import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import pytest from mock import Mock, mock_open, patch from pip._vendor import pkg_resources from pip._vendor.packaging.markers import Marker from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement from pip._internal.commands.install import InstallCommand from import PipSession, path_to_url from pip._internal.exceptions import ( HashErrors, InstallationError, InvalidWheelFilename, PreviousBuildDirError, ) from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder from pip._internal.operations.prepare import RequirementPreparer from pip._internal.req import InstallRequirement, RequirementSet from pip._internal.req.constructors import ( install_req_from_editable, install_req_from_line, parse_editable, ) from pip._internal.req.req_file import process_line from pip._internal.req.req_tracker import RequirementTracker from pip._internal.resolve import Resolver from pip._internal.utils.misc import read_text_file from tests.lib import DATA_DIR, assert_raises_regexp, requirements_file def get_processed_req_from_line(line, fname='file', lineno=1): req = list(process_line(line, fname, lineno))[0] req.is_direct = True return req class TestRequirementSet(object): """RequirementSet tests""" def setup(self): self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def teardown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir, ignore_errors=True) def _basic_resolver(self, finder): preparer = RequirementPreparer( build_dir=os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'build'), src_dir=os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'src'), download_dir=None, wheel_download_dir=None, progress_bar="on", build_isolation=True, req_tracker=RequirementTracker(), ) return Resolver( preparer=preparer, wheel_cache=None, session=PipSession(), finder=finder, use_user_site=False, upgrade_strategy="to-satisfy-only", ignore_dependencies=False, ignore_installed=False, ignore_requires_python=False, force_reinstall=False, isolated=False, ) def test_no_reuse_existing_build_dir(self, data): """Test prepare_files raise exception with previous build dir""" build_dir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'build', 'simple') os.makedirs(build_dir) with open(os.path.join(build_dir, ""), 'w'): pass reqset = RequirementSet() req = install_req_from_line('simple') req.is_direct = True reqset.add_requirement(req) finder = PackageFinder([data.find_links], [], session=PipSession()) resolver = self._basic_resolver(finder) assert_raises_regexp( PreviousBuildDirError, r"pip can't proceed with [\s\S]*%s[\s\S]*%s" % (req, build_dir.replace('\\', '\\\\')), resolver.resolve, reqset, ) def test_environment_marker_extras(self, data): """ Test that the environment marker extras are used with non-wheel installs. """ reqset = RequirementSet() req = install_req_from_editable( data.packages.join("LocalEnvironMarker") ) req.is_direct = True reqset.add_requirement(req) finder = PackageFinder([data.find_links], [], session=PipSession()) resolver = self._basic_resolver(finder) resolver.resolve(reqset) # This is hacky but does test both case in py2 and py3 if sys.version_info[:2] in ((2, 7), (3, 4)): assert reqset.has_requirement('simple') else: assert not reqset.has_requirement('simple') def test_missing_hash_checking(self): """Make sure prepare_files() raises an error when a requirement has no hash in implicit hash-checking mode. """ reqset = RequirementSet() # No flags here. This tests that detection of later flags nonetheless # requires earlier packages to have hashes: reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'blessings==1.0', lineno=1 )) # This flag activates --require-hashes mode: reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'tracefront==0.1 --hash=sha256:somehash', lineno=2, )) # This hash should be accepted because it came from the reqs file, not # from the internet: reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( '' 'more-itertools-1.0.tar.gz#md5=b21850c3cfa7efbb70fd662ab5413bdd', lineno=3, )) # The error text should list this as a URL and not `peep==3.1.1`: reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( '' 'packages/source/p/peep/peep-3.1.1.tar.gz', lineno=4, )) finder = PackageFinder( [], [''], session=PipSession(), ) resolver = self._basic_resolver(finder) assert_raises_regexp( HashErrors, r'Hashes are required in --require-hashes mode, but they are ' r'missing .*\n' r' https://files\.pythonhosted\.org/packages/source/p/peep/peep' r'-3\.1\.1\.tar\.gz --hash=sha256:[0-9a-f]+\n' r' blessings==1.0 --hash=sha256:[0-9a-f]+\n' r'THESE PACKAGES DO NOT MATCH THE HASHES.*\n' r' tracefront==0.1 .*:\n' r' Expected sha256 somehash\n' r' Got [0-9a-f]+$', resolver.resolve, reqset ) def test_missing_hash_with_require_hashes(self, data): """Setting --require-hashes explicitly should raise errors if hashes are missing. """ reqset = RequirementSet(require_hashes=True) reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'simple==1.0', lineno=1 )) finder = PackageFinder([data.find_links], [], session=PipSession()) resolver = self._basic_resolver(finder) assert_raises_regexp( HashErrors, r'Hashes are required in --require-hashes mode, but they are ' r'missing .*\n' r' simple==1.0 --hash=sha256:393043e672415891885c9a2a0929b1af95' r'fb866d6ca016b42d2e6ce53619b653$', resolver.resolve, reqset ) def test_missing_hash_with_require_hashes_in_reqs_file(self, data, tmpdir): """--require-hashes in a requirements file should make its way to the RequirementSet. """ req_set = RequirementSet(require_hashes=False) session = PipSession() finder = PackageFinder([data.find_links], [], session=session) command = InstallCommand() with requirements_file('--require-hashes', tmpdir) as reqs_file: options, args = command.parse_args(['-r', reqs_file]) command.populate_requirement_set( req_set, args, options, finder, session,, wheel_cache=None, ) assert req_set.require_hashes def test_unsupported_hashes(self, data): """VCS and dir links should raise errors when --require-hashes is on. In addition, complaints about the type of requirement (VCS or dir) should trump the presence or absence of a hash. """ reqset = RequirementSet(require_hashes=True) reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'git+git:// --hash=sha256:123', lineno=1, )) dir_path = data.packages.join('FSPkg') reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'file://%s' % (dir_path,), lineno=2, )) finder = PackageFinder([data.find_links], [], session=PipSession()) resolver = self._basic_resolver(finder) sep = os.path.sep if sep == '\\': sep = '\\\\' # This needs to be escaped for the regex assert_raises_regexp( HashErrors, r"Can't verify hashes for these requirements because we don't " r"have a way to hash version control repositories:\n" r" git\+git://github\.com/pypa/pip-test-package \(from -r file " r"\(line 1\)\)\n" r"Can't verify hashes for these file:// requirements because they " r"point to directories:\n" r" file://.*{sep}data{sep}packages{sep}FSPkg " r"\(from -r file \(line 2\)\)".format(sep=sep), resolver.resolve, reqset) def test_unpinned_hash_checking(self, data): """Make sure prepare_files() raises an error when a requirement is not version-pinned in hash-checking mode. """ reqset = RequirementSet() # Test that there must be exactly 1 specifier: reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'simple --hash=sha256:a90427ae31f5d1d0d7ec06ee97d9fcf2d0fc9a786985' '250c1c83fd68df5911dd', lineno=1, )) # Test that the operator must be ==: reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'simple2>1.0 --hash=sha256:3ad45e1e9aa48b4462af0' '123f6a7e44a9115db1ef945d4d92c123dfe21815a06', lineno=2, )) finder = PackageFinder([data.find_links], [], session=PipSession()) resolver = self._basic_resolver(finder) assert_raises_regexp( HashErrors, # Make sure all failing requirements are listed: r'versions pinned with ==. These do not:\n' r' simple .* \(from -r file \(line 1\)\)\n' r' simple2>1.0 .* \(from -r file \(line 2\)\)', resolver.resolve, reqset) def test_hash_mismatch(self, data): """A hash mismatch should raise an error.""" file_url = path_to_url( (data.packages / 'simple-1.0.tar.gz').abspath) reqset = RequirementSet(require_hashes=True) reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( '%s --hash=sha256:badbad' % file_url, lineno=1, )) finder = PackageFinder([data.find_links], [], session=PipSession()) resolver = self._basic_resolver(finder) assert_raises_regexp( HashErrors, r'THESE PACKAGES DO NOT MATCH THE HASHES.*\n' r' file:///.*/data/packages/simple-1\.0\.tar\.gz .*:\n' r' Expected sha256 badbad\n' r' Got 393043e672415891885c9a2a0929b1af95fb866d' r'6ca016b42d2e6ce53619b653$', resolver.resolve, reqset) def test_unhashed_deps_on_require_hashes(self, data): """Make sure unhashed, unpinned, or otherwise unrepeatable dependencies get complained about when --require-hashes is on.""" reqset = RequirementSet() finder = PackageFinder([data.find_links], [], session=PipSession()) resolver = self._basic_resolver(finder) reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'TopoRequires2==0.0.1 ' # requires TopoRequires '--hash=sha256:eaf9a01242c9f2f42cf2bd82a6a848cd' 'e3591d14f7896bdbefcf48543720c970', lineno=1 )) assert_raises_regexp( HashErrors, r'In --require-hashes mode, all requirements must have their ' r'versions pinned.*\n' r' TopoRequires from .*$', resolver.resolve, reqset) def test_hashed_deps_on_require_hashes(self): """Make sure hashed dependencies get installed when --require-hashes is on. (We actually just check that no "not all dependencies are hashed!" error gets raised while preparing; there is no reason to expect installation to then fail, as the code paths are the same as ever.) """ reqset = RequirementSet() reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'TopoRequires2==0.0.1 ' # requires TopoRequires '--hash=sha256:eaf9a01242c9f2f42cf2bd82a6a848cd' 'e3591d14f7896bdbefcf48543720c970', lineno=1 )) reqset.add_requirement(get_processed_req_from_line( 'TopoRequires==0.0.1 ' '--hash=sha256:d6dd1e22e60df512fdcf3640ced3039b3b02a56ab2cee81ebcb' '3d0a6d4e8bfa6', lineno=2 )) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('file_contents', 'expected'), [ (b'\xf6\x80', b'\xc3\xb6\xe2\x82\xac'), # cp1252 (b'\xc3\xb6\xe2\x82\xac', b'\xc3\xb6\xe2\x82\xac'), # utf-8 (b'\xc3\xb6\xe2', b'\xc3\x83\xc2\xb6\xc3\xa2'), # Garbage ]) def test_egg_info_data(file_contents, expected): om = mock_open(read_data=file_contents) em = Mock() em.return_value = 'cp1252' with patch('', om, create=True): with patch('locale.getpreferredencoding', em): ret = read_text_file('foo') assert ret == expected.decode('utf-8') class TestInstallRequirement(object): def setup(self): self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def teardown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir, ignore_errors=True) def test_url_with_query(self): """InstallRequirement should strip the fragment, but not the query.""" url = ';a=snapshot;h=v0.1;sf=tgz' fragment = '#egg=bar' req = install_req_from_line(url + fragment) assert == url + fragment, def test_unsupported_wheel_link_requirement_raises(self): reqset = RequirementSet() req = install_req_from_line( '', ) assert is not None assert assert == "https" with pytest.raises(InstallationError): reqset.add_requirement(req) def test_unsupported_wheel_local_file_requirement_raises(self, data): reqset = RequirementSet() req = install_req_from_line( data.packages.join('simple.dist-0.1-py1-none-invalid.whl'), ) assert is not None assert assert == "file" with pytest.raises(InstallationError): reqset.add_requirement(req) def test_installed_version_not_installed(self): req = install_req_from_line('simple-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl') assert req.installed_version is None def test_str(self): req = install_req_from_line('simple==0.1') assert str(req) == 'simple==0.1' def test_repr(self): req = install_req_from_line('simple==0.1') assert repr(req) == ( '' ) def test_invalid_wheel_requirement_raises(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidWheelFilename): install_req_from_line('invalid.whl') def test_wheel_requirement_sets_req_attribute(self): req = install_req_from_line('simple-0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl') assert isinstance(req.req, Requirement) assert str(req.req) == 'simple==0.1' def test_url_preserved_line_req(self): """Confirm the url is preserved in a non-editable requirement""" url = 'git+' req = install_req_from_line(url) assert == url def test_url_preserved_editable_req(self): """Confirm the url is preserved in a editable requirement""" url = 'git+' req = install_req_from_editable(url) assert == url @pytest.mark.parametrize('path', ( '/path/to/foo.egg-info'.replace('/', os.path.sep), # Tests issue fixed by '/path/to/foo.egg-info/'.replace('/', os.path.sep), )) def test_get_dist(self, path): req = install_req_from_line('foo') req._egg_info_path = path dist = req.get_dist() assert isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.Distribution) assert dist.project_name == 'foo' assert dist.location == '/path/to'.replace('/', os.path.sep) def test_markers(self): for line in ( # recommended syntax 'mock3; python_version >= "3"', # with more spaces 'mock3 ; python_version >= "3" ', # without spaces 'mock3;python_version >= "3"', ): req = install_req_from_line(line) assert == 'mock3' assert str(req.req.specifier) == '' assert str(req.markers) == 'python_version >= "3"' def test_markers_semicolon(self): # check that the markers can contain a semicolon req = install_req_from_line('semicolon; os_name == "a; b"') assert == 'semicolon' assert str(req.req.specifier) == '' assert str(req.markers) == 'os_name == "a; b"' def test_markers_url(self): # test "URL; markers" syntax url = ';a=snapshot;h=v0.1;sf=tgz' line = '%s; python_version >= "3"' % url req = install_req_from_line(line) assert == url, req.url assert str(req.markers) == 'python_version >= "3"' # without space, markers are part of the URL url = ';a=snapshot;h=v0.1;sf=tgz' line = '%s;python_version >= "3"' % url req = install_req_from_line(line) assert == line, req.url assert req.markers is None def test_markers_match_from_line(self): # match for markers in ( 'python_version >= "1.0"', 'sys_platform == %r' % sys.platform, ): line = 'name; ' + markers req = install_req_from_line(line) assert str(req.markers) == str(Marker(markers)) assert req.match_markers() # don't match for markers in ( 'python_version >= "5.0"', 'sys_platform != %r' % sys.platform, ): line = 'name; ' + markers req = install_req_from_line(line) assert str(req.markers) == str(Marker(markers)) assert not req.match_markers() def test_markers_match(self): # match for markers in ( 'python_version >= "1.0"', 'sys_platform == %r' % sys.platform, ): line = 'name; ' + markers req = install_req_from_line(line, comes_from='') assert str(req.markers) == str(Marker(markers)) assert req.match_markers() # don't match for markers in ( 'python_version >= "5.0"', 'sys_platform != %r' % sys.platform, ): line = 'name; ' + markers req = install_req_from_line(line, comes_from='') assert str(req.markers) == str(Marker(markers)) assert not req.match_markers() def test_extras_for_line_path_requirement(self): line = 'SomeProject[ex1,ex2]' filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = install_req_from_line(line, comes_from=comes_from) assert len(req.extras) == 2 assert req.extras == {'ex1', 'ex2'} def test_extras_for_line_url_requirement(self): line = 'git+https://url#egg=SomeProject[ex1,ex2]' filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = install_req_from_line(line, comes_from=comes_from) assert len(req.extras) == 2 assert req.extras == {'ex1', 'ex2'} def test_extras_for_editable_path_requirement(self): url = '.[ex1,ex2]' filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = install_req_from_editable(url, comes_from=comes_from) assert len(req.extras) == 2 assert req.extras == {'ex1', 'ex2'} def test_extras_for_editable_url_requirement(self): url = 'git+https://url#egg=SomeProject[ex1,ex2]' filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = install_req_from_editable(url, comes_from=comes_from) assert len(req.extras) == 2 assert req.extras == {'ex1', 'ex2'} def test_unexisting_path(self): with pytest.raises(InstallationError) as e: install_req_from_line( os.path.join('this', 'path', 'does', 'not', 'exist')) err_msg = e.value.args[0] assert "Invalid requirement" in err_msg assert "It looks like a path." in err_msg def test_single_equal_sign(self): with pytest.raises(InstallationError) as e: install_req_from_line('toto=42') err_msg = e.value.args[0] assert "Invalid requirement" in err_msg assert "= is not a valid operator. Did you mean == ?" in err_msg def test_traceback(self): with pytest.raises(InstallationError) as e: install_req_from_line('toto 42') err_msg = e.value.args[0] assert "Invalid requirement" in err_msg assert "\nTraceback " in err_msg def test_requirement_file(self): req_file_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'test.txt') with open(req_file_path, 'w') as req_file: req_file.write('pip\nsetuptools') with pytest.raises(InstallationError) as e: install_req_from_line(req_file_path) err_msg = e.value.args[0] assert "Invalid requirement" in err_msg assert "It looks like a path. It does exist." in err_msg assert "appears to be a requirements file." in err_msg assert "If that is the case, use the '-r' flag to install" in err_msg @patch('pip._internal.req.req_install.os.path.abspath') @patch('pip._internal.req.req_install.os.path.exists') @patch('pip._internal.req.req_install.os.path.isdir') def test_parse_editable_local( isdir_mock, exists_mock, abspath_mock): exists_mock.return_value = isdir_mock.return_value = True # mocks needed to support path operations on windows tests abspath_mock.return_value = "/some/path" assert parse_editable('.') == (None, 'file:///some/path', None) abspath_mock.return_value = "/some/path/foo" assert parse_editable('foo') == ( None, 'file:///some/path/foo', None, ) def test_parse_editable_explicit_vcs(): assert parse_editable('svn+https://foo#egg=foo') == ( 'foo', 'svn+https://foo#egg=foo', None, ) def test_parse_editable_vcs_extras(): assert parse_editable('svn+https://foo#egg=foo[extras]') == ( 'foo[extras]', 'svn+https://foo#egg=foo[extras]', None, ) @patch('pip._internal.req.req_install.os.path.abspath') @patch('pip._internal.req.req_install.os.path.exists') @patch('pip._internal.req.req_install.os.path.isdir') def test_parse_editable_local_extras( isdir_mock, exists_mock, abspath_mock): exists_mock.return_value = isdir_mock.return_value = True abspath_mock.return_value = "/some/path" assert parse_editable('.[extras]') == ( None, 'file://' + "/some/path", {'extras'}, ) abspath_mock.return_value = "/some/path/foo" assert parse_editable('foo[bar,baz]') == ( None, 'file:///some/path/foo', {'bar', 'baz'}, ) def test_exclusive_environment_markers(): """Make sure RequirementSet accepts several excluding env markers""" eq26 = install_req_from_line( "Django>=1.6.10,<1.7 ; python_version == '2.6'") eq26.is_direct = True ne26 = install_req_from_line( "Django>=1.6.10,<1.8 ; python_version != '2.6'") ne26.is_direct = True req_set = RequirementSet() req_set.add_requirement(eq26) req_set.add_requirement(ne26) assert req_set.has_requirement('Django') def test_mismatched_versions(caplog, tmpdir): original_source = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'src', 'simplewheel-1.0') source_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'simplewheel') shutil.copytree(original_source, source_dir) req = InstallRequirement(req=Requirement('simplewheel==2.0'), comes_from=None, source_dir=source_dir) req.prepare_metadata() req.assert_source_matches_version() assert caplog.records[-1].message == ( 'Requested simplewheel==2.0, ' 'but installing version 1.0' )