
231 lines
7.1 KiB

import pytest
from mock import Mock
from pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse as parse_version
from pip._internal.vcs import RevOptions, VersionControl
from pip._internal.vcs.bazaar import Bazaar
from pip._internal.vcs.git import Git, looks_like_hash
from pip._internal.vcs.mercurial import Mercurial
from pip._internal.vcs.subversion import Subversion
from tests.lib import pyversion
if pyversion >= '3':
def test_rev_options_repr():
rev_options = RevOptions(Git(), 'develop')
assert repr(rev_options) == "<RevOptions git: rev='develop'>"
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('vcs', 'expected1', 'expected2', 'kwargs'), [
# First check VCS-specific RevOptions behavior.
(Bazaar(), [], ['-r', '123'], {}),
(Git(), ['HEAD'], ['123'], {}),
(Mercurial(), [], ['123'], {}),
(Subversion(), [], ['-r', '123'], {}),
# Test extra_args. For this, test using a single VersionControl class.
(Git(), ['HEAD', 'opt1', 'opt2'], ['123', 'opt1', 'opt2'],
dict(extra_args=['opt1', 'opt2'])),
def test_rev_options_to_args(vcs, expected1, expected2, kwargs):
Test RevOptions.to_args().
assert RevOptions(vcs, **kwargs).to_args() == expected1
assert RevOptions(vcs, '123', **kwargs).to_args() == expected2
def test_rev_options_to_display():
Test RevOptions.to_display().
# The choice of VersionControl class doesn't matter here since
# the implementation is the same for all of them.
vcs = Git()
rev_options = RevOptions(vcs)
assert rev_options.to_display() == ''
rev_options = RevOptions(vcs, 'master')
assert rev_options.to_display() == ' (to revision master)'
def test_rev_options_make_new():
Test RevOptions.make_new().
# The choice of VersionControl class doesn't matter here since
# the implementation is the same for all of them.
vcs = Git()
rev_options = RevOptions(vcs, 'master', extra_args=['foo', 'bar'])
new_options = rev_options.make_new('develop')
assert new_options is not rev_options
assert new_options.extra_args == ['foo', 'bar']
assert new_options.rev == 'develop'
assert new_options.vcs is vcs
def git():
git_url = 'https://github.com/pypa/pip-test-package'
sha = '5547fa909e83df8bd743d3978d6667497983a4b7'
git = Git()
git.get_url = Mock(return_value=git_url)
git.get_revision = Mock(return_value=sha)
return git
def dist():
dist = Mock()
dist.egg_name = Mock(return_value='pip_test_package')
return dist
def test_looks_like_hash():
assert looks_like_hash(40 * 'a')
assert looks_like_hash(40 * 'A')
# Test a string containing all valid characters.
assert looks_like_hash(18 * 'a' + '0123456789abcdefABCDEF')
assert not looks_like_hash(40 * 'g')
assert not looks_like_hash(39 * 'a')
def test_git_get_src_requirements(git, dist):
ret = git.get_src_requirement(dist, location='.')
assert ret == ''.join([
@pytest.mark.parametrize('rev_name,result', (
('5547fa909e83df8bd743d3978d6667497983a4b7', True),
('5547fa909', False),
('5678', False),
('abc123', False),
('foo', False),
(None, False),
def test_git_is_commit_id_equal(git, rev_name, result):
Test Git.is_commit_id_equal().
assert git.is_commit_id_equal('/path', rev_name) is result
def test_translate_egg_surname():
vc = VersionControl()
assert vc.translate_egg_surname("foo") == "foo"
assert vc.translate_egg_surname("foo/bar") == "foo_bar"
assert vc.translate_egg_surname("foo/1.2.3") == "foo_1.2.3"
def test_git__get_url_rev__idempotent():
Check that Git.get_url_rev() is idempotent for what the code calls
"stub URLs" (i.e. URLs that don't contain "://").
Also check that it doesn't change self.url.
url = 'git+git@git.example.com:MyProject#egg=MyProject'
vcs = Git(url)
result1 = vcs.get_url_rev(url)
assert vcs.url == url
result2 = vcs.get_url_rev(url)
assert result1 == ('git@git.example.com:MyProject', None)
assert result2 == ('git@git.example.com:MyProject', None)
def test_bazaar__get_url_rev():
Test bzr url support.
SSH and launchpad have special handling.
http_bzr_repo = Bazaar(
https_bzr_repo = Bazaar(
ssh_bzr_repo = Bazaar(
ftp_bzr_repo = Bazaar(
sftp_bzr_repo = Bazaar(
launchpad_bzr_repo = Bazaar(
assert http_bzr_repo.get_url_rev(http_bzr_repo.url) == (
'http://bzr.myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/', None,
assert https_bzr_repo.get_url_rev(https_bzr_repo.url) == (
'https://bzr.myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/', None,
assert ssh_bzr_repo.get_url_rev(ssh_bzr_repo.url) == (
'bzr+ssh://bzr.myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/', None,
assert ftp_bzr_repo.get_url_rev(ftp_bzr_repo.url) == (
'ftp://bzr.myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/', None,
assert sftp_bzr_repo.get_url_rev(sftp_bzr_repo.url) == (
'sftp://bzr.myproject.org/MyProject/trunk/', None,
assert launchpad_bzr_repo.get_url_rev(launchpad_bzr_repo.url) == (
'lp:MyLaunchpadProject', None,
def test_get_git_version():
git_version = Git().get_git_version()
assert git_version >= parse_version('1.0.0')
# The non-SVN backends all have the same get_url_rev_args() implementation,
# so test with Git as a representative.
@pytest.mark.parametrize('url, expected', [
# Test a basic case.
('git+https://git.example.com/MyProject#egg=MyProject', [])),
# Test with username and password.
('git+https://user:pass@git.example.com/MyProject#egg=MyProject', [])),
def test_git__get_url_rev_args(url, expected):
Test Git.get_url_rev_args().
actual = Git().get_url_rev_args(url)
assert actual == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('url, expected', [
# Test a basic case.
('svn+https://svn.example.com/MyProject#egg=MyProject', [])),
# Test with username and password.
['--username', 'user', '--password', 'pass'])),
def test_subversion__get_url_rev_args(url, expected):
Test Subversion.get_url_rev_args().
actual = Subversion().get_url_rev_args(url)
assert actual == expected