import os import pip.backwardcompat from pip.backwardcompat import urllib, string_types, b, u, emailmessage urlopen_original = pip.backwardcompat.urllib2.urlopen class CachedResponse(object): """ CachedResponse always cache url access and returns the cached response. It returns an object compatible with ``urllib.addinfourl``, it means the object is like the result of a call like:: >>> response = urllib2.urlopen('') """ def __init__(self, url, folder): self.headers = emailmessage.Message() self.code = 500 self.msg = 'Internal Server Error' # url can be a simple string, or a urllib2.Request object if isinstance(url, string_types): self.url = url else: self.url = url.get_full_url() for key, value in url.headers.items(): self.headers[key] = value self._body = b('') self._set_all_fields(folder) def _set_all_fields(self, folder): filename = os.path.join(folder, urllib.quote(self.url, '')) if not os.path.exists(filename): self._cache_url(filename) fp = open(filename, 'rb') try: line = fp.readline().strip() self.code, self.msg = line.split(None, 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Bad field line: %r' % line) self.code = int(self.code) self.msg = u(self.msg) for line in fp: if line == b('\n'): break key, value = line.split(b(': '), 1) self.headers[u(key)] = u(value.strip()) for line in fp: self._body += line fp.close() def getcode(self): return self.code def geturl(self): return self.url def info(self): return self.headers def read(self, bytes=None): """ it can read a chunk of bytes or everything """ if bytes: result = self._body[:bytes] self._body = self._body[bytes:] return result return self._body def close(self): pass def _cache_url(self, filepath): response = urlopen_original(self.url) fp = open(filepath, 'wb') # when it uses file:// scheme, code is None and there is no msg attr # but it has been successfully opened status = b('%s %s' % (getattr(response, 'code', 200) or 200, getattr(response, 'msg', 'OK'))) headers = [b('%s: %s' % (key, value)) for key, value in list(response.headers.items())] body = fp.write(b('\n').join([status] + headers + [b(''), body])) fp.close() class PyPIProxy(object): CACHE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "tests_cache") @classmethod def setup(cls): instance = cls() instance._create_cache_folder() instance._monkey_patch_urllib2_to_cache_everything() def _monkey_patch_urllib2_to_cache_everything(self): def urlopen(url): return CachedResponse(url, self.CACHE_PATH) pip.backwardcompat.urllib2.urlopen = urlopen def _create_cache_folder(self): if not os.path.exists(self.CACHE_PATH): os.mkdir(self.CACHE_PATH) def assert_equal(a, b): assert a == b, "\nexpected:\n%r\ngot:\n%r" % (b, a) def test_cache_proxy(): url = '' here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) filepath = os.path.join(here, urllib.quote(url, '')) if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) response = pip.backwardcompat.urllib2.urlopen(url) r = CachedResponse(url, here) try: assert_equal(r.code, response.code) assert_equal(r.msg, response.msg) assert_equal(, assert_equal(r.url, response.url) assert_equal(r.geturl(), response.geturl()) assert_equal(set(r.headers.keys()), set(response.headers.keys())) assert_equal(set(, set( assert_equal(r.headers['content-length'], response.headers['content-length']) finally: os.remove(filepath)