"""Build Environment used for isolation during sdist building """ import contextlib import logging import os import pathlib import sys import textwrap import zipfile from collections import OrderedDict from sysconfig import get_paths from types import TracebackType from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type from pip._vendor.certifi import where from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement from pip._vendor.packaging.version import Version from pip import __file__ as pip_location from pip._internal.cli.spinners import open_spinner from pip._internal.locations import get_platlib, get_prefixed_libs, get_purelib from pip._internal.metadata import get_environment from pip._internal.utils.subprocess import call_subprocess from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory, tempdir_kinds if TYPE_CHECKING: from pip._internal.index.package_finder import PackageFinder logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _Prefix: def __init__(self, path): # type: (str) -> None self.path = path self.setup = False self.bin_dir = get_paths( 'nt' if os.name == 'nt' else 'posix_prefix', vars={'base': path, 'platbase': path} )['scripts'] self.lib_dirs = get_prefixed_libs(path) @contextlib.contextmanager def _create_standalone_pip() -> Iterator[str]: """Create a "standalone pip" zip file. The zip file's content is identical to the currently-running pip. It will be used to install requirements into the build environment. """ source = pathlib.Path(pip_location).resolve().parent # Return the current instance if `source` is not a directory. We can't build # a zip from this, and it likely means the instance is already standalone. if not source.is_dir(): yield str(source) return with TempDirectory(kind="standalone-pip") as tmp_dir: pip_zip = os.path.join(tmp_dir.path, "__env_pip__.zip") kwargs = {} if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): kwargs["strict_timestamps"] = False with zipfile.ZipFile(pip_zip, "w", **kwargs) as zf: for child in source.rglob("*"): zf.write(child, child.relative_to(source.parent).as_posix()) yield os.path.join(pip_zip, "pip") class BuildEnvironment: """Creates and manages an isolated environment to install build deps """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None temp_dir = TempDirectory( kind=tempdir_kinds.BUILD_ENV, globally_managed=True ) self._prefixes = OrderedDict( (name, _Prefix(os.path.join(temp_dir.path, name))) for name in ('normal', 'overlay') ) self._bin_dirs = [] # type: List[str] self._lib_dirs = [] # type: List[str] for prefix in reversed(list(self._prefixes.values())): self._bin_dirs.append(prefix.bin_dir) self._lib_dirs.extend(prefix.lib_dirs) # Customize site to: # - ensure .pth files are honored # - prevent access to system site packages system_sites = { os.path.normcase(site) for site in (get_purelib(), get_platlib()) } self._site_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir.path, 'site') if not os.path.exists(self._site_dir): os.mkdir(self._site_dir) with open(os.path.join(self._site_dir, 'sitecustomize.py'), 'w') as fp: fp.write(textwrap.dedent( ''' import os, site, sys # First, drop system-sites related paths. original_sys_path = sys.path[:] known_paths = set() for path in {system_sites!r}: site.addsitedir(path, known_paths=known_paths) system_paths = set( os.path.normcase(path) for path in sys.path[len(original_sys_path):] ) original_sys_path = [ path for path in original_sys_path if os.path.normcase(path) not in system_paths ] sys.path = original_sys_path # Second, add lib directories. # ensuring .pth file are processed. for path in {lib_dirs!r}: assert not path in sys.path site.addsitedir(path) ''' ).format(system_sites=system_sites, lib_dirs=self._lib_dirs)) def __enter__(self): # type: () -> None self._save_env = { name: os.environ.get(name, None) for name in ('PATH', 'PYTHONNOUSERSITE', 'PYTHONPATH') } path = self._bin_dirs[:] old_path = self._save_env['PATH'] if old_path: path.extend(old_path.split(os.pathsep)) pythonpath = [self._site_dir] os.environ.update({ 'PATH': os.pathsep.join(path), 'PYTHONNOUSERSITE': '1', 'PYTHONPATH': os.pathsep.join(pythonpath), }) def __exit__( self, exc_type, # type: Optional[Type[BaseException]] exc_val, # type: Optional[BaseException] exc_tb # type: Optional[TracebackType] ): # type: (...) -> None for varname, old_value in self._save_env.items(): if old_value is None: os.environ.pop(varname, None) else: os.environ[varname] = old_value def check_requirements(self, reqs): # type: (Iterable[str]) -> Tuple[Set[Tuple[str, str]], Set[str]] """Return 2 sets: - conflicting requirements: set of (installed, wanted) reqs tuples - missing requirements: set of reqs """ missing = set() conflicting = set() if reqs: env = get_environment(self._lib_dirs) for req_str in reqs: req = Requirement(req_str) dist = env.get_distribution(req.name) if not dist: missing.add(req_str) continue if isinstance(dist.version, Version): installed_req_str = f"{req.name}=={dist.version}" else: installed_req_str = f"{req.name}==={dist.version}" if dist.version not in req.specifier: conflicting.add((installed_req_str, req_str)) # FIXME: Consider direct URL? return conflicting, missing def install_requirements( self, finder, # type: PackageFinder requirements, # type: Iterable[str] prefix_as_string, # type: str message # type: str ): # type: (...) -> None prefix = self._prefixes[prefix_as_string] assert not prefix.setup prefix.setup = True if not requirements: return with contextlib.ExitStack() as ctx: # TODO: Remove this block when dropping 3.6 support. Python 3.6 # lacks importlib.resources and pep517 has issues loading files in # a zip, so we fallback to the "old" method by adding the current # pip directory to the child process's sys.path. if sys.version_info < (3, 7): pip_runnable = os.path.dirname(pip_location) else: pip_runnable = ctx.enter_context(_create_standalone_pip()) self._install_requirements( pip_runnable, finder, requirements, prefix, message, ) @staticmethod def _install_requirements( pip_runnable: str, finder: "PackageFinder", requirements: Iterable[str], prefix: _Prefix, message: str, ) -> None: args = [ sys.executable, pip_runnable, 'install', '--ignore-installed', '--no-user', '--prefix', prefix.path, '--no-warn-script-location', ] # type: List[str] if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: args.append('-v') for format_control in ('no_binary', 'only_binary'): formats = getattr(finder.format_control, format_control) args.extend(('--' + format_control.replace('_', '-'), ','.join(sorted(formats or {':none:'})))) index_urls = finder.index_urls if index_urls: args.extend(['-i', index_urls[0]]) for extra_index in index_urls[1:]: args.extend(['--extra-index-url', extra_index]) else: args.append('--no-index') for link in finder.find_links: args.extend(['--find-links', link]) for host in finder.trusted_hosts: args.extend(['--trusted-host', host]) if finder.allow_all_prereleases: args.append('--pre') if finder.prefer_binary: args.append('--prefer-binary') args.append('--') args.extend(requirements) extra_environ = {"_PIP_STANDALONE_CERT": where()} with open_spinner(message) as spinner: call_subprocess(args, spinner=spinner, extra_environ=extra_environ) class NoOpBuildEnvironment(BuildEnvironment): """A no-op drop-in replacement for BuildEnvironment """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None pass def __enter__(self): # type: () -> None pass def __exit__( self, exc_type, # type: Optional[Type[BaseException]] exc_val, # type: Optional[BaseException] exc_tb # type: Optional[TracebackType] ): # type: (...) -> None pass def cleanup(self): # type: () -> None pass def install_requirements( self, finder, # type: PackageFinder requirements, # type: Iterable[str] prefix_as_string, # type: str message # type: str ): # type: (...) -> None raise NotImplementedError()