import os import subprocess from textwrap import dedent from mock import patch import pytest from pretend import stub from pip.exceptions import (RequirementsFileParseError, ReqFileOnlyOneReqPerLineError, ReqFileOnleOneOptionPerLineError, ReqFileOptionNotAllowedWithReqError) from import PipSession from pip.index import PackageFinder from pip.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from pip.req.req_file import (parse_requirements, process_line, join_lines, ignore_comments) class TestIgnoreComments(object): """tests for `ignore_comment`""" def test_strip_empty_line(self): lines = ['req1', '', 'req2'] result = ignore_comments(lines) assert list(result) == ['req1', 'req2'] def test_strip_comment(self): lines = ['req1', '# comment', 'req2'] result = ignore_comments(lines) assert list(result) == ['req1', 'req2'] class TestJoinLines(object): """tests for `join_lines`""" def test_join_lines(self): lines = dedent('''\ line 1 line 2:1 \\ line 2:2 line 3:1 \\ line 3:2 \\ line 3:3 line 4 ''').splitlines() expect = [ 'line 1', 'line 2:1 line 2:2', 'line 3:1 line 3:2 line 3:3', 'line 4', ] assert expect == list(join_lines(lines)) class TestProcessLine(object): """tests for `process_line`""" # TODO # test setting all finder options # override def setup(self): self.options = stub(isolated_mode=False, default_vcs=None, skip_requirements_regex=False) def test_parser_error(self): with pytest.raises(RequirementsFileParseError): list(process_line("--bogus", "file", 1)) def test_only_one_req_per_line(self): with pytest.raises(ReqFileOnlyOneReqPerLineError): list(process_line("req1 req2", "file", 1)) def test_only_one_option_per_line(self): with pytest.raises(ReqFileOnleOneOptionPerLineError): list(process_line("--index-url=url --no-use-wheel", "file", 1)) def test_option_not_allowed_on_req_line(self): with pytest.raises(ReqFileOptionNotAllowedWithReqError): list(process_line("req --index-url=url", "file", 1)) def test_yield_line_requirement(self): line = 'SomeProject' filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = InstallRequirement.from_line(line, comes_from=comes_from) assert repr(list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]) == repr(req) def test_yield_editable_requirement(self): url = 'git+https://url#egg=SomeProject' line = '-e %s' % url filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = InstallRequirement.from_editable(url, comes_from=comes_from) assert repr(list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]) == repr(req) def test_nested_requirements_file(self, monkeypatch): line = '-r another_file' req = InstallRequirement.from_line('SomeProject') import pip.req.req_file def stub_parse_requirements(req_url, finder, comes_from, options, session, cache_root): return [req] parse_requirements_stub = stub(call=stub_parse_requirements) monkeypatch.setattr(pip.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', assert list(process_line(line, 'filename', 1)) == [req] def test_options_on_a_requirement_line(self): line = 'SomeProject --install-option=yo1 --install-option yo2 '\ '--global-option="yo3" --global-option "yo4"' filename = 'filename' req = list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0] assert req.options == { 'global_options': ['yo3', 'yo4'], 'install_options': ['yo1', 'yo2']} def test_set_isolated(self): line = 'SomeProject' filename = 'filename' self.options.isolated_mode = True result = process_line(line, filename, 1, options=self.options) assert list(result)[0].isolated def test_set_default_vcs(self): url = 'https://url#egg=SomeProject' line = '-e %s' % url filename = 'filename' self.options.default_vcs = 'git' result = process_line(line, filename, 1, options=self.options) assert list(result)[0].link.url == 'git+' + url @pytest.fixture def session(): return PipSession() @pytest.fixture def finder(session): return PackageFinder([], [], session=session) class TestParseRequirements(object): """tests for `parse_requirements`""" # TODO: # joins # comments # regex def test_remote_reqs_parse(self): """ Test parsing a simple remote requirements file """ # this requirements file just contains a comment previously this has # failed in py3: for req in parse_requirements( '' 'pip-test-package/master/' 'tests/req_just_comment.txt', session=PipSession()): pass def test_req_file_parse_no_use_wheel(self, data): """ Test parsing --no-use-wheel from a req file """ finder = PackageFinder([], [], session=PipSession()) for req in parse_requirements( data.reqfiles.join("supported_options.txt"), finder, session=PipSession()): pass assert not finder.use_wheel def test_req_file_parse_comment_start_of_line(self, tmpdir): """ Test parsing comments in a requirements file """ with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write("# Comment ") finder = PackageFinder([], [], session=PipSession()) reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder, session=PipSession())) assert not reqs def test_req_file_parse_comment_end_of_line_with_url(self, tmpdir): """ Test parsing comments in a requirements file """ with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write(" # Comment ") finder = PackageFinder([], [], session=PipSession()) reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder, session=PipSession())) assert len(reqs) == 1 assert reqs[0].link.url == "" def test_req_file_parse_egginfo_end_of_line_with_url(self, tmpdir): """ Test parsing comments in a requirements file """ with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write("") finder = PackageFinder([], [], session=PipSession()) reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder, session=PipSession())) assert len(reqs) == 1 assert reqs[0].name == "wat" def test_req_file_no_finder(self, tmpdir): """ Test parsing a requirements file without a finder """ with open(tmpdir.join("req.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write(""" --find-links --index-url --extra-index-url --no-use-wheel --no-index --allow-external foo --allow-all-external --allow-insecure foo --allow-unverified foo """) parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req.txt"), session=PipSession()) def test_install_requirements_with_options(self, tmpdir, finder, session): global_option = '--dry-run' install_option = '--prefix=/opt' content = ''' INITools==2.0 --global-option="{global_option}" \ --install-option "{install_option}" '''.format(global_option=global_option, install_option=install_option) req_path = tmpdir.join('requirements.txt') with open(req_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(content) req = next(parse_requirements(req_path, finder=finder, session=session)) req.source_dir = os.curdir with patch.object(subprocess, 'Popen') as popen: try: req.install([]) except: pass call = popen.call_args_list[0][0][0] assert call.index(install_option) > \ call.index('install') > \ call.index(global_option) > 0