import hashlib import os from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp from mock import patch import pip from pip.backwardcompat import urllib, BytesIO, b from import (_get_response_from_url as _get_response_from_url_original, path_to_url2, unpack_http_url, URLOpener) from pip.index import Link def test_unpack_http_url_with_urllib_response_without_content_type(data): """ It should download and unpack files even if no Content-Type header exists """ def _get_response_from_url_mock(*args, **kw): resp = _get_response_from_url_original(*args, **kw) del['content-type'] return resp with patch('', _get_response_from_url_mock) as mocked: uri = path_to_url2(data.packages.join("simple-1.0.tar.gz")) link = Link(uri) temp_dir = mkdtemp() try: unpack_http_url(link, temp_dir, download_cache=None, download_dir=None) assert set(os.listdir(temp_dir)) == set(['PKG-INFO', 'setup.cfg', '', 'simple', 'simple.egg-info']) finally: rmtree(temp_dir) def test_user_agent(): opener = URLOpener().get_opener() user_agent = [x for x in opener.addheaders if x[0].lower() == "user-agent"][0] assert user_agent[1].startswith("pip/%s" % pip.__version__) def _write_file(fn, contents): with open(fn, 'w') as fh: fh.write(contents) class MockResponse(object): def __init__(self, contents): self._io = BytesIO(contents) def read(self, *a, **kw): return*a, **kw) @patch('') @patch('') def test_unpack_http_url_bad_cache_checksum(mock_get_response, mock_unpack_file): """ If cached download has bad checksum, re-download. """ base_url = '' contents = b('downloaded') download_hash ='sha1', contents) link = Link(base_url + '#sha1=' + download_hash.hexdigest()) response = mock_get_response.return_value = MockResponse(contents) = lambda: {'content-type': 'application/x-tar'} response.geturl = lambda: base_url cache_dir = mkdtemp() try: cache_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, urllib.quote(base_url, '')) cache_ct_file = cache_file + '.content-type' _write_file(cache_file, 'some contents') _write_file(cache_ct_file, 'application/x-tar') unpack_http_url(link, 'location', download_cache=cache_dir) # despite existence of cached file with bad hash, downloaded again mock_get_response.assert_called_once_with(base_url, link) # cached file is replaced with newly downloaded file with open(cache_file) as fh: assert == 'downloaded' finally: rmtree(cache_dir) @patch('') @patch('') def test_unpack_http_url_bad_downloaded_checksum(mock_get_response, mock_unpack_file): """ If already-downloaded file has bad checksum, re-download. """ base_url = '' contents = b('downloaded') download_hash ='sha1', contents) link = Link(base_url + '#sha1=' + download_hash.hexdigest()) response = mock_get_response.return_value = MockResponse(contents) = lambda: {'content-type': 'application/x-tar'} response.geturl = lambda: base_url download_dir = mkdtemp() try: downloaded_file = os.path.join(download_dir, 'somepackage.tgz') _write_file(downloaded_file, 'some contents') unpack_http_url(link, 'location', download_cache=None, download_dir=download_dir) # despite existence of downloaded file with bad hash, downloaded again mock_get_response.assert_called_once_with(base_url, link) # cached file is replaced with newly downloaded file with open(downloaded_file) as fh: assert == 'downloaded' finally: rmtree(download_dir)