import os import ssl import tempfile import textwrap import pytest from tests.lib.server import ( authorization_response, file_response, make_mock_server, package_page, server_running, ) def test_options_from_env_vars(script): """ Test if ConfigOptionParser reads env vars (e.g. not using PyPI here) """ script.environ['PIP_NO_INDEX'] = '1' result = script.pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools', expect_error=True) assert "Ignoring indexes:" in result.stdout, str(result) msg = "DistributionNotFound: No matching distribution found for INITools" # Case insensitive as the new resolver canonicalises the project name assert msg.lower() in result.stdout.lower(), str(result) def test_command_line_options_override_env_vars(script, virtualenv): """ Test that command line options override environmental variables. """ script.environ['PIP_INDEX_URL'] = '' result = script.pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools', expect_error=True) assert ( "Getting page" in result.stdout ) virtualenv.clear() result = script.pip( 'install', '-vvv', '--index-url', '', 'INITools', expect_error=True, ) assert "" not in result.stdout assert "Getting page" in result.stdout def test_env_vars_override_config_file(script, virtualenv): """ Test that environmental variables override settings in config files. """ config_file = script.scratch_path / "test-pip.cfg" # set this to make pip load it script.environ['PIP_CONFIG_FILE'] = str(config_file) # It's important that we test this particular config value ('no-index') # because there is/was a bug which only shows up in cases in which # 'config-item' and 'config_item' hash to the same value modulo the size # of the config dictionary. config_file.write_text(textwrap.dedent("""\ [global] no-index = 1 """)) result = script.pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools', expect_error=True) msg = "DistributionNotFound: No matching distribution found for INITools" # Case insensitive as the new resolver canonicalises the project name assert msg.lower() in result.stdout.lower(), str(result) script.environ['PIP_NO_INDEX'] = '0' virtualenv.clear() result = script.pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools') assert "Successfully installed INITools" in result.stdout def test_command_line_append_flags(script, virtualenv, data): """ Test command line flags that append to defaults set by environmental variables. """ script.environ['PIP_FIND_LINKS'] = '' result = script.pip( 'install', '-vvv', 'INITools', '--trusted-host', '', ) assert ( "Fetching project page and analyzing links:" in result.stdout ), str(result) virtualenv.clear() result = script.pip( 'install', '-vvv', '--find-links', data.find_links, 'INITools', '--trusted-host', '', ) assert ( "Fetching project page and analyzing links:" in result.stdout ) assert ( f'Skipping link: not a file: {data.find_links}' in result.stdout ), f'stdout: {result.stdout}' def test_command_line_appends_correctly(script, data): """ Test multiple appending options set by environmental variables. """ script.environ['PIP_FIND_LINKS'] = ( ' {data.find_links}'.format(**locals()) ) result = script.pip( 'install', '-vvv', 'INITools', '--trusted-host', '', ) assert ( "Fetching project page and analyzing links:" in result.stdout ), result.stdout assert ( f'Skipping link: not a file: {data.find_links}' in result.stdout ), f'stdout: {result.stdout}' def test_config_file_override_stack( script, virtualenv, mock_server, shared_data ): """ Test config files (global, overriding a global config with a local, overriding all with a command line flag). """ mock_server.set_responses([ package_page({}), package_page({}), package_page({"INITools-0.2.tar.gz": "/files/INITools-0.2.tar.gz"}), file_response(shared_data.packages.joinpath("INITools-0.2.tar.gz")), ]) mock_server.start() base_address = f"http://{}:{mock_server.port}" config_file = script.scratch_path / "test-pip.cfg" # set this to make pip load it script.environ['PIP_CONFIG_FILE'] = str(config_file) config_file.write_text(textwrap.dedent("""\ [global] index-url = {}/simple1 """.format(base_address))) script.pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools', expect_error=True) virtualenv.clear() config_file.write_text(textwrap.dedent("""\ [global] index-url = {address}/simple1 [install] index-url = {address}/simple2 """.format(address=base_address)) ) script.pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools', expect_error=True) script.pip( 'install', '-vvv', '--index-url', f"{base_address}/simple3", 'INITools', ) mock_server.stop() requests = mock_server.get_requests() assert len(requests) == 4 assert requests[0]["PATH_INFO"] == "/simple1/initools/" assert requests[1]["PATH_INFO"] == "/simple2/initools/" assert requests[2]["PATH_INFO"] == "/simple3/initools/" assert requests[3]["PATH_INFO"] == "/files/INITools-0.2.tar.gz" def test_options_from_venv_config(script, virtualenv): """ Test if ConfigOptionParser reads a virtualenv-local config file """ from pip._internal.configuration import CONFIG_BASENAME conf = "[global]\nno-index = true" ini = virtualenv.location / CONFIG_BASENAME with open(ini, 'w') as f: f.write(conf) result = script.pip('install', '-vvv', 'INITools', expect_error=True) assert "Ignoring indexes:" in result.stdout, str(result) msg = "DistributionNotFound: No matching distribution found for INITools" # Case insensitive as the new resolver canonicalises the project name assert msg.lower() in result.stdout.lower(), str(result) def test_install_no_binary_via_config_disables_cached_wheels( script, data, with_wheel): config_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wt', delete=False) try: script.environ['PIP_CONFIG_FILE'] = config_file.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ [global] no-binary = :all: """)) config_file.close() res = script.pip( 'install', '--no-index', '-f', data.find_links, 'upper', expect_stderr=True) finally: os.unlink( assert "Successfully installed upper-2.0" in str(res), str(res) # No wheel building for upper, which was blacklisted assert "Building wheel for upper" not in str(res), str(res) # Must have used source, not a cached wheel to install upper. assert "Running install for upper" in str(res), str(res) def test_prompt_for_authentication(script, data, cert_factory): """Test behaviour while installing from a index url requiring authentication """ cert_path = cert_factory() ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) ctx.load_cert_chain(cert_path, cert_path) ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=cert_path) ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED server = make_mock_server(ssl_context=ctx) server.mock.side_effect = [ package_page({ "simple-3.0.tar.gz": "/files/simple-3.0.tar.gz", }), authorization_response(str(data.packages / "simple-3.0.tar.gz")), ] url = f"https://{}:{server.port}/simple" with server_running(server): result = script.pip('install', "--index-url", url, "--cert", cert_path, "--client-cert", cert_path, 'simple', expect_error=True) assert f'User for {}:{server.port}' in \ result.stdout, str(result) def test_do_not_prompt_for_authentication(script, data, cert_factory): """Test behaviour if --no-input option is given while installing from a index url requiring authentication """ cert_path = cert_factory() ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) ctx.load_cert_chain(cert_path, cert_path) ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=cert_path) ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED server = make_mock_server(ssl_context=ctx) server.mock.side_effect = [ package_page({ "simple-3.0.tar.gz": "/files/simple-3.0.tar.gz", }), authorization_response(str(data.packages / "simple-3.0.tar.gz")), ] url = f"https://{}:{server.port}/simple" with server_running(server): result = script.pip('install', "--index-url", url, "--cert", cert_path, "--client-cert", cert_path, '--no-input', 'simple', expect_error=True) assert "ERROR: HTTP error 401" in result.stderr @pytest.mark.parametrize("auth_needed", (True, False)) def test_prompt_for_keyring_if_needed(script, data, cert_factory, auth_needed): """Test behaviour while installing from a index url requiring authentication and keyring is possible. """ cert_path = cert_factory() ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) ctx.load_cert_chain(cert_path, cert_path) ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=cert_path) ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED response = authorization_response if auth_needed else file_response server = make_mock_server(ssl_context=ctx) server.mock.side_effect = [ package_page({ "simple-3.0.tar.gz": "/files/simple-3.0.tar.gz", }), response(str(data.packages / "simple-3.0.tar.gz")), response(str(data.packages / "simple-3.0.tar.gz")), ] url = "https://{}:{}/simple".format(, server.port) keyring_content = textwrap.dedent("""\ import os import sys from collections import namedtuple Cred = namedtuple("Cred", ["username", "password"]) def get_credential(url, username): sys.stderr.write("get_credential was called" + os.linesep) return Cred("USERNAME", "PASSWORD") """) keyring_path = script.site_packages_path / '' keyring_path.write_text(keyring_content) with server_running(server): result = script.pip('install', "--index-url", url, "--cert", cert_path, "--client-cert", cert_path, 'simple') if auth_needed: assert "get_credential was called" in result.stderr else: assert "get_credential was called" not in result.stderr