=========== Development =========== Pull Requests ============= - Submit Pull Requests against the `develop` branch. - Provide a good description of what you're doing and why. - Provide tests that cover your changes and try to run the tests locally first. **Example**. Assuming you set up GitHub account, forked pip repository from https://github.com/pypa/pip to your own page via web interface, and your fork is located at https://github.com/yourname/pip :: $ git clone git@github.com:pypa/pip.git $ cd pip # ... $ git diff $ git add ... $ git status $ git commit You may reference relevant issues in commit messages (like #1259) to make GitHub link issues and commits together, and with phrase like "fixes #1259" you can even close relevant issues automatically. Now push the changes to your fork:: $ git push git@github.com:yourname/pip.git Open Pull Requests page at https://github.com/yourname/pip/pulls and click "New pull request". That's it. Automated Testing ================= All pull requests and merges to 'develop' branch are tested in `Travis `_ based on our `.travis.yml file `_. Usually, a link to your specific travis build appears in pull requests, but if not, you can find it on our `travis pull requests page `_ The only way to trigger Travis to run again for a pull request, is to submit another change to the pull branch. We also have Jenkins CI that runs regularly for certain python versions on windows and centos. Running tests ============= OS Requirements: subversion, bazaar, git, and mercurial. Python Requirements: tox or pytest, virtualenv, scripttest, and mock Ways to run the tests locally: :: $ tox -e py33 # The preferred way to run the tests, can use pyNN to # run for a particular version or leave off the -e to # run for all versions. $ python setup.py test # Using the setuptools test plugin $ py.test # Using py.test directly $ tox # Using tox against pip's tox.ini If you are missing one of the VCS tools, you can tell ``py.test`` to skip it: :: $ py.test -k 'not bzr' $ py.test -k 'not svn' Getting Involved ================ The pip project welcomes help in the following ways: - Making Pull Requests for code, tests, or docs. - Commenting on open issues and pull requests. - Helping to answer questions on the mailing list. If you want to become an official maintainer, start by helping out. Later, when you think you're ready, get in touch with one of the maintainers, and they will initiate a vote. Release Process =============== 1. On the current pip ``develop`` branch, generate a new ``AUTHORS.txt`` by running ``invoke generate.authors`` and commit the results. 2. On the current pip ``develop`` branch, make a new commit which bumps the version in ``pip/__init__.py`` to the release version and adjust the ``CHANGES.txt`` file to reflect the current date. 3. Merge the ``develop`` branch into the ``master`` branch. 4. Create a signed tag of the ``master`` branch of the form ``X.Y.Z`` using the command ``git tag -s X.Y.Z``. 5. Checkout the tag using ``git checkout X.Y.Z`` and create the distribution files using ``python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel``. 6. Upload the distribution files to PyPI using twine (``twine upload -s dist/*``). The upload should include GPG signatures of the distribution files. 7. Regenerate the ``get-pip.py`` script by running ``invoke generate.installer`` on the master branch, and commiting the results. 8. Merge the ``master`` branch into the ``develop`` branch. 9. Push all of the changes. Creating a Bugfix Release ========================= Sometimes we need to release a bugfix release of the form ``X.Y.Z+1``. In order to create one of these the changes should already be merged into the ``develop`` branch. 1. Create a new ``release/X.Y.Z+1`` branch off of the ``X.Y.Z`` tag using the command ``git checkout -b release/X.Y.Z+1 X.Y.Z``. 2. Cherry pick the fixed commits off of the develop branch, fixing any conflicts and moving any changelog entries from the development version's changelog section to the ``X.Y.Z+1`` section. 3. Push the ``release/X.Y.Z+1`` branch to github and submit a PR for it against the ``master`` branch and wait for the tests to run. 4. Once tests run, merge the ``release/X.Y.Z+1`` branch into master, and follow the above release process starting with step 4.