# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import locale import os import sys import pytest import pip._internal.utils.compat as pip_compat from pip._internal.utils.compat import ( console_to_str, expanduser, get_path_uid, str_to_display, ) def test_get_path_uid(): path = os.getcwd() assert get_path_uid(path) == os.stat(path).st_uid @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(os, 'O_NOFOLLOW')") def test_get_path_uid_without_NOFOLLOW(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.delattr("os.O_NOFOLLOW") path = os.getcwd() assert get_path_uid(path) == os.stat(path).st_uid # Skip unconditionally on Windows, as symlinks need admin privs there @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'") @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(os, 'symlink')") def test_get_path_uid_symlink(tmpdir): f = tmpdir / "symlink" / "somefile" f.parent.mkdir() f.write_text("content") fs = f + '_link' os.symlink(f, fs) with pytest.raises(OSError): get_path_uid(fs) @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(os, 'O_NOFOLLOW')") @pytest.mark.skipif("not hasattr(os, 'symlink')") def test_get_path_uid_symlink_without_NOFOLLOW(tmpdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.delattr("os.O_NOFOLLOW") f = tmpdir / "symlink" / "somefile" f.parent.mkdir() f.write_text("content") fs = f + '_link' os.symlink(f, fs) with pytest.raises(OSError): get_path_uid(fs) @pytest.mark.parametrize('data, expected', [ ('abc', u'abc'), # Test text (unicode in Python 2) input. (u'abc', u'abc'), # Test text input with non-ascii characters. (u'déf', u'déf'), ]) def test_str_to_display(data, expected): actual = str_to_display(data) assert actual == expected, ( # Show the encoding for easier troubleshooting. 'encoding: {!r}'.format(locale.getpreferredencoding()) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize('data, encoding, expected', [ # Test str input with non-ascii characters. ('déf', 'utf-8', u'déf'), # Test bytes input with non-ascii characters: (u'déf'.encode('utf-8'), 'utf-8', u'déf'), # Test a Windows encoding. (u'déf'.encode('cp1252'), 'cp1252', u'déf'), # Test a Windows encoding with incompatibly encoded text. (u'déf'.encode('utf-8'), 'cp1252', u'déf'), ]) def test_str_to_display__encoding(monkeypatch, data, encoding, expected): monkeypatch.setattr(locale, 'getpreferredencoding', lambda: encoding) actual = str_to_display(data) assert actual == expected, ( # Show the encoding for easier troubleshooting. 'encoding: {!r}'.format(locale.getpreferredencoding()) ) def test_str_to_display__decode_error(monkeypatch, caplog): monkeypatch.setattr(locale, 'getpreferredencoding', lambda: 'utf-8') # Encode with an incompatible encoding. data = u'ab'.encode('utf-16') actual = str_to_display(data) # Keep the expected value endian safe if sys.byteorder == "little": expected = "\\xff\\xfea\x00b\x00" elif sys.byteorder == "big": expected = "\\xfe\\xff\x00a\x00b" assert actual == expected, ( # Show the encoding for easier troubleshooting. 'encoding: {!r}'.format(locale.getpreferredencoding()) ) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 record = caplog.records[0] assert record.levelname == 'WARNING' assert record.message == ( 'Bytes object does not appear to be encoded as utf-8' ) def test_console_to_str(monkeypatch): some_bytes = b"a\xE9\xC3\xE9b" encodings = ('ascii', 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', 'iso-8859-5', 'koi8_r', 'cp850') for e in encodings: monkeypatch.setattr(locale, 'getpreferredencoding', lambda: e) result = console_to_str(some_bytes) assert result.startswith("a") assert result.endswith("b") def test_console_to_str_warning(monkeypatch): some_bytes = b"a\xE9b" def check_warning(msg, *args, **kwargs): assert msg.startswith( "Subprocess output does not appear to be encoded as") monkeypatch.setattr(locale, 'getpreferredencoding', lambda: 'utf-8') monkeypatch.setattr(pip_compat.logger, 'warning', check_warning) console_to_str(some_bytes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("home,path,expanded", [ ("/Users/test", "~", "/Users/test"), ("/Users/test", "~/.cache", "/Users/test/.cache"), # Verify that we are not affected by https://bugs.python.org/issue14768 ("/", "~", "/"), ("/", "~/.cache", "/.cache"), ]) def test_expanduser(home, path, expanded, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", home) monkeypatch.setenv("USERPROFILE", home) assert expanduser(path) == expanded