import re import textwrap from os.path import join import pytest from tests.lib import ( PipTestEnvironment, ResolverVariant, TestData, create_basic_wheel_for_package, ) def test_simple_extras_install_from_pypi(script: PipTestEnvironment) -> None: """ Test installing a package from PyPI using extras dependency Paste[openid]. """ result = script.pip( "install", "Paste[openid]==", expect_stderr=True, ) initools_folder = script.site_packages / "openid" result.did_create(initools_folder) def test_extras_after_wheel(script: PipTestEnvironment, data: TestData) -> None: """ Test installing a package with extras after installing from a wheel. """ simple = script.site_packages / "simple" no_extra = script.pip( "install", "--no-index", "-f", data.find_links, "requires_simple_extra", expect_stderr=True, ) no_extra.did_not_create(simple) extra = script.pip( "install", "--no-index", "-f", data.find_links, "requires_simple_extra[extra]", expect_stderr=True, ) extra.did_create(simple) def test_no_extras_uninstall(script: PipTestEnvironment) -> None: """ No extras dependency gets uninstalled when the root package is uninstalled """ result = script.pip( "install", "Paste[openid]==", expect_stderr=True, ) result.did_create(join(script.site_packages, "paste")) result.did_create(join(script.site_packages, "openid")) result2 = script.pip("uninstall", "Paste", "-y") # openid should not be uninstalled initools_folder = script.site_packages / "openid" assert initools_folder not in result2.files_deleted, result.files_deleted def test_nonexistent_extra_warns_user_no_wheel( script: PipTestEnvironment, data: TestData ) -> None: """ A warning is logged telling the user that the extra option they requested does not exist in the project they are wishing to install. This exercises source installs. """ result = script.pip( "install", "--no-binary=:all:", "--no-index", "--find-links=" + data.find_links, "simple[nonexistent]", expect_stderr=True, ) assert "simple 3.0 does not provide the extra 'nonexistent'" in result.stderr, str( result ) def test_nonexistent_extra_warns_user_with_wheel( script: PipTestEnvironment, data: TestData ) -> None: """ A warning is logged telling the user that the extra option they requested does not exist in the project they are wishing to install. This exercises wheel installs. """ result = script.pip( "install", "--no-index", "--find-links=" + data.find_links, "simplewheel[nonexistent]", expect_stderr=True, ) assert "simplewheel 2.0 does not provide the extra 'nonexistent'" in result.stderr def test_nonexistent_options_listed_in_order( script: PipTestEnvironment, data: TestData ) -> None: """ Warn the user for each extra that doesn't exist. """ result = script.pip( "install", "--no-index", "--find-links=" + data.find_links, "simplewheel[nonexistent, nope]", expect_stderr=True, ) matches = re.findall( "WARNING: simplewheel 2.0 does not provide the extra '([a-z]*)'", result.stderr ) assert matches == ["nonexistent", "nope"] def test_install_fails_if_extra_at_end( script: PipTestEnvironment, data: TestData ) -> None: """ Fail if order of specifiers and extras is incorrect. Test uses a requirements file to avoid a testing issue where the specifier gets interpreted as shell redirect. """ script.scratch_path.joinpath("requirements.txt").write_text( "requires_simple_extra>=0.1[extra]" ) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-index", "--find-links=" + data.find_links, "-r", script.scratch_path / "requirements.txt", expect_error=True, ) assert "Extras after version" in result.stderr @pytest.mark.parametrize( "specified_extra, requested_extra", [ ("Hop_hOp-hoP", "Hop_hOp-hoP"), pytest.param( "Hop_hOp-hoP", "hop-hop-hop", marks=pytest.mark.xfail( reason=( "matching a normalized extra request against an" "unnormalized extra in metadata requires PEP 685 support " "in packaging (see pypa/pip#11445)." ), ), ), ("hop-hop-hop", "Hop_hOp-hoP"), ], ) def test_install_special_extra( script: PipTestEnvironment, specified_extra: str, requested_extra: str, ) -> None: """Check extra normalization is implemented according to specification.""" pkga_path = create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, name="pkga", version="0.1", extras={specified_extra: ["missing_pkg"]}, ) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-index", f"pkga[{requested_extra}] @ {pkga_path.as_uri()}", expect_error=True, ) assert ( "Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement missing_pkg" ) in result.stderr, str(result) def test_install_requirements_no_r_flag(script: PipTestEnvironment) -> None: """Beginners sometimes forget the -r and this leads to confusion""" result = script.pip("install", "requirements.txt", expect_error=True) assert 'literally named "requirements.txt"' in result.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize( "extra_to_install, simple_version, fails_on_legacy", [ ("", "3.0", False), ("[extra1]", "2.0", True), ("[extra2]", "1.0", True), ("[extra1,extra2]", "1.0", True), ], ) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("data") def test_install_extra_merging( script: PipTestEnvironment, resolver_variant: ResolverVariant, extra_to_install: str, simple_version: str, fails_on_legacy: bool, ) -> None: # Check that extra specifications in the extras section are honoured. pkga_path = script.scratch_path / "pkga" pkga_path.mkdir() pkga_path.joinpath("").write_text( textwrap.dedent( """ from setuptools import setup setup(name='pkga', version='0.1', install_requires=['simple'], extras_require={'extra1': ['simple<3'], 'extra2': ['simple==1.*']}, ) """ ) ) result = script.pip_install_local( f"{pkga_path}{extra_to_install}", expect_error=(fails_on_legacy and resolver_variant == "legacy"), ) if not fails_on_legacy or resolver_variant == "resolvelib": expected = f"Successfully installed pkga-0.1 simple-{simple_version}" assert expected in result.stdout def test_install_extras(script: PipTestEnvironment) -> None: create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "a", "1", depends=["b", "dep[x-y]"]) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "b", "1", depends=["dep[x_y]"]) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "dep", "1", extras={"x-y": ["meh"]}) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "meh", "1") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "a", ) script.assert_installed(a="1", b="1", dep="1", meh="1")