import os import tempfile import pytest from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement from pip._internal.exceptions import InstallationError from pip._internal.req.constructors import ( install_req_from_line, install_req_from_req_string, ) from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement class TestInstallRequirementBuildDirectory: # no need to test symlinks on Windows @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'") def test_tmp_build_directory(self): # when req is None, we can produce a temporary directory # Make sure we're handling it correctly with real path. requirement = InstallRequirement(None, None) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("-build", "pip-") tmp_build_dir = requirement.ensure_build_location( tmp_dir, autodelete=False, parallel_builds=False, ) assert os.path.dirname(tmp_build_dir) == os.path.realpath( os.path.dirname(tmp_dir) ) # are we on a system where /tmp is a symlink if os.path.realpath(tmp_dir) != os.path.abspath(tmp_dir): assert os.path.dirname(tmp_build_dir) != os.path.dirname(tmp_dir) else: assert os.path.dirname(tmp_build_dir) == os.path.dirname(tmp_dir) os.rmdir(tmp_dir) assert not os.path.exists(tmp_dir) def test_forward_slash_results_in_a_link(self, tmpdir): install_dir = tmpdir / "foo" / "bar" # Just create a file for letting the logic work setup_py_path = install_dir / "" os.makedirs(str(install_dir)) with open(setup_py_path, "w") as f: f.write("") requirement = install_req_from_line( str(install_dir).replace(os.sep, os.altsep or os.sep) ) assert is not None class TestInstallRequirementFrom: def test_install_req_from_string_invalid_requirement(self): """ Requirement strings that cannot be parsed by packaging.requirements.Requirement raise an InstallationError. """ with pytest.raises(InstallationError) as excinfo: install_req_from_req_string("http:/this/is/invalid") assert str(excinfo.value) == ("Invalid requirement: 'http:/this/is/invalid'") def test_install_req_from_string_without_comes_from(self): """ Test to make sure that install_req_from_string succeeds when called with URL (PEP 508) but without comes_from. """ # Test with a PEP 508 url install string: wheel_url = ( "" "torch-1.0.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl" ) install_str = "torch@ " + wheel_url install_req = install_req_from_req_string(install_str) assert isinstance(install_req, InstallRequirement) assert == wheel_url assert install_req.req.url == wheel_url assert install_req.comes_from is None assert install_req.is_wheel def test_install_req_from_string_with_comes_from_without_link(self): """ Test to make sure that install_req_from_string succeeds when called with URL (PEP 508) and comes_from does not have a link. """ # Test with a PEP 508 url install string: wheel_url = ( "" "torch-1.0.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl" ) install_str = "torch@ " + wheel_url # Dummy numpy "comes_from" requirement without link: comes_from = InstallRequirement(Requirement("numpy>=1.15.0"), comes_from=None) # Attempt install from install string comes: install_req = install_req_from_req_string(install_str, comes_from=comes_from) assert isinstance(install_req, InstallRequirement) assert is None assert == wheel_url assert install_req.req.url == wheel_url assert install_req.is_wheel