import json import os import sys import textwrap import pytest from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from tests.lib import ( create_basic_sdist_for_package, create_basic_wheel_for_package, create_test_package_with_setup, ) from tests.lib.wheel import make_wheel def assert_installed(script, **kwargs): ret = script.pip('list', '--format=json') installed = set( (canonicalize_name(val['name']), val['version']) for val in json.loads(ret.stdout) ) expected = set((canonicalize_name(k), v) for k, v in kwargs.items()) assert expected <= installed, \ "{!r} not all in {!r}".format(expected, installed) def assert_not_installed(script, *args): ret = script.pip("list", "--format=json") installed = set( canonicalize_name(val["name"]) for val in json.loads(ret.stdout) ) # None of the given names should be listed as installed, i.e. their # intersection should be empty. expected = set(canonicalize_name(k) for k in args) assert not (expected & installed), \ "{!r} contained in {!r}".format(expected, installed) def assert_editable(script, *args): # This simply checks whether all of the listed packages have a # corresponding .egg-link file installed. # TODO: Implement a more rigorous way to test for editable installations. egg_links = set("{}.egg-link".format(arg) for arg in args) assert egg_links <= set(os.listdir(script.site_packages_path)), \ "{!r} not all found in {!r}".format(args, script.site_packages_path) def test_new_resolver_can_install(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "simple", "0.1.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "simple" ) assert_installed(script, simple="0.1.0") def test_new_resolver_can_install_with_version(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "simple", "0.1.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "simple==0.1.0" ) assert_installed(script, simple="0.1.0") def test_new_resolver_picks_latest_version(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "simple", "0.1.0", ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "simple", "0.2.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "simple" ) assert_installed(script, simple="0.2.0") def test_new_resolver_picks_installed_version(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "simple", "0.1.0", ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "simple", "0.2.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "simple==0.1.0" ) assert_installed(script, simple="0.1.0") result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "simple" ) assert "Collecting" not in result.stdout, "Should not fetch new version" assert_installed(script, simple="0.1.0") def test_new_resolver_picks_installed_version_if_no_match_found(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "simple", "0.1.0", ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "simple", "0.2.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "simple==0.1.0" ) assert_installed(script, simple="0.1.0") result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "simple" ) assert "Collecting" not in result.stdout, "Should not fetch new version" assert_installed(script, simple="0.1.0") def test_new_resolver_installs_dependencies(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", depends=["dep"], ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "0.1.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base" ) assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0", dep="0.1.0") def test_new_resolver_ignore_dependencies(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", depends=["dep"], ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "0.1.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--no-deps", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base" ) assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0") assert_not_installed(script, "dep") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "root_dep", [ "base[add]", "base[add] >= 0.1.0", ], ) def test_new_resolver_installs_extras(tmpdir, script, root_dep): req_file = tmpdir.joinpath("requirements.txt") req_file.write_text(root_dep) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", extras={"add": ["dep"]}, ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "0.1.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "-r", req_file, ) assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0", dep="0.1.0") def test_new_resolver_installs_extras_deprecated(tmpdir, script): req_file = tmpdir.joinpath("requirements.txt") req_file.write_text("base >= 0.1.0[add]") create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", extras={"add": ["dep"]}, ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "0.1.0", ) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "-r", req_file, expect_stderr=True ) assert "DEPRECATION: Extras after version" in result.stderr assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0", dep="0.1.0") def test_new_resolver_installs_extras_warn_missing(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", extras={"add": ["dep"]}, ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "0.1.0", ) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base[add,missing]", expect_stderr=True, ) assert "does not provide the extra" in result.stderr, str(result) assert "missing" in result.stderr, str(result) assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0", dep="0.1.0") def test_new_resolver_installed_message(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "A", "1.0") result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "A", expect_stderr=False, ) assert "Successfully installed A-1.0" in result.stdout, str(result) def test_new_resolver_no_dist_message(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "A", "1.0") result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "B", expect_error=True, expect_stderr=True, ) # Full messages from old resolver: # ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the # requirement xxx (from versions: none) # ERROR: No matching distribution found for xxx assert "Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement B" \ in result.stderr, str(result) assert "No matching distribution found for B" in result.stderr, str(result) def test_new_resolver_installs_editable(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", depends=["dep"], ) source_dir = create_test_package_with_setup( script, name="dep", version="0.1.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base", "--editable", source_dir, ) assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0", dep="0.1.0") assert_editable(script, "dep") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "requires_python, ignore_requires_python, dep_version", [ # Something impossible to satisfy. ("<2", False, "0.1.0"), ("<2", True, "0.2.0"), # Something guaranteed to satisfy. (">=2", False, "0.2.0"), (">=2", True, "0.2.0"), ], ) def test_new_resolver_requires_python( script, requires_python, ignore_requires_python, dep_version, ): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", depends=["dep"], ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "0.1.0", ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "0.2.0", requires_python=requires_python, ) args = [ "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, ] if ignore_requires_python: args.append("--ignore-requires-python") args.append("base") script.pip(*args) assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0", dep=dep_version) def test_new_resolver_requires_python_error(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", requires_python="<2", ) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base", expect_error=True, ) message = ( "Package 'base' requires a different Python: " "{}.{}.{} not in '<2'".format(*sys.version_info[:3]) ) assert message in result.stderr, str(result) def test_new_resolver_installed(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", depends=["dep"], ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "0.1.0", ) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base", ) assert "Requirement already satisfied" not in result.stdout, str(result) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base~=0.1.0", ) assert "Requirement already satisfied: base~=0.1.0" in result.stdout, \ str(result) result.did_not_update( script.site_packages / "base", message="base 0.1.0 reinstalled" ) def test_new_resolver_ignore_installed(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", ) satisfied_output = "Requirement already satisfied" result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base", ) assert satisfied_output not in result.stdout, str(result) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--ignore-installed", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base", ) assert satisfied_output not in result.stdout, str(result) result.did_update( script.site_packages / "base", message="base 0.1.0 not reinstalled" ) def test_new_resolver_only_builds_sdists_when_needed(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", depends=["dep"], ) create_basic_sdist_for_package( script, "dep", "0.1.0", # Replace with something that fails extra_files={"": "assert False"}, ) create_basic_sdist_for_package( script, "dep", "0.2.0", ) # We only ever need to check dep 0.2.0 as it's the latest version script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base" ) assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0", dep="0.2.0") # We merge criteria here, as we have two "dep" requirements script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base", "dep" ) assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0", dep="0.2.0") def test_new_resolver_install_different_version(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "base", "0.1.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "base", "0.2.0") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base==0.1.0", ) # This should trigger an uninstallation of base. result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base==0.2.0", ) assert "Uninstalling base-0.1.0" in result.stdout, str(result) assert "Successfully uninstalled base-0.1.0" in result.stdout, str(result) result.did_update( script.site_packages / "base", message="base not upgraded" ) assert_installed(script, base="0.2.0") def test_new_resolver_force_reinstall(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "base", "0.1.0") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base==0.1.0", ) # This should trigger an uninstallation of base due to --force-reinstall, # even though the installed version matches. result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "--force-reinstall", "base==0.1.0", ) assert "Uninstalling base-0.1.0" in result.stdout, str(result) assert "Successfully uninstalled base-0.1.0" in result.stdout, str(result) result.did_update( script.site_packages / "base", message="base not reinstalled" ) assert_installed(script, base="0.1.0") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "available_versions, pip_args, expected_version", [ # Choose the latest non-prerelease by default. (["1.0", "2.0a1"], ["pkg"], "1.0"), # Choose the prerelease if the specifier spells out a prerelease. (["1.0", "2.0a1"], ["pkg==2.0a1"], "2.0a1"), # Choose the prerelease if explicitly allowed by the user. (["1.0", "2.0a1"], ["pkg", "--pre"], "2.0a1"), # Choose the prerelease if no stable releases are available. (["2.0a1"], ["pkg"], "2.0a1"), ], ids=["default", "exact-pre", "explicit-pre", "no-stable"], ) def test_new_resolver_handles_prerelease( script, available_versions, pip_args, expected_version, ): for version in available_versions: create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", version) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, *pip_args ) assert_installed(script, pkg=expected_version) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pkg_deps, root_deps", [ # This tests the marker is picked up from a transitive dependency. (["dep; os_name == 'nonexist_os'"], ["pkg"]), # This tests the marker is picked up from a root dependency. ([], ["pkg", "dep; os_name == 'nonexist_os'"]), ] ) def test_new_reolver_skips_marker(script, pkg_deps, root_deps): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "1.0", depends=pkg_deps) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "dep", "1.0") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, *root_deps ) assert_installed(script, pkg="1.0") assert_not_installed(script, "dep") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "constraints", [ ["pkg<2.0", "constraint_only<1.0"], # This also tests the pkg constraint don't get merged with the # requirement prematurely. (pypa/pip#8134) ["pkg<2.0"], ] ) def test_new_resolver_constraints(script, constraints): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "1.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "2.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "3.0") constraints_file = script.scratch_path / "constraints.txt" constraints_file.write_text("\n".join(constraints)) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "-c", constraints_file, "pkg" ) assert_installed(script, pkg="1.0") assert_not_installed(script, "constraint_only") def test_new_resolver_constraint_no_specifier(script): "It's allowed (but useless...) for a constraint to have no specifier" create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "1.0") constraints_file = script.scratch_path / "constraints.txt" constraints_file.write_text("pkg") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "-c", constraints_file, "pkg" ) assert_installed(script, pkg="1.0") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "constraint, error", [ ( "", "Unnamed requirements are not allowed as constraints", ), ( "req @", "Links are not allowed as constraints", ), ( "pkg[extra]", "Constraints cannot have extras", ), ], ) def test_new_resolver_constraint_reject_invalid(script, constraint, error): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "1.0") constraints_file = script.scratch_path / "constraints.txt" constraints_file.write_text(constraint) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "-c", constraints_file, "pkg", expect_error=True, expect_stderr=True, ) assert error in result.stderr, str(result) def test_new_resolver_constraint_on_dependency(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "base", "1.0", depends=["dep"]) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "dep", "1.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "dep", "2.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "dep", "3.0") constraints_file = script.scratch_path / "constraints.txt" constraints_file.write_text("dep==2.0") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "-c", constraints_file, "base" ) assert_installed(script, base="1.0") assert_installed(script, dep="2.0") def test_new_resolver_constraint_on_path(script): setup_py = script.scratch_path / "" text = "from setuptools import setup\nsetup(name='foo', version='2.0')" setup_py.write_text(text) constraints_txt = script.scratch_path / "constraints.txt" constraints_txt.write_text("foo==1.0") result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "-c", constraints_txt, str(script.scratch_path), expect_error=True, ) msg = "installation from path or url cannot be constrained to a version" assert msg in result.stderr, str(result) def test_new_resolver_constraint_only_marker_match(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "1.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "2.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "3.0") constrants_content = textwrap.dedent( """ pkg==1.0; python_version == "{ver[0]}.{ver[1]}" # Always satisfies. pkg==2.0; python_version < "0" # Never satisfies. """ ).format(ver=sys.version_info) constraints_txt = script.scratch_path / "constraints.txt" constraints_txt.write_text(constrants_content) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "-c", constraints_txt, "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "pkg", ) assert_installed(script, pkg="1.0") def test_new_resolver_upgrade_needs_option(script): # Install pkg 1.0.0 create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "1.0.0") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "pkg", ) # Now release a new version create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "2.0.0") # This should not upgrade because we don't specify --upgrade result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "pkg", ) assert "Requirement already satisfied" in result.stdout, str(result) assert_installed(script, pkg="1.0.0") # This should upgrade result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "--upgrade", "PKG", # Deliberately uppercase to check canonicalization ) assert "Uninstalling pkg-1.0.0" in result.stdout, str(result) assert "Successfully uninstalled pkg-1.0.0" in result.stdout, str(result) result.did_update( script.site_packages / "pkg", message="pkg not upgraded" ) assert_installed(script, pkg="2.0.0") def test_new_resolver_upgrade_strategy(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "base", "1.0.0", depends=["dep"]) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "dep", "1.0.0") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base", ) assert_installed(script, base="1.0.0") assert_installed(script, dep="1.0.0") # Now release new versions create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "base", "2.0.0", depends=["dep"]) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "dep", "2.0.0") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "--upgrade", "base", ) # With upgrade strategy "only-if-needed" (the default), dep should not # be upgraded. assert_installed(script, base="2.0.0") assert_installed(script, dep="1.0.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "base", "3.0.0", depends=["dep"]) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "--upgrade", "--upgrade-strategy=eager", "base", ) # With upgrade strategy "eager", dep should be upgraded. assert_installed(script, base="3.0.0") assert_installed(script, dep="2.0.0") class TestExtraMerge(object): """ Test installing a package that depends the same package with different extras, one listed as required and the other as in extra. """ def _local_with_setup(script, name, version, requires, extras): """Create the package as a local source directory to install from path. """ return create_test_package_with_setup( script, name=name, version=version, install_requires=requires, extras_require=extras, ) def _direct_wheel(script, name, version, requires, extras): """Create the package as a wheel to install from path directly. """ return create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, name=name, version=version, depends=requires, extras=extras, ) def _wheel_from_index(script, name, version, requires, extras): """Create the package as a wheel to install from index. """ create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, name=name, version=version, depends=requires, extras=extras, ) return name @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pkg_builder", [ _local_with_setup, _direct_wheel, _wheel_from_index, ], ) def test_new_resolver_extra_merge_in_package( self, monkeypatch, script, pkg_builder, ): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "depdev", "1.0.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "1.0.0", extras={"dev": ["depdev"]}, ) requirement = pkg_builder( script, name="pkg", version="1.0.0", requires=["dep"], extras={"dev": ["dep[dev]"]}, ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, requirement + "[dev]", ) assert_installed(script, pkg="1.0.0", dep="1.0.0", depdev="1.0.0") def test_new_resolver_build_directory_error_zazo_19(script): """ This will first resolve like this: 1. Pin pkg-b==2.0.0 (since pkg-b has fewer choices) 2. Pin pkg-a==3.0.0 -> Conflict due to dependency pkg-b<2 3. Pin pkg-b==1.0.0 Since pkg-b is only available as sdist, both the first and third steps would trigger building from source. This ensures the preparer can build different versions of a package for the resolver. The preparer would fail with the following message if the different versions end up using the same build directory:: ERROR: pip can't proceed with requirements 'pkg-b ...' due to a pre-existing build directory (...). This is likely due to a previous installation that failed. pip is being responsible and not assuming it can delete this. Please delete it and try again. """ create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "pkg_a", "3.0.0", depends=["pkg-b<2"], ) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg_a", "2.0.0") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg_a", "1.0.0") create_basic_sdist_for_package(script, "pkg_b", "2.0.0") create_basic_sdist_for_package(script, "pkg_b", "1.0.0") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "pkg-a", "pkg-b", ) assert_installed(script, pkg_a="3.0.0", pkg_b="1.0.0") def test_new_resolver_upgrade_same_version(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "2") create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "1") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "pkg", ) assert_installed(script, pkg="2") script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "--upgrade", "pkg", ) assert_installed(script, pkg="2") def test_new_resolver_local_and_req(script): source_dir = create_test_package_with_setup( script, name="pkg", version="0.1.0", ) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", source_dir, "pkg!=0.1.0", expect_error=True, ) def test_new_resolver_no_deps_checks_requires_python(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "base", "0.1.0", depends=["dep"], requires_python="<2", # Something that always fails. ) create_basic_wheel_for_package( script, "dep", "0.2.0", ) result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--no-deps", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "base", expect_error=True, ) message = ( "Package 'base' requires a different Python: " "{}.{}.{} not in '<2'".format(*sys.version_info[:3]) ) assert message in result.stderr def test_new_resolver_prefers_installed_in_upgrade_if_latest(script): create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "pkg", "1") local_pkg = create_test_package_with_setup(script, name="pkg", version="2") # Install the version that's not on the index. script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", local_pkg, ) # Now --upgrade should still pick the local version because it's "better". script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "--upgrade", "pkg", ) assert_installed(script, pkg="2") @pytest.mark.parametrize("N", [2, 10, 20]) def test_new_resolver_presents_messages_when_backtracking_a_lot(script, N): # Generate a set of wheels that will definitely cause backtracking. for index in range(1, N+1): A_version = "{index}.0.0".format(index=index) B_version = "{index}.0.0".format(index=index) C_version = "{index_minus_one}.0.0".format(index_minus_one=index - 1) depends = ["B == " + B_version] if index != 1: depends.append("C == " + C_version) print("A", A_version, "B", B_version, "C", C_version) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "A", A_version, depends=depends) for index in range(1, N+1): B_version = "{index}.0.0".format(index=index) C_version = "{index}.0.0".format(index=index) depends = ["C == " + C_version] print("B", B_version, "C", C_version) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "B", B_version, depends=depends) for index in range(1, N+1): C_version = "{index}.0.0".format(index=index) print("C", C_version) create_basic_wheel_for_package(script, "C", C_version) # Install A result = script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "A" ) assert_installed(script, A="1.0.0", B="1.0.0", C="1.0.0") # These numbers are hard-coded in the code. if N >= 1: assert "This could take a while." in result.stdout if N >= 8: assert result.stdout.count("This could take a while.") >= 2 if N >= 13: assert "press Ctrl + C" in result.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize( "metadata_version", [ "0.1.0+local.1", # Normalized form. "0.1.0+local_1", # Non-normalized form containing an underscore. # Non-normalized form containing a dash. This is allowed, installation # works correctly, but assert_installed() fails because pkg_resources # cannot handle it correctly. Nobody is complaining about it right now, # we're probably dropping it for importlib.metadata soon(tm), so let's # ignore it for the time being. pytest.param("0.1.0+local-1", marks=pytest.mark.xfail), ], ids=["meta_dot", "meta_underscore", "meta_dash"], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "filename_version", [ ("0.1.0+local.1"), # Tools are encouraged to use this. ("0.1.0+local_1"), # But this is allowed (version not normalized). ], ids=["file_dot", "file_underscore"], ) def test_new_resolver_check_wheel_version_normalized( script, metadata_version, filename_version, ): filename = "simple-{}-py2.py3-none-any.whl".format(filename_version) wheel_builder = make_wheel(name="simple", version=metadata_version) wheel_builder.save_to(script.scratch_path / filename) script.pip( "install", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-index", "--find-links", script.scratch_path, "simple" ) assert_installed(script, simple="0.1.0+local.1")