import fnmatch import json import os import pathlib import re from os.path import basename from typing import Iterable from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pytest import mark from pip._internal.utils.misc import hash_file from tests.lib import PipTestEnvironment, TestData, TestPipResult def pip(script: PipTestEnvironment, command: str, requirement: str) -> TestPipResult: return script.pip( command, "--prefer-binary", "--no-cache-dir", "--use-feature=fast-deps", requirement, allow_stderr_warning=True, ) def assert_installed(script: PipTestEnvironment, names: str) -> None: list_output = json.loads(script.pip("list", "--format=json").stdout) installed = {canonicalize_name(item["name"]) for item in list_output} assert installed.issuperset(map(canonicalize_name, names)) @mark.parametrize( ("requirement", "expected"), ( ("Paste==3.4.2", ("Paste", "six")), ("Paste[flup]==3.4.2", ("Paste", "six", "flup")), ), ) def test_install_from_pypi( requirement: str, expected: str, script: PipTestEnvironment ) -> None: pip(script, "install", requirement) assert_installed(script, expected) @mark.parametrize( ("requirement", "expected"), ( ("Paste==3.4.2", ("Paste-3.4.2-*.whl", "six-*.whl")), ("Paste[flup]==3.4.2", ("Paste-3.4.2-*.whl", "six-*.whl", "flup-*")), ), ) def test_download_from_pypi( requirement: str, expected: Iterable[str], script: PipTestEnvironment ) -> None: result = pip(script, "download", requirement) created = [basename(f) for f in result.files_created] assert all(fnmatch.filter(created, f) for f in expected) def test_build_wheel_with_deps(data: TestData, script: PipTestEnvironment) -> None: result = pip(script, "wheel", os.fspath(data.packages / "requiresPaste")) created = [basename(f) for f in result.files_created] assert fnmatch.filter(created, "requirespaste-3.1.4-*.whl") assert fnmatch.filter(created, "Paste-3.4.2-*.whl") assert fnmatch.filter(created, "six-*.whl") def test_require_hash(script: PipTestEnvironment, tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None: reqs = tmp_path / "requirements.txt" reqs.write_text( "idna==2.10" " --hash=sha256:" "b97d804b1e9b523befed77c48dacec60e6dcb0b5391d57af6a65a312a90648c0" " --hash=sha256:" "b307872f855b18632ce0c21c5e45be78c0ea7ae4c15c828c20788b26921eb3f6" ) result = script.pip( "download", "--use-feature=fast-deps", "-r", str(reqs), allow_stderr_warning=True, ) created = [basename(f) for f in result.files_created] assert fnmatch.filter(created, "idna-2.10*") def test_hash_mismatch(script: PipTestEnvironment, tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None: reqs = tmp_path / "requirements.txt" reqs.write_text("idna==2.10 --hash=sha256:irna") result = script.pip( "download", "--use-feature=fast-deps", "-r", str(reqs), expect_error=True, ) assert "DO NOT MATCH THE HASHES" in result.stderr def test_hash_mismatch_existing_download_for_metadata_only_wheel( script: PipTestEnvironment, tmp_path: pathlib.Path ) -> None: """Metadata-only wheels from PEP 658 or fast-deps check for hash matching in a separate code path than when the wheel is downloaded all at once. Make sure we still check for hash mismatches.""" reqs = tmp_path / "requirements.txt" reqs.write_text("idna==2.10") dl_dir = tmp_path / "downloads" dl_dir.mkdir() idna_wheel = dl_dir / "idna-2.10-py2.py3-none-any.whl" idna_wheel.write_text("asdf") result = script.pip( "download", # Ensure that we have a metadata-only dist for idna. "--use-feature=fast-deps", "-r", str(reqs), "-d", str(dl_dir), allow_stderr_warning=True, ) assert r"WARNING: Previously-downloaded file.*has bad hash", result.stderr ) # This is the correct hash for idna==2.10. assert ( hash_file(str(idna_wheel))[0].hexdigest() == "b97d804b1e9b523befed77c48dacec60e6dcb0b5391d57af6a65a312a90648c0" )