[isort] skip = ./build, .nox, .tox, .scratch, _vendor, data multi_line_output = 3 known_third_party = pip._vendor known_first_party = pip tests default_section = THIRDPARTY include_trailing_comma = true [flake8] exclude = ./build, .nox, .tox, .scratch, _vendor, data per-file-ignores = # B011: Do not call assert False since python -O removes these calls tests/*: B011 # TODO: Remove IOError from except (OSError, IOError) blocks in # these files when Python 2 is removed. # In Python 3, IOError have been merged into OSError # https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8-bugbear/issues/110 src/pip/_internal/utils/filesystem.py: B014 src/pip/_internal/network/cache.py: B014 src/pip/_internal/utils/misc.py: B014 [mypy] follow_imports = silent ignore_missing_imports = True disallow_untyped_defs = True disallow_any_generics = True [mypy-pip/_vendor/*] follow_imports = skip ignore_errors = True [tool:pytest] addopts = --ignore src/pip/_vendor --ignore tests/tests_cache -r aR markers = network: tests that need network incompatible_with_test_venv incompatible_with_venv no_auto_tempdir_manager unit: unit tests integration: integration tests bzr: VCS: Bazaar svn: VCS: Subversion mercurial: VCS: Mercurial git: VCS: git yaml: yaml based tests fails_on_new_resolver: Does not yet work on the new resolver [bdist_wheel] universal = 1 [metadata] license_file = LICENSE.txt