import logging import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, cast import pytest from pip._internal import wheel_builder from import Link from import format_command_result from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from pip._internal.vcs.git import Git from tests.lib import _create_test_package @pytest.mark.parametrize( "s, expected", [ # Trivial. ("pip-18.0", True), # Ambiguous. ("foo-2-2", True), ("im-valid", True), # Invalid. ("invalid", False), ("im_invalid", False), ], ) def test_contains_egg_info(s: str, expected: bool) -> None: result = wheel_builder._contains_egg_info(s) assert result == expected class ReqMock: def __init__( self, name: str = "pendulum", is_wheel: bool = False, editable: bool = False, link: Optional[Link] = None, constraint: bool = False, source_dir: Optional[str] = "/tmp/pip-install-123/pendulum", use_pep517: bool = True, supports_pyproject_editable: bool = False, ) -> None: = name self.is_wheel = is_wheel self.editable = editable = link self.constraint = constraint self.source_dir = source_dir self.use_pep517 = use_pep517 self._supports_pyproject_editable = supports_pyproject_editable def supports_pyproject_editable(self) -> bool: return self._supports_pyproject_editable @pytest.mark.parametrize( "req, expected", [ # We build, whether pep 517 is enabled or not. (ReqMock(use_pep517=True), True), (ReqMock(use_pep517=False), True), # We don't build constraints. (ReqMock(constraint=True), False), # We don't build reqs that are already wheels. (ReqMock(is_wheel=True), False), # We build editables if the backend supports PEP 660. (ReqMock(editable=True, use_pep517=False), False), ( ReqMock(editable=True, use_pep517=True, supports_pyproject_editable=True), True, ), ( ReqMock(editable=True, use_pep517=True, supports_pyproject_editable=False), False, ), # We don't build if there is no source dir (whatever that means!). (ReqMock(source_dir=None), False), # By default (i.e. when binaries are allowed), VCS requirements # should be built in install mode. ( ReqMock(link=Link("git+https://g.c/org/repo"), use_pep517=True), True, ), ( ReqMock(link=Link("git+https://g.c/org/repo"), use_pep517=False), True, ), ], ) def test_should_build_for_install_command(req: ReqMock, expected: bool) -> None: should_build = wheel_builder.should_build_for_install_command( cast(InstallRequirement, req), ) assert should_build is expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "req, expected", [ (ReqMock(), True), (ReqMock(constraint=True), False), (ReqMock(is_wheel=True), False), (ReqMock(editable=True, use_pep517=False), True), (ReqMock(editable=True, use_pep517=True), True), (ReqMock(source_dir=None), True), (ReqMock(link=Link("git+https://g.c/org/repo")), True), ], ) def test_should_build_for_wheel_command(req: ReqMock, expected: bool) -> None: should_build = wheel_builder.should_build_for_wheel_command( cast(InstallRequirement, req) ) assert should_build is expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "req, expected", [ (ReqMock(editable=True, use_pep517=False), False), (ReqMock(editable=True, use_pep517=True), False), (ReqMock(source_dir=None), False), (ReqMock(link=Link("git+https://g.c/org/repo")), False), (ReqMock(link=Link("https://g.c/dist.tgz")), False), (ReqMock(link=Link("https://g.c/dist-2.0.4.tgz")), True), ], ) def test_should_cache(req: ReqMock, expected: bool) -> None: assert wheel_builder._should_cache(cast(InstallRequirement, req)) is expected def test_should_cache_git_sha(tmpdir: Path) -> None: repo_path = os.fspath(_create_test_package(tmpdir, name="mypkg")) commit = Git.get_revision(repo_path) # a link referencing a sha should be cached url = "git+https://g.c/o/r@" + commit + "#egg=mypkg" req = ReqMock(link=Link(url), source_dir=repo_path) assert wheel_builder._should_cache(cast(InstallRequirement, req)) # a link not referencing a sha should not be cached url = "git+https://g.c/o/r@master#egg=mypkg" req = ReqMock(link=Link(url), source_dir=repo_path) assert not wheel_builder._should_cache(cast(InstallRequirement, req)) def test_format_command_result__INFO(caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture) -> None: caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) actual = format_command_result( # Include an argument with a space to test argument quoting. command_args=["arg1", "second arg"], command_output="output line 1\noutput line 2\n", ) assert actual.splitlines() == [ "Command arguments: arg1 'second arg'", "Command output: [use --verbose to show]", ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "command_output", [ # Test trailing newline. "output line 1\noutput line 2\n", # Test no trailing newline. "output line 1\noutput line 2", ], ) def test_format_command_result__DEBUG( caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, command_output: str ) -> None: caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) actual = format_command_result( command_args=["arg1", "arg2"], command_output=command_output, ) assert actual.splitlines() == [ "Command arguments: arg1 arg2", "Command output:", "output line 1", "output line 2", ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("log_level", ["DEBUG", "INFO"]) def test_format_command_result__empty_output( caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, log_level: str ) -> None: caplog.set_level(log_level) actual = format_command_result( command_args=["arg1", "arg2"], command_output="", ) assert actual.splitlines() == [ "Command arguments: arg1 arg2", "Command output: None", ]