""" util tests """ import codecs import os import shutil import stat import sys import time from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator, List, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple, Type from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import pytest from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement from pip._internal.exceptions import HashMismatch, HashMissing, InstallationError from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import PipDeprecationWarning, deprecated from pip._internal.utils.egg_link import egg_link_path_from_location from pip._internal.utils.encoding import BOMS, auto_decode from pip._internal.utils.glibc import ( glibc_version_string, glibc_version_string_confstr, glibc_version_string_ctypes, ) from pip._internal.utils.hashes import Hashes, MissingHashes from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( HiddenText, build_netloc, build_url_from_netloc, format_size, get_prog, hide_url, hide_value, is_console_interactive, normalize_path, normalize_version_info, parse_netloc, redact_auth_from_requirement, redact_auth_from_url, redact_netloc, remove_auth_from_url, rmtree, rmtree_errorhandler, split_auth_from_netloc, split_auth_netloc_from_url, tabulate, ) from pip._internal.utils.setuptools_build import make_setuptools_shim_args class Tests_EgglinkPath: "util.egg_link_path_from_location() tests" def setup_method(self) -> None: project = "foo" self.mock_dist = Mock(project_name=project) self.site_packages = "SITE_PACKAGES" self.user_site = "USER_SITE" self.user_site_egglink = os.path.join(self.user_site, f"{project}.egg-link") self.site_packages_egglink = os.path.join( self.site_packages, f"{project}.egg-link", ) # patches from pip._internal.utils import egg_link as utils self.old_site_packages = utils.site_packages self.mock_site_packages = utils.site_packages = "SITE_PACKAGES" self.old_running_under_virtualenv = utils.running_under_virtualenv self.mock_running_under_virtualenv = utils.running_under_virtualenv = Mock() self.old_virtualenv_no_global = utils.virtualenv_no_global self.mock_virtualenv_no_global = utils.virtualenv_no_global = Mock() self.old_user_site = utils.user_site self.mock_user_site = utils.user_site = self.user_site from os import path self.old_isfile = path.isfile self.mock_isfile = path.isfile = Mock() def teardown_method(self) -> None: from pip._internal.utils import egg_link as utils utils.site_packages = self.old_site_packages utils.running_under_virtualenv = self.old_running_under_virtualenv utils.virtualenv_no_global = self.old_virtualenv_no_global utils.user_site = self.old_user_site from os import path path.isfile = self.old_isfile def eggLinkInUserSite(self, egglink: str) -> bool: return egglink == self.user_site_egglink def eggLinkInSitePackages(self, egglink: str) -> bool: return egglink == self.site_packages_egglink # ####################### # # # egglink in usersite # # # ####################### # def test_egglink_in_usersite_notvenv(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = False self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = False self.mock_isfile.side_effect = self.eggLinkInUserSite assert ( egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) == self.user_site_egglink ) def test_egglink_in_usersite_venv_noglobal(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = True self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = True self.mock_isfile.side_effect = self.eggLinkInUserSite assert egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) is None def test_egglink_in_usersite_venv_global(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = False self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = True self.mock_isfile.side_effect = self.eggLinkInUserSite assert ( egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) == self.user_site_egglink ) # ####################### # # # egglink in sitepkgs # # # ####################### # def test_egglink_in_sitepkgs_notvenv(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = False self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = False self.mock_isfile.side_effect = self.eggLinkInSitePackages assert ( egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) == self.site_packages_egglink ) def test_egglink_in_sitepkgs_venv_noglobal(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = True self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = True self.mock_isfile.side_effect = self.eggLinkInSitePackages assert ( egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) == self.site_packages_egglink ) def test_egglink_in_sitepkgs_venv_global(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = False self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = True self.mock_isfile.side_effect = self.eggLinkInSitePackages assert ( egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) == self.site_packages_egglink ) # ################################## # # # egglink in usersite & sitepkgs # # # ################################## # def test_egglink_in_both_notvenv(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = False self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = False self.mock_isfile.return_value = True assert ( egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) == self.user_site_egglink ) def test_egglink_in_both_venv_noglobal(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = True self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = True self.mock_isfile.return_value = True assert ( egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) == self.site_packages_egglink ) def test_egglink_in_both_venv_global(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = False self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = True self.mock_isfile.return_value = True assert ( egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) == self.site_packages_egglink ) # ############## # # # no egglink # # # ############## # def test_noegglink_in_sitepkgs_notvenv(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = False self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = False self.mock_isfile.return_value = False assert egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) is None def test_noegglink_in_sitepkgs_venv_noglobal(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = True self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = True self.mock_isfile.return_value = False assert egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) is None def test_noegglink_in_sitepkgs_venv_global(self) -> None: self.mock_virtualenv_no_global.return_value = False self.mock_running_under_virtualenv.return_value = True self.mock_isfile.return_value = False assert egg_link_path_from_location(self.mock_dist.project_name) is None def test_rmtree_errorhandler_nonexistent_directory(tmpdir: Path) -> None: """ Test rmtree_errorhandler ignores the given non-existing directory. """ nonexistent_path = str(tmpdir / "foo") mock_func = Mock() # Argument 3 to "rmtree_errorhandler" has incompatible type "None"; expected # "Tuple[Type[BaseException], BaseException, TracebackType]" rmtree_errorhandler(mock_func, nonexistent_path, None) # type: ignore[arg-type] mock_func.assert_not_called() def test_rmtree_errorhandler_readonly_directory(tmpdir: Path) -> None: """ Test rmtree_errorhandler makes the given read-only directory writable. """ # Create read only directory subdir_path = tmpdir / "subdir" subdir_path.mkdir() path = str(subdir_path) os.chmod(path, stat.S_IREAD) # Make sure mock_func is called with the given path mock_func = Mock() # Argument 3 to "rmtree_errorhandler" has incompatible type "None"; expected # "Tuple[Type[BaseException], BaseException, TracebackType]" rmtree_errorhandler(mock_func, path, None) # type: ignore[arg-type] mock_func.assert_called_with(path) # Make sure the path is now writable assert os.stat(path).st_mode & stat.S_IWRITE def test_rmtree_errorhandler_reraises_error(tmpdir: Path) -> None: """ Test rmtree_errorhandler reraises an exception by the given unreadable directory. """ # Create directory without read permission subdir_path = tmpdir / "subdir" subdir_path.mkdir() path = str(subdir_path) os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) mock_func = Mock() try: raise RuntimeError("test message") except RuntimeError: # Make sure the handler reraises an exception with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="test message"): # Argument 3 to "rmtree_errorhandler" has incompatible type # "Union[Tuple[Type[BaseException], BaseException, TracebackType], # Tuple[None, None, None]]"; expected "Tuple[Type[BaseException], # BaseException, TracebackType]" rmtree_errorhandler( mock_func, path, sys.exc_info() # type: ignore[arg-type] ) mock_func.assert_not_called() def test_rmtree_skips_nonexistent_directory() -> None: """ Test wrapped rmtree doesn't raise an error by the given nonexistent directory. """ rmtree.__wrapped__("nonexistent-subdir") # type: ignore[attr-defined] class Failer: def __init__(self, duration: int = 1) -> None: self.succeed_after = time.time() + duration def call(self, *args: Any, **kw: Any) -> None: """Fail with OSError self.max_fails times""" if time.time() < self.succeed_after: raise OSError("Failed") def test_rmtree_retries(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None: """ Test pip._internal.utils.rmtree will retry failures """ monkeypatch.setattr(shutil, "rmtree", Failer(duration=1).call) rmtree("foo") def test_rmtree_retries_for_3sec(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None: """ Test pip._internal.utils.rmtree will retry failures for no more than 3 sec """ monkeypatch.setattr(shutil, "rmtree", Failer(duration=5).call) with pytest.raises(OSError): rmtree("foo") if sys.byteorder == "little": expected_byte_string = ( "b'\\xff\\xfe/\\x00p\\x00a\\x00t\\x00h\\x00/\\x00d\\x00\\xe9\\x00f\\x00'" ) elif sys.byteorder == "big": expected_byte_string = ( "b'\\xfe\\xff\\x00/\\x00p\\x00a\\x00t\\x00h\\x00/\\x00d\\x00\\xe9\\x00f'" ) class Test_normalize_path: # Technically, symlinks are possible on Windows, but you need a special # permission bit to create them, and Python 2 doesn't support it anyway, so # it's easiest just to skip this test on Windows altogether. @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'") def test_resolve_symlinks(self, tmpdir: Path) -> None: print(type(tmpdir)) print(dir(tmpdir)) orig_working_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdir) try: d = os.path.join("foo", "bar") f = os.path.join(d, "file1") os.makedirs(d) with open(f, "w"): # Create the file pass os.symlink(d, "dir_link") os.symlink(f, "file_link") assert normalize_path( "dir_link/file1", resolve_symlinks=True ) == os.path.join(tmpdir, f) assert normalize_path( "dir_link/file1", resolve_symlinks=False ) == os.path.join(tmpdir, "dir_link", "file1") assert normalize_path("file_link", resolve_symlinks=True) == os.path.join( tmpdir, f ) assert normalize_path("file_link", resolve_symlinks=False) == os.path.join( tmpdir, "file_link" ) finally: os.chdir(orig_working_dir) class TestHashes: """Tests for pip._internal.utils.hashes""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "hash_name, hex_digest, expected", [ # Test a value that matches but with the wrong hash_name. ("sha384", 128 * "a", False), # Test matching values, including values other than the first. ("sha512", 128 * "a", True), ("sha512", 128 * "b", True), # Test a matching hash_name with a value that doesn't match. ("sha512", 128 * "c", False), ], ) def test_is_hash_allowed( self, hash_name: str, hex_digest: str, expected: bool ) -> None: hashes_data = { "sha512": [128 * "a", 128 * "b"], } hashes = Hashes(hashes_data) assert hashes.is_hash_allowed(hash_name, hex_digest) == expected def test_success(self, tmpdir: Path) -> None: """Make sure no error is raised when at least one hash matches. Test check_against_path because it calls everything else. """ file = tmpdir / "to_hash" file.write_text("hello") hashes = Hashes( { "sha256": [ "2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e" "1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824" ], "sha224": ["wrongwrong"], "md5": ["5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592"], } ) hashes.check_against_path(os.fspath(file)) def test_failure(self) -> None: """Hashes should raise HashMismatch when no hashes match.""" hashes = Hashes({"sha256": ["wrongwrong"]}) with pytest.raises(HashMismatch): hashes.check_against_file(BytesIO(b"hello")) def test_missing_hashes(self) -> None: """MissingHashes should raise HashMissing when any check is done.""" with pytest.raises(HashMissing): MissingHashes().check_against_file(BytesIO(b"hello")) def test_unknown_hash(self) -> None: """Hashes should raise InstallationError when it encounters an unknown hash.""" hashes = Hashes({"badbad": ["dummy"]}) with pytest.raises(InstallationError): hashes.check_against_file(BytesIO(b"hello")) def test_non_zero(self) -> None: """Test that truthiness tests tell whether any known-good hashes exist.""" assert Hashes({"sha256": ["dummy"]}) assert not Hashes() assert not Hashes({}) def test_equality(self) -> None: assert Hashes() == Hashes() assert Hashes({"sha256": ["abcd"]}) == Hashes({"sha256": ["abcd"]}) assert Hashes({"sha256": ["ab", "cd"]}) == Hashes({"sha256": ["cd", "ab"]}) def test_hash(self) -> None: cache = {} cache[Hashes({"sha256": ["ab", "cd"]})] = 42 assert cache[Hashes({"sha256": ["ab", "cd"]})] == 42 def test_has_one_of(self) -> None: hashes = Hashes({"sha256": ["abcd", "efgh"], "sha384": ["ijkl"]}) assert hashes.has_one_of({"sha256": "abcd"}) assert hashes.has_one_of({"sha256": "efgh"}) assert not hashes.has_one_of({"sha256": "xyzt"}) empty_hashes = Hashes() assert not empty_hashes.has_one_of({"sha256": "xyzt"}) class TestEncoding: """Tests for pip._internal.utils.encoding""" def test_auto_decode_utf_16_le(self) -> None: data = ( b"\xff\xfeD\x00j\x00a\x00n\x00g\x00o\x00=\x00" b"=\x001\x00.\x004\x00.\x002\x00" ) assert data.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE) assert auto_decode(data) == "Django==1.4.2" def test_auto_decode_utf_16_be(self) -> None: data = ( b"\xfe\xff\x00D\x00j\x00a\x00n\x00g\x00o\x00=" b"\x00=\x001\x00.\x004\x00.\x002" ) assert data.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE) assert auto_decode(data) == "Django==1.4.2" def test_auto_decode_no_bom(self) -> None: assert auto_decode(b"foobar") == "foobar" def test_auto_decode_pep263_headers(self) -> None: latin1_req = "# coding=latin1\n# Pas trop de café" assert auto_decode(latin1_req.encode("latin1")) == latin1_req def test_auto_decode_no_preferred_encoding(self) -> None: om, em = Mock(), Mock() om.return_value = "ascii" em.return_value = None data = "data" with patch("sys.getdefaultencoding", om): with patch("locale.getpreferredencoding", em): ret = auto_decode(data.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding())) assert ret == data @pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", [encoding for bom, encoding in BOMS]) def test_all_encodings_are_valid(self, encoding: str) -> None: # we really only care that there is no LookupError assert "".encode(encoding).decode(encoding) == "" def raises(error: Type[Exception]) -> NoReturn: raise error class TestGlibc: @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'") def test_glibc_version_string(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None: monkeypatch.setattr( os, "confstr", lambda x: "glibc 2.20", raising=False, ) assert glibc_version_string() == "2.20" @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'") def test_glibc_version_string_confstr( self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch ) -> None: monkeypatch.setattr( os, "confstr", lambda x: "glibc 2.20", raising=False, ) assert glibc_version_string_confstr() == "2.20" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "failure", [ lambda x: raises(ValueError), lambda x: raises(OSError), lambda x: "XXX", ], ) def test_glibc_version_string_confstr_fail( self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, failure: Callable[[Any], Any] ) -> None: monkeypatch.setattr(os, "confstr", failure, raising=False) assert glibc_version_string_confstr() is None def test_glibc_version_string_confstr_missing( self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch ) -> None: monkeypatch.delattr(os, "confstr", raising=False) assert glibc_version_string_confstr() is None def test_glibc_version_string_ctypes_missing( self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch ) -> None: monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "ctypes", None) assert glibc_version_string_ctypes() is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "version_info, expected", [ ((), (0, 0, 0)), ((3,), (3, 0, 0)), ((3, 6), (3, 6, 0)), ((3, 6, 2), (3, 6, 2)), ((3, 6, 2, 4), (3, 6, 2)), ], ) def test_normalize_version_info( version_info: Tuple[int, ...], expected: Tuple[int, int, int] ) -> None: actual = normalize_version_info(version_info) assert actual == expected class TestGetProg: @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("argv", "executable", "expected"), [ ("/usr/bin/pip", "", "pip"), ("-c", "/usr/bin/python", "/usr/bin/python -m pip"), ("__main__.py", "/usr/bin/python", "/usr/bin/python -m pip"), ("/usr/bin/pip3", "", "pip3"), ], ) def test_get_prog( self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, argv: str, executable: str, expected: str ) -> None: monkeypatch.setattr("pip._internal.utils.misc.sys.argv", [argv]) monkeypatch.setattr("pip._internal.utils.misc.sys.executable", executable) assert get_prog() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "host_port, expected_netloc", [ # Test domain name. (("example.com", None), "example.com"), (("example.com", 5000), "example.com:5000"), # Test IPv4 address. (("", None), ""), (("", 5000), ""), # Test bare IPv6 address. (("2001:db6::1", None), "2001:db6::1"), # Test IPv6 with port. (("2001:db6::1", 5000), "[2001:db6::1]:5000"), ], ) def test_build_netloc( host_port: Tuple[str, Optional[int]], expected_netloc: str ) -> None: assert build_netloc(*host_port) == expected_netloc @pytest.mark.parametrize( "netloc, expected_url, expected_host_port", [ # Test domain name. ("example.com", "https://example.com", ("example.com", None)), ("example.com:5000", "https://example.com:5000", ("example.com", 5000)), # Test IPv4 address. ("", "", ("", None)), ("", "", ("", 5000)), # Test bare IPv6 address. ("2001:db6::1", "https://[2001:db6::1]", ("2001:db6::1", None)), # Test IPv6 with port. ("[2001:db6::1]:5000", "https://[2001:db6::1]:5000", ("2001:db6::1", 5000)), # Test netloc with auth. ( "user:password@localhost:5000", "https://user:password@localhost:5000", ("localhost", 5000), ), ], ) def test_build_url_from_netloc_and_parse_netloc( netloc: str, expected_url: str, expected_host_port: Tuple[str, Optional[int]], ) -> None: assert build_url_from_netloc(netloc) == expected_url assert parse_netloc(netloc) == expected_host_port @pytest.mark.parametrize( "netloc, expected", [ # Test a basic case. ("example.com", ("example.com", (None, None))), # Test with username and no password. ("user@example.com", ("example.com", ("user", None))), # Test with username and password. ("user:pass@example.com", ("example.com", ("user", "pass"))), # Test with username and empty password. ("user:@example.com", ("example.com", ("user", ""))), # Test the password containing an @ symbol. ("user:pass@word@example.com", ("example.com", ("user", "pass@word"))), # Test the password containing a : symbol. ("user:pass:word@example.com", ("example.com", ("user", "pass:word"))), # Test URL-encoded reserved characters. ("user%3Aname:%23%40%5E@example.com", ("example.com", ("user:name", "#@^"))), ], ) def test_split_auth_from_netloc( netloc: str, expected: Tuple[str, Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]] ) -> None: actual = split_auth_from_netloc(netloc) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "url, expected", [ # Test a basic case. ( "http://example.com/path#anchor", ("http://example.com/path#anchor", "example.com", (None, None)), ), # Test with username and no password. ( "http://user@example.com/path#anchor", ("http://example.com/path#anchor", "example.com", ("user", None)), ), # Test with username and password. ( "http://user:pass@example.com/path#anchor", ("http://example.com/path#anchor", "example.com", ("user", "pass")), ), # Test with username and empty password. ( "http://user:@example.com/path#anchor", ("http://example.com/path#anchor", "example.com", ("user", "")), ), # Test the password containing an @ symbol. ( "http://user:pass@word@example.com/path#anchor", ("http://example.com/path#anchor", "example.com", ("user", "pass@word")), ), # Test the password containing a : symbol. ( "http://user:pass:word@example.com/path#anchor", ("http://example.com/path#anchor", "example.com", ("user", "pass:word")), ), # Test URL-encoded reserved characters. ( "http://user%3Aname:%23%40%5E@example.com/path#anchor", ("http://example.com/path#anchor", "example.com", ("user:name", "#@^")), ), ], ) def test_split_auth_netloc_from_url( url: str, expected: Tuple[str, str, Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]] ) -> None: actual = split_auth_netloc_from_url(url) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "netloc, expected", [ # Test a basic case. ("example.com", "example.com"), # Test with username and no password. ("accesstoken@example.com", "****@example.com"), # Test with username and password. ("user:pass@example.com", "user:****@example.com"), # Test with username and empty password. ("user:@example.com", "user:****@example.com"), # Test the password containing an @ symbol. ("user:pass@word@example.com", "user:****@example.com"), # Test the password containing a : symbol. ("user:pass:word@example.com", "user:****@example.com"), # Test URL-encoded reserved characters. ("user%3Aname:%23%40%5E@example.com", "user%3Aname:****@example.com"), ], ) def test_redact_netloc(netloc: str, expected: str) -> None: actual = redact_netloc(netloc) assert actual == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "auth_url, expected_url", [ ( "https://user:pass@domain.tld/project/tags/v0.2", "https://domain.tld/project/tags/v0.2", ), ( "https://domain.tld/project/tags/v0.2", "https://domain.tld/project/tags/v0.2", ), ( "https://user:pass@domain.tld/svn/project/trunk@8181", "https://domain.tld/svn/project/trunk@8181", ), ( "https://domain.tld/project/trunk@8181", "https://domain.tld/project/trunk@8181", ), ("git+https://pypi.org/something", "git+https://pypi.org/something"), ("git+https://user:pass@pypi.org/something", "git+https://pypi.org/something"), ("git+ssh://git@pypi.org/something", "git+ssh://pypi.org/something"), ], ) def test_remove_auth_from_url(auth_url: str, expected_url: str) -> None: url = remove_auth_from_url(auth_url) assert url == expected_url @pytest.mark.parametrize( "auth_url, expected_url", [ ("https://accesstoken@example.com/abc", "https://****@example.com/abc"), ("https://user:password@example.com", "https://user:****@example.com"), ("https://user:@example.com", "https://user:****@example.com"), ("https://example.com", "https://example.com"), # Test URL-encoded reserved characters. ( "https://user%3Aname:%23%40%5E@example.com", "https://user%3Aname:****@example.com", ), ], ) def test_redact_auth_from_url(auth_url: str, expected_url: str) -> None: url = redact_auth_from_url(auth_url) assert url == expected_url @pytest.mark.parametrize( "req, expected", [ ("pkga", "pkga"), ( "resolvelib@ " " git+https://test-user:test-pass@github.com/sarugaku/resolvelib@1.0.1", "resolvelib@" " git+https://test-user:****@github.com/sarugaku/resolvelib@1.0.1", ), ( "resolvelib@" " git+https://test-user:test-pass@github.com/sarugaku/resolvelib@1.0.1" " ; python_version>='3.6'", "resolvelib@" " git+https://test-user:****@github.com/sarugaku/resolvelib@1.0.1" ' ; python_version >= "3.6"', ), ], ) def test_redact_auth_from_requirement(req: str, expected: str) -> None: assert redact_auth_from_requirement(Requirement(req)) == expected class TestHiddenText: def test_basic(self) -> None: """ Test str(), repr(), and attribute access. """ hidden = HiddenText("my-secret", redacted="######") assert repr(hidden) == "" assert str(hidden) == "######" assert hidden.redacted == "######" assert hidden.secret == "my-secret" def test_equality_with_str(self) -> None: """ Test equality (and inequality) with str objects. """ hidden = HiddenText("secret", redacted="****") # Test that the object doesn't compare equal to either its original # or redacted forms. assert hidden != hidden.secret assert hidden.secret != hidden assert hidden != hidden.redacted assert hidden.redacted != hidden def test_equality_same_secret(self) -> None: """ Test equality with an object having the same secret. """ # Choose different redactions for the two objects. hidden1 = HiddenText("secret", redacted="****") hidden2 = HiddenText("secret", redacted="####") assert hidden1 == hidden2 # Also test __ne__. assert not hidden1 != hidden2 def test_equality_different_secret(self) -> None: """ Test equality with an object having a different secret. """ hidden1 = HiddenText("secret-1", redacted="****") hidden2 = HiddenText("secret-2", redacted="****") assert hidden1 != hidden2 # Also test __eq__. assert not hidden1 == hidden2 def test_hide_value() -> None: hidden = hide_value("my-secret") assert repr(hidden) == "" assert str(hidden) == "****" assert hidden.redacted == "****" assert hidden.secret == "my-secret" def test_hide_url() -> None: hidden_url = hide_url("https://user:password@example.com") assert repr(hidden_url) == "" assert str(hidden_url) == "https://user:****@example.com" assert hidden_url.redacted == "https://user:****@example.com" assert hidden_url.secret == "https://user:password@example.com" @pytest.fixture() def patch_deprecation_check_version() -> Iterator[None]: # We do this, so that the deprecation tests are easier to write. import pip._internal.utils.deprecation as d old_version = d.current_version d.current_version = "1.0" yield d.current_version = old_version @pytest.mark.usefixtures("patch_deprecation_check_version") @pytest.mark.parametrize("replacement", [None, "a magic 8 ball"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("gone_in", [None, "2.0"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("issue", [None, 988]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("feature_flag", [None, "magic-8-ball"]) def test_deprecated_message_contains_information( gone_in: Optional[str], replacement: Optional[str], issue: Optional[int], feature_flag: Optional[str], ) -> None: with pytest.warns(PipDeprecationWarning) as record: deprecated( reason="Stop doing this!", replacement=replacement, gone_in=gone_in, feature_flag=feature_flag, issue=issue, ) assert len(record) == 1 assert isinstance(record[0].message, PipDeprecationWarning) message = record[0].message.args[0] assert "DEPRECATION: Stop doing this!" in message # Ensure non-None values are mentioned. for item in [gone_in, replacement, issue, feature_flag]: if item is not None: assert str(item) in message @pytest.mark.usefixtures("patch_deprecation_check_version") @pytest.mark.parametrize("replacement", [None, "a magic 8 ball"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("issue", [None, 988]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("feature_flag", [None, "magic-8-ball"]) def test_deprecated_raises_error_if_too_old( replacement: Optional[str], issue: Optional[int], feature_flag: Optional[str] ) -> None: with pytest.raises(PipDeprecationWarning) as exception: deprecated( reason="Stop doing this!", gone_in="1.0", # this matches the patched version. replacement=replacement, feature_flag=feature_flag, issue=issue, ) message = exception.value.args[0] assert "DEPRECATION: Stop doing this!" in message assert "1.0" in message assert str(feature_flag) not in message # Ensure non-None values are mentioned. for item in [replacement, issue]: if item is not None: assert str(item) in message @pytest.mark.usefixtures("patch_deprecation_check_version") def test_deprecated_message_reads_well_past() -> None: with pytest.raises(PipDeprecationWarning) as exception: deprecated( reason="Stop doing this!", gone_in="1.0", # this matches the patched version. replacement="to be nicer", feature_flag="magic-8-ball", issue=100000, ) message = exception.value.args[0] assert message == ( "DEPRECATION: Stop doing this! " "Since pip 1.0, this is no longer supported. " "A possible replacement is to be nicer. " "Discussion can be found at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/100000" ) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("patch_deprecation_check_version") def test_deprecated_message_reads_well_future() -> None: with pytest.warns(PipDeprecationWarning) as record: deprecated( reason="Stop doing this!", gone_in="2.0", # this is greater than the patched version. replacement="to be nicer", feature_flag="crisis", issue=100000, ) assert len(record) == 1 assert isinstance(record[0].message, PipDeprecationWarning) message = record[0].message.args[0] assert message == ( "DEPRECATION: Stop doing this! " "pip 2.0 will enforce this behaviour change. " "A possible replacement is to be nicer. " "You can use the flag --use-feature=crisis to test the upcoming behaviour. " "Discussion can be found at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/100000" ) def test_make_setuptools_shim_args() -> None: # Test all arguments at once, including the overall ordering. args = make_setuptools_shim_args( "/dir/path/setup.py", global_options=["--some", "--option"], no_user_config=True, unbuffered_output=True, ) assert args[1:3] == ["-u", "-c"] assert args[4:] == ["--some", "--option", "--no-user-cfg"] shim = args[3] # Spot-check key aspects of the command string. assert "import setuptools" in shim assert "'/dir/path/setup.py'" in args[3] assert "sys.argv[0] = __file__" in args[3] @pytest.mark.parametrize("global_options", [None, [], ["--some", "--option"]]) def test_make_setuptools_shim_args__global_options( global_options: Optional[List[str]], ) -> None: args = make_setuptools_shim_args( "/dir/path/setup.py", global_options=global_options, ) if global_options: assert len(args) == 5 for option in global_options: assert option in args else: assert len(args) == 3 @pytest.mark.parametrize("no_user_config", [False, True]) def test_make_setuptools_shim_args__no_user_config(no_user_config: bool) -> None: args = make_setuptools_shim_args( "/dir/path/setup.py", no_user_config=no_user_config, ) assert ("--no-user-cfg" in args) == no_user_config @pytest.mark.parametrize("unbuffered_output", [False, True]) def test_make_setuptools_shim_args__unbuffered_output(unbuffered_output: bool) -> None: args = make_setuptools_shim_args( "/dir/path/setup.py", unbuffered_output=unbuffered_output ) assert ("-u" in args) == unbuffered_output @pytest.mark.parametrize( "isatty,no_stdin,expected", [ (True, False, True), (False, False, False), (True, True, False), (False, True, False), ], ) def test_is_console_interactive( monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, isatty: bool, no_stdin: bool, expected: bool ) -> None: monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", Mock(return_value=isatty)) if no_stdin: monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "stdin", None) assert is_console_interactive() is expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "size,expected", [ (123, "123 bytes"), (1234, "1.2 kB"), (123456, "123 kB"), (1234567890, "1234.6 MB"), ], ) def test_format_size(size: int, expected: str) -> None: assert format_size(size) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("rows", "table", "sizes"), [ ([], [], []), ( [ ("I?", "version", "sdist", "wheel"), ("", "1.18.2", "zip", "cp38-cp38m-win_amd64"), ("v", 1.18, "zip"), ], [ "I? version sdist wheel", " 1.18.2 zip cp38-cp38m-win_amd64", "v 1.18 zip", ], [2, 7, 5, 20], ), ( [("I?", "version", "sdist", "wheel"), (), ("v", "1.18.1", "zip")], ["I? version sdist wheel", "", "v 1.18.1 zip"], [2, 7, 5, 5], ), ], ) def test_tabulate(rows: List[Tuple[str]], table: List[str], sizes: List[int]) -> None: assert tabulate(rows) == (table, sizes)