import pytest from pip._internal import pep425tags @pytest.mark.parametrize('expected_text', [ 'sys.executable: ', 'sys.getdefaultencoding: ', 'sys.getfilesystemencoding: ', 'locale.getpreferredencoding: ', 'sys.platform: ', 'sys.implementation:', '\'cert\' config value: ', 'REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE: ', 'CURL_CA_BUNDLE: ', 'pip._vendor.certifi.where(): ', ]) def test_debug(script, expected_text): """ Check that certain strings are present in the output. """ args = ['debug'] result = script.pip(*args, allow_stderr_warning=True) stdout = result.stdout assert expected_text in stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'args', [ [], ['--verbose'], ] ) def test_debug__tags(script, args): """ Check the compatible tag output. """ args = ['debug'] + args result = script.pip(*args, allow_stderr_warning=True) stdout = result.stdout tags = pep425tags.get_supported() expected_tag_header = 'Compatible tags: {}'.format(len(tags)) assert expected_tag_header in stdout show_verbose_note = '--verbose' not in args assert ( '...\n [First 10 tags shown. Pass --verbose to show all.]' in stdout ) == show_verbose_note @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'args, expected', [ (['--python-version', '3.7'], "(target: version_info='3.7')"), ] ) def test_debug__target_options(script, args, expected): """ Check passing target-related options. """ args = ['debug'] + args result = script.pip(*args, allow_stderr_warning=True) stdout = result.stdout assert 'Compatible tags: ' in stdout assert expected in stdout