
139 lines
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import os
from os.path import abspath, exists, join
from tests.lib.local_repos import local_checkout
from tests.lib.path import Path
from pip.locations import write_delete_marker_file
from pip.status_codes import PREVIOUS_BUILD_DIR_ERROR
def test_cleanup_after_install(script, data):
Test clean up after installing a package.
script.pip('install', '--no-index', '--find-links=%s' % data.find_links, 'simple')
build = script.venv_path/"build"
src = script.venv_path/"src"
assert not exists(build), "build/ dir still exists: %s" % build
assert not exists(src), "unexpected src/ dir exists: %s" % src
def test_no_clean_option_blocks_cleaning_after_install(script, data):
Test --no-clean option blocks cleaning after install
result = script.pip('install', '--no-clean', '--no-index', '--find-links=%s' % data.find_links, 'simple')
build = script.venv_path/'build'/'simple'
assert exists(build), "build/simple should still exist %s" % str(result)
def test_cleanup_after_install_editable_from_hg(script, tmpdir):
Test clean up after cloning from Mercurial.
'%s#egg=ScriptTest' %
local_checkout('hg+https://bitbucket.org/ianb/scripttest', tmpdir.join("cache")),
build = script.venv_path/'build'
src = script.venv_path/'src'
assert not exists(build), "build/ dir still exists: %s" % build
assert exists(src), "expected src/ dir doesn't exist: %s" % src
def test_cleanup_after_install_from_local_directory(script, data):
Test clean up after installing from a local directory.
to_install = data.packages.join("FSPkg")
script.pip('install', to_install, expect_error=False)
build = script.venv_path/'build'
src = script.venv_path/'src'
assert not exists(build), "unexpected build/ dir exists: %s" % build
assert not exists(src), "unexpected src/ dir exist: %s" % src
def test_no_install_and_download_should_not_leave_build_dir(script):
It should remove build/ dir if it was pip that created
assert not os.path.exists(script.venv_path/'/build')
result = script.pip('install', '--no-install', 'INITools==0.2', '-d', 'downloaded_packages')
assert Path('scratch')/'downloaded_packages/build' not in result.files_created, 'pip should not leave build/ dir'
assert not os.path.exists(script.venv_path/'/build'), "build/ dir should be deleted"
def test_cleanup_req_satisifed_no_name(script, data):
Test cleanup when req is already satisfied, and req has no 'name'
#this test confirms Issue #420 is fixed
#reqs with no 'name' that were already satisfied were leaving behind tmp build dirs
#2 examples of reqs that would do this
# 1) https://bitbucket.org/ianb/initools/get/tip.zip
# 2) parent-0.1.tar.gz
dist = data.packages.join("parent-0.1.tar.gz")
result = script.pip('install', dist)
result = script.pip('install', dist)
build = script.venv_path/'build'
assert not exists(build), "unexpected build/ dir exists: %s" % build
def test_download_should_not_delete_existing_build_dir(script):
It should not delete build/ if existing before run the command
script.venv_path.join("build", "somefile.txt").write("I am not empty!")
script.pip('install', '--no-install', 'INITools==0.2', '-d', '.')
with open(script.venv_path/'build'/'somefile.txt') as fp:
content = fp.read()
assert os.path.exists(script.venv_path/'build'), "build/ should be left if it exists before pip run"
assert content == 'I am not empty!', "it should not affect build/ and its content"
assert ['somefile.txt'] == os.listdir(script.venv_path/'build')
def test_cleanup_after_install_exception(script, data):
Test clean up after a 'setup.py install' exception.
#broken==0.2broken fails during install; see packages readme file
result = script.pip('install', '-f', data.find_links, '--no-index', 'broken==0.2broken', expect_error=True)
build = script.venv_path/'build'
assert not exists(build), "build/ dir still exists: %s" % result.stdout
def test_cleanup_after_egg_info_exception(script, data):
Test clean up after a 'setup.py egg_info' exception.
#brokenegginfo fails during egg_info; see packages readme file
result = script.pip('install', '-f', data.find_links, '--no-index', 'brokenegginfo==0.1', expect_error=True)
build = script.venv_path/'build'
assert not exists(build), "build/ dir still exists: %s" % result.stdout
def test_cleanup_prevented_upon_build_dir_exception(script, data):
Test no cleanup occurs after a PreviousBuildDirError
build = script.venv_path/'build'/'simple'
result = script.pip('install', '-f', data.find_links, '--no-index', 'simple', expect_error=True)
assert result.returncode == PREVIOUS_BUILD_DIR_ERROR
assert "pip can't proceed" in result.stdout, result.stdout
assert exists(build)