.. _`pip hash`: pip hash ------------ .. contents:: Usage ***** .. pip-command-usage:: hash Description *********** .. pip-command-description:: hash Overview ++++++++ ``pip hash`` is a convenient way to get a hash digest for use with :ref:`hash-checking mode`, especially for packages with multiple archives. The error message from ``pip install --require-hashes ...`` will give you one hash, but, if there are multiple archives (like source and binary ones), you will need to manually download and compute a hash for the other. Otherwise, a spurious hash mismatch could occur when :ref:`pip install` is passed a different set of options, like :ref:`--no-binary `. Example ******** Compute the hash of a downloaded archive:: $ pip download SomePackage Collecting SomePackage Downloading SomePackage-2.2.tar.gz Saved ./pip_downloads/SomePackage-2.2.tar.gz Successfully downloaded SomePackage $ pip hash ./pip_downloads/SomePackage-2.2.tar.gz --hash=sha256:93e62e05c7ad3da1a233def6731e8285156701e3419a5fe279017c429ec67ce0