Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/pypa/pip synced 2023-12-13 21:30:23 +01:00

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import logging
import os.path
import re
import uuid
from textwrap import dedent
import mock
import pretend
import pytest
from mock import Mock, patch
from pip._vendor import html5lib, requests
from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import request as urllib_request
from pip._internal.exceptions import NetworkConnectionError
from pip._internal.index.collector import (
from pip._internal.models.index import PyPI
from pip._internal.models.link import Link
from pip._internal.network.session import PipSession
from tests.lib import make_test_link_collector, skip_if_python2
def test_get_html_response_archive_to_naive_scheme(url):
`_get_html_response()` should error on an archive-like URL if the scheme
does not allow "poking" without getting data.
with pytest.raises(_NotHTTP):
_get_html_response(url, session=mock.Mock(PipSession))
"url, content_type",
("http://python.org/python-3.7.1.zip", "application/zip"),
("https://pypi.org/pip-18.0.tar.gz", "application/gzip"),
def test_get_html_response_archive_to_http_scheme(mock_raise_for_status, url,
`_get_html_response()` should send a HEAD request on an archive-like URL
if the scheme supports it, and raise `_NotHTML` if the response isn't HTML.
session = mock.Mock(PipSession)
session.head.return_value = mock.Mock(**{
"request.method": "HEAD",
"headers": {"Content-Type": content_type},
with pytest.raises(_NotHTML) as ctx:
_get_html_response(url, session=session)
mock.call.head(url, allow_redirects=True),
assert ctx.value.args == (content_type, "HEAD")
def test_get_html_page_invalid_content_type_archive(caplog, url):
"""`_get_html_page()` should warn if an archive URL is not HTML
and therefore cannot be used for a HEAD request.
link = Link(url)
session = mock.Mock(PipSession)
assert _get_html_page(link, session=session) is None
assert ('pip._internal.index.collector',
'Skipping page {} because it looks like an archive, and cannot '
'be checked by a HTTP HEAD request.'.format(
url)) \
in caplog.record_tuples
def test_get_html_response_archive_to_http_scheme_is_html(
mock_raise_for_status, url
`_get_html_response()` should work with archive-like URLs if the HEAD
request is responded with text/html.
session = mock.Mock(PipSession)
session.head.return_value = mock.Mock(**{
"request.method": "HEAD",
"headers": {"Content-Type": "text/html"},
session.get.return_value = mock.Mock(headers={"Content-Type": "text/html"})
resp = _get_html_response(url, session=session)
assert resp is not None
assert session.mock_calls == [
mock.call.head(url, allow_redirects=True),
mock.call.get(url, headers={
"Accept": "text/html", "Cache-Control": "max-age=0",
assert mock_raise_for_status.mock_calls == [
def test_get_html_response_no_head(mock_raise_for_status, url):
`_get_html_response()` shouldn't send a HEAD request if the URL does not
look like an archive, only the GET request that retrieves data.
session = mock.Mock(PipSession)
# Mock the headers dict to ensure it is accessed.
session.get.return_value = mock.Mock(headers=mock.Mock(**{
"get.return_value": "text/html",
resp = _get_html_response(url, session=session)
assert resp is not None
assert session.head.call_count == 0
assert session.get.mock_calls == [
mock.call(url, headers={
"Accept": "text/html", "Cache-Control": "max-age=0",
mock.call().headers.get("Content-Type", ""),
def test_get_html_response_dont_log_clear_text_password(mock_raise_for_status,
`_get_html_response()` should redact the password from the index URL
in its DEBUG log message.
session = mock.Mock(PipSession)
# Mock the headers dict to ensure it is accessed.
session.get.return_value = mock.Mock(headers=mock.Mock(**{
"get.return_value": "text/html",
resp = _get_html_response(
"https://user:my_password@example.com/simple/", session=session
assert resp is not None
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
record = caplog.records[0]
assert record.levelname == 'DEBUG'
assert record.message.splitlines() == [
"Getting page https://user:****@example.com/simple/",
("html", "url", "expected"),
(b"<html></html>", "https://example.com/", "https://example.com/"),
b"<base href=\"https://foo.example.com/\">"
b"<base><base href=\"https://foo.example.com/\">"
def test_determine_base_url(html, url, expected):
document = html5lib.parse(
html, transport_encoding=None, namespaceHTMLElements=False,
assert _determine_base_url(document, url) == expected
('path', 'expected'),
# Test a character that needs quoting.
('a b', 'a%20b'),
# Test an unquoted "@".
('a @ b', 'a%20@%20b'),
# Test multiple unquoted "@".
('a @ @ b', 'a%20@%20@%20b'),
# Test a quoted "@".
('a %40 b', 'a%20%40%20b'),
# Test a quoted "@" before an unquoted "@".
('a %40b@ c', 'a%20%40b@%20c'),
# Test a quoted "@" after an unquoted "@".
('a @b%40 c', 'a%20@b%40%20c'),
# Test alternating quoted and unquoted "@".
('a %40@b %40@c %40', 'a%20%40@b%20%40@c%20%40'),
# Test an unquoted "/".
('a / b', 'a%20/%20b'),
# Test multiple unquoted "/".
('a / / b', 'a%20/%20/%20b'),
# Test a quoted "/".
('a %2F b', 'a%20%2F%20b'),
# Test a quoted "/" before an unquoted "/".
('a %2Fb/ c', 'a%20%2Fb/%20c'),
# Test a quoted "/" after an unquoted "/".
('a /b%2F c', 'a%20/b%2F%20c'),
# Test alternating quoted and unquoted "/".
('a %2F/b %2F/c %2F', 'a%20%2F/b%20%2F/c%20%2F'),
# Test normalizing non-reserved quoted characters "[" and "]"
('a %5b %5d b', 'a%20%5B%20%5D%20b'),
# Test normalizing a reserved quoted "/"
('a %2f b', 'a%20%2F%20b'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('is_local_path', [True, False])
def test_clean_url_path(path, expected, is_local_path):
assert _clean_url_path(path, is_local_path=is_local_path) == expected
('path', 'expected'),
# Test a VCS path with a Windows drive letter and revision.
'/T:/with space/repo.git@1.0',
marks=pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform != 'win32'"),
# Test a VCS path with a Windows drive letter and revision,
# running on non-windows platform.
'/T:/with space/repo.git@1.0',
marks=pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'"),
def test_clean_url_path_with_local_path(path, expected):
actual = _clean_url_path(path, is_local_path=True)
assert actual == expected
("url", "clean_url"),
# URL with hostname and port. Port separator should not be quoted.
("https://localhost.localdomain:8181/path/with space/",
# URL that is already properly quoted. The quoting `%`
# characters should not be quoted again.
# URL with IPv4 address and port.
(" space/",
# URL with IPv6 address and port. The `[]` brackets around the
# IPv6 address should not be quoted.
("https://[fd00:0:0:236::100]:8181/path/with space/",
# URL with query. The leading `?` should not be quoted.
# URL with colon in the path portion.
# URL with something that looks like a drive letter, but is
# not. The `:` should be quoted.
# URL with a quoted "/" in the path portion.
# VCS URL containing revision string.
("git+ssh://example.com/path to/repo.git@1.0#egg=my-package-1.0",
# VCS URL with a quoted "#" in the revision string.
# VCS URL with a quoted "@" in the revision string.
("git+https://example.com/repo.git@at%40 space#egg=my-package-1.0",
# URL with Windows drive letter. The `:` after the drive
# letter should not be quoted. The trailing `/` should be
# removed.
"file:///T:/path/with spaces/",
marks=pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform != 'win32'"),
# URL with Windows drive letter, running on non-windows
# platform. The `:` after the drive should be quoted.
"file:///T:/path/with spaces/",
marks=pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'"),
# Test a VCS URL with a Windows drive letter and revision.
"git+file:///T:/with space/repo.git@1.0#egg=my-package-1.0",
marks=pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform != 'win32'"),
# Test a VCS URL with a Windows drive letter and revision,
# running on non-windows platform.
"git+file:///T:/with space/repo.git@1.0#egg=my-package-1.0",
marks=pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'"),
def test_clean_link(url, clean_url):
assert _clean_link(url) == clean_url
@pytest.mark.parametrize('anchor_html, expected', [
# Test not present.
('<a href="/pkg1-1.0.tar.gz"></a>', None),
# Test present with no value.
('<a href="/pkg2-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked></a>', ''),
# Test the empty string.
('<a href="/pkg3-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked=""></a>', ''),
# Test a non-empty string.
('<a href="/pkg4-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked="error"></a>', 'error'),
# Test a value with an escaped character.
('<a href="/pkg4-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked="version &lt 1"></a>',
'version < 1'),
# Test a yanked reason with a non-ascii character.
(u'<a href="/pkg-1.0.tar.gz" data-yanked="curlyquote \u2018"></a>',
u'curlyquote \u2018'),
def test_parse_links__yanked_reason(anchor_html, expected):
html = (
# Mark this as a unicode string for Python 2 since anchor_html
# can contain non-ascii.
u'<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><head>'
html_bytes = html.encode('utf-8')
page = HTMLPage(
# parse_links() is cached by url, so we inject a random uuid to ensure
# the page content isn't cached.
links = list(parse_links(page))
link, = links
actual = link.yanked_reason
assert actual == expected
def test_parse_links_caches_same_page_by_url():
html = (
'<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><head>'
'<body><a href="/pkg1-1.0.tar.gz"></a></body></html>'
html_bytes = html.encode('utf-8')
url = 'https://example.com/simple/'
page_1 = HTMLPage(
# Make a second page with zero content, to ensure that it's not accessed,
# because the page was cached by url.
page_2 = HTMLPage(
# Make a third page which represents an index url, which should not be
# cached, even for the same url. We modify the page content slightly to
# verify that the result is not cached.
page_3 = HTMLPage(
re.sub(b'pkg1', b'pkg2', html_bytes),
parsed_links_1 = list(parse_links(page_1))
assert len(parsed_links_1) == 1
assert 'pkg1' in parsed_links_1[0].url
parsed_links_2 = list(parse_links(page_2))
assert parsed_links_2 == parsed_links_1
parsed_links_3 = list(parse_links(page_3))
assert len(parsed_links_3) == 1
assert parsed_links_3 != parsed_links_1
assert 'pkg2' in parsed_links_3[0].url
def test_request_http_error(mock_raise_for_status, caplog):
link = Link('http://localhost')
session = Mock(PipSession)
session.get.return_value = Mock()
mock_raise_for_status.side_effect = NetworkConnectionError('Http error')
assert _get_html_page(link, session=session) is None
assert (
'Could not fetch URL http://localhost: Http error - skipping'
in caplog.text
def test_request_retries(caplog):
link = Link('http://localhost')
session = Mock(PipSession)
session.get.side_effect = requests.exceptions.RetryError('Retry error')
assert _get_html_page(link, session=session) is None
assert (
'Could not fetch URL http://localhost: Retry error - skipping'
in caplog.text
def test_make_html_page():
headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'}
response = pretend.stub(
actual = _make_html_page(response)
assert actual.content == b'<content>'
assert actual.encoding == 'UTF-8'
assert actual.url == 'https://example.com/index.html'
"url, vcs_scheme",
("svn+http://pypi.org/something", "svn"),
("git+https://github.com/pypa/pip.git", "git"),
def test_get_html_page_invalid_scheme(caplog, url, vcs_scheme):
"""`_get_html_page()` should error if an invalid scheme is given.
Only file:, http:, https:, and ftp: are allowed.
with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING):
page = _get_html_page(Link(url), session=mock.Mock(PipSession))
assert page is None
assert caplog.record_tuples == [
"Cannot look at {} URL {} because it does not support "
"lookup as web pages.".format(vcs_scheme, url),
def test_get_html_page_invalid_content_type(mock_raise_for_status,
caplog, content_type):
"""`_get_html_page()` should warn if an invalid content-type is given.
Only text/html is allowed.
url = 'https://pypi.org/simple/pip'
link = Link(url)
session = mock.Mock(PipSession)
session.get.return_value = mock.Mock(**{
"request.method": "GET",
"headers": {"Content-Type": content_type},
assert _get_html_page(link, session=session) is None
assert ('pip._internal.index.collector',
'Skipping page {} because the GET request got Content-Type: {}.'
'The only supported Content-Type is text/html'.format(
url, content_type)) \
in caplog.record_tuples
def make_fake_html_response(url):
Create a fake requests.Response object.
html = dedent(u"""\
<html><head><meta name="api-version" value="2" /></head>
<a href="/abc-1.0.tar.gz#md5=000000000">abc-1.0.tar.gz</a>
content = html.encode('utf-8')
return pretend.stub(content=content, url=url, headers={})
def test_get_html_page_directory_append_index(tmpdir):
"""`_get_html_page()` should append "index.html" to a directory URL.
dirpath = tmpdir / "something"
dir_url = "file:///{}".format(
expected_url = "{}/index.html".format(dir_url.rstrip("/"))
session = mock.Mock(PipSession)
fake_response = make_fake_html_response(expected_url)
mock_func = mock.patch("pip._internal.index.collector._get_html_response")
with mock_func as mock_func:
mock_func.return_value = fake_response
actual = _get_html_page(Link(dir_url), session=session)
assert mock_func.mock_calls == [
mock.call(expected_url, session=session),
], 'actual calls: {}'.format(mock_func.mock_calls)
assert actual.content == fake_response.content
assert actual.encoding is None
assert actual.url == expected_url
def test_remove_duplicate_links():
links = [
# We choose Links that will test that ordering is preserved.
actual = _remove_duplicate_links(links)
assert actual == [
def test_group_locations__file_expand_dir(data):
Test that a file:// dir gets listdir run with expand_dir
files, urls = group_locations([data.find_links], expand_dir=True)
assert files and not urls, (
"files and not urls should have been found "
"at find-links url: {data.find_links}".format(**locals())
def test_group_locations__file_not_find_link(data):
Test that a file:// url dir that's not a find-link, doesn't get a listdir
files, urls = group_locations([data.index_url("empty_with_pkg")])
assert urls and not files, "urls, but not files should have been found"
def test_group_locations__non_existing_path():
Test that a non-existing path is ignored.
files, urls = group_locations([os.path.join('this', 'doesnt', 'exist')])
assert not urls and not files, "nothing should have been found"
def check_links_include(links, names):
Assert that the given list of Link objects includes, for each of the
given names, a link whose URL has a base name matching that name.
for name in names:
assert any(link.url.endswith(name) for link in links), (
'name {!r} not among links: {}'.format(name, links)
class TestLinkCollector(object):
def test_fetch_page(self, mock_get_html_response):
url = 'https://pypi.org/simple/twine/'
fake_response = make_fake_html_response(url)
mock_get_html_response.return_value = fake_response
location = Link(url, cache_link_parsing=False)
link_collector = make_test_link_collector()
actual = link_collector.fetch_page(location)
assert actual.content == fake_response.content
assert actual.encoding is None
assert actual.url == url
assert actual.cache_link_parsing == location.cache_link_parsing
# Also check that the right session object was passed to
# _get_html_response().
url, session=link_collector.session,
def test_collect_links(self, caplog, data):
link_collector = make_test_link_collector(
# Include two copies of the URL to check that the second one
# is skipped.
index_urls=[PyPI.simple_url, PyPI.simple_url],
actual = link_collector.collect_links('twine')
# Spot-check the CollectedLinks return value.
assert len(actual.files) > 20
check_links_include(actual.files, names=['simple-1.0.tar.gz'])
assert len(actual.find_links) == 1
check_links_include(actual.find_links, names=['packages'])
# Check that find-links URLs are marked as cacheable.
assert actual.find_links[0].cache_link_parsing
assert actual.project_urls == [Link('https://pypi.org/simple/twine/')]
# Check that index URLs are marked as *un*cacheable.
assert not actual.project_urls[0].cache_link_parsing
expected_message = dedent("""\
1 location(s) to search for versions of twine:
* https://pypi.org/simple/twine/""")
assert caplog.record_tuples == [
('pip._internal.index.collector', logging.DEBUG, expected_message),
'find_links, no_index, suppress_no_index, expected', [
(['link1'], False, False,
(['link1'], ['default_url', 'url1', 'url2'])),
(['link1'], False, True, (['link1'], ['default_url', 'url1', 'url2'])),
(['link1'], True, False, (['link1'], [])),
# Passing suppress_no_index=True suppresses no_index=True.
(['link1'], True, True, (['link1'], ['default_url', 'url1', 'url2'])),
# Test options.find_links=False.
(False, False, False, ([], ['default_url', 'url1', 'url2'])),
def test_link_collector_create(
find_links, no_index, suppress_no_index, expected,
:param expected: the expected (find_links, index_urls) values.
expected_find_links, expected_index_urls = expected
session = PipSession()
options = pretend.stub(
extra_index_urls=['url1', 'url2'],
link_collector = LinkCollector.create(
session, options=options, suppress_no_index=suppress_no_index,
assert link_collector.session is session
search_scope = link_collector.search_scope
assert search_scope.find_links == expected_find_links
assert search_scope.index_urls == expected_index_urls
def test_link_collector_create_find_links_expansion(
mock_expanduser, tmpdir,
Test "~" expansion in --find-links paths.
# This is a mock version of expanduser() that expands "~" to the tmpdir.
def expand_path(path):
if path.startswith('~/'):
path = os.path.join(tmpdir, path[2:])
return path
mock_expanduser.side_effect = expand_path
session = PipSession()
options = pretend.stub(
find_links=['~/temp1', '~/temp2'],
# Only create temp2 and not temp1 to test that "~" expansion only occurs
# when the directory exists.
temp2_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'temp2')
link_collector = LinkCollector.create(session, options=options)
search_scope = link_collector.search_scope
# Only ~/temp2 gets expanded. Also, the path is normalized when expanded.
expected_temp2_dir = os.path.normcase(temp2_dir)
assert search_scope.find_links == ['~/temp1', expected_temp2_dir]
assert search_scope.index_urls == ['default_url']