import pytest from tests.lib import (_create_test_package, _change_test_package_version, pyversion) from tests.lib.local_repos import local_checkout def test_install_editable_from_git_with_https(script, tmpdir): """ Test cloning from Git with https. """ result = script.pip( 'install', '-e', '%s#egg=pip-test-package' % local_checkout( 'git+', tmpdir.join("cache"), ), expect_error=True, ) result.assert_installed('pip-test-package', with_files=['.git']) def test_install_noneditable_git(script, tmpdir): """ Test installing from a non-editable git URL with a given tag. """ result = script.pip( 'install', 'git+' '@0.1.1#egg=pip-test-package' ) egg_info_folder = ( script.site_packages / 'pip_test_package-0.1.1-py%s.egg-info' % pyversion ) result.assert_installed('piptestpackage', without_egg_link=True, editable=False) assert egg_info_folder in result.files_created, str(result) def test_git_with_sha1_revisions(script): """ Git backend should be able to install from SHA1 revisions """ version_pkg_path = _create_test_package(script) _change_test_package_version(script, version_pkg_path) sha1 = 'git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD~1', cwd=version_pkg_path, ).stdout.strip() script.pip( 'install', '-e', '%s@%s#egg=version_pkg' % ('git+file://' + version_pkg_path.abspath.replace('\\', '/'), sha1), expect_stderr=True ) version ='version_pkg') assert '0.1' in version.stdout, version.stdout def test_git_with_branch_name_as_revision(script): """ Git backend should be able to install from branch names """ version_pkg_path = _create_test_package(script) 'git', 'checkout', '-b', 'test_branch', expect_stderr=True, cwd=version_pkg_path, ) _change_test_package_version(script, version_pkg_path) script.pip( 'install', '-e', '%s@test_branch#egg=version_pkg' % ('git+file://' + version_pkg_path.abspath.replace('\\', '/')) ) version ='version_pkg') assert 'some different version' in version.stdout def test_git_with_tag_name_as_revision(script): """ Git backend should be able to install from tag names """ version_pkg_path = _create_test_package(script) 'git', 'tag', 'test_tag', expect_stderr=True, cwd=version_pkg_path, ) _change_test_package_version(script, version_pkg_path) script.pip( 'install', '-e', '%s@test_tag#egg=version_pkg' % ('git+file://' + version_pkg_path.abspath.replace('\\', '/')) ) version ='version_pkg') assert '0.1' in version.stdout def test_git_with_tag_name_and_update(script, tmpdir): """ Test cloning a git repository and updating to a different version. """ result = script.pip( 'install', '-e', '%s#egg=pip-test-package' % local_checkout( 'git+', tmpdir.join("cache"), ), expect_error=True, ) result.assert_installed('pip-test-package', with_files=['.git']) result = script.pip( 'install', '--global-option=--version', '-e', '%s@0.1.2#egg=pip-test-package' % local_checkout( 'git+', tmpdir.join("cache"), ), expect_error=True, ) assert '0.1.2' in result.stdout def test_git_branch_should_not_be_changed(script, tmpdir): """ Editable installations should not change branch related to issue #32 and #161 """ script.pip( 'install', '-e', '%s#egg=pip-test-package' % local_checkout( 'git+', tmpdir.join("cache"), ), expect_error=True, ) source_dir = script.venv_path / 'src' / 'pip-test-package' result ='git', 'branch', cwd=source_dir) assert '* master' in result.stdout, result.stdout def test_git_with_non_editable_unpacking(script, tmpdir): """ Test cloning a git repository from a non-editable URL with a given tag. """ result = script.pip( 'install', '--global-option=--version', local_checkout( 'git+' '#egg=pip-test-package', tmpdir.join("cache") ), expect_error=True, ) assert '0.1.2' in result.stdout def test_git_with_editable_where_egg_contains_dev_string(script, tmpdir): """ Test cloning a git repository from an editable url which contains "dev" string """ result = script.pip( 'install', '-e', '%s#egg=django-devserver' % local_checkout( 'git+git://', tmpdir.join("cache") ) ) result.assert_installed('django-devserver', with_files=['.git']) def test_git_with_non_editable_where_egg_contains_dev_string(script, tmpdir): """ Test cloning a git repository from a non-editable url which contains "dev" string """ result = script.pip( 'install', '%s#egg=django-devserver' % local_checkout( 'git+git://', tmpdir.join("cache") ), ) devserver_folder = script.site_packages / 'devserver' assert devserver_folder in result.files_created, str(result) def test_git_with_ambiguous_revs(script): """ Test git with two "names" (tag/branch) pointing to the same commit """ version_pkg_path = _create_test_package(script) package_url = ( 'git+file://%s@0.1#egg=version_pkg' % (version_pkg_path.abspath.replace('\\', '/')) )'git', 'tag', '0.1', cwd=version_pkg_path) result = script.pip('install', '-e', package_url) assert 'Could not find a tag or branch' not in result.stdout # it is 'version-pkg' instead of 'version_pkg' because # egg-link name is version-pkg.egg-link because it is a single .py module result.assert_installed('version-pkg', with_files=['.git']) def test_git_works_with_editable_non_origin_repo(script): # set up, create a git repo and install it as editable from a local # directory path version_pkg_path = _create_test_package(script) script.pip('install', '-e', version_pkg_path.abspath) # 'freeze'ing this should not fall over, but should result in stderr output # warning result = script.pip('freeze', expect_stderr=True) assert "Error when trying to get requirement" in result.stderr assert "Could not determine repository location" in result.stdout assert "version-pkg==0.1" in result.stdout