=============== Getting Started =============== We’re pleased that you are interested in working on pip. This document is meant to get you setup to work on pip and to act as a guide and reference to the the development setup. If you face any issues during this process, please `open an issue`_ about it on the issue tracker. Development Environment ----------------------- pip uses :pypi:`tox` for testing against multiple different Python environments and ensuring reproducible environments for linting and building documentation. For developing pip, you need to install ``tox`` on your system. Often, you can just do ``python -m pip install tox`` to install and use it. Running pip From Source Tree ---------------------------- To run the pip executable from your source tree during development, run pip from the ``src`` directory: .. code-block:: console $ python src/pip --version Running Tests ------------- pip uses the :pypi:`pytest` test framework, :pypi:`mock` and :pypi:`pretend` for testing. These are automatically installed by tox for running the tests. To run tests locally, run: .. code-block:: console $ tox -e py36 The example above runs tests against Python 3.6. You can also use other versions like ``py27`` and ``pypy3``. ``tox`` has been configured to any additional arguments it is given to ``pytest``. This enables the use of pytest's `rich CLI`_. As an example, you can select tests using the various ways that pytest provides: .. code-block:: console $ # Using file name $ tox -e py36 -- tests/functional/test_install.py $ # Using markers $ tox -e py36 -- -m unit $ # Using keywords $ tox -e py36 -- -k "install and not wheel" Running pip's test suite requires supported version control tools (subversion, bazaar, git, and mercurial) to be installed. If you are missing one of the VCS tools, you can tell pip to skip those tests: .. code-block:: console $ tox -e py36 -- -k "not svn" $ tox -e py36 -- -k "not (svn or git)" Running Linters --------------- pip uses :pypi:`flake8` and :pypi:`isort` for linting the codebase. These ensure that the codebase is in compliance with :pep:`8` and the imports are consistently ordered and styled. To use linters locally, run: .. code-block:: console $ tox -e lint-py2 $ tox -e lint-py3 The above commands run the linters on Python 2 followed by Python 3. .. note:: Do not silence errors from flake8 with ``# noqa`` comments or otherwise. Running mypy ------------ pip uses :pypi:`mypy` to run static type analysis, which helps catch certain kinds of bugs. The codebase uses `PEP 484 type-comments`_ due to compatibility requirements with Python 2.7. To run the ``mypy`` type checker, run: .. code-block:: console $ tox -e mypy Building Documentation ---------------------- pip's documentation is built using :pypi:`Sphinx`. The documentation is written in reStructuredText. To build it locally, run: .. code-block:: console $ tox -e docs The built documentation can be found in the ``docs/build`` folder. .. _`open an issue`: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/new?title=Trouble+with+pip+development+environment .. _`PEP 484 type-comments`: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#suggested-syntax-for-python-2-7-and-straddling-code .. _`rich CLI`: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/usage.html#specifying-tests-selecting-tests