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304 lines
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import os
import subprocess
from textwrap import dedent
from mock import patch
import pytest
from pretend import stub
from pip.download import PipSession
from pip.index import PackageFinder
from pip.req.req_install import InstallRequirement
from pip.req.req_file import (parse_requirement_options, parse_content,
parse_requirements, parse_line, join_lines,
ignore_comments, partition_line,
class TestIgnoreComments(object):
"""tests for `ignore_comment`"""
def test_strip_empty_line(self):
lines = ['req1', '', 'req2']
result = ignore_comments(lines)
assert list(result) == ['req1', 'req2']
def test_strip_comment(self):
lines = ['req1', '# comment', 'req2']
result = ignore_comments(lines)
assert list(result) == ['req1', 'req2']
class TestPartitionLine(object):
"""tests for `partition_line`"""
def test_split_req(self):
assert 'req', '' == partition_line('req')
def test_split_req_with_flag(self):
assert 'req', '--flag' == partition_line('req --flag')
def test_split_req_with_option_space(self):
assert 'req', '--option value' == partition_line('req --option value')
def test_split_req_with_option_equal(self):
assert 'req', '--option=value' == partition_line('req --option=value')
def test_split_req_with_option_and_flag(self):
assert 'req', '--option=value --flag' == partition_line('req --option=value --flag')
class TestJoinLines(object):
"""tests for `join_lines`"""
def test_join_lines(self):
lines = dedent('''\
line 1
line 2:1 \\
line 2:2
line 3:1 \\
line 3:2 \\
line 3:3
line 4
expect = [
'line 1',
'line 2:1 line 2:2',
'line 3:1 line 3:2 line 3:3',
'line 4',
assert expect == list(join_lines(lines))
class TestParseRequirementOptions(object):
"""tests for `parse_requirement_options`"""
def test_install_options_no_quotes(self):
args = '--install-option --user'
assert {'install_options': ['--user']} == parse_requirement_options(args)
def test_install_options_quotes(self):
args = "--install-option '--user'"
assert {'install_options': ['--user']} == parse_requirement_options(args)
def test_install_options_equals(self):
args = "--install-option='--user'"
assert {'install_options': ['--user']} == parse_requirement_options(args)
def test_install_options_with_spaces(self):
args = "--install-option='--arg=value1 value2 value3'"
assert {'install_options': ['--arg=value1 value2 value3']} == parse_requirement_options(args)
def test_install_options_multiple(self):
args = "--install-option='--user' --install-option='--root'"
assert {'install_options': ['--user', '--root']} == parse_requirement_options(args)
def test_install_and_global_options(self):
args = "--install-option='--user' --global-option='--author'"
result = {'global_options': ['--author'], 'install_options': ['--user']}
assert result == parse_requirement_options(args)
class TestParseLine(object):
"""tests for `parse_line`"""
# parser error tests
def test_parse_line_editable(self):
assert parse_line('-e url') == (REQUIREMENT_EDITABLE, 'url')
assert parse_line('--editable url') == (REQUIREMENT_EDITABLE, 'url')
def test_parse_line_req_file(self):
assert parse_line('-r file') == (REQUIREMENT_FILE, 'file')
assert parse_line('--requirement file') == (REQUIREMENT_FILE, 'file')
def test_parse_line_flag(self):
assert parse_line('--no-index') == (FLAG, '--no-index')
def test_parse_line_option(self):
result = (OPTION, ('--index-url', 'url'))
assert parse_line('--index-url=url') == result
assert parse_line('--index-url = url') == result
assert parse_line('--index-url url') == result
result = (OPTION, ('-i', 'url'))
assert parse_line('-i=url') == result
assert parse_line('-i = url') == result
assert parse_line('-i url') == result
def test_parse_line_ignore(self):
assert parse_line('--use-wheel') == (IGNORE, '--use-wheel')
def test_parse_line_requirement(self):
assert parse_line('SomeProject') == (REQUIREMENT, ('SomeProject', {}))
def test_parse_line_requirement_with_options(self):
assert parse_line('SomeProject --install-option --user') == (
('SomeProject', {'install_options': ['--user']})
class TestParseContent(object):
"""tests for `parse_content`"""
# isolated mode
# comments
# finder options
# join
# comes_from
def test_parse_content_requirement(self):
content = 'SomeProject'
filename = 'filename'
comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1)
req = InstallRequirement.from_line(content, comes_from=comes_from)
assert repr(list(parse_content(filename, content))[0]) == repr(req)
def test_parse_content_editable(self):
url = 'git+https://url#egg=SomeProject'
content = '-e %s' % url
filename = 'filename'
comes_from = '-r %s (line %s)' % (filename, 1)
req = InstallRequirement.from_editable(url, comes_from=comes_from)
assert repr(list(parse_content(filename, content))[0]) == repr(req)
def test_parse_content_requirements_file(self, monkeypatch):
content = '-r another_file'
req = InstallRequirement.from_line('SomeProject')
import pip.req.req_file
call = lambda req_url, finder, comes_from, options, session: [req]
parse_requirements_stub = stub(call=call)
monkeypatch.setattr(pip.req.req_file, 'parse_requirements', parse_requirements_stub.call)
assert list(parse_content('filename', content)) == [req]
def session():
return PipSession()
def finder(session):
return PackageFinder([], [], session=session)
class TestParseRequirements(object):
"""tests for `parse_requirements`"""
# TODO some of these test are replaced by tests in classes above
def test_remote_reqs_parse(self):
Test parsing a simple remote requirements file
# this requirements file just contains a comment
# previously this has failed in py3: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/760
for req in parse_requirements(
'tests/req_just_comment.txt', session=PipSession()):
def test_req_file_parse_no_use_wheel(self, data):
Test parsing --no-use-wheel from a req file
finder = PackageFinder([], [], session=PipSession())
for req in parse_requirements(
data.reqfiles.join("supported_options.txt"), finder,
assert not finder.use_wheel
def test_req_file_parse_comment_start_of_line(self, tmpdir):
Test parsing comments in a requirements file
with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp:
fp.write("# Comment ")
finder = PackageFinder([], [], session=PipSession())
reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder,
assert not reqs
def test_req_file_parse_comment_end_of_line_with_url(self, tmpdir):
Test parsing comments in a requirements file
with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp:
fp.write("https://example.com/foo.tar.gz # Comment ")
finder = PackageFinder([], [], session=PipSession())
reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder,
assert len(reqs) == 1
assert reqs[0].link.url == "https://example.com/foo.tar.gz"
def test_req_file_parse_egginfo_end_of_line_with_url(self, tmpdir):
Test parsing comments in a requirements file
with open(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), "w") as fp:
finder = PackageFinder([], [], session=PipSession())
reqs = list(parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req1.txt"), finder,
assert len(reqs) == 1
assert reqs[0].name == "wat"
def test_req_file_no_finder(self, tmpdir):
Test parsing a requirements file without a finder
with open(tmpdir.join("req.txt"), "w") as fp:
--find-links https://example.com/
--index-url https://example.com/
--extra-index-url https://two.example.com/
--allow-external foo
--allow-insecure foo
--allow-unverified foo
parse_requirements(tmpdir.join("req.txt"), session=PipSession())
def test_install_requirements_with_options(self, tmpdir, finder, session):
global_option = '--dry-run'
install_option = '--prefix=/opt'
content = '''
INITools == 2.0 --global-option="{global_option}" \
--install-option "{install_option}"
'''.format(global_option=global_option, install_option=install_option)
req_path = tmpdir.join('requirements.txt')
with open(req_path, 'w') as fh:
req = next(parse_requirements(req_path, finder=finder, session=session))
req.source_dir = os.curdir
with patch.object(subprocess, 'Popen') as popen:
call = popen.call_args_list[0][0][0]
for i in global_option, install_option:
assert i in call
# TODO: assert that --global-option come before --install-option.