BaseAdapter, HTTPAdapter
from pip._vendor import requests
from pip._vendor.requests.models import CONTENT_CHUNK_SIZE, Response
from pip._vendor.requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from pip._vendor.six import PY2
# NOTE: XMLRPC Client is not annotated in typeshed as on 2017-07-17, which is
# why we ignore the type on this import
from pip._vendor.six.moves import xmlrpc_client # type: ignore
from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse
import pip
from pip._internal.exceptions import HashMismatch, InstallationError
from pip._internal.models.index import PyPI
from import MultiDomainBasicAuth
from import SafeFileCache
# Import ssl from compat so the initial import occurs in only one place.
from pip._internal.utils.compat import HAS_TLS, ipaddress, ssl
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.utils.encoding import auto_decode
from pip._internal.utils.filesystem import check_path_owner, copy2_fixed
from pip._internal.utils.glibc import libc_ver
from pip._internal.utils.filesystem import copy2_fixed
from pip._internal.utils.misc import (
@ -50,12 +36,12 @@ from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory
from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
from pip._internal.utils.ui import DownloadProgressProvider
from pip._internal.utils.unpacking import unpack_file
from pip._internal.utils.urls import get_url_scheme, url_to_path
from pip._internal.utils.urls import get_url_scheme
from pip._internal.vcs import vcs
from typing import (
IO, Callable, Iterator, List, Optional, Text, Tuple, Union,
IO, Callable, List, Optional, Text, Tuple,
from mypy_extensions import TypedDict
@ -64,8 +50,6 @@ if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING:
from pip._internal.utils.hashes import Hashes
from pip._internal.vcs.versioncontrol import VersionControl
SecureOrigin = Tuple[str, str, Optional[Union[int, str]]]
if PY2:
CopytreeKwargs = TypedDict(
@ -98,374 +82,6 @@ __all__ = ['get_file_content',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# protocol, hostname, port
# Taken from Chrome's list of secure origins (See:
("https", "*", "*"),
("*", "localhost", "*"),
("*", "", "*"),
("*", "::1/128", "*"),
("file", "*", None),
# ssh is always secure.
("ssh", "*", "*"),
] # type: List[SecureOrigin]
# These are environment variables present when running under various
# CI systems. For each variable, some CI systems that use the variable
# are indicated. The collection was chosen so that for each of a number
# of popular systems, at least one of the environment variables is used.
# This list is used to provide some indication of and lower bound for
# CI traffic to PyPI. Thus, it is okay if the list is not comprehensive.
# For more background, see:
# Azure Pipelines
# Jenkins
# AppVeyor, CircleCI, Codeship, Gitlab CI, Shippable, Travis CI
# Explicit environment variable.
def looks_like_ci():
# type: () -> bool
Return whether it looks like pip is running under CI.
# We don't use the method of checking for a tty (e.g. using isatty())
# because some CI systems mimic a tty (e.g. Travis CI). Thus that
# method doesn't provide definitive information in either direction.
return any(name in os.environ for name in CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES)
def user_agent():
Return a string representing the user agent.
data = {
"installer": {"name": "pip", "version": pip.__version__},
"python": platform.python_version(),
"implementation": {
"name": platform.python_implementation(),
if data["implementation"]["name"] == 'CPython':
data["implementation"]["version"] = platform.python_version()
elif data["implementation"]["name"] == 'PyPy':
if sys.pypy_version_info.releaselevel == 'final':
pypy_version_info = sys.pypy_version_info[:3]
pypy_version_info = sys.pypy_version_info
data["implementation"]["version"] = ".".join(
[str(x) for x in pypy_version_info]
elif data["implementation"]["name"] == 'Jython':
# Complete Guess
data["implementation"]["version"] = platform.python_version()
elif data["implementation"]["name"] == 'IronPython':
# Complete Guess
data["implementation"]["version"] = platform.python_version()
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
from pip._vendor import distro
distro_infos = dict(filter(
lambda x: x[1],
zip(["name", "version", "id"], distro.linux_distribution()),
libc = dict(filter(
lambda x: x[1],
zip(["lib", "version"], libc_ver()),
if libc:
distro_infos["libc"] = libc
if distro_infos:
data["distro"] = distro_infos
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin") and platform.mac_ver()[0]:
data["distro"] = {"name": "macOS", "version": platform.mac_ver()[0]}
if platform.system():
data.setdefault("system", {})["name"] = platform.system()
if platform.release():
data.setdefault("system", {})["release"] = platform.release()
if platform.machine():
data["cpu"] = platform.machine()
data["openssl_version"] = ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION
setuptools_version = get_installed_version("setuptools")
if setuptools_version is not None:
data["setuptools_version"] = setuptools_version
# Use None rather than False so as not to give the impression that
# pip knows it is not being run under CI. Rather, it is a null or
# inconclusive result. Also, we include some value rather than no
# value to make it easier to know that the check has been run.
data["ci"] = True if looks_like_ci() else None
user_data = os.environ.get("PIP_USER_AGENT_USER_DATA")
if user_data is not None:
data["user_data"] = user_data
return "{data[installer][name]}/{data[installer][version]} {json}".format(
json=json.dumps(data, separators=(",", ":"), sort_keys=True),
class LocalFSAdapter(BaseAdapter):
def send(self, request, stream=None, timeout=None, verify=None, cert=None,
pathname = url_to_path(request.url)
resp = Response()
resp.status_code = 200
resp.url = request.url
stats = os.stat(pathname)
except OSError as exc:
resp.status_code = 404
resp.raw = exc
modified = email.utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True)
content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(pathname)[0] or "text/plain"
resp.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict({
"Content-Type": content_type,
"Content-Length": stats.st_size,
"Last-Modified": modified,
resp.raw = open(pathname, "rb")
resp.close = resp.raw.close
return resp
def close(self):
class InsecureHTTPAdapter(HTTPAdapter):
def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert):
conn.cert_reqs = 'CERT_NONE'
conn.ca_certs = None
class PipSession(requests.Session):
timeout = None # type: Optional[int]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
:param trusted_hosts: Domains not to emit warnings for when not using
retries = kwargs.pop("retries", 0)
cache = kwargs.pop("cache", None)
trusted_hosts = kwargs.pop("trusted_hosts", []) # type: List[str]
index_urls = kwargs.pop("index_urls", None)
super(PipSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Namespace the attribute with "pip_" just in case to prevent
# possible conflicts with the base class.
self.pip_trusted_origins = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, Optional[int]]]
# Attach our User Agent to the request
self.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent()
# Attach our Authentication handler to the session
self.auth = MultiDomainBasicAuth(index_urls=index_urls)
# Create our urllib3.Retry instance which will allow us to customize
# how we handle retries.
retries = urllib3.Retry(
# Set the total number of retries that a particular request can
# have.
# A 503 error from PyPI typically means that the Fastly -> Origin
# connection got interrupted in some way. A 503 error in general
# is typically considered a transient error so we'll go ahead and
# retry it.
# A 500 may indicate transient error in Amazon S3
# A 520 or 527 - may indicate transient error in CloudFlare
status_forcelist=[500, 503, 520, 527],
# Add a small amount of back off between failed requests in
# order to prevent hammering the service.
# Check to ensure that the directory containing our cache directory
# is owned by the user current executing pip. If it does not exist
# we will check the parent directory until we find one that does exist.
if cache and not check_path_owner(cache):
"The directory '%s' or its parent directory is not owned by "
"the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please "
"check the permissions and owner of that directory. If "
"executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.",
cache = None
# We want to _only_ cache responses on securely fetched origins. We do
# this because we can't validate the response of an insecurely fetched
# origin, and we don't want someone to be able to poison the cache and
# require manual eviction from the cache to fix it.
if cache:
secure_adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
secure_adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
# Our Insecure HTTPAdapter disables HTTPS validation. It does not
# support caching (see above) so we'll use it for all http:// URLs as
# well as any https:// host that we've marked as ignoring TLS errors
# for.
insecure_adapter = InsecureHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
# Save this for later use in add_insecure_host().
self._insecure_adapter = insecure_adapter
self.mount("https://", secure_adapter)
self.mount("http://", insecure_adapter)
# Enable file:// urls
self.mount("file://", LocalFSAdapter())
for host in trusted_hosts:
self.add_trusted_host(host, suppress_logging=True)
def add_trusted_host(self, host, source=None, suppress_logging=False):
# type: (str, Optional[str], bool) -> None
:param host: It is okay to provide a host that has previously been
:param source: An optional source string, for logging where the host
string came from.
if not suppress_logging:
msg = 'adding trusted host: {!r}'.format(host)
if source is not None:
msg += ' (from {})'.format(source)
host_port = parse_netloc(host)
if host_port not in self.pip_trusted_origins:
self.mount(build_url_from_netloc(host) + '/', self._insecure_adapter)
if not host_port[1]:
# Mount wildcard ports for the same host.
build_url_from_netloc(host) + ':',
def iter_secure_origins(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[SecureOrigin]
for secure_origin in SECURE_ORIGINS:
yield secure_origin
for host, port in self.pip_trusted_origins:
yield ('*', host, '*' if port is None else port)
def is_secure_origin(self, location):
# type: (Link) -> bool
# Determine if this url used a secure transport mechanism
parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(str(location))
origin_protocol, origin_host, origin_port = (
parsed.scheme, parsed.hostname, parsed.port,
# The protocol to use to see if the protocol matches.
# Don't count the repository type as part of the protocol: in
# cases such as "git+ssh", only use "ssh". (I.e., Only verify against
# the last scheme.)
origin_protocol = origin_protocol.rsplit('+', 1)[-1]
# Determine if our origin is a secure origin by looking through our
# hardcoded list of secure origins, as well as any additional ones
# configured on this PackageFinder instance.
for secure_origin in self.iter_secure_origins():
secure_protocol, secure_host, secure_port = secure_origin
if origin_protocol != secure_protocol and secure_protocol != "*":
# We need to do this decode dance to ensure that we have a
# unicode object, even on Python 2.x.
addr = ipaddress.ip_address(
if (
isinstance(origin_host, six.text_type) or
origin_host is None
else origin_host.decode("utf8")
network = ipaddress.ip_network(
if isinstance(secure_host, six.text_type)
# setting secure_host to proper Union[bytes, str]
# creates problems in other places
else secure_host.decode("utf8") # type: ignore
except ValueError:
# We don't have both a valid address or a valid network, so
# we'll check this origin against hostnames.
if (origin_host and
origin_host.lower() != secure_host.lower() and
secure_host != "*"):
# We have a valid address and network, so see if the address
# is contained within the network.
if addr not in network:
# Check to see if the port matches.
if (origin_port != secure_port and
secure_port != "*" and
secure_port is not None):
# If we've gotten here, then this origin matches the current
# secure origin and we should return True
return True
# If we've gotten to this point, then the origin isn't secure and we
# will not accept it as a valid location to search. We will however
# log a warning that we are ignoring it.
"The repository located at %s is not a trusted or secure host and "
"is being ignored. If this repository is available via HTTPS we "
"recommend you use HTTPS instead, otherwise you may silence "
"this warning and allow it anyway with '--trusted-host %s'.",
return False
def request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
# Allow setting a default timeout on a session
kwargs.setdefault("timeout", self.timeout)
# Dispatch the actual request
return super(PipSession, self).request(method, url, *args, **kwargs)
def get_file_content(url, comes_from=None, session=None):
# type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[PipSession]) -> Tuple[str, Text]
"""Gets the content of a file; it may be a filename, file: URL, or

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING:
from pip._vendor import pkg_resources
from pip._internal.distributions import AbstractDistribution
from import PipSession
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder
from pip._internal.operations.prepare import RequirementPreparer
from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement

View File

@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
"""PipSession and supporting code, containing all pip-specific
network request configuration and behavior.
import email.utils
import json
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import platform
import sys
from pip._vendor import requests, six, urllib3
from pip._vendor.cachecontrol import CacheControlAdapter
from pip._vendor.requests.adapters import BaseAdapter, HTTPAdapter
from pip._vendor.requests.models import Response
from pip._vendor.requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse
from pip import __version__
from import MultiDomainBasicAuth
from import SafeFileCache
# Import ssl from compat so the initial import occurs in only one place.
from pip._internal.utils.compat import HAS_TLS, ipaddress, ssl
from pip._internal.utils.filesystem import check_path_owner
from pip._internal.utils.glibc import libc_ver
from pip._internal.utils.misc import (
from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
from pip._internal.utils.urls import url_to_path
from typing import (
Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union,
from import Link
SecureOrigin = Tuple[str, str, Optional[Union[int, str]]]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# protocol, hostname, port
# Taken from Chrome's list of secure origins (See:
("https", "*", "*"),
("*", "localhost", "*"),
("*", "", "*"),
("*", "::1/128", "*"),
("file", "*", None),
# ssh is always secure.
("ssh", "*", "*"),
] # type: List[SecureOrigin]
# These are environment variables present when running under various
# CI systems. For each variable, some CI systems that use the variable
# are indicated. The collection was chosen so that for each of a number
# of popular systems, at least one of the environment variables is used.
# This list is used to provide some indication of and lower bound for
# CI traffic to PyPI. Thus, it is okay if the list is not comprehensive.
# For more background, see:
# Azure Pipelines
# Jenkins
# AppVeyor, CircleCI, Codeship, Gitlab CI, Shippable, Travis CI
# Explicit environment variable.
def looks_like_ci():
# type: () -> bool
Return whether it looks like pip is running under CI.
# We don't use the method of checking for a tty (e.g. using isatty())
# because some CI systems mimic a tty (e.g. Travis CI). Thus that
# method doesn't provide definitive information in either direction.
return any(name in os.environ for name in CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES)
def user_agent():
Return a string representing the user agent.
data = {
"installer": {"name": "pip", "version": __version__},
"python": platform.python_version(),
"implementation": {
"name": platform.python_implementation(),
if data["implementation"]["name"] == 'CPython':
data["implementation"]["version"] = platform.python_version()
elif data["implementation"]["name"] == 'PyPy':
if sys.pypy_version_info.releaselevel == 'final':
pypy_version_info = sys.pypy_version_info[:3]
pypy_version_info = sys.pypy_version_info
data["implementation"]["version"] = ".".join(
[str(x) for x in pypy_version_info]
elif data["implementation"]["name"] == 'Jython':
# Complete Guess
data["implementation"]["version"] = platform.python_version()
elif data["implementation"]["name"] == 'IronPython':
# Complete Guess
data["implementation"]["version"] = platform.python_version()
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
from pip._vendor import distro
distro_infos = dict(filter(
lambda x: x[1],
zip(["name", "version", "id"], distro.linux_distribution()),
libc = dict(filter(
lambda x: x[1],
zip(["lib", "version"], libc_ver()),
if libc:
distro_infos["libc"] = libc
if distro_infos:
data["distro"] = distro_infos
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin") and platform.mac_ver()[0]:
data["distro"] = {"name": "macOS", "version": platform.mac_ver()[0]}
if platform.system():
data.setdefault("system", {})["name"] = platform.system()
if platform.release():
data.setdefault("system", {})["release"] = platform.release()
if platform.machine():
data["cpu"] = platform.machine()
data["openssl_version"] = ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION
setuptools_version = get_installed_version("setuptools")
if setuptools_version is not None:
data["setuptools_version"] = setuptools_version
# Use None rather than False so as not to give the impression that
# pip knows it is not being run under CI. Rather, it is a null or
# inconclusive result. Also, we include some value rather than no
# value to make it easier to know that the check has been run.
data["ci"] = True if looks_like_ci() else None
user_data = os.environ.get("PIP_USER_AGENT_USER_DATA")
if user_data is not None:
data["user_data"] = user_data
return "{data[installer][name]}/{data[installer][version]} {json}".format(
json=json.dumps(data, separators=(",", ":"), sort_keys=True),
class LocalFSAdapter(BaseAdapter):
def send(self, request, stream=None, timeout=None, verify=None, cert=None,
pathname = url_to_path(request.url)
resp = Response()
resp.status_code = 200
resp.url = request.url
stats = os.stat(pathname)
except OSError as exc:
resp.status_code = 404
resp.raw = exc
modified = email.utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True)
content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(pathname)[0] or "text/plain"
resp.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict({
"Content-Type": content_type,
"Content-Length": stats.st_size,
"Last-Modified": modified,
resp.raw = open(pathname, "rb")
resp.close = resp.raw.close
return resp
def close(self):
class InsecureHTTPAdapter(HTTPAdapter):
def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert):
conn.cert_reqs = 'CERT_NONE'
conn.ca_certs = None
class PipSession(requests.Session):
timeout = None # type: Optional[int]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
:param trusted_hosts: Domains not to emit warnings for when not using
retries = kwargs.pop("retries", 0)
cache = kwargs.pop("cache", None)
trusted_hosts = kwargs.pop("trusted_hosts", []) # type: List[str]
index_urls = kwargs.pop("index_urls", None)
super(PipSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Namespace the attribute with "pip_" just in case to prevent
# possible conflicts with the base class.
self.pip_trusted_origins = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, Optional[int]]]
# Attach our User Agent to the request
self.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent()
# Attach our Authentication handler to the session
self.auth = MultiDomainBasicAuth(index_urls=index_urls)
# Create our urllib3.Retry instance which will allow us to customize
# how we handle retries.
retries = urllib3.Retry(
# Set the total number of retries that a particular request can
# have.
# A 503 error from PyPI typically means that the Fastly -> Origin
# connection got interrupted in some way. A 503 error in general
# is typically considered a transient error so we'll go ahead and
# retry it.
# A 500 may indicate transient error in Amazon S3
# A 520 or 527 - may indicate transient error in CloudFlare
status_forcelist=[500, 503, 520, 527],
# Add a small amount of back off between failed requests in
# order to prevent hammering the service.
# Check to ensure that the directory containing our cache directory
# is owned by the user current executing pip. If it does not exist
# we will check the parent directory until we find one that does exist.
if cache and not check_path_owner(cache):
"The directory '%s' or its parent directory is not owned by "
"the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please "
"check the permissions and owner of that directory. If "
"executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.",
cache = None
# We want to _only_ cache responses on securely fetched origins. We do
# this because we can't validate the response of an insecurely fetched
# origin, and we don't want someone to be able to poison the cache and
# require manual eviction from the cache to fix it.
if cache:
secure_adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
secure_adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
# Our Insecure HTTPAdapter disables HTTPS validation. It does not
# support caching (see above) so we'll use it for all http:// URLs as
# well as any https:// host that we've marked as ignoring TLS errors
# for.
insecure_adapter = InsecureHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
# Save this for later use in add_insecure_host().
self._insecure_adapter = insecure_adapter
self.mount("https://", secure_adapter)
self.mount("http://", insecure_adapter)
# Enable file:// urls
self.mount("file://", LocalFSAdapter())
for host in trusted_hosts:
self.add_trusted_host(host, suppress_logging=True)
def add_trusted_host(self, host, source=None, suppress_logging=False):
# type: (str, Optional[str], bool) -> None
:param host: It is okay to provide a host that has previously been
:param source: An optional source string, for logging where the host
string came from.
if not suppress_logging:
msg = 'adding trusted host: {!r}'.format(host)
if source is not None:
msg += ' (from {})'.format(source)
host_port = parse_netloc(host)
if host_port not in self.pip_trusted_origins:
self.mount(build_url_from_netloc(host) + '/', self._insecure_adapter)
if not host_port[1]:
# Mount wildcard ports for the same host.
build_url_from_netloc(host) + ':',
def iter_secure_origins(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[SecureOrigin]
for secure_origin in SECURE_ORIGINS:
yield secure_origin
for host, port in self.pip_trusted_origins:
yield ('*', host, '*' if port is None else port)
def is_secure_origin(self, location):
# type: (Link) -> bool
# Determine if this url used a secure transport mechanism
parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(str(location))
origin_protocol, origin_host, origin_port = (
parsed.scheme, parsed.hostname, parsed.port,
# The protocol to use to see if the protocol matches.
# Don't count the repository type as part of the protocol: in
# cases such as "git+ssh", only use "ssh". (I.e., Only verify against
# the last scheme.)
origin_protocol = origin_protocol.rsplit('+', 1)[-1]
# Determine if our origin is a secure origin by looking through our
# hardcoded list of secure origins, as well as any additional ones
# configured on this PackageFinder instance.
for secure_origin in self.iter_secure_origins():
secure_protocol, secure_host, secure_port = secure_origin
if origin_protocol != secure_protocol and secure_protocol != "*":
# We need to do this decode dance to ensure that we have a
# unicode object, even on Python 2.x.
addr = ipaddress.ip_address(
if (
isinstance(origin_host, six.text_type) or
origin_host is None
else origin_host.decode("utf8")
network = ipaddress.ip_network(
if isinstance(secure_host, six.text_type)
# setting secure_host to proper Union[bytes, str]
# creates problems in other places
else secure_host.decode("utf8") # type: ignore
except ValueError:
# We don't have both a valid address or a valid network, so
# we'll check this origin against hostnames.
if (
origin_host and
origin_host.lower() != secure_host.lower() and
secure_host != "*"
# We have a valid address and network, so see if the address
# is contained within the network.
if addr not in network:
# Check to see if the port matches.
if (
origin_port != secure_port and
secure_port != "*" and
secure_port is not None
# If we've gotten here, then this origin matches the current
# secure origin and we should return True
return True
# If we've gotten to this point, then the origin isn't secure and we
# will not accept it as a valid location to search. We will however
# log a warning that we are ignoring it.
"The repository located at %s is not a trusted or secure host and "
"is being ignored. If this repository is available via HTTPS we "
"recommend you use HTTPS instead, otherwise you may silence "
"this warning and allow it anyway with '--trusted-host %s'.",
return False
def request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
# Allow setting a default timeout on a session
kwargs.setdefault("timeout", self.timeout)
# Dispatch the actual request
return super(PipSession, self).request(method, url, *args, **kwargs)

View File

@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING:
from typing import Optional
from pip._internal.distributions import AbstractDistribution
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement
from pip._internal.req.req_tracker import RequirementTracker

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING:
from pip._internal.req import InstallRequirement
from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache
from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder
from import PipSession
from import PipSession
ReqFileLines = Iterator[Tuple[int, Text]]

View File

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING:
import optparse
from optparse import Values
from typing import Any, Dict, Text, Union
from import PipSession
from import PipSession

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ import pytest
from scripttest import FoundDir, TestFileEnvironment
from pip._internal.collector import LinkCollector
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder
from pip._internal.locations import get_major_minor_version
from pip._internal.models.search_scope import SearchScope
from pip._internal.models.selection_prefs import SelectionPreferences
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX
from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
from tests.lib.path import Path, curdir

View File

@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ from pip._internal.collector import (
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.models.index import PyPI
from import Link
from import PipSession
from tests.lib import make_test_link_collector

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
@ -10,10 +9,7 @@ from tempfile import mkdtemp
import pytest
from mock import Mock, patch
import pip
from import (
@ -23,6 +19,7 @@ from import (
from pip._internal.exceptions import HashMismatch
from import Link
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.utils.hashes import Hashes
from pip._internal.utils.urls import path_to_url
from tests.lib import create_file
@ -65,49 +62,6 @@ def test_unpack_http_url_with_urllib_response_without_content_type(data):
def get_user_agent():
return PipSession().headers["User-Agent"]
def test_user_agent():
user_agent = get_user_agent()
assert user_agent.startswith("pip/%s" % pip.__version__)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, expected_like_ci', [
('BUILD_ID', True),
('CI', True),
('PIP_IS_CI', True),
# Test a prefix substring of one of the variable names we use.
('BUILD', False),
def test_user_agent__ci(monkeypatch, name, expected_like_ci):
# Delete the variable names we use to check for CI to prevent the
# detection from always returning True in case the tests are being run
# under actual CI. It is okay to depend on CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES
# here (part of the code under test) because this setup step can only
# prevent false test failures. It can't cause a false test passage.
monkeypatch.delenv(ci_name, raising=False)
# Confirm the baseline before setting the environment variable.
user_agent = get_user_agent()
assert '"ci":null' in user_agent
assert '"ci":true' not in user_agent
monkeypatch.setenv(name, 'true')
user_agent = get_user_agent()
assert ('"ci":true' in user_agent) == expected_like_ci
assert ('"ci":null' in user_agent) == (not expected_like_ci)
def test_user_agent_user_data(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_USER_AGENT_USER_DATA", "some_string")
assert "some_string" in PipSession().headers["User-Agent"]
class FakeStream(object):
def __init__(self, contents):
@ -498,173 +452,3 @@ def test_unpack_file_url_excludes_expected_dirs(tmpdir, exclude_dir):
assert not os.path.isfile(dst_excluded_file)
assert os.path.isfile(dst_included_file)
assert os.path.isdir(dst_included_dir)
class TestPipSession:
def test_cache_defaults_off(self):
session = PipSession()
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["http://"], "cache")
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["https://"], "cache")
def test_cache_is_enabled(self, tmpdir):
session = PipSession(cache=tmpdir.joinpath("test-cache"))
assert hasattr(session.adapters["https://"], "cache")
assert (session.adapters["https://"] ==
def test_http_cache_is_not_enabled(self, tmpdir):
session = PipSession(cache=tmpdir.joinpath("test-cache"))
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["http://"], "cache")
def test_insecure_host_adapter(self, tmpdir):
session = PipSession(
assert "" in session.adapters
# Check that the "port wildcard" is present.
assert "" in session.adapters
# Check that the cache isn't enabled.
assert not hasattr(session.adapters[""], "cache")
def test_add_trusted_host(self):
# Leave a gap to test how the ordering is affected.
trusted_hosts = ['host1', 'host3']
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
insecure_adapter = session._insecure_adapter
prefix2 = 'https://host2/'
prefix3 = 'https://host3/'
prefix3_wildcard = 'https://host3:'
# Confirm some initial conditions as a baseline.
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None)
assert session.adapters[prefix3] is insecure_adapter
assert session.adapters[prefix3_wildcard] is insecure_adapter
assert prefix2 not in session.adapters
# Test adding a new host.
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None), ('host2', None)
# Check that prefix3 is still present.
assert session.adapters[prefix3] is insecure_adapter
assert session.adapters[prefix2] is insecure_adapter
# Test that adding the same host doesn't create a duplicate.
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None), ('host2', None)
], 'actual: {}'.format(session.pip_trusted_origins)
prefix4 = 'https://host4:8080/'
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None),
('host2', None), ('host4', 8080)
assert session.adapters[prefix4] is insecure_adapter
def test_add_trusted_host__logging(self, caplog):
Test logging when add_trusted_host() is called.
trusted_hosts = ['host0', 'host1']
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):
# Test adding an existing host.
session.add_trusted_host('host1', source='somewhere')
# Test calling add_trusted_host() on the same host twice.
actual = [(r.levelname, r.message) for r in caplog.records]
# Observe that "host0" isn't included in the logs.
expected = [
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host1' (from somewhere)"),
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host2'"),
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host2'"),
assert actual == expected
def test_iter_secure_origins(self):
trusted_hosts = ['host1', 'host2', 'host3:8080']
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
actual = list(session.iter_secure_origins())
assert len(actual) == 9
# Spot-check that SECURE_ORIGINS is included.
assert actual[0] == ('https', '*', '*')
assert actual[-3:] == [
('*', 'host1', '*'),
('*', 'host2', '*'),
('*', 'host3', 8080)
def test_iter_secure_origins__trusted_hosts_empty(self):
Test iter_secure_origins() after passing trusted_hosts=[].
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=[])
actual = list(session.iter_secure_origins())
assert len(actual) == 6
# Spot-check that SECURE_ORIGINS is included.
assert actual[0] == ('https', '*', '*')
'location, trusted, expected',
("", [], False),
("", [], True),
("git+", [], False),
("git+", [], True),
("git+ssh://", [], True),
("http://localhost", [], True),
("", [], True),
("", [], False),
("", [""], True),
# Try changing the case.
("", ["example.cOm"], True),
# Test hosts with port.
("", [""], True),
# Test a trusted_host with a port.
("", [""], True),
("", [""], False),
def test_is_secure_origin(self, caplog, location, trusted, expected):
class MockLogger(object):
def __init__(self):
self.called = False
def warning(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.called = True
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted)
actual = session.is_secure_origin(location)
assert actual == expected
log_records = [(r.levelname, r.message) for r in caplog.records]
if expected:
assert not log_records
assert len(log_records) == 1
actual_level, actual_message = log_records[0]
assert actual_level == 'WARNING'
assert 'is not a trusted or secure host' in actual_message

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import pytest
from pip._vendor.packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet
from pip._internal.collector import LinkCollector
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.index import (
@ -21,6 +20,7 @@ from import Link
from pip._internal.models.search_scope import SearchScope
from pip._internal.models.selection_prefs import SelectionPreferences
from pip._internal.models.target_python import TargetPython
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.pep425tags import get_supported
from pip._internal.utils.hashes import Hashes
from tests.lib import CURRENT_PY_VERSION_INFO

View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
import logging
import pytest
from pip import __version__
from import CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES, PipSession
def get_user_agent():
return PipSession().headers["User-Agent"]
def test_user_agent():
user_agent = get_user_agent()
assert user_agent.startswith("pip/{}".format(__version__))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, expected_like_ci', [
('BUILD_ID', True),
('CI', True),
('PIP_IS_CI', True),
# Test a prefix substring of one of the variable names we use.
('BUILD', False),
def test_user_agent__ci(monkeypatch, name, expected_like_ci):
# Delete the variable names we use to check for CI to prevent the
# detection from always returning True in case the tests are being run
# under actual CI. It is okay to depend on CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES
# here (part of the code under test) because this setup step can only
# prevent false test failures. It can't cause a false test passage.
monkeypatch.delenv(ci_name, raising=False)
# Confirm the baseline before setting the environment variable.
user_agent = get_user_agent()
assert '"ci":null' in user_agent
assert '"ci":true' not in user_agent
monkeypatch.setenv(name, 'true')
user_agent = get_user_agent()
assert ('"ci":true' in user_agent) == expected_like_ci
assert ('"ci":null' in user_agent) == (not expected_like_ci)
def test_user_agent_user_data(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_USER_AGENT_USER_DATA", "some_string")
assert "some_string" in PipSession().headers["User-Agent"]
class TestPipSession:
def test_cache_defaults_off(self):
session = PipSession()
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["http://"], "cache")
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["https://"], "cache")
def test_cache_is_enabled(self, tmpdir):
cache_directory = tmpdir.joinpath("test-cache")
session = PipSession(cache=cache_directory)
assert hasattr(session.adapters["https://"], "cache")
assert (
session.adapters["https://"] == cache_directory
def test_http_cache_is_not_enabled(self, tmpdir):
session = PipSession(cache=tmpdir.joinpath("test-cache"))
assert not hasattr(session.adapters["http://"], "cache")
def test_insecure_host_adapter(self, tmpdir):
session = PipSession(
assert "" in session.adapters
# Check that the "port wildcard" is present.
assert "" in session.adapters
# Check that the cache isn't enabled.
assert not hasattr(session.adapters[""], "cache")
def test_add_trusted_host(self):
# Leave a gap to test how the ordering is affected.
trusted_hosts = ['host1', 'host3']
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
insecure_adapter = session._insecure_adapter
prefix2 = 'https://host2/'
prefix3 = 'https://host3/'
prefix3_wildcard = 'https://host3:'
# Confirm some initial conditions as a baseline.
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None)
assert session.adapters[prefix3] is insecure_adapter
assert session.adapters[prefix3_wildcard] is insecure_adapter
assert prefix2 not in session.adapters
# Test adding a new host.
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None), ('host2', None)
# Check that prefix3 is still present.
assert session.adapters[prefix3] is insecure_adapter
assert session.adapters[prefix2] is insecure_adapter
# Test that adding the same host doesn't create a duplicate.
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None), ('host2', None)
], 'actual: {}'.format(session.pip_trusted_origins)
prefix4 = 'https://host4:8080/'
assert session.pip_trusted_origins == [
('host1', None), ('host3', None),
('host2', None), ('host4', 8080)
assert session.adapters[prefix4] is insecure_adapter
def test_add_trusted_host__logging(self, caplog):
Test logging when add_trusted_host() is called.
trusted_hosts = ['host0', 'host1']
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):
# Test adding an existing host.
session.add_trusted_host('host1', source='somewhere')
# Test calling add_trusted_host() on the same host twice.
actual = [(r.levelname, r.message) for r in caplog.records]
# Observe that "host0" isn't included in the logs.
expected = [
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host1' (from somewhere)"),
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host2'"),
('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host2'"),
assert actual == expected
def test_iter_secure_origins(self):
trusted_hosts = ['host1', 'host2', 'host3:8080']
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted_hosts)
actual = list(session.iter_secure_origins())
assert len(actual) == 9
# Spot-check that SECURE_ORIGINS is included.
assert actual[0] == ('https', '*', '*')
assert actual[-3:] == [
('*', 'host1', '*'),
('*', 'host2', '*'),
('*', 'host3', 8080)
def test_iter_secure_origins__trusted_hosts_empty(self):
Test iter_secure_origins() after passing trusted_hosts=[].
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=[])
actual = list(session.iter_secure_origins())
assert len(actual) == 6
# Spot-check that SECURE_ORIGINS is included.
assert actual[0] == ('https', '*', '*')
'location, trusted, expected',
("", [], False),
("", [], True),
("git+", [], False),
("git+", [], True),
("git+ssh://", [], True),
("http://localhost", [], True),
("", [], True),
("", [], False),
("", [""], True),
# Try changing the case.
("", ["example.cOm"], True),
# Test hosts with port.
("", [""], True),
# Test a trusted_host with a port.
("", [""], True),
("", [""], False),
def test_is_secure_origin(self, caplog, location, trusted, expected):
class MockLogger(object):
def __init__(self):
self.called = False
def warning(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.called = True
session = PipSession(trusted_hosts=trusted)
actual = session.is_secure_origin(location)
assert actual == expected
log_records = [(r.levelname, r.message) for r in caplog.records]
if expected:
assert not log_records
assert len(log_records) == 1
actual_level, actual_message = log_records[0]
assert actual_level == 'WARNING'
assert 'is not a trusted or secure host' in actual_message

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ from pip._vendor.packaging.markers import Marker
from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement
from pip._internal.commands import create_command
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.exceptions import (
@ -19,6 +18,7 @@ from pip._internal.exceptions import (
from pip._internal.legacy_resolve import Resolver
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.operations.prepare import RequirementPreparer
from pip._internal.req import InstallRequirement, RequirementSet
from pip._internal.req.constructors import (

View File

@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ from mock import Mock, patch
from pretend import stub
import pip._internal.index
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.exceptions import (
from pip._internal.models.format_control import FormatControl
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.req.constructors import (

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import pytest
from mock import patch
from pip._vendor import pkg_resources
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.index import InstallationCandidate
from import PipSession
from pip._internal.utils import outdated
from pip._internal.utils.outdated import (