from pip.backwardcompat import urllib from pip.req import InstallRequirement from pip.index import PackageFinder from tests.path import Path from tests.test_pip import here find_links = 'file://' + urllib.quote(str(Path(here).abspath/'packages').replace('\\', '/')) def test_no_mpkg(): """Finder skips zipfiles with "macosx10" in the name.""" finder = PackageFinder([find_links], []) req = InstallRequirement.from_line("pkgwithmpkg") found = finder.find_requirement(req, False) assert found.url.endswith("pkgwithmpkg-1.0.tar.gz"), found def test_no_partial_name_match(): """Finder requires the full project name to match, not just beginning.""" finder = PackageFinder([find_links], []) req = InstallRequirement.from_line("gmpy") found = finder.find_requirement(req, False) assert found.url.endswith("gmpy-1.15.tar.gz"), found