import logging import pytest from pip._vendor import pkg_resources from pip._internal.exceptions import ( NoneMetadataError, UnsupportedPythonVersion, ) from pip._internal.legacy_resolve import _check_dist_requires_python from pip._internal.utils.packaging import get_requires_python # We need to inherit from DistInfoDistribution for the `isinstance()` # check inside `packaging.get_metadata()` to work. class FakeDist(pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution): def __init__(self, metadata, metadata_name=None): """ :param metadata: The value that dist.get_metadata() should return for the `metadata_name` metadata. :param metadata_name: The name of the metadata to store (can be "METADATA" or "PKG-INFO"). Defaults to "METADATA". """ if metadata_name is None: metadata_name = 'METADATA' self.project_name = 'my-project' self.metadata_name = metadata_name self.metadata = metadata def __str__(self): return ''.format(self.project_name) def has_metadata(self, name): return (name == self.metadata_name) def get_metadata(self, name): assert name == self.metadata_name return self.metadata def make_fake_dist(requires_python=None, metadata_name=None): metadata = 'Name: test\n' if requires_python is not None: metadata += 'Requires-Python:{}'.format(requires_python) return FakeDist(metadata, metadata_name=metadata_name) class TestCheckDistRequiresPython(object): """ Test _check_dist_requires_python(). """ def test_compatible(self, caplog): """ Test a Python version compatible with the dist's Requires-Python. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) dist = make_fake_dist('== 3.6.5') _check_dist_requires_python( dist, version_info=(3, 6, 5), ignore_requires_python=False, ) assert not len(caplog.records) def test_incompatible(self): """ Test a Python version incompatible with the dist's Requires-Python. """ dist = make_fake_dist('== 3.6.4') with pytest.raises(UnsupportedPythonVersion) as exc: _check_dist_requires_python( dist, version_info=(3, 6, 5), ignore_requires_python=False, ) assert str(exc.value) == ( "Package 'my-project' requires a different Python: " "3.6.5 not in '== 3.6.4'" ) def test_incompatible_with_ignore_requires(self, caplog): """ Test a Python version incompatible with the dist's Requires-Python while passing ignore_requires_python=True. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) dist = make_fake_dist('== 3.6.4') _check_dist_requires_python( dist, version_info=(3, 6, 5), ignore_requires_python=True, ) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 record = caplog.records[0] assert record.levelname == 'DEBUG' assert record.message == ( "Ignoring failed Requires-Python check for package 'my-project': " "3.6.5 not in '== 3.6.4'" ) def test_none_requires_python(self, caplog): """ Test a dist with Requires-Python None. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) dist = make_fake_dist() # Make sure our test setup is correct. assert get_requires_python(dist) is None assert len(caplog.records) == 0 # Then there is no exception and no log message. _check_dist_requires_python( dist, version_info=(3, 6, 5), ignore_requires_python=False, ) assert len(caplog.records) == 0 def test_invalid_requires_python(self, caplog): """ Test a dist with an invalid Requires-Python. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) dist = make_fake_dist('invalid') _check_dist_requires_python( dist, version_info=(3, 6, 5), ignore_requires_python=False, ) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 record = caplog.records[0] assert record.levelname == 'WARNING' assert record.message == ( "Package 'my-project' has an invalid Requires-Python: " "Invalid specifier: 'invalid'" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize('metadata_name', [ 'METADATA', 'PKG-INFO', ]) def test_empty_metadata_error(self, caplog, metadata_name): """ Test dist.has_metadata() returning True and dist.get_metadata() returning None. """ dist = make_fake_dist(metadata_name=metadata_name) dist.metadata = None # Make sure our test setup is correct. assert dist.has_metadata(metadata_name) assert dist.get_metadata(metadata_name) is None with pytest.raises(NoneMetadataError) as exc: _check_dist_requires_python( dist, version_info=(3, 6, 5), ignore_requires_python=False, ) assert str(exc.value) == ( "None {} metadata found for distribution: " "".format(metadata_name) )