[tox] envlist = docs, packaging, lint-py2, lint-py3, mypy, py27, py34, py35, py67, py37, pypy, pypy3 [testenv] passenv = CI GIT_SSL_CAINFO setenv = # This is required in order to get UTF-8 output inside of the subprocesses # that our tests use. LC_CTYPE = en_US.UTF-8 deps = -r{toxinidir}/dev-requirements.txt commands = pytest --timeout 300 [] install_command = python -m pip install {opts} {packages} usedevelop = True [testenv:coverage-py3] basepython = python3 commands = pytest --timeout 300 --cov=pip --cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=xml --cov-report=html tests/unit {posargs} [testenv:docs] deps = -r{toxinidir}/docs-requirements.txt basepython = python2.7 commands = sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/build/html sphinx-build -W -b man -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees docs docs/build/man [testenv:packaging] deps = check-manifest readme_renderer commands = check-manifest python setup.py check -m -r -s [lint] deps = flake8==3.3.0 isort==4.2.5 commands = flake8 . isort --recursive --check-only --diff src/pip tests [testenv:lint-py2] basepython = python2 deps = {[lint]deps} commands = {[lint]commands} [testenv:lint-py3] basepython = python3 deps = {[lint]deps} commands = {[lint]commands} [testenv:mypy] basepython = python3 deps = mypy commands = mypy src/pip mypy src/pip -2