import re from typing import List import pytest from pip._vendor.packaging.version import Version from pip._internal.commands.debug import create_vendor_txt_map from pip._internal.utils import compatibility_tags from tests.lib import PipTestEnvironment @pytest.mark.parametrize( "expected_text", [ "sys.executable: ", "sys.getdefaultencoding: ", "sys.getfilesystemencoding: ", "locale.getpreferredencoding: ", "sys.platform: ", "sys.implementation:", "'cert' config value: ", "REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE: ", "CURL_CA_BUNDLE: ", "pip._vendor.certifi.where(): ", "pip._vendor.DEBUNDLED: ", "vendored library versions:", ], ) def test_debug(script: PipTestEnvironment, expected_text: str) -> None: """ Check that certain strings are present in the output. """ args = ["debug"] result = script.pip(*args, allow_stderr_warning=True) stdout = result.stdout assert expected_text in stdout def test_debug__library_versions(script: PipTestEnvironment) -> None: """ Check the library versions normal output. """ args = ["debug"] result = script.pip(*args, allow_stderr_warning=True) print(result.stdout) vendored_versions = create_vendor_txt_map() for name, value in vendored_versions.items(): match ="{name}==(\S+)", result.stdout) assert match is not None, f"Could not find {name} in output" assert Version( == Version(value) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "args", [ [], ["--verbose"], ], ) def test_debug__tags(script: PipTestEnvironment, args: List[str]) -> None: """ Check the compatible tag output. """ args = ["debug"] + args result = script.pip(*args, allow_stderr_warning=True) stdout = result.stdout tags = compatibility_tags.get_supported() expected_tag_header = f"Compatible tags: {len(tags)}" assert expected_tag_header in stdout show_verbose_note = "--verbose" not in args assert ( "...\n [First 10 tags shown. Pass --verbose to show all.]" in stdout ) == show_verbose_note @pytest.mark.parametrize( "args, expected", [ (["--python-version", "3.7"], "(target: version_info='3.7')"), ], ) def test_debug__target_options( script: PipTestEnvironment, args: List[str], expected: str ) -> None: """ Check passing target-related options. """ args = ["debug"] + args result = script.pip(*args, allow_stderr_warning=True) stdout = result.stdout assert "Compatible tags: " in stdout assert expected in stdout