import functools from logging import Logger from typing import ( Any, Callable, Generator, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, ) from import ( Console, ConsoleOptions, RenderableType, RenderResult, ) from import ( BarColumn, DownloadColumn, FileSizeColumn, Progress, ProgressColumn, SpinnerColumn, Task, TaskID, TextColumn, TimeElapsedColumn, TimeRemainingColumn, TransferSpeedColumn, ) from import ProgressBar from import Segment from import Text from pip._internal.utils.logging import get_indentation DownloadProgressRenderer = Callable[[Iterable[bytes]], Iterator[bytes]] class RenderableLine: """ A wrapper for a single row, renderable by `Console` methods. """ def __init__(self, line_items: List[Union[Text, ProgressBar]]): self.line_items = line_items def __rich_console__( self, console: Console, options: ConsoleOptions ) -> RenderResult: for line_item in self.line_items: segments = [ seg for seg in line_item.__rich_console__(console, options) if isinstance(seg, Segment) and seg.text != "\n" ] yield from segments class RenderableLines: """ A wrapper for multiple rows, renderable by `Console` methods. """ def __init__(self, lines: Iterable[RenderableLine]): self.lines = lines def __rich_console__( self, console: Console, options: ConsoleOptions ) -> RenderResult: for idx, line in enumerate(self.lines): if idx != 0: yield Segment.line() yield from line.__rich_console__(console, options) yield Segment.line() class PipProgress(Progress): """ Custom Progress bar for sequential downloads. """ def __init__( self, refresh_per_second: int, progress_disabled: bool = False, logger: Optional[Logger] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(refresh_per_second=refresh_per_second) self.progress_disabled = progress_disabled self.log_download_description = True self.logger = logger @classmethod def get_default_columns(cls) -> Tuple[ProgressColumn, ...]: """ Get the default columns to use for the progress bar when the size of the file is known. """ return ( TextColumn(" " * (get_indentation() + 3)), BarColumn(), DownloadColumn(), TransferSpeedColumn(), TextColumn("eta"), TimeRemainingColumn(), ) @classmethod def get_indefinite_columns(cls) -> Tuple[ProgressColumn, ...]: """ Get the columns to use for the progress bar when the size of the file is unknown. """ return ( TextColumn(" " * (get_indentation() + 3)), SpinnerColumn("line", speed=1.5), FileSizeColumn(), TransferSpeedColumn(), TimeElapsedColumn(), ) def get_renderable(self) -> RenderableType: """ Get the renderable representation of the progress of all tasks """ renderables: List[RenderableLine] = [] for task in self.tasks: if not task.visible: continue task_renderable = [x for x in self.make_task_group(task) if x is not None] renderables.extend(task_renderable) return RenderableLines(renderables) def make_task_group(self, task: Task) -> Iterable[Optional[RenderableLine]]: """ Create a representation for a task, i.e. it's progress bar. Parameters: - task (Task): The task for which to generate the representation. Returns: - Optional[Group]: text representation of a Progress Column, """ hide_progress = task.fields["hide_progress"] if self.progress_disabled or hide_progress: return (None,) columns = ( self.columns if is not None else self.get_indefinite_columns() ) progress_row = self.make_task_row(columns, task) return (progress_row,) def make_task_row( self, columns: Tuple[Union[str, ProgressColumn], ...], task: Task ) -> RenderableLine: """ Format the columns of a single row for the given task. """ row_values = [ (column.format(task=task) if isinstance(column, str) else column(task)) for column in columns ] row = self.merge_text_objects(row_values) return RenderableLine(row) def merge_text_objects( self, row: List[RenderableType] ) -> List[Union[Text, ProgressBar]]: """ Merge adjacent Text objects in the given row into a single Text object. """ merged_row: List[Union[Text, ProgressBar]] = [] markup_to_merge: List[str] = [] for item in row: if isinstance(item, ProgressBar): if markup_to_merge: merged_text = Text.from_markup(" ".join(markup_to_merge)) merged_row.append(merged_text) merged_row.append(item) markup_to_merge = [" "] elif isinstance(item, Text): markup_to_merge.append(item.markup) if markup_to_merge: merged_markup = " ".join(markup_to_merge) merged_row.append(Text.from_markup(merged_markup)) return merged_row def add_task( self, description: str, start: bool = True, total: Optional[float] = 100.0, completed: int = 0, visible: bool = True, **fields: Any, ) -> TaskID: """ Reimplementation of Progress.add_task with description logging """ if visible and self.log_download_description and self.logger: indentation = " " * get_indentation() log_statement = f"{indentation}{description}" return super().add_task( description=description, total=total, visible=visible, completed=completed, **fields, ) class PipParallelProgress(PipProgress): def __init__(self, refresh_per_second: int, progress_disabled: bool = True): super().__init__( refresh_per_second=refresh_per_second, progress_disabled=progress_disabled ) # Overrides behaviour of logging description on add_task from PipProgress self.log_download_description = False @classmethod def get_description_columns(cls) -> Tuple[ProgressColumn, ...]: """ Get the columns to use for the log message, i.e. the task description """ # These columns will be the "Downloading"/"Using cached" message # This message needs to be columns because,logging this message interferes # with parallel progress bars, and if we want the message to remain next # to the progress bar even when there are multiple tasks, then it needs # to be a part of the progress bar indentation = get_indentation() if indentation: return ( TextColumn(" " * get_indentation()), TextColumn("{task.description}"), ) return (TextColumn("{task.description}"),) def make_task_group(self, task: Task) -> Iterable[Optional[RenderableLine]]: """ Create a representation for a task, including both the description row and the progress row. Parameters: - task (Task): The task for which to generate the representation. Returns: - Iterable[Optional[RenderableLine]]: An Iterable containing the description and progress rows, """ progress_row = super().make_task_group(task) description_row = self.make_task_row(self.get_description_columns(), task) return (description_row, *progress_row) def sort_tasks(self) -> None: """ Sort tasks Remove completed tasks and print them """ # Removal of completed tasks reduces the number of tasks to be rendered tasks = [] for task_id in self._tasks: task = self._tasks[task_id] if task.finished and len(self._tasks) > 1: # Remove and log the finished task if there are too many active # tasks to reduce the number of things to be rendered # If there are too many active tasks on screen rich renders the # overflow as a ... at the bottom of the screen which makes it # difficult for a user to see whats happening # If we remove every task on completion, it adds an extra newline # for sequential downloads due to on __exit__ if task.visible: task_group = [ x for x in self.make_task_group(task) if x is not None ] self.console.print(RenderableLines(task_group)) else: tasks.append((task_id, self._tasks[task_id])) # Sorting by finished ensures that all active downloads remain together tasks = sorted(tasks, key=lambda x: not x[1].finished) self._tasks = dict(tasks) def update( self, task_id: TaskID, *, total: Optional[float] = None, completed: Optional[float] = None, advance: Optional[float] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, visible: Optional[bool] = None, refresh: bool = False, **fields: Any, ) -> None: """ A copy of Progress' implementation of update, with sorting of self.tasks when a task is completed """ with self._lock: task = self._tasks[task_id] initial_finish_time = task.finished_time super().update( task_id, total=total, completed=completed, advance=advance, description=description, visible=visible, refresh=refresh, **fields, ) # If at the start of the update, the finish time is None and after # calling super.update the finish time is not None, it means the # task was just finished task = self._tasks[task_id] if initial_finish_time is None and task.finished_time is not None: self.sort_tasks() def _rich_progress_bar( iterable: Iterable[bytes], *, bar_type: str, size: int, ) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: assert bar_type == "on", "This should only be used in the default mode." if not size: total = float("inf") columns: Tuple[ProgressColumn, ...] = ( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), SpinnerColumn("line", speed=1.5), FileSizeColumn(), TransferSpeedColumn(), TimeElapsedColumn(), ) else: total = size columns = ( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), BarColumn(), DownloadColumn(), TransferSpeedColumn(), TextColumn("eta"), TimeRemainingColumn(), ) progress = Progress(*columns, refresh_per_second=30) task_id = progress.add_task(" " * (get_indentation() + 2), total=total) with progress: for chunk in iterable: yield chunk progress.update(task_id, advance=len(chunk)) def get_download_progress_renderer( *, bar_type: str, size: Optional[int] = None ) -> DownloadProgressRenderer: """Get an object that can be used to render the download progress. Returns a callable, that takes an iterable to "wrap". """ if bar_type == "on": return functools.partial(_rich_progress_bar, bar_type=bar_type, size=size) else: return iter # no-op, when passed an iterator