"""pip sphinx extensions""" import optparse import pathlib import re import sys from textwrap import dedent from typing import Iterable, List, Optional from docutils import nodes, statemachine from docutils.parsers import rst from docutils.statemachine import StringList, ViewList from sphinx.application import Sphinx from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from pip._internal.commands import commands_dict, create_command from pip._internal.req.req_file import SUPPORTED_OPTIONS class PipNewsInclude(rst.Directive): required_arguments = 1 def _is_version_section_title_underline(self, prev, curr): """Find a ==== line that marks the version section title.""" if prev is None: return False if re.match(r"^=+$", curr) is None: return False if len(curr) < len(prev): return False return True def _iter_lines_with_refs(self, lines): """Transform the input lines to add a ref before each section title. This is done by looking one line ahead and locate a title's underline, and add a ref before the title text. Dots in the version is converted into dash, and a ``v`` is prefixed. This makes Sphinx use them as HTML ``id`` verbatim without generating auto numbering (which would make the the anchors unstable). """ prev = None for line in lines: # Transform the previous line to include an explicit ref. if self._is_version_section_title_underline(prev, line): vref = prev.split(None, 1)[0].replace(".", "-") yield f".. _`v{vref}`:" yield "" # Empty line between ref and the title. if prev is not None: yield prev prev = line if prev is not None: yield prev def run(self): source = self.state_machine.input_lines.source( self.lineno - self.state_machine.input_offset - 1, ) path = ( pathlib.Path(source) .resolve() .parent .joinpath(self.arguments[0]) .resolve() ) include_lines = statemachine.string2lines( path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"), self.state.document.settings.tab_width, convert_whitespace=True, ) include_lines = list(self._iter_lines_with_refs(include_lines)) self.state_machine.insert_input(include_lines, str(path)) return [] class PipCommandUsage(rst.Directive): required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 3 def run(self) -> List[nodes.Node]: cmd = create_command(self.arguments[0]) cmd_prefix = "python -m pip" if len(self.arguments) > 1: cmd_prefix = " ".join(self.arguments[1:]) cmd_prefix = cmd_prefix.strip('"') cmd_prefix = cmd_prefix.strip("'") usage = dedent(cmd.usage.replace("%prog", f"{cmd_prefix} {cmd.name}")).strip() node = nodes.literal_block(usage, usage) return [node] class PipCommandDescription(rst.Directive): required_arguments = 1 def run(self) -> List[nodes.Node]: node = nodes.paragraph() node.document = self.state.document desc = ViewList() cmd = create_command(self.arguments[0]) assert cmd.__doc__ is not None description = dedent(cmd.__doc__) for line in description.split("\n"): desc.append(line, "") self.state.nested_parse(desc, 0, node) return [node] class PipOptions(rst.Directive): def _format_option( self, option: optparse.Option, cmd_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[str]: bookmark_line = ( f".. _`{cmd_name}_{option._long_opts[0]}`:" if cmd_name else f".. _`{option._long_opts[0]}`:" ) line = ".. option:: " if option._short_opts: line += option._short_opts[0] if option._short_opts and option._long_opts: line += ", " + option._long_opts[0] elif option._long_opts: line += option._long_opts[0] if option.takes_value(): metavar = option.metavar or option.dest assert metavar is not None line += f" <{metavar.lower()}>" # fix defaults assert option.help is not None # https://github.com/python/typeshed/pull/5080 opt_help = option.help.replace("%default", str(option.default)) # type: ignore # fix paths with sys.prefix opt_help = opt_help.replace(sys.prefix, "") return [bookmark_line, "", line, "", " " + opt_help, ""] def _format_options( self, options: Iterable[optparse.Option], cmd_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: for option in options: if option.help == optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP: continue for line in self._format_option(option, cmd_name): self.view_list.append(line, "") def run(self) -> List[nodes.Node]: node = nodes.paragraph() node.document = self.state.document self.view_list = ViewList() self.process_options() self.state.nested_parse(self.view_list, 0, node) return [node] class PipGeneralOptions(PipOptions): def process_options(self) -> None: self._format_options([o() for o in cmdoptions.general_group["options"]]) class PipIndexOptions(PipOptions): required_arguments = 1 def process_options(self) -> None: cmd_name = self.arguments[0] self._format_options( [o() for o in cmdoptions.index_group["options"]], cmd_name=cmd_name, ) class PipCommandOptions(PipOptions): required_arguments = 1 def process_options(self) -> None: cmd = create_command(self.arguments[0]) self._format_options( cmd.parser.option_groups[0].option_list, cmd_name=cmd.name, ) class PipReqFileOptionsReference(PipOptions): def determine_opt_prefix(self, opt_name: str) -> str: for command in commands_dict: cmd = create_command(command) if cmd.cmd_opts.has_option(opt_name): return command raise KeyError(f"Could not identify prefix of opt {opt_name}") def process_options(self) -> None: for option in SUPPORTED_OPTIONS: if getattr(option, "deprecated", False): continue opt = option() opt_name = opt._long_opts[0] if opt._short_opts: short_opt_name = "{}, ".format(opt._short_opts[0]) else: short_opt_name = "" if option in cmdoptions.general_group["options"]: prefix = "" else: prefix = "{}_".format(self.determine_opt_prefix(opt_name)) self.view_list.append( "* :ref:`{short}{long}<{prefix}{opt_name}>`".format( short=short_opt_name, long=opt_name, prefix=prefix, opt_name=opt_name, ), "\n", ) class PipCLIDirective(rst.Directive): """ - Only works when used in a MyST document. - Requires sphinx-inline-tabs' tab directive. """ has_content = True optional_arguments = 1 def run(self) -> List[nodes.Node]: node = nodes.paragraph() node.document = self.state.document os_variants = { "Linux": { "highlighter": "console", "executable": "python", "prompt": "$", }, "MacOS": { "highlighter": "console", "executable": "python", "prompt": "$", }, "Windows": { "highlighter": "doscon", "executable": "py", "prompt": "C:>", }, } if self.arguments: assert self.arguments == ["in-a-venv"] in_virtual_environment = True else: in_virtual_environment = False lines = [] # Create a tab for each OS for os, variant in os_variants.items(): # Unpack the values prompt = variant["prompt"] highlighter = variant["highlighter"] if in_virtual_environment: executable = "python" pip_spelling = "pip" else: executable = variant["executable"] pip_spelling = f"{executable} -m pip" # Substitute the various "prompts" into the correct variants substitution_pipeline = [ ( r"(^|(?<=\n))\$ python", f"{prompt} {executable}", ), ( r"(^|(?<=\n))\$ pip", f"{prompt} {pip_spelling}", ), ] content = self.block_text for pattern, substitution in substitution_pipeline: content = re.sub(pattern, substitution, content) # Write the tab lines.append(f"````{{tab}} {os}") lines.append(f"```{highlighter}") lines.append(f"{content}") lines.append("```") lines.append("````") string_list = StringList(lines) self.state.nested_parse(string_list, 0, node) return [node] def setup(app: Sphinx) -> None: app.add_directive("pip-command-usage", PipCommandUsage) app.add_directive("pip-command-description", PipCommandDescription) app.add_directive("pip-command-options", PipCommandOptions) app.add_directive("pip-general-options", PipGeneralOptions) app.add_directive("pip-index-options", PipIndexOptions) app.add_directive( "pip-requirements-file-options-ref-list", PipReqFileOptionsReference ) app.add_directive('pip-news-include', PipNewsInclude) app.add_directive("pip-cli", PipCLIDirective)