import logging import os.path import sys import pytest from mock import Mock from pip._vendor import html5lib, requests from import PipSession from pip._internal.index import ( CandidateEvaluator, Link, PackageFinder, Search, _check_link_requires_python, _clean_link, _determine_base_url, _egg_info_matches, _find_name_version_sep, _get_html_page, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize('requires_python, expected', [ ('== 3.6.4', False), ('== 3.6.5', True), # Test an invalid Requires-Python value. ('invalid', True), ]) def test_check_link_requires_python(requires_python, expected): version_info = (3, 6, 5) link = Link('', requires_python=requires_python) actual = _check_link_requires_python(link, version_info) assert actual == expected def check_caplog(caplog, expected_level, expected_message): assert len(caplog.records) == 1 record = caplog.records[0] assert record.levelname == expected_level assert record.message == expected_message @pytest.mark.parametrize('ignore_requires_python, expected', [ (None, ( False, 'DEBUG', "Link requires a different Python (3.6.5 not in: '== 3.6.4'): " "" )), (True, ( True, 'DEBUG', "Ignoring failed Requires-Python check (3.6.5 not in: '== 3.6.4') " "for link:" )), ]) def test_check_link_requires_python__incompatible_python( caplog, ignore_requires_python, expected, ): """ Test an incompatible Python. """ expected_return, expected_level, expected_message = expected link = Link('', requires_python='== 3.6.4') caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) actual = _check_link_requires_python( link, version_info=(3, 6, 5), ignore_requires_python=ignore_requires_python, ) assert actual == expected_return check_caplog(caplog, expected_level, expected_message) def test_check_link_requires_python__invalid_requires(caplog): """ Test the log message for an invalid Requires-Python. """ link = Link('', requires_python='invalid') caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) actual = _check_link_requires_python(link, version_info=(3, 6, 5)) assert actual expected_message = ( "Ignoring invalid Requires-Python ('invalid') for link: " "" ) check_caplog(caplog, 'DEBUG', expected_message) class TestCandidateEvaluator: @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_info, expected", [ ((2, 7, 14), '2.7'), ((3, 6, 5), '3.6'), # Check a minor version with two digits. ((3, 10, 1), '3.10'), ]) def test_init__py_version(self, version_info, expected): """ Test the _py_version attribute. """ evaluator = CandidateEvaluator([], py_version_info=version_info) assert evaluator._py_version == expected def test_init__py_version_default(self): """ Test the _py_version attribute's default value. """ evaluator = CandidateEvaluator([]) # Get the index of the second dot. index = sys.version.find('.', 2) assert evaluator._py_version == sys.version[:index] @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'py_version_info,ignore_requires_python,expected', [ ((3, 6, 5), None, (True, '1.12')), # Test an incompatible Python. ((3, 6, 4), None, (False, None)), # Test an incompatible Python with ignore_requires_python=True. ((3, 6, 4), True, (True, '1.12')), ], ) def test_evaluate_link( self, py_version_info, ignore_requires_python, expected, ): link = Link( '', requires_python='== 3.6.5', ) search = Search( supplied='twine', canonical='twine', formats=['source'], ) evaluator = CandidateEvaluator( [], py_version_info=py_version_info, ignore_requires_python=ignore_requires_python, ) actual = evaluator.evaluate_link(link, search=search) assert actual == expected def test_sort_locations_file_expand_dir(data): """ Test that a file:// dir gets listdir run with expand_dir """ finder = PackageFinder.create([data.find_links], [], session=PipSession()) files, urls = finder._sort_locations([data.find_links], expand_dir=True) assert files and not urls, ( "files and not urls should have been found at find-links url: %s" % data.find_links ) def test_sort_locations_file_not_find_link(data): """ Test that a file:// url dir that's not a find-link, doesn't get a listdir run """ finder = PackageFinder.create([], [], session=PipSession()) files, urls = finder._sort_locations([data.index_url("empty_with_pkg")]) assert urls and not files, "urls, but not files should have been found" def test_sort_locations_non_existing_path(): """ Test that a non-existing path is ignored. """ finder = PackageFinder.create([], [], session=PipSession()) files, urls = finder._sort_locations( [os.path.join('this', 'doesnt', 'exist')]) assert not urls and not files, "nothing should have been found" class TestLink(object): def test_splitext(self): assert ('wheel', '.whl') == Link('http://yo/wheel.whl').splitext() @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("url", "expected"), [ ("http://yo/wheel.whl", "wheel.whl"), ("http://yo/wheel", "wheel"), ( "http://yo/myproject-1.0%2Bfoobar.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", "myproject-1.0+foobar.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", ), ], ) def test_filename(self, url, expected): assert Link(url).filename == expected def test_no_ext(self): assert '' == Link('http://yo/wheel').ext def test_ext(self): assert '.whl' == Link('http://yo/wheel.whl').ext def test_ext_fragment(self): assert '.whl' == Link('http://yo/wheel.whl#frag').ext def test_ext_query(self): assert '.whl' == Link('http://yo/wheel.whl?a=b').ext def test_is_wheel(self): assert Link('http://yo/wheel.whl').is_wheel def test_is_wheel_false(self): assert not Link('http://yo/not_a_wheel').is_wheel def test_fragments(self): url = 'git+' assert 'eggname' == Link(url).egg_fragment assert None is Link(url).subdirectory_fragment url = 'git+' assert 'eggname' == Link(url).egg_fragment assert 'subdir' == Link(url).subdirectory_fragment url = 'git+' assert 'eggname' == Link(url).egg_fragment assert 'subdir' == Link(url).subdirectory_fragment @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("html", "url", "expected"), [ (b"", "", ""), ( b"" b"" b"", "", "", ), ( b"" b"" b"", "", "", ), ], ) def test_determine_base_url(html, url, expected): document = html5lib.parse( html, transport_encoding=None, namespaceHTMLElements=False, ) assert _determine_base_url(document, url) == expected class MockLogger(object): def __init__(self): self.called = False def warning(self, *args, **kwargs): self.called = True @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("location", "trusted", "expected"), [ ("", [], True), ("", [], False), ("git+", [], True), ("git+", [], False), ("git+ssh://", [], False), ("http://localhost", [], False), ("", [], False), ("", [], True), ("", [""], False), ("", ["example.cOm"], False), ], ) def test_secure_origin(location, trusted, expected): finder = PackageFinder.create([], [], session=[], trusted_hosts=trusted) logger = MockLogger() finder._validate_secure_origin(logger, location) assert logger.called == expected def test_get_formatted_locations_basic_auth(): """ Test that basic authentication credentials defined in URL is not included in formatted output. """ index_urls = [ '', '', ] finder = PackageFinder.create([], index_urls, session=[]) result = finder.get_formatted_locations() assert 'user' in result assert '****' in result assert 'pass' not in result @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("egg_info", "canonical_name", "expected"), [ # Trivial. ("pip-18.0", "pip", 3), ("zope-interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14), # Canonicalized name match non-canonicalized egg info. (pypa/pip#5870) ("Jinja2-2.10", "jinja2", 6), ("zope.interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14), ("zope_interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14), # Should be smart enough to parse ambiguous names from the provided # package name. ("foo-2-2", "foo", 3), ("foo-2-2", "foo-2", 5), # Should be able to detect collapsed characters in the egg info. ("foo--bar-1.0", "foo-bar", 8), ("foo-_bar-1.0", "foo-bar", 8), # The package name must not ends with a dash (PEP 508), so the first # dash would be the separator, not the second. ("zope.interface--4.5.0", "zope-interface", 14), ("zope.interface--", "zope-interface", 14), # The version part is missing, but the split function does not care. ("zope.interface-", "zope-interface", 14), ], ) def test_find_name_version_sep(egg_info, canonical_name, expected): index = _find_name_version_sep(egg_info, canonical_name) assert index == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("egg_info", "canonical_name"), [ # A dash must follow the package name. ("zope.interface4.5.0", "zope-interface"), ("zope.interface.4.5.0", "zope-interface"), ("zope.interface.-4.5.0", "zope-interface"), ("zope.interface", "zope-interface"), ], ) def test_find_name_version_sep_failure(egg_info, canonical_name): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ctx: _find_name_version_sep(egg_info, canonical_name) message = "{} does not match {}".format(egg_info, canonical_name) assert str(ctx.value) == message @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("egg_info", "canonical_name", "expected"), [ # Trivial. ("pip-18.0", "pip", "18.0"), ("zope-interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", "4.5.0"), # Canonicalized name match non-canonicalized egg info. (pypa/pip#5870) ("Jinja2-2.10", "jinja2", "2.10"), ("zope.interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", "4.5.0"), ("zope_interface-4.5.0", "zope-interface", "4.5.0"), # Should be smart enough to parse ambiguous names from the provided # package name. ("foo-2-2", "foo", "2-2"), ("foo-2-2", "foo-2", "2"), ("zope.interface--4.5.0", "zope-interface", "-4.5.0"), ("zope.interface--", "zope-interface", "-"), # Should be able to detect collapsed characters in the egg info. ("foo--bar-1.0", "foo-bar", "1.0"), ("foo-_bar-1.0", "foo-bar", "1.0"), # Invalid. ("the-package-name-8.19", "does-not-match", None), ("zope.interface.-4.5.0", "zope.interface", None), ("zope.interface-", "zope-interface", None), ("zope.interface4.5.0", "zope-interface", None), ("zope.interface.4.5.0", "zope-interface", None), ("zope.interface.-4.5.0", "zope-interface", None), ("zope.interface", "zope-interface", None), ], ) def test_egg_info_matches(egg_info, canonical_name, expected): version = _egg_info_matches(egg_info, canonical_name) assert version == expected def test_request_http_error(caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) link = Link('http://localhost') session = Mock(PipSession) session.get.return_value = resp = Mock() resp.raise_for_status.side_effect = requests.HTTPError('Http error') assert _get_html_page(link, session=session) is None assert ( 'Could not fetch URL http://localhost: Http error - skipping' in caplog.text ) def test_request_retries(caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) link = Link('http://localhost') session = Mock(PipSession) session.get.side_effect = requests.exceptions.RetryError('Retry error') assert _get_html_page(link, session=session) is None assert ( 'Could not fetch URL http://localhost: Retry error - skipping' in caplog.text ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("url", "clean_url"), [ # URL with hostname and port. Port separator should not be quoted. ("https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path/with space/", "https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path/with%20space/"), # URL that is already properly quoted. The quoting `%` # characters should not be quoted again. ("https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path/with%20quoted%20space/", "https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path/with%20quoted%20space/"), # URL with IPv4 address and port. (" space/", ""), # URL with IPv6 address and port. The `[]` brackets around the # IPv6 address should not be quoted. ("https://[fd00:0:0:236::100]:8181/path/with space/", "https://[fd00:0:0:236::100]:8181/path/with%20space/"), # URL with query. The leading `?` should not be quoted. ("https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path/with/query?request=test", "https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path/with/query?request=test"), # URL with colon in the path portion. ("https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path:/with:/colon", "https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path%3A/with%3A/colon"), # URL with something that looks like a drive letter, but is # not. The `:` should be quoted. ("https://localhost.localdomain/T:/path/", "https://localhost.localdomain/T%3A/path/"), # VCS URL containing revision string. ("git+ssh:// to/repo.git@1.0#egg=my-package-1.0", "git+ssh://") ] ) def test_clean_link(url, clean_url): assert(_clean_link(url) == clean_url) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("url", "clean_url"), [ # URL with Windows drive letter. The `:` after the drive # letter should not be quoted. The trailing `/` should be # removed. ("file:///T:/path/with spaces/", "file:///T:/path/with%20spaces") ] ) @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform != 'win32'") def test_clean_link_windows(url, clean_url): assert(_clean_link(url) == clean_url) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("url", "clean_url"), [ # URL with Windows drive letter, running on non-windows # platform. The `:` after the drive should be quoted. ("file:///T:/path/with spaces/", "file:///T%3A/path/with%20spaces/") ] ) @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'") def test_clean_link_non_windows(url, clean_url): assert(_clean_link(url) == clean_url)