import pathlib import ssl import threading from base64 import b64encode from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager from textwrap import dedent from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List from unittest.mock import Mock from werkzeug.serving import BaseWSGIServer, WSGIRequestHandler from werkzeug.serving import make_server as _make_server from .compat import blocked_signals if TYPE_CHECKING: from _typeshed.wsgi import StartResponse, WSGIApplication, WSGIEnvironment Body = Iterable[bytes] class _MockServer(BaseWSGIServer): mock: Mock = Mock() class _RequestHandler(WSGIRequestHandler): def make_environ(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: environ = super().make_environ() # From pallets/werkzeug#1469, will probably be in release after # 0.16.0. try: # binary_form=False gives nicer information, but wouldn't be # compatible with what Nginx or Apache could return. peer_cert = self.connection.getpeercert(binary_form=True) if peer_cert is not None: # Nginx and Apache use PEM format. environ["SSL_CLIENT_CERT"] = ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert( peer_cert, ) except ValueError: # SSL handshake hasn't finished. self.server.log("error", "Cannot fetch SSL peer certificate info") except AttributeError: # Not using TLS, the socket will not have getpeercert(). pass return environ def _mock_wsgi_adapter( mock: Callable[["WSGIEnvironment", "StartResponse"], "WSGIApplication"] ) -> "WSGIApplication": """Uses a mock to record function arguments and provide the actual function that should respond. """ def adapter(environ: "WSGIEnvironment", start_response: "StartResponse") -> Body: try: responder = mock(environ, start_response) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError("Ran out of mocked responses.") return responder(environ, start_response) return adapter def make_mock_server(**kwargs: Any) -> _MockServer: """Creates a mock HTTP(S) server listening on a random port on localhost. The `mock` property of the returned server provides and records all WSGI interactions, so one approach to testing could be server = make_mock_server() server.mock.side_effects = [ page1, page2, ] with server_running(server): # ... use server... ... assert server.mock.call_count > 0 call_args_list = server.mock.call_args_list # `environ` is a dictionary defined as per PEP 3333 with the associated # contents. Additional properties may be added by werkzeug. environ, _ = call_args_list[0].args assert environ["PATH_INFO"].startswith("/hello/simple") Note that the server interactions take place in a different thread, so you do not want to touch the server.mock within the `server_running` block. Note also for pip interactions that "localhost" is a "secure origin", so be careful using this for failure tests of `--trusted-host`. """ kwargs.setdefault("request_handler", _RequestHandler) mock = Mock() app = _mock_wsgi_adapter(mock) server = _make_server("localhost", 0, app=app, **kwargs) server.mock = mock return server @contextmanager def server_running(server: BaseWSGIServer) -> Iterator[None]: """Context manager for running the provided server in a separate thread.""" thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) thread.daemon = True with blocked_signals(): thread.start() try: yield finally: server.shutdown() thread.join() # Helper functions for making responses in a declarative way. def text_html_response(text: str) -> "WSGIApplication": def responder(environ: "WSGIEnvironment", start_response: "StartResponse") -> Body: start_response( "200 OK", [ ("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"), ], ) return [text.encode("utf-8")] return responder def html5_page(text: str) -> str: return ( dedent( """ {} """ ) .strip() .format(text) ) def package_page(spec: Dict[str, str]) -> "WSGIApplication": def link(name: str, value: str) -> str: return f'{name}' links = "".join(link(*kv) for kv in spec.items()) return text_html_response(html5_page(links)) def file_response(path: pathlib.Path) -> "WSGIApplication": def responder(environ: "WSGIEnvironment", start_response: "StartResponse") -> Body: start_response( "200 OK", [ ("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"), ("Content-Length", str(path.stat().st_size)), ], ) return [path.read_bytes()] return responder def authorization_response(path: pathlib.Path) -> "WSGIApplication": correct_auth = "Basic " + b64encode(b"USERNAME:PASSWORD").decode("ascii") def responder(environ: "WSGIEnvironment", start_response: "StartResponse") -> Body: if environ.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION") != correct_auth: start_response("401 Unauthorized", [("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic")]) return () start_response( "200 OK", [ ("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"), ("Content-Length", str(path.stat().st_size)), ], ) return [path.read_bytes()] return responder class MockServer: def __init__(self, server: _MockServer) -> None: self._server = server self._running = False self.context = ExitStack() @property def port(self) -> int: return self._server.port @property def host(self) -> str: return def set_responses(self, responses: Iterable["WSGIApplication"]) -> None: assert not self._running, "responses cannot be set on running server" self._server.mock.side_effect = responses def start(self) -> None: assert not self._running, "running server cannot be started" self.context.enter_context(server_running(self._server)) self.context.enter_context(self._set_running()) @contextmanager def _set_running(self) -> Iterator[None]: self._running = True try: yield finally: self._running = False def stop(self) -> None: assert self._running, "idle server cannot be stopped" self.context.close() def get_requests(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """Get environ for each received request.""" assert not self._running, "cannot get mock from running server" # Legacy: replace call[0][0] with call.args[0] # when pip drops support for python3.7 return [call[0][0] for call in self._server.mock.call_args_list]