import logging import os import subprocess import textwrap import pytest from mock import Mock, patch from pretend import stub import pip._internal.index from import PipSession from pip._internal.exceptions import ( InstallationError, RequirementsFileParseError, ) from pip._internal.models.format_control import FormatControl from pip._internal.req.constructors import ( install_req_from_editable, install_req_from_line, ) from pip._internal.req.req_file import ( break_args_options, ignore_comments, join_lines, parse_requirements, preprocess, process_line, skip_regex, ) from tests.lib import make_test_finder, requirements_file @pytest.fixture def session(): return PipSession() @pytest.fixture def finder(session): return make_test_finder(session=session) @pytest.fixture def options(session): return stub( isolated_mode=False, index_url='default_url', skip_requirements_regex=False, format_control=FormatControl(set(), set())) class TestPreprocess(object): """tests for `preprocess`""" def test_comments_and_joins_case1(self): content = textwrap.dedent("""\ req1 \\ # comment \\ req2 """) result = preprocess(content, None) assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')] def test_comments_and_joins_case2(self): content = textwrap.dedent("""\ req1\\ # comment """) result = preprocess(content, None) assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1')] def test_comments_and_joins_case3(self): content = textwrap.dedent("""\ req1 \\ # comment req2 """) result = preprocess(content, None) assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')] def test_skip_regex_after_joining_case1(self, options): content = textwrap.dedent("""\ patt\\ ern line2 """) options.skip_requirements_regex = 'pattern' result = preprocess(content, options) assert list(result) == [(3, 'line2')] def test_skip_regex_after_joining_case2(self, options): content = textwrap.dedent("""\ pattern \\ line2 line3 """) options.skip_requirements_regex = 'pattern' result = preprocess(content, options) assert list(result) == [(3, 'line3')] class TestIgnoreComments(object): """tests for `ignore_comment`""" def test_ignore_line(self): lines = [(1, ''), (2, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')] result = ignore_comments(lines) assert list(result) == [(2, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')] def test_ignore_comment(self): lines = [(1, 'req1'), (2, '# comment'), (3, 'req2')] result = ignore_comments(lines) assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1'), (3, 'req2')] def test_strip_comment(self): lines = [(1, 'req1'), (2, 'req # comment'), (3, 'req2')] result = ignore_comments(lines) assert list(result) == [(1, 'req1'), (2, 'req'), (3, 'req2')] class TestJoinLines(object): """tests for `join_lines`""" def test_join_lines(self): lines = enumerate([ 'line 1', 'line 2:1 \\', 'line 2:2', 'line 3:1 \\', 'line 3:2 \\', 'line 3:3', 'line 4' ], start=1) expect = [ (1, 'line 1'), (2, 'line 2:1 line 2:2'), (4, 'line 3:1 line 3:2 line 3:3'), (7, 'line 4'), ] assert expect == list(join_lines(lines)) def test_last_line_with_escape(self): lines = enumerate([ 'line 1', 'line 2 \\', ], start=1) expect = [ (1, 'line 1'), (2, 'line 2 '), ] assert expect == list(join_lines(lines)) class TestSkipRegex(object): """tests for `skip_reqex``""" def test_skip_regex_pattern_match(self): options = stub(skip_requirements_regex='.*Bad.*') line = '--extra-index-url Bad' assert [] == list(skip_regex(enumerate([line]), options)) def test_skip_regex_pattern_not_match(self): options = stub(skip_requirements_regex='.*Bad.*') line = '--extra-index-url Good' assert [(0, line)] == list(skip_regex(enumerate([line]), options)) def test_skip_regex_no_options(self): options = None line = '--extra-index-url Good' assert [(0, line)] == list(skip_regex(enumerate([line]), options)) def test_skip_regex_no_skip_option(self): options = stub(skip_requirements_regex=None) line = '--extra-index-url Good' assert [(0, line)] == list(skip_regex(enumerate([line]), options)) class TestProcessLine(object): """tests for `process_line`""" def test_parser_error(self): with pytest.raises(RequirementsFileParseError): list(process_line("--bogus", "file", 1)) def test_parser_offending_line(self): line = 'pkg==1.0.0 --hash=somehash' with pytest.raises(RequirementsFileParseError) as err: list(process_line(line, 'file', 1)) assert line in str(err.value) def test_parser_non_offending_line(self): try: list(process_line('pkg==1.0.0 --hash=sha256:somehash', 'file', 1)) except RequirementsFileParseError:'Reported offending line where it should not.') def test_only_one_req_per_line(self): # pkg_resources raises the ValueError with pytest.raises(InstallationError): list(process_line("req1 req2", "file", 1)) def test_error_message(self): """ Test the error message if a parsing error occurs (all of path, line number, and hint). """ iterator = process_line( 'my-package=1.0', filename='path/requirements.txt', line_number=3 ) with pytest.raises(InstallationError) as exc: list(iterator) expected = ( "Invalid requirement: 'my-package=1.0' " '(from line 3 of path/requirements.txt)\n' 'Hint: = is not a valid operator. Did you mean == ?' ) assert str(exc.value) == expected def test_yield_line_requirement(self): line = 'SomeProject' filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = install_req_from_line(line, comes_from=comes_from) assert repr(list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]) == repr(req) def test_yield_line_constraint(self): line = 'SomeProject' filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-c %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = install_req_from_line( line, comes_from=comes_from, constraint=True) found_req = list(process_line(line, filename, 1, constraint=True))[0] assert repr(found_req) == repr(req) assert found_req.constraint is True def test_yield_line_requirement_with_spaces_in_specifier(self): line = 'SomeProject >= 2' filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = install_req_from_line(line, comes_from=comes_from) assert repr(list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]) == repr(req) assert str(req.req.specifier) == '>=2' def test_yield_editable_requirement(self): url = 'git+https://url#egg=SomeProject' line = '-e %s' % url filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = install_req_from_editable(url, comes_from=comes_from) assert repr(list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0]) == repr(req) def test_yield_editable_constraint(self): url = 'git+https://url#egg=SomeProject' line = '-e %s' % url filename = 'filename' comes_from = '-c %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1) req = install_req_from_editable( url, comes_from=comes_from, constraint=True) found_req = list(process_line(line, filename, 1, constraint=True))[0] assert repr(found_req) == repr(req) assert found_req.constraint is True def test_nested_requirements_file(self, monkeypatch): line = '-r another_file' req = install_req_from_line('SomeProject') import pip._internal.req.req_file def stub_parse_requirements(req_url, finder, comes_from, options, session, wheel_cache, constraint): return [(req, constraint)] parse_requirements_stub = stub(call=stub_parse_requirements) monkeypatch.setattr(pip._internal.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', assert list(process_line(line, 'filename', 1)) == [(req, False)] def test_nested_constraints_file(self, monkeypatch): line = '-c another_file' req = install_req_from_line('SomeProject') import pip._internal.req.req_file def stub_parse_requirements(req_url, finder, comes_from, options, session, wheel_cache, constraint): return [(req, constraint)] parse_requirements_stub = stub(call=stub_parse_requirements) monkeypatch.setattr(pip._internal.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', assert list(process_line(line, 'filename', 1)) == [(req, True)] def test_options_on_a_requirement_line(self): line = 'SomeProject --install-option=yo1 --install-option yo2 '\ '--global-option="yo3" --global-option "yo4"' filename = 'filename' req = list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0] assert req.options == { 'global_options': ['yo3', 'yo4'], 'install_options': ['yo1', 'yo2']} def test_hash_options(self): """Test the --hash option: mostly its value storage. Make sure it reads and preserve multiple hashes. """ line = ('SomeProject --hash=sha256:2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b1' '61e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824 ' '--hash=sha384:59e1748777448c69de6b800d7a33bbfb9ff1b463e44354c' '3553bcdb9c666fa90125a3c79f90397bdf5f6a13de828684f ' '--hash=sha256:486ea46224d1bb4fb680f34f7c9ad96a8f24ec88be73ea8' 'e5a6c65260e9cb8a7') filename = 'filename' req = list(process_line(line, filename, 1))[0] assert req.options == {'hashes': { 'sha256': ['2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e730433' '62938b9824', '486ea46224d1bb4fb680f34f7c9ad96a8f24ec88be73ea8e5a6c65' '260e9cb8a7'], 'sha384': ['59e1748777448c69de6b800d7a33bbfb9ff1b463e44354c3553bcd' 'b9c666fa90125a3c79f90397bdf5f6a13de828684f']}} def test_set_isolated(self, options): line = 'SomeProject' filename = 'filename' options.isolated_mode = True result = process_line(line, filename, 1, options=options) assert list(result)[0].isolated def test_set_finder_no_index(self, finder): list(process_line("--no-index", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.index_urls == [] def test_set_finder_index_url(self, finder): list(process_line("--index-url=url", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.index_urls == ['url'] def test_set_finder_find_links(self, finder): list(process_line("--find-links=url", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.find_links == ['url'] def test_set_finder_extra_index_urls(self, finder): list(process_line("--extra-index-url=url", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.index_urls == ['url'] def test_set_finder_trusted_host(self, caplog, finder): with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): list(process_line( "--trusted-host=host", "file.txt", 1, finder=finder, )) assert finder.trusted_hosts == ['host'] session = finder.session assert session.adapters['https://host/'] is session._insecure_adapter # Test the log message. actual = [(r.levelname, r.message) for r in caplog.records] expected = [ ('INFO', "adding trusted host: 'host' (from line 1 of file.txt)"), ] assert actual == expected def test_noop_always_unzip(self, finder): # noop, but confirm it can be set list(process_line("--always-unzip", "file", 1, finder=finder)) def test_set_finder_allow_all_prereleases(self, finder): list(process_line("--pre", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.allow_all_prereleases def test_relative_local_find_links(self, finder, monkeypatch): """ Test a relative find_links path is joined with the req file directory """ # Make sure the test also passes on windows req_file = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath('/path/req_file.txt'))) nested_link = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath('/path/rel_path'))) exists_ = os.path.exists def exists(path): if path == nested_link: return True else: exists_(path) monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', exists) list(process_line("--find-links=rel_path", req_file, 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.find_links == [nested_link] def test_relative_http_nested_req_files(self, finder, monkeypatch): """ Test a relative nested req file path is joined with the req file url """ req_file = '' def parse(*args, **kwargs): return iter([]) mock_parse = Mock() mock_parse.side_effect = parse monkeypatch.setattr(pip._internal.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', mock_parse) list(process_line("-r reqs.txt", req_file, 1, finder=finder)) call = mock_parse.mock_calls[0] assert call[1][0] == '' def test_relative_local_nested_req_files(self, finder, monkeypatch): """ Test a relative nested req file path is joined with the req file dir """ req_file = os.path.normpath('/path/req_file.txt') def parse(*args, **kwargs): return iter([]) mock_parse = Mock() mock_parse.side_effect = parse monkeypatch.setattr(pip._internal.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', mock_parse) list(process_line("-r reqs.txt", req_file, 1, finder=finder)) call = mock_parse.mock_calls[0] assert call[1][0] == os.path.normpath('/path/reqs.txt') def test_absolute_local_nested_req_files(self, finder, monkeypatch): """ Test an absolute nested req file path """ req_file = '/path/req_file.txt' def parse(*args, **kwargs): return iter([]) mock_parse = Mock() mock_parse.side_effect = parse monkeypatch.setattr(pip._internal.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', mock_parse) list(process_line("-r /other/reqs.txt", req_file, 1, finder=finder)) call = mock_parse.mock_calls[0] assert call[1][0] == '/other/reqs.txt' def test_absolute_http_nested_req_file_in_local(self, finder, monkeypatch): """ Test a nested req file url in a local req file """ req_file = '/path/req_file.txt' def parse(*args, **kwargs): return iter([]) mock_parse = Mock() mock_parse.side_effect = parse monkeypatch.setattr(pip._internal.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', mock_parse) list(process_line("-r", req_file, 1, finder=finder)) call = mock_parse.mock_calls[0] assert call[1][0] == '' class TestBreakOptionsArgs(object): def test_no_args(self): assert ('', '--option') == break_args_options('--option') def test_no_options(self): assert ('arg arg', '') == break_args_options('arg arg') def test_args_short_options(self): result = break_args_options('arg arg -s') assert ('arg arg', '-s') == result def test_args_long_options(self): result = break_args_options('arg arg --long') assert ('arg arg', '--long') == result class TestOptionVariants(object): # this suite is really just testing optparse, but added it anyway def test_variant1(self, finder): list(process_line("-i url", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.index_urls == ['url'] def test_variant2(self, finder): list(process_line("-i 'url'", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.index_urls == ['url'] def test_variant3(self, finder): list(process_line("--index-url=url", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.index_urls == ['url'] def test_variant4(self, finder): list(process_line("--index-url url", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.index_urls == ['url'] def test_variant5(self, finder): list(process_line("--index-url='url'", "file", 1, finder=finder)) assert finder.index_urls == ['url'] class TestParseRequirements(object): """tests for `parse_requirements`""" def test_remote_reqs_parse(self): """ Test parsing a simple remote requirements file """ # this requirements file just contains a comment previously this has # failed in py3: for req in parse_requirements( '' 'pip-test-package/master/' 'tests/req_just_comment.txt', session=PipSession()): pass def test_multiple_appending_options(self, tmpdir, finder, options): with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write("--extra-index-url url1 \n") fp.write("--extra-index-url url2 ") list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder=finder, session=PipSession(), options=options)) assert finder.index_urls == ['url1', 'url2'] def test_skip_regex(self, tmpdir, finder, options): options.skip_requirements_regex = '.*Bad.*' with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write("--extra-index-url Bad \n") fp.write("--extra-index-url Good ") list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder=finder, options=options, session=PipSession())) assert finder.index_urls == ['Good'] def test_expand_existing_env_variables(self, tmpdir, finder): template = ( '' ) env_vars = ( ('GITHUB_TOKEN', 'notarealtoken'), ('DO_12_FACTOR', 'awwyeah'), ) with open(tmpdir.join('req1.txt'), 'w') as fp: fp.write(template % tuple(['${%s}' % k for k, _ in env_vars])) with patch('pip._internal.req.req_file.os.getenv') as getenv: getenv.side_effect = lambda n: dict(env_vars)[n] reqs = list(parse_requirements( tmpdir.join('req1.txt'), finder=finder, session=PipSession() )) assert len(reqs) == 1, \ 'parsing requirement file with env variable failed' expected_url = template % tuple([v for _, v in env_vars]) assert reqs[0].link.url == expected_url, \ 'variable expansion in req file failed' def test_expand_missing_env_variables(self, tmpdir, finder): req_url = ( 'https://${NON_EXISTENT_VARIABLE}:$WRONG_FORMAT@' '' ) with open(tmpdir.join('req1.txt'), 'w') as fp: fp.write(req_url) with patch('pip._internal.req.req_file.os.getenv') as getenv: getenv.return_value = '' reqs = list(parse_requirements( tmpdir.join('req1.txt'), finder=finder, session=PipSession() )) assert len(reqs) == 1, \ 'parsing requirement file with env variable failed' assert reqs[0].link.url == req_url, \ 'ignoring invalid env variable in req file failed' def test_join_lines(self, tmpdir, finder): with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write("--extra-index-url url1 \\\n--extra-index-url url2") list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder=finder, session=PipSession())) assert finder.index_urls == ['url1', 'url2'] def test_req_file_parse_no_only_binary(self, data, finder): list(parse_requirements( data.reqfiles.join("supported_options2.txt"), finder, session=PipSession())) expected = FormatControl({'fred'}, {'wilma'}) assert finder.format_control == expected def test_req_file_parse_comment_start_of_line(self, tmpdir, finder): """ Test parsing comments in a requirements file """ with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write("# Comment ") reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder, session=PipSession())) assert not reqs def test_req_file_parse_comment_end_of_line_with_url(self, tmpdir, finder): """ Test parsing comments in a requirements file """ with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write(" # Comment ") reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder, session=PipSession())) assert len(reqs) == 1 assert reqs[0].link.url == "" def test_req_file_parse_egginfo_end_of_line_with_url(self, tmpdir, finder): """ Test parsing comments in a requirements file """ with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write("") reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder, session=PipSession())) assert len(reqs) == 1 assert reqs[0].name == "wat" def test_req_file_no_finder(self, tmpdir): """ Test parsing a requirements file without a finder """ with open(tmpdir.join("req.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.write(""" --find-links --index-url --extra-index-url --no-use-wheel --no-index """) parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req.txt"), session=PipSession()) def test_install_requirements_with_options(self, tmpdir, finder, session, options): global_option = '--dry-run' install_option = '--prefix=/opt' content = ''' --only-binary :all: INITools==2.0 --global-option="{global_option}" \ --install-option "{install_option}" '''.format(global_option=global_option, install_option=install_option) with requirements_file(content, tmpdir) as reqs_file: req = next(parse_requirements(reqs_file.abspath, finder=finder, options=options, session=session)) req.source_dir = os.curdir with patch.object(subprocess, 'Popen') as popen: popen.return_value.stdout.readline.return_value = b"" try: req.install([]) except Exception: pass last_call = popen.call_args_list[-1] args = last_call[0][0] assert ( 0 < args.index(global_option) < args.index('install') < args.index(install_option) ) assert options.format_control.no_binary == {':all:'} assert options.format_control.only_binary == set()