import logging from typing import FrozenSet, List, Optional, Set, Tuple import pytest from pip._vendor.packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet from pip._vendor.packaging.tags import Tag from pip._internal.index.collector import LinkCollector from pip._internal.index.package_finder import ( CandidateEvaluator, CandidatePreferences, FormatControl, LinkEvaluator, LinkType, PackageFinder, _check_link_requires_python, _extract_version_from_fragment, _find_name_version_sep, filter_unallowed_hashes, ) from import Link from pip._internal.models.search_scope import SearchScope from pip._internal.models.selection_prefs import SelectionPreferences from pip._internal.models.target_python import TargetPython from import PipSession from pip._internal.utils.compatibility_tags import get_supported from pip._internal.utils.hashes import Hashes from tests.lib import CURRENT_PY_VERSION_INFO from tests.lib.index import make_mock_candidate @pytest.mark.parametrize( "requires_python, expected", [ ("== 3.6.4", False), ("== 3.6.5", True), # Test an invalid Requires-Python value. ("invalid", True), ], ) def test_check_link_requires_python(requires_python: str, expected: bool) -> None: version_info = (3, 6, 5) link = Link("", requires_python=requires_python) actual = _check_link_requires_python(link, version_info) assert actual == expected def check_caplog( caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, expected_level: str, expected_message: str ) -> None: assert len(caplog.records) == 1 record = caplog.records[0] assert record.levelname == expected_level assert record.message == expected_message @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ignore_requires_python, expected", [ ( False, ( False, "VERBOSE", "Link requires a different Python (3.6.5 not in: '== 3.6.4'): " "", ), ), ( True, ( True, "DEBUG", "Ignoring failed Requires-Python check (3.6.5 not in: '== 3.6.4') " "for link:", ), ), ], ) def test_check_link_requires_python__incompatible_python( caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, ignore_requires_python: bool, expected: Tuple[bool, str, str], ) -> None: """ Test an incompatible Python. """ expected_return, expected_level, expected_message = expected link = Link("", requires_python="== 3.6.4") caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) actual = _check_link_requires_python( link, version_info=(3, 6, 5), ignore_requires_python=ignore_requires_python, ) assert actual == expected_return check_caplog(caplog, expected_level, expected_message) def test_check_link_requires_python__invalid_requires( caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, ) -> None: """ Test the log message for an invalid Requires-Python. """ link = Link("", requires_python="invalid") caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) actual = _check_link_requires_python(link, version_info=(3, 6, 5)) assert actual expected_message = ( "Ignoring invalid Requires-Python ('invalid') for link:" ) check_caplog(caplog, "DEBUG", expected_message) class TestLinkEvaluator: @pytest.mark.parametrize( "py_version_info, ignore_requires_python, expected", [ pytest.param( (3, 6, 5), False, (LinkType.candidate, "1.12"), id="compatible", ), pytest.param( (3, 6, 4), False, ( LinkType.requires_python_mismatch, "1.12 Requires-Python == 3.6.5", ), id="requires-python-mismatch", ), pytest.param( (3, 6, 4), True, (LinkType.candidate, "1.12"), id="requires-python-mismatch-ignored", ), ], ) def test_evaluate_link( self, py_version_info: Tuple[int, int, int], ignore_requires_python: bool, expected: Tuple[LinkType, str], ) -> None: target_python = TargetPython(py_version_info=py_version_info) evaluator = LinkEvaluator( project_name="twine", canonical_name="twine", formats=frozenset(["source"]), target_python=target_python, allow_yanked=True, ignore_requires_python=ignore_requires_python, ) link = Link( "", requires_python="== 3.6.5", ) actual = evaluator.evaluate_link(link) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "yanked_reason, allow_yanked, expected", [ (None, True, (LinkType.candidate, "1.12")), (None, False, (LinkType.candidate, "1.12")), ("", True, (LinkType.candidate, "1.12")), ( "", False, (LinkType.yanked, "yanked for reason: "), ), ("bad metadata", True, (LinkType.candidate, "1.12")), ( "bad metadata", False, (LinkType.yanked, "yanked for reason: bad metadata"), ), # Test a unicode string with a non-ascii character. ("curly quote: \u2018", True, (LinkType.candidate, "1.12")), ( "curly quote: \u2018", False, ( LinkType.yanked, "yanked for reason: curly quote: \u2018", ), ), ], ) def test_evaluate_link__allow_yanked( self, yanked_reason: str, allow_yanked: bool, expected: Tuple[LinkType, str], ) -> None: target_python = TargetPython(py_version_info=(3, 6, 4)) evaluator = LinkEvaluator( project_name="twine", canonical_name="twine", formats=frozenset(["source"]), target_python=target_python, allow_yanked=allow_yanked, ) link = Link( "", yanked_reason=yanked_reason, ) actual = evaluator.evaluate_link(link) assert actual == expected def test_evaluate_link__incompatible_wheel(self) -> None: """ Test an incompatible wheel. """ target_python = TargetPython(py_version_info=(3, 6, 4)) # Set the valid tags to an empty list to make sure nothing matches. target_python._valid_tags = [] evaluator = LinkEvaluator( project_name="sample", canonical_name="sample", formats=frozenset(["binary"]), target_python=target_python, allow_yanked=True, ) link = Link("") actual = evaluator.evaluate_link(link) expected = ( LinkType.platform_mismatch, "none of the wheel's tags (py2-none-any, py3-none-any) are compatible " "(run pip debug --verbose to show compatible tags)", ) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "hex_digest, expected_versions", [ (64 * "a", ["1.0", "1.1"]), (64 * "b", ["1.0", "1.2"]), (64 * "c", ["1.0", "1.1", "1.2"]), ], ) def test_filter_unallowed_hashes(hex_digest: str, expected_versions: List[str]) -> None: candidates = [ make_mock_candidate("1.0"), make_mock_candidate("1.1", hex_digest=(64 * "a")), make_mock_candidate("1.2", hex_digest=(64 * "b")), ] hashes_data = { "sha256": [hex_digest], } hashes = Hashes(hashes_data) actual = filter_unallowed_hashes( candidates, hashes=hashes, project_name="my-project", ) actual_versions = [str(candidate.version) for candidate in actual] assert actual_versions == expected_versions # Check that the return value is always different from the given value. assert actual is not candidates def test_filter_unallowed_hashes__no_hashes(caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture) -> None: caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) candidates = [ make_mock_candidate("1.0"), make_mock_candidate("1.1"), ] actual = filter_unallowed_hashes( candidates, hashes=Hashes(), project_name="my-project", ) # Check that the return value is a copy. assert actual == candidates assert actual is not candidates expected_message = ( "Given no hashes to check 2 links for project 'my-project': " "discarding no candidates" ) check_caplog(caplog, "DEBUG", expected_message) def test_filter_unallowed_hashes__log_message_with_match( caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, ) -> None: caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) # Test 1 match, 2 non-matches, 3 no hashes so all 3 values will be # different. candidates = [ make_mock_candidate("1.0"), make_mock_candidate( "1.1", ), make_mock_candidate( "1.2", ), make_mock_candidate("1.3", hex_digest=(64 * "a")), make_mock_candidate("1.4", hex_digest=(64 * "b")), make_mock_candidate("1.5", hex_digest=(64 * "c")), ] hashes_data = { "sha256": [64 * "a", 64 * "d"], } hashes = Hashes(hashes_data) actual = filter_unallowed_hashes( candidates, hashes=hashes, project_name="my-project", ) assert len(actual) == 4 expected_message = ( "Checked 6 links for project 'my-project' against 2 hashes " "(1 matches, 3 no digest): discarding 2 non-matches:\n" "" "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n" "" "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc" ) check_caplog(caplog, "DEBUG", expected_message) def test_filter_unallowed_hashes__log_message_with_no_match( caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, ) -> None: caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) candidates = [ make_mock_candidate("1.0"), make_mock_candidate("1.1", hex_digest=(64 * "b")), make_mock_candidate("1.2", hex_digest=(64 * "c")), ] hashes_data = { "sha256": [64 * "a", 64 * "d"], } hashes = Hashes(hashes_data) actual = filter_unallowed_hashes( candidates, hashes=hashes, project_name="my-project", ) assert len(actual) == 3 expected_message = ( "Checked 3 links for project 'my-project' against 2 hashes " "(0 matches, 1 no digest): discarding no candidates" ) check_caplog(caplog, "DEBUG", expected_message) class TestCandidateEvaluator: @pytest.mark.parametrize( "allow_all_prereleases, prefer_binary", [ (False, False), (False, True), (True, False), (True, True), ], ) def test_create(self, allow_all_prereleases: bool, prefer_binary: bool) -> None: target_python = TargetPython() target_python._valid_tags = [Tag("py36", "none", "any")] specifier = SpecifierSet() evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create( project_name="my-project", target_python=target_python, allow_all_prereleases=allow_all_prereleases, prefer_binary=prefer_binary, specifier=specifier, ) assert evaluator._allow_all_prereleases == allow_all_prereleases assert evaluator._prefer_binary == prefer_binary assert evaluator._specifier is specifier assert evaluator._supported_tags == [Tag("py36", "none", "any")] def test_create__target_python_none(self) -> None: """ Test passing target_python=None. """ evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create("my-project") expected_tags = get_supported() assert evaluator._supported_tags == expected_tags def test_create__specifier_none(self) -> None: """ Test passing specifier=None. """ evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create("my-project") expected_specifier = SpecifierSet() assert evaluator._specifier == expected_specifier def test_get_applicable_candidates(self) -> None: specifier = SpecifierSet("<= 1.11") versions = ["1.10", "1.11", "1.12"] candidates = [make_mock_candidate(version) for version in versions] evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create( "my-project", specifier=specifier, ) actual = evaluator.get_applicable_candidates(candidates) expected_applicable = candidates[:2] assert [str(c.version) for c in expected_applicable] == [ "1.10", "1.11", ] assert actual == expected_applicable @pytest.mark.parametrize( "specifier, expected_versions", [ # Test no version constraint. (SpecifierSet(), ["1.0", "1.2"]), # Test a version constraint that excludes the candidate whose # hash matches. Then the non-allowed hash is a candidate. (SpecifierSet("<= 1.1"), ["1.0", "1.1"]), ], ) def test_get_applicable_candidates__hashes( self, specifier: SpecifierSet, expected_versions: List[str], ) -> None: """ Test a non-None hashes value. """ candidates = [ make_mock_candidate("1.0"), make_mock_candidate("1.1", hex_digest=(64 * "a")), make_mock_candidate("1.2", hex_digest=(64 * "b")), ] hashes_data = { "sha256": [64 * "b"], } hashes = Hashes(hashes_data) evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create( "my-project", specifier=specifier, hashes=hashes, ) actual = evaluator.get_applicable_candidates(candidates) actual_versions = [str(c.version) for c in actual] assert actual_versions == expected_versions def test_compute_best_candidate(self) -> None: specifier = SpecifierSet("<= 1.11") versions = ["1.10", "1.11", "1.12"] candidates = [make_mock_candidate(version) for version in versions] evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create( "my-project", specifier=specifier, ) result = evaluator.compute_best_candidate(candidates) assert result._candidates == candidates expected_applicable = candidates[:2] assert [str(c.version) for c in expected_applicable] == [ "1.10", "1.11", ] assert result._applicable_candidates == expected_applicable assert result.best_candidate is expected_applicable[1] def test_compute_best_candidate__none_best(self) -> None: """ Test returning a None best candidate. """ specifier = SpecifierSet("<= 1.10") versions = ["1.11", "1.12"] candidates = [make_mock_candidate(version) for version in versions] evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create( "my-project", specifier=specifier, ) result = evaluator.compute_best_candidate(candidates) assert result._candidates == candidates assert result._applicable_candidates == [] assert result.best_candidate is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "hex_digest, expected", [ # Test a link with no hash. (None, 0), # Test a link with an allowed hash. (64 * "a", 1), # Test a link with a hash that isn't allowed. (64 * "b", 0), ], ) def test_sort_key__hash(self, hex_digest: Optional[str], expected: int) -> None: """ Test the effect of the link's hash on _sort_key()'s return value. """ candidate = make_mock_candidate("1.0", hex_digest=hex_digest) hashes_data = { "sha256": [64 * "a"], } hashes = Hashes(hashes_data) evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create("my-project", hashes=hashes) sort_value = evaluator._sort_key(candidate) # The hash is reflected in the first element of the tuple. actual = sort_value[0] assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "yanked_reason, expected", [ # Test a non-yanked file. (None, 0), # Test a yanked file (has a lower value than non-yanked). ("bad metadata", -1), ], ) def test_sort_key__is_yanked( self, yanked_reason: Optional[str], expected: int ) -> None: """ Test the effect of is_yanked on _sort_key()'s return value. """ candidate = make_mock_candidate("1.0", yanked_reason=yanked_reason) evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create("my-project") sort_value = evaluator._sort_key(candidate) # Yanked / non-yanked is reflected in the second element of the tuple. actual = sort_value[1] assert actual == expected def test_sort_best_candidate__no_candidates(self) -> None: """ Test passing an empty list. """ evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create("my-project") actual = evaluator.sort_best_candidate([]) assert actual is None def test_sort_best_candidate__best_yanked_but_not_all( self, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, ) -> None: """ Test the best candidates being yanked, but not all. """ caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) candidates = [ make_mock_candidate("4.0", yanked_reason="bad metadata #4"), # Put the best candidate in the middle, to test sorting. make_mock_candidate("2.0"), make_mock_candidate("3.0", yanked_reason="bad metadata #3"), make_mock_candidate("1.0"), ] expected_best = candidates[1] evaluator = CandidateEvaluator.create("my-project") actual = evaluator.sort_best_candidate(candidates) assert actual is expected_best assert str(actual.version) == "2.0" # Check the log messages. assert len(caplog.records) == 0 class TestPackageFinder: @pytest.mark.parametrize( "allow_all_prereleases, prefer_binary", [ (False, False), (False, True), (True, False), (True, True), ], ) def test_create__candidate_prefs( self, allow_all_prereleases: bool, prefer_binary: bool, ) -> None: """ Test that the _candidate_prefs attribute is set correctly. """ link_collector = LinkCollector( session=PipSession(), search_scope=SearchScope([], [], False), ) selection_prefs = SelectionPreferences( allow_yanked=True, allow_all_prereleases=allow_all_prereleases, prefer_binary=prefer_binary, ) finder = PackageFinder.create( link_collector=link_collector, selection_prefs=selection_prefs, ) candidate_prefs = finder._candidate_prefs assert candidate_prefs.allow_all_prereleases == allow_all_prereleases assert candidate_prefs.prefer_binary == prefer_binary def test_create__link_collector(self) -> None: """ Test that the _link_collector attribute is set correctly. """ link_collector = LinkCollector( session=PipSession(), search_scope=SearchScope([], [], False), ) finder = PackageFinder.create( link_collector=link_collector, selection_prefs=SelectionPreferences(allow_yanked=True), ) assert finder._link_collector is link_collector def test_create__target_python(self) -> None: """ Test that the _target_python attribute is set correctly. """ link_collector = LinkCollector( session=PipSession(), search_scope=SearchScope([], [], False), ) target_python = TargetPython(py_version_info=(3, 7, 3)) finder = PackageFinder.create( link_collector=link_collector, selection_prefs=SelectionPreferences(allow_yanked=True), target_python=target_python, ) actual_target_python = finder._target_python # The target_python attribute should be set as is. assert actual_target_python is target_python # Check that the attributes weren't reset. assert actual_target_python.py_version_info == (3, 7, 3) def test_create__target_python_none(self) -> None: """ Test passing target_python=None. """ link_collector = LinkCollector( session=PipSession(), search_scope=SearchScope([], [], False), ) finder = PackageFinder.create( link_collector=link_collector, selection_prefs=SelectionPreferences(allow_yanked=True), target_python=None, ) # Spot-check the default TargetPython object. actual_target_python = finder._target_python assert actual_target_python._given_py_version_info is None assert actual_target_python.py_version_info == CURRENT_PY_VERSION_INFO @pytest.mark.parametrize("allow_yanked", [False, True]) def test_create__allow_yanked(self, allow_yanked: bool) -> None: """ Test that the _allow_yanked attribute is set correctly. """ link_collector = LinkCollector( session=PipSession(), search_scope=SearchScope([], [], False), ) selection_prefs = SelectionPreferences(allow_yanked=allow_yanked) finder = PackageFinder.create( link_collector=link_collector, selection_prefs=selection_prefs, ) assert finder._allow_yanked == allow_yanked @pytest.mark.parametrize("ignore_requires_python", [False, True]) def test_create__ignore_requires_python(self, ignore_requires_python: bool) -> None: """ Test that the _ignore_requires_python attribute is set correctly. """ link_collector = LinkCollector( session=PipSession(), search_scope=SearchScope([], [], False), ) selection_prefs = SelectionPreferences( allow_yanked=True, ignore_requires_python=ignore_requires_python, ) finder = PackageFinder.create( link_collector=link_collector, selection_prefs=selection_prefs, ) assert finder._ignore_requires_python == ignore_requires_python def test_create__format_control(self) -> None: """ Test that the format_control attribute is set correctly. """ link_collector = LinkCollector( session=PipSession(), search_scope=SearchScope([], [], False), ) format_control = FormatControl(set(), {":all:"}) selection_prefs = SelectionPreferences( allow_yanked=True, format_control=format_control, ) finder = PackageFinder.create( link_collector=link_collector, selection_prefs=selection_prefs, ) actual_format_control = finder.format_control assert actual_format_control is format_control # Check that the attributes weren't reset. assert actual_format_control.only_binary == {":all:"} @pytest.mark.parametrize( "allow_yanked, ignore_requires_python, only_binary, expected_formats", [ (False, False, {}, frozenset({"binary", "source"})), # Test allow_yanked=True. (True, False, {}, frozenset({"binary", "source"})), # Test ignore_requires_python=True. (False, True, {}, frozenset({"binary", "source"})), # Test a non-trivial only_binary. (False, False, {"twine"}, frozenset({"binary"})), ], ) def test_make_link_evaluator( self, allow_yanked: bool, ignore_requires_python: bool, only_binary: Set[str], expected_formats: FrozenSet[str], ) -> None: # Create a test TargetPython that we can check for. target_python = TargetPython(py_version_info=(3, 7)) format_control = FormatControl(set(), only_binary) link_collector = LinkCollector( session=PipSession(), search_scope=SearchScope([], [], False), ) finder = PackageFinder( link_collector=link_collector, target_python=target_python, allow_yanked=allow_yanked, format_control=format_control, ignore_requires_python=ignore_requires_python, ) # Pass a project_name that will be different from canonical_name. link_evaluator = finder.make_link_evaluator("Twine") assert link_evaluator.project_name == "Twine" assert link_evaluator._canonical_name == "twine" assert link_evaluator._allow_yanked == allow_yanked assert link_evaluator._ignore_requires_python == ignore_requires_python assert link_evaluator._formats == expected_formats # Test the _target_python attribute. actual_target_python = link_evaluator._target_python # The target_python attribute should be set as is. assert actual_target_python is target_python # For good measure, check that the attributes weren't reset. assert actual_target_python._given_py_version_info == (3, 7) assert actual_target_python.py_version_info == (3, 7, 0) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "allow_all_prereleases, prefer_binary", [ (False, False), (False, True), (True, False), (True, True), ], ) def test_make_candidate_evaluator( self, allow_all_prereleases: bool, prefer_binary: bool, ) -> None: target_python = TargetPython() target_python._valid_tags = [Tag("py36", "none", "any")] candidate_prefs = CandidatePreferences( prefer_binary=prefer_binary, allow_all_prereleases=allow_all_prereleases, ) link_collector = LinkCollector( session=PipSession(), search_scope=SearchScope([], [], False), ) finder = PackageFinder( link_collector=link_collector, target_python=target_python, allow_yanked=True, candidate_prefs=candidate_prefs, ) specifier = SpecifierSet() # Pass hashes to check that _hashes is set. hashes = Hashes({"sha256": [64 * "a"]}) evaluator = finder.make_candidate_evaluator( "my-project", specifier=specifier, hashes=hashes, ) assert evaluator._allow_all_prereleases == allow_all_prereleases assert evaluator._hashes == hashes assert evaluator._prefer_binary == prefer_binary assert evaluator._project_name == "my-project" assert evaluator._specifier is specifier assert evaluator._supported_tags == [Tag("py36", "none", "any")] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("fragment", "canonical_name", "expected"), [ # Trivial. ("pip-18.0", "pip", 3), ("zope-interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14), # Canonicalized name match non-canonicalized egg info. (pypa/pip#5870) ("Jinja2-2.10", "jinja2", 6), ("zope.interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14), ("zope_interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14), # Should be smart enough to parse ambiguous names from the provided # package name. ("foo-2-2", "foo", 3), ("foo-2-2", "foo-2", 5), # Should be able to detect collapsed characters in the egg info. ("foo--bar-1.0", "foo-bar", 8), ("foo-_bar-1.0", "foo-bar", 8), # The package name must not ends with a dash (PEP 508), so the first # dash would be the separator, not the second. ("zope.interface--4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14), ("zope.interface--", "zope-interface", 14), # The version part is missing, but the split function does not care. ("zope.interface-", "zope-interface", 14), ], ) def test_find_name_version_sep( fragment: str, canonical_name: str, expected: int ) -> None: index = _find_name_version_sep(fragment, canonical_name) assert index == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("fragment", "canonical_name"), [ # A dash must follow the package name. ("zope.interface4.5.0", "zope-interface"), ("zope.interface.4.5.0", "zope-interface"), ("zope.interface.-4.5.0", "zope-interface"), ("zope.interface", "zope-interface"), ], ) def test_find_name_version_sep_failure(fragment: str, canonical_name: str) -> None: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ctx: _find_name_version_sep(fragment, canonical_name) message = f"{fragment} does not match {canonical_name}" assert str(ctx.value) == message @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("fragment", "canonical_name", "expected"), [ # Trivial. ("pip-18.0", "pip", "18.0"), ("zope-interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", "4.5.0"), # Canonicalized name match non-canonicalized egg info. (pypa/pip#5870) ("Jinja2-2.10", "jinja2", "2.10"), ("zope.interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", "4.5.0"), ("zope_interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", "4.5.0"), # Should be smart enough to parse ambiguous names from the provided # package name. ("foo-2-2", "foo", "2-2"), ("foo-2-2", "foo-2", "2"), ("zope.interface--4.5.0", "zope-interface", "-4.5.0"), ("zope.interface--", "zope-interface", "-"), # Should be able to detect collapsed characters in the egg info. ("foo--bar-1.0", "foo-bar", "1.0"), ("foo-_bar-1.0", "foo-bar", "1.0"), # Invalid. ("the-package-name-8.19", "does-not-match", None), ("zope.interface.-4.5.0", "zope.interface", None), ("zope.interface-", "zope-interface", None), ("zope.interface4.5.0", "zope-interface", None), ("zope.interface.4.5.0", "zope-interface", None), ("zope.interface.-4.5.0", "zope-interface", None), ("zope.interface", "zope-interface", None), ], ) def test_extract_version_from_fragment( fragment: str, canonical_name: str, expected: Optional[str] ) -> None: version = _extract_version_from_fragment(fragment, canonical_name) assert version == expected