import logging import os import time import pytest from mock import Mock, patch from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import SUCCESS from pip._internal.utils import temp_dir from pip._internal.utils.logging import BrokenStdoutLoggingError from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory class FakeCommand(Command): _name = 'fake' def __init__(self, run_func=None, error=False): if error: def run_func(): raise SystemExit(1) self.run_func = run_func super(FakeCommand, self).__init__(self._name, self._name) def main(self, args): args.append("--disable-pip-version-check") return super(FakeCommand, self).main(args) def run(self, options, args): logging.getLogger("pip.tests").info("fake") if self.run_func: return self.run_func() class FakeCommandWithUnicode(FakeCommand): _name = 'fake_unicode' def run(self, options, args): logging.getLogger("pip.tests").info(b"bytes here \xE9") logging.getLogger("pip.tests").info( b"unicode here \xC3\xA9".decode("utf-8") ) class TestCommand(object): def call_main(self, capsys, args): """ Call command.main(), and return the command's stderr. """ def raise_broken_stdout(): raise BrokenStdoutLoggingError() cmd = FakeCommand(run_func=raise_broken_stdout) status = cmd.main(args) assert status == 1 stderr = capsys.readouterr().err return stderr def test_raise_broken_stdout(self, capsys): """ Test raising BrokenStdoutLoggingError. """ stderr = self.call_main(capsys, []) assert stderr.rstrip() == 'ERROR: Pipe to stdout was broken' def test_raise_broken_stdout__debug_logging(self, capsys): """ Test raising BrokenStdoutLoggingError with debug logging enabled. """ stderr = self.call_main(capsys, ['-v']) assert 'ERROR: Pipe to stdout was broken' in stderr assert 'Traceback (most recent call last):' in stderr @patch('pip._internal.cli.req_command.Command.handle_pip_version_check') def test_handle_pip_version_check_called(mock_handle_version_check): """ Check that Command.handle_pip_version_check() is called. """ cmd = FakeCommand() cmd.main([]) mock_handle_version_check.assert_called_once() class Test_base_command_logging(object): """ Test `pip.base_command.Command` setting up logging consumers based on options """ def setup(self): self.old_time = time.time time.time = lambda: 1547704837.040001 self.old_tz = os.environ.get('TZ') os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC' # time.tzset() is not implemented on some platforms (notably, Windows). if hasattr(time, 'tzset'): time.tzset() def teardown(self): if self.old_tz: os.environ['TZ'] = self.old_tz else: del os.environ['TZ'] if 'tzset' in dir(time): time.tzset() time.time = self.old_time def test_log_command_success(self, tmpdir): """ Test the --log option logs when command succeeds """ cmd = FakeCommand() log_path = tmpdir.joinpath('log') cmd.main(['fake', '--log', log_path]) with open(log_path) as f: assert == '2019-01-17T06:00:37,040 fake' def test_log_command_error(self, tmpdir): """ Test the --log option logs when command fails """ cmd = FakeCommand(error=True) log_path = tmpdir.joinpath('log') cmd.main(['fake', '--log', log_path]) with open(log_path) as f: assert'2019-01-17T06:00:37,040 fake') def test_log_file_command_error(self, tmpdir): """ Test the --log-file option logs (when there's an error). """ cmd = FakeCommand(error=True) log_file_path = tmpdir.joinpath('log_file') cmd.main(['fake', '--log-file', log_file_path]) with open(log_file_path) as f: assert'2019-01-17T06:00:37,040 fake') def test_unicode_messages(self, tmpdir): """ Tests that logging bytestrings and unicode objects don't break logging """ cmd = FakeCommandWithUnicode() log_path = tmpdir.joinpath('log') cmd.main(['fake_unicode', '--log', log_path]) @pytest.mark.no_auto_tempdir_manager def test_base_command_provides_tempdir_helpers(): assert temp_dir._tempdir_manager is None assert temp_dir._tempdir_registry is None def assert_helpers_set(options, args): assert temp_dir._tempdir_manager is not None assert temp_dir._tempdir_registry is not None c = Command("fake", "fake") = Mock(side_effect=assert_helpers_set) assert c.main(["fake"]) == SUCCESS not_deleted = "not_deleted" @pytest.mark.parametrize("kind,exists", [ (not_deleted, True), ("deleted", False) ]) @pytest.mark.no_auto_tempdir_manager def test_base_command_global_tempdir_cleanup(kind, exists): assert temp_dir._tempdir_manager is None assert temp_dir._tempdir_registry is None class Holder(object): value = None def create_temp_dirs(options, args): c.tempdir_registry.set_delete(not_deleted, False) Holder.value = TempDirectory(kind=kind, globally_managed=True).path c = Command("fake", "fake") = Mock(side_effect=create_temp_dirs) assert c.main(["fake"]) == SUCCESS assert os.path.exists(Holder.value) == exists @pytest.mark.parametrize("kind,exists", [ (not_deleted, True), ("deleted", False) ]) @pytest.mark.no_auto_tempdir_manager def test_base_command_local_tempdir_cleanup(kind, exists): assert temp_dir._tempdir_manager is None assert temp_dir._tempdir_registry is None def create_temp_dirs(options, args): c.tempdir_registry.set_delete(not_deleted, False) with TempDirectory(kind=kind) as d: path = d.path assert os.path.exists(path) assert os.path.exists(path) == exists c = Command("fake", "fake") = Mock(side_effect=create_temp_dirs) assert c.main(["fake"]) == SUCCESS