import hashlib import logging import os import shutil import sys from io import BytesIO from shutil import copy, rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp import pytest from mock import Mock, patch from pip._internal.exceptions import HashMismatch from import Link from import PipSession from pip._internal.operations.prepare import ( Downloader, _copy_source_tree, _download_http_url, _prepare_download, parse_content_disposition, sanitize_content_filename, unpack_file_url, unpack_http_url, ) from pip._internal.utils.hashes import Hashes from pip._internal.utils.urls import path_to_url from tests.lib import create_file from tests.lib.filesystem import ( get_filelist, make_socket_file, make_unreadable_file, ) from tests.lib.path import Path def test_unpack_http_url_with_urllib_response_without_content_type(data): """ It should download and unpack files even if no Content-Type header exists """ _real_session = PipSession() def _fake_session_get(*args, **kwargs): resp = _real_session.get(*args, **kwargs) del resp.headers["Content-Type"] return resp session = Mock() session.get = _fake_session_get downloader = Downloader(session, progress_bar="on") uri = path_to_url(data.packages.joinpath("simple-1.0.tar.gz")) link = Link(uri) temp_dir = mkdtemp() try: unpack_http_url( link, temp_dir, downloader=downloader, download_dir=None, ) assert set(os.listdir(temp_dir)) == { 'PKG-INFO', 'setup.cfg', '', 'simple', 'simple.egg-info' } finally: rmtree(temp_dir) class FakeStream(object): def __init__(self, contents): self._io = BytesIO(contents) def read(self, size, decode_content=None): return def stream(self, size, decode_content=None): yield def release_conn(self): pass class MockResponse(object): def __init__(self, contents): self.raw = FakeStream(contents) self.content = contents self.request = None self.status_code = 200 self.connection = None self.url = None self.headers = {} self.history = [] def raise_for_status(self): pass class MockConnection(object): def _send(self, req, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("_send must be overridden for tests") def send(self, req, **kwargs): resp = self._send(req, **kwargs) for cb in req.hooks.get("response", []): cb(resp) return resp class MockRequest(object): def __init__(self, url): self.url = url self.headers = {} self.hooks = {} def register_hook(self, event_name, callback): self.hooks.setdefault(event_name, []).append(callback) @patch('pip._internal.operations.prepare.unpack_file') def test_unpack_http_url_bad_downloaded_checksum(mock_unpack_file): """ If already-downloaded file has bad checksum, re-download. """ base_url = '' contents = b'downloaded' download_hash ='sha1', contents) link = Link(base_url + '#sha1=' + download_hash.hexdigest()) session = Mock() session.get = Mock() response = session.get.return_value = MockResponse(contents) response.headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-tar'} response.url = base_url downloader = Downloader(session, progress_bar="on") download_dir = mkdtemp() try: downloaded_file = os.path.join(download_dir, 'somepackage.tgz') create_file(downloaded_file, 'some contents') unpack_http_url( link, 'location', downloader=downloader, download_dir=download_dir, hashes=Hashes({'sha1': [download_hash.hexdigest()]}) ) # despite existence of downloaded file with bad hash, downloaded again session.get.assert_called_once_with( '', headers={"Accept-Encoding": "identity"}, stream=True, ) # cached file is replaced with newly downloaded file with open(downloaded_file) as fh: assert == 'downloaded' finally: rmtree(download_dir) @pytest.mark.parametrize("filename, expected", [ ('dir/file', 'file'), ('../file', 'file'), ('../../file', 'file'), ('../', ''), ('../..', '..'), ('/', ''), ]) def test_sanitize_content_filename(filename, expected): """ Test inputs where the result is the same for Windows and non-Windows. """ assert sanitize_content_filename(filename) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("filename, win_expected, non_win_expected", [ ('dir\\file', 'file', 'dir\\file'), ('..\\file', 'file', '..\\file'), ('..\\..\\file', 'file', '..\\..\\file'), ('..\\', '', '..\\'), ('..\\..', '..', '..\\..'), ('\\', '', '\\'), ]) def test_sanitize_content_filename__platform_dependent( filename, win_expected, non_win_expected ): """ Test inputs where the result is different for Windows and non-Windows. """ if sys.platform == 'win32': expected = win_expected else: expected = non_win_expected assert sanitize_content_filename(filename) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("content_disposition, default_filename, expected", [ ('attachment;filename="../file"', 'df', 'file'), ]) def test_parse_content_disposition( content_disposition, default_filename, expected ): actual = parse_content_disposition(content_disposition, default_filename) assert actual == expected def test_download_http_url__no_directory_traversal(tmpdir): """ Test that directory traversal doesn't happen on download when the Content-Disposition header contains a filename with a ".." path part. """ mock_url = '' contents = b'downloaded' link = Link(mock_url) session = Mock() resp = MockResponse(contents) resp.url = mock_url resp.headers = { # Set the content-type to a random value to prevent # mimetypes.guess_extension from guessing the extension. 'content-type': 'random', 'content-disposition': 'attachment;filename="../out_dir_file"' } session.get.return_value = resp downloader = Downloader(session, progress_bar="on") download_dir = tmpdir.joinpath('download') os.mkdir(download_dir) file_path, content_type = _download_http_url( link, downloader, download_dir, hashes=None, ) # The file should be downloaded to download_dir. actual = os.listdir(download_dir) assert actual == ['out_dir_file'] @pytest.mark.parametrize("url, headers, from_cache, expected", [ ('', {}, False, "Downloading"), ('', {'content-length': 2}, False, "Downloading (2 bytes)"), ('', {'content-length': 2}, True, "Using cached (2 bytes)"), ('', {}, False, "Downloading foo.tgz"), ('', {'content-length': 2}, False, "Downloading foo.tgz (2 bytes)"), ('', {'content-length': 2}, True, "Using cached foo.tgz"), ]) def test_prepare_download__log(caplog, url, headers, from_cache, expected): caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) resp = MockResponse(b'') resp.url = url resp.headers = headers if from_cache: resp.from_cache = from_cache link = Link(url) _prepare_download(resp, link, progress_bar="on") assert len(caplog.records) == 1 record = caplog.records[0] assert record.levelname == 'INFO' assert expected in record.message @pytest.fixture def clean_project(tmpdir_factory, data): tmpdir = Path(str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp("clean_project"))) new_project_dir = tmpdir.joinpath("FSPkg") path = data.packages.joinpath("FSPkg") shutil.copytree(path, new_project_dir) return new_project_dir def test_copy_source_tree(clean_project, tmpdir): target = tmpdir.joinpath("target") expected_files = get_filelist(clean_project) assert len(expected_files) == 3 _copy_source_tree(clean_project, target) copied_files = get_filelist(target) assert expected_files == copied_files @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.version_info < (3,)") def test_copy_source_tree_with_socket(clean_project, tmpdir, caplog): target = tmpdir.joinpath("target") expected_files = get_filelist(clean_project) socket_path = str(clean_project.joinpath("aaa")) make_socket_file(socket_path) _copy_source_tree(clean_project, target) copied_files = get_filelist(target) assert expected_files == copied_files # Warning should have been logged. assert len(caplog.records) == 1 record = caplog.records[0] assert record.levelname == 'WARNING' assert socket_path in record.message @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.version_info < (3,)") def test_copy_source_tree_with_socket_fails_with_no_socket_error( clean_project, tmpdir ): target = tmpdir.joinpath("target") expected_files = get_filelist(clean_project) make_socket_file(clean_project.joinpath("aaa")) unreadable_file = clean_project.joinpath("bbb") make_unreadable_file(unreadable_file) with pytest.raises(shutil.Error) as e: _copy_source_tree(clean_project, target) errored_files = [err[0] for err in e.value.args[0]] assert len(errored_files) == 1 assert unreadable_file in errored_files copied_files = get_filelist(target) # All files without errors should have been copied. assert expected_files == copied_files def test_copy_source_tree_with_unreadable_dir_fails(clean_project, tmpdir): target = tmpdir.joinpath("target") expected_files = get_filelist(clean_project) unreadable_file = clean_project.joinpath("bbb") make_unreadable_file(unreadable_file) with pytest.raises(shutil.Error) as e: _copy_source_tree(clean_project, target) errored_files = [err[0] for err in e.value.args[0]] assert len(errored_files) == 1 assert unreadable_file in errored_files copied_files = get_filelist(target) # All files without errors should have been copied. assert expected_files == copied_files class Test_unpack_file_url(object): def prep(self, tmpdir, data): self.build_dir = tmpdir.joinpath('build') self.download_dir = tmpdir.joinpath('download') os.mkdir(self.build_dir) os.mkdir(self.download_dir) self.dist_file = "simple-1.0.tar.gz" self.dist_file2 = "simple-2.0.tar.gz" self.dist_path = data.packages.joinpath(self.dist_file) self.dist_path2 = data.packages.joinpath(self.dist_file2) self.dist_url = Link(path_to_url(self.dist_path)) self.dist_url2 = Link(path_to_url(self.dist_path2)) def test_unpack_file_url_no_download(self, tmpdir, data): self.prep(tmpdir, data) unpack_file_url(self.dist_url, self.build_dir) assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'simple')) assert not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.download_dir, self.dist_file)) def test_unpack_file_url_and_download(self, tmpdir, data): self.prep(tmpdir, data) unpack_file_url(self.dist_url, self.build_dir, download_dir=self.download_dir) assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'simple')) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.download_dir, self.dist_file)) def test_unpack_file_url_download_already_exists(self, tmpdir, data, monkeypatch): self.prep(tmpdir, data) # add in previous download (copy simple-2.0 as simple-1.0) # so we can tell it didn't get overwritten dest_file = os.path.join(self.download_dir, self.dist_file) copy(self.dist_path2, dest_file) with open(self.dist_path2, 'rb') as f: dist_path2_md5 = hashlib.md5( unpack_file_url(self.dist_url, self.build_dir, download_dir=self.download_dir) # our hash should be the same, i.e. not overwritten by simple-1.0 hash with open(dest_file, 'rb') as f: assert dist_path2_md5 == hashlib.md5( def test_unpack_file_url_bad_hash(self, tmpdir, data, monkeypatch): """ Test when the file url hash fragment is wrong """ self.prep(tmpdir, data) url = '{}#md5=bogus'.format(self.dist_url.url) dist_url = Link(url) with pytest.raises(HashMismatch): unpack_file_url(dist_url, self.build_dir, hashes=Hashes({'md5': ['bogus']})) def test_unpack_file_url_download_bad_hash(self, tmpdir, data, monkeypatch): """ Test when existing download has different hash from the file url fragment """ self.prep(tmpdir, data) # add in previous download (copy simple-2.0 as simple-1.0 so it's wrong # hash) dest_file = os.path.join(self.download_dir, self.dist_file) copy(self.dist_path2, dest_file) with open(self.dist_path, 'rb') as f: dist_path_md5 = hashlib.md5( with open(dest_file, 'rb') as f: dist_path2_md5 = hashlib.md5( assert dist_path_md5 != dist_path2_md5 url = '{}#md5={}'.format(self.dist_url.url, dist_path_md5) dist_url = Link(url) unpack_file_url(dist_url, self.build_dir, download_dir=self.download_dir, hashes=Hashes({'md5': [dist_path_md5]})) # confirm hash is for simple1-1.0 # the previous bad download has been removed with open(dest_file, 'rb') as f: assert hashlib.md5( == dist_path_md5 def test_unpack_file_url_thats_a_dir(self, tmpdir, data): self.prep(tmpdir, data) dist_path = data.packages.joinpath("FSPkg") dist_url = Link(path_to_url(dist_path)) unpack_file_url(dist_url, self.build_dir, download_dir=self.download_dir) assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'fspkg')) @pytest.mark.parametrize('exclude_dir', [ '.nox', '.tox' ]) def test_unpack_file_url_excludes_expected_dirs(tmpdir, exclude_dir): src_dir = tmpdir / 'src' dst_dir = tmpdir / 'dst' src_included_file = src_dir.joinpath('file.txt') src_excluded_dir = src_dir.joinpath(exclude_dir) src_excluded_file = src_dir.joinpath(exclude_dir, 'file.txt') src_included_dir = src_dir.joinpath('subdir', exclude_dir) # set up source directory src_excluded_dir.mkdir(parents=True) src_included_dir.mkdir(parents=True) src_included_file.touch() src_excluded_file.touch() dst_included_file = dst_dir.joinpath('file.txt') dst_excluded_dir = dst_dir.joinpath(exclude_dir) dst_excluded_file = dst_dir.joinpath(exclude_dir, 'file.txt') dst_included_dir = dst_dir.joinpath('subdir', exclude_dir) src_link = Link(path_to_url(src_dir)) unpack_file_url( src_link, dst_dir, download_dir=None ) assert not os.path.isdir(dst_excluded_dir) assert not os.path.isfile(dst_excluded_file) assert os.path.isfile(dst_included_file) assert os.path.isdir(dst_included_dir)