# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import os from pip.basecommand import Command from pip.index import PackageFinder from pip.log import logger from pip.exceptions import CommandError, PreviousBuildDirError from pip.req import InstallRequirement, RequirementSet, parse_requirements from pip.util import normalize_path from pip.wheel import WheelBuilder from pip import cmdoptions DEFAULT_WHEEL_DIR = os.path.join(normalize_path(os.curdir), 'wheelhouse') class WheelCommand(Command): """ Build Wheel archives for your requirements and dependencies. Wheel is a built-package format, and offers the advantage of not recompiling your software during every install. For more details, see the wheel docs: http://wheel.readthedocs.org/en/latest. Requirements: setuptools>=0.8, and wheel. 'pip wheel' uses the bdist_wheel setuptools extension from the wheel package to build individual wheels. """ name = 'wheel' usage = """ %prog [options] ... %prog [options] -r ... %prog [options] [-e] ... %prog [options] [-e] ... %prog [options] ...""" summary = 'Build wheels from your requirements.' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(WheelCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) cmd_opts = self.cmd_opts cmd_opts.add_option( '-w', '--wheel-dir', dest='wheel_dir', metavar='dir', default=DEFAULT_WHEEL_DIR, help=("Build wheels into , where the default is " "'/wheelhouse'."), ) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.use_wheel.make()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_use_wheel.make()) cmd_opts.add_option( '--build-option', dest='build_options', metavar='options', action='append', help="Extra arguments to be supplied to 'setup.py bdist_wheel'.") cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.editable.make()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.requirements.make()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.download_cache.make()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.src.make()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_deps.make()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.build_dir.make()) cmd_opts.add_option( '--global-option', dest='global_options', action='append', metavar='options', help="Extra global options to be supplied to the setup.py " "call before the 'bdist_wheel' command.") cmd_opts.add_option( '--pre', action='store_true', default=False, help=("Include pre-release and development versions. By default, " "pip only finds stable versions."), ) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_clean.make()) index_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group( cmdoptions.index_group, self.parser, ) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, index_opts) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): # confirm requirements try: import wheel.bdist_wheel # Hack to make flake8 not complain about an unused import wheel.bdist_wheel except ImportError: raise CommandError( "'pip wheel' requires the 'wheel' package. To fix this, run: " "pip install wheel" ) try: import pkg_resources except ImportError: raise CommandError( "'pip wheel' requires setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support." " To fix this, run: pip install --upgrade setuptools" ) else: if not hasattr(pkg_resources, 'DistInfoDistribution'): raise CommandError( "'pip wheel' requires setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info " "support. To fix this, run: pip install --upgrade " "setuptools" ) index_urls = [options.index_url] + options.extra_index_urls if options.no_index: logger.notify('Ignoring indexes: %s' % ','.join(index_urls)) index_urls = [] if options.use_mirrors: logger.deprecated( "1.7", "--use-mirrors has been deprecated and will be removed" " in the future. Explicit uses of --index-url and/or " "--extra-index-url is suggested." ) if options.mirrors: logger.deprecated( "1.7", "--mirrors has been deprecated and will be removed in " " the future. Explicit uses of --index-url and/or " "--extra-index-url is suggested." ) index_urls += options.mirrors if options.download_cache: logger.deprecated( "1.8", "--download-cache has been deprecated and will be removed in " " the future. Pip now automatically uses and configures its " "cache." ) with self._build_session(options) as session: finder = PackageFinder( find_links=options.find_links, index_urls=index_urls, use_wheel=options.use_wheel, allow_external=options.allow_external, allow_unverified=options.allow_unverified, allow_all_external=options.allow_all_external, allow_all_prereleases=options.pre, process_dependency_links=options.process_dependency_links, session=session, ) options.build_dir = os.path.abspath(options.build_dir) requirement_set = RequirementSet( build_dir=options.build_dir, src_dir=options.src_dir, download_dir=None, ignore_dependencies=options.ignore_dependencies, ignore_installed=True, session=session, wheel_download_dir=options.wheel_dir ) # make the wheelhouse if not os.path.exists(options.wheel_dir): os.makedirs(options.wheel_dir) # parse args and/or requirements files for name in args: requirement_set.add_requirement( InstallRequirement.from_line(name, None)) for name in options.editables: requirement_set.add_requirement( InstallRequirement.from_editable( name, default_vcs=options.default_vcs ) ) for filename in options.requirements: for req in parse_requirements( filename, finder=finder, options=options, session=session): requirement_set.add_requirement(req) # fail if no requirements if not requirement_set.has_requirements: opts = {'name': self.name} msg = ('You must give at least one requirement ' 'to %(name)s (see "pip help %(name)s")' % opts) logger.error(msg) return try: # build wheels wb = WheelBuilder( requirement_set, finder, options.wheel_dir, build_options=options.build_options or [], global_options=options.global_options or [], ) if not wb.build(): raise CommandError("Failed to build one or more wheels") except PreviousBuildDirError: options.no_clean = True raise finally: if not options.no_clean: requirement_set.cleanup_files()